M-FM Civilization

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM Civilization

    In the year 2025, the world went completely to shit. Rainstorms of nuclear missiles deluged upon the Earth, eradicating the entire population. The entire population, that is, except for the leaders of the world and a ragtag band of their former militaries. As they stepped out of their military-grade nuclear bunkers, the radiation transfigured them into past leaders from countries not necessarily their own. For instance, United States president Broseph Kellan walked around in the figure of Queen Elizabeth.

    Futuristic telecommunications made it possible for them to meet up. Two years ago, the first meeting was held in what was once Paris. The warmongers from the past age had no problem finding their own, and their alliance mercilessly gunned down leaders of innocent countries.

    Now, a second meeting is being called in New York. The "free world" has gathered enough members to seek out the marauders alliance and stamp them out in an attempt to end all war on Earth.

    Seeking a challenge, the warmongers come, disguised as peaceful delegates. Unknown to all of them, a certain Pacal, an Ancient Era Mayan, is among them waiting for the opportunity to bring Doomsday again -- this time permanantly.

    Hosted by Orpz and Powerofdeath


    Warmongers (4)
    Random Mafia Power (Montezuma)
    Random Mafia Power (Shaka Zulu)
    Random Mafia Power (Alexander the Great)
    Random Mafia Power (Attila the Hun)

    Peaceseekers (14)
    Random Town (George Washington)
    Random Town (Queen Elizabeth)
    Random Town (Bismarck)
    Random Town (Augustus Caesar)
    Random Town (Catherine the Great)
    Random Town (Cleopatra)
    Random Town (Gandhi)
    Random Town (Kamehameha)
    Random Town (Ramkhamhaeng)
    Peaceful (Harun Al-Rashid)
    Peaceful (Pachacuti)
    Peaceful (Enrico Dandolo)
    Peaceful (Wu Zetian)
    Peaceful (Pocatello)

    Doomsday Killer (Pacal) *Role name is a homage to Dexter

    Researcher (Sejong)

    Possible Mafia random roles: Actor, Cultural, Espionage, Agent, Scientist, Warmonger, Filibuster, Thief, Detainer, Disguiser, Cleaner, Veteran, Witch
    Possible Town random roles: Chief, Speaker, Marshall, Sheriff, Investigator, Coroner, Cultural, Doctor, Secret Service, Lookout, Detective, Crafter, Filibuster, Jailor, Nuclear, Peaceful


    Spoiler : Warmongers :

    All Mafia roles may give up their normal action to perform a factional night kill and target members of their team.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn their moves. This will cause your role to show up as theirs in the graveyard and carry the same investigative pairings. You will carry that role until you use the ability again. 3 usages.
    You are immune to the detriments of Unhappiness. At night, you may visit a player to display a painting, forcing them to stay at home if they visited you AND visit another player to discuss music tours in your country, forcing them to visit you. The person you lured will gain 1 Happiness and the person you repelled will lose 1 Happiness, regardless of whether or not the ability was successful. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn their exact role. Doomsday Killer will come up as a Peaceful. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn who they visited and who visited them. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to give them one fake feedback or make it so they don't receive any feedback for the current night phase. Fake feedbacks include: roleblocked, repelled, lured, attacked and healed, attacked but protected, witched, received a gun or a vest, Increases their happiness by 1. 3 charges.
    At night, if you perform the factional night kill, you may use a charge to ensure that your selected target dies. If you use this ability, you will not lose or gain any happiness tonight. Furthermore, you are immune to Filibusters, Secret Service, Veterans, Witches, and pierce Doctors, jails, and vests ONLY when you activate your ability. Does not work on the Doomsday Killer. 1 usage.
    At night, you may visit another player and talk all night, causing them to be role blocked and unable to spend any production that night. Immune to other roleblocks. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a dead player to obtain a charge of their ability OR use a previously stolen ability. You may not target the same person twice. You may target the Doomsday Killer, but will only pick up one kill. 3 usages.
    During the day, you may target a player to kidnap them. At night, if no lynch took place the previous day, you will share a night chat with them, separating them from their night chat if they have one, roleblocking and protecting them from night death. You may choose to execute them, but this action is only accepted if you type "-EXECUTE" in bold red print in the jail chat. 1 execution allowed.
    At night, you may visit a player to kill them, cleanse their role and assume their identity. You will assume their identity if they die, even if it's not by your hands. Your initial account will show up in the graveyard with a cleaned role the next day if you use this ability. You will inherit their Happiness level but lose 1 Happiness a night passively after you use this ability. Starts with 0 usages, must be supplemented by Buildings.
    At night, you may visit a player to attempt to clean them. If they die that night, you will erase their role and last will. You will gain knowledge of what you erased. 2 usages.
    At night, you may stand-by on alert to kill the first player who visits you. If at least 3 players visit you, everyone who visited you and lived will learn your role and identity. You are not immune to night death, nor will you pierce immunity. 2 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player and force them to visit another player. There will be feedback for the witched. 3 usages.

    Spoiler : Peaceseekers :

    During the day, you may reveal yourself to be a Chief. If a lynch goes through, you may PM me ASAP to cancel the lynch. You may cancel lynches as many times as you want as long as you are alive. You lose 1 Happiness a night after you reveal.
    During the day, you may reveal yourself to be a Speaker. Your vote will count for 3. You lose 1 Happiness a night after you reveal.
    During the day, you may reveal yourself to be a Marshall. For the next two days if you are alive, the first lynch will not end the day. A lynched player will be asked to stop posting and their role will be revealed when the day ends or a second player is lynched. You lose 1 Happiness a night after you reveal.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn their alignment. Doomsday Killer will show up as Peaceseeker. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn their investigative pairings. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a dead player to learn their role and read their last will. Additionally, you can choose to learn who they last visited and their Happiness level before death. You have 2 usages of that ability, but unlimited usages of just learning roles/last wills.
    You are immune to the detriments of Unhappiness. At night, you may visit a player to display a painting, forcing them to stay at home if they visited you AND visit another player to discuss music tours in your country, forcing them to visit you. The person you lured will gain 1 Happiness and the person you repelled will lose 1 Happiness, regardless of whether or not the ability was successful. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to save their life, giving a +1 to their life for the night. You will gain 2 Happiness if you successfully save someone. Unlimited usages.
    Secret Service
    At night, you may visit a player to duel the first person to attack them, killing them and yourself. You can not be saved by a Doctor if you get into a duel. The person you protected will gain 1 Happiness if you are successful. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn who else visited them that night. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit a player to learn who they visited that night. If they visited multiple targets, you will only see the first target. 3 usages.
    At night, you may visit only 1 player to hand them either a 1-shot gun or a 1-use vest. Players must give up their night action to use the gun, but may use the vest with their normal night action. You have two charges of guns, and two charges of vests. Getting additional charges from Wonder/Building will add charges to both.
    At night, you may visit another player and talk all night, causing them to be role blocked and production blocked. Immune to other roleblocks. 3 usages.
    During the day, you may target a player to kidnap them. At night, if no lynch took place the previous day, you will share a night chat with them, separating them from their night chat if they have one, roleblocking and protecting them from night death. You may choose to execute them, but this action is only accepted if you type "-EXECUTE" in bold red print in the jail chat. 1 execution allowed.
    At night, you may visit a player to detonate a nuclear missile. You will kill them and all Doctors/Secret Service protecting them without fail (unless they are the Doomsday Killer). You will lose 2 Happiness for dropping the missile instead of the regular 1. The Doomsday Killer will take this as a sign of the approaching apocalypse, and gain an additional kill for the next night night. Starts with 0 usages, must be supplemented by Buildings.
    You want peace to be restored to Earth, but you aren't willing to sneak around at night and risk hurting diplomatic relations. You have no night abilities, but are gifted with exceptional speech skills for the day.

    Spoiler : Third party :
    Doomsday Killer
    You may kill one person at night. If every Mafia member is dead, you gain an additional kill per night. Every time a Peaceful is lynched, you gain an additional kill for the next night. If a Nuclear missile is detonated, you gain an additional kill the next night. Immune to night death and Sheriff/Agent/Lookout/Detective checks. Will show up as Peaceful to an Espionage.
    You work on innovative projects that boost Culture and Science, though they aren't always good. You may visit up to 4 people at night. You will lose 1 Happiness only if you visit people, regardless of the amount.
    You win with either Warmongers or Peacekeeper if you survive until the end.
    Let X = # of people you visit that night + # of people that visited you
    If X = 0, You lose 3 Happiness, but are immune to negative happiness the following day/night.
    If X = 1, The person involved with you receives a 1-use Lure ability (forcing a person to visit them).
    If X = 2, No one involved with you receives feedback.
    If X = 3, All nations involved gain 2 happiness and 2 production (to be spent the next night).
    If X >= 4 OR X is the same number for two nights in a row, your win condition becomes "Win if the Doomsday Killer wins". If this is your win condition, you will become a Jester if the Doomsday Killer is dead.
    You will know what X was as part of your feedback.
    You may visit a player at night to have them receive their feedback in size 1 marquee font. When you are lynched, a random Peaceseeker who voted you will die.

    SPECIAL MECHANICS -- Happiness and Production

    All nations start with 1 Happiness. Using a night action (guns and vests included) lowers your happiness by 1 for each action including additional night actions (ex: Jailors). If you are NOT a Peaceful, you will gain 1 Happiness for nights that you don't take any action. Certain things happen depending on your roles when your Happiness is high, and when your Happiness is low (negative Happiness = positive Unhappiness). It's possible for Happiness to be 0, in which case it'll be referred to as 0 Happiness. There are roles and production factors that can help your happiness levels. Jesters are immune to any happiness benefits or detriments. Happiness effects are NOT cumulative. Unhappiness effects ARE cumulative.

    3 Happiness
    Warmongers: You may carry out your regular ability along with the factional night kill.
    Town Power:: You will not use up a charge of your ability tonight.
    Peaceful: Production +1 per night.
    Doomsday Killer: You learn the identity of the Researcher.
    Researcher: You are immune to death by the Doomsday Killer.
    1 Unhappiness
    Warmongers: Production is halved.
    Town Power:: Production is halved.
    Peaceful: Production is halved.
    Doomsday Killer: You have no detection immunity tonight. Production is halved.
    Researcher: Production is halved
    2 Unhappiness
    Warmongers: You may not perform any night actions tonight, except for a regular factional night kill.
    Town Power:: You cannot spend any production tonight.
    Peaceful: You will not receive feedback tonight.
    Doomsday Killer: You have no attack immunity tonight.
    Researcher: X is increased by 3 tonight.
    3 Unhappiness
    Warmongers: If anyone on your team is at or above 3 Unhappiness, the Warmongers may not perform a factional night kill.
    Town Power: You gain 2 Happiness and become a Peaceful, unless you're a Chief/Speaker/Marshall.
    Peaceful: You are overthrown and become a Jester
    Doomsday Killer: You gain 2 Happiness but you may not kill
    Researcher: You become a Jester
    All nations have an additional night ability, constructing International Projects, Wonders, or Buildings with an income of 6 Production every night. You may spend the Production in multiples of 1 on any project you like, progress on any construction transfers over throughout the entire game. There is no way to transfer any of your production to any other player. If you don't use all your Production, half of the unspent Productions go toward your next night. If you die, all of your progress except on International Projects is scrapped. All constructions will benefit your gameplay in some way.

    International Projects -- The production costs on these are intensely high, so much that only by working together can they be completed. Productions spent on International Projects are pooled together until they are finished. Each I.P. can only be built one time the entire game. Extraneous production will not be refunded, but will count towards your contribution. Top contributor will be revealed for all, EXCEPT Extraterrestrial Colonization.

    Wonders -- The production costs are more bearable, but you'll have to spend some considerable time on these and production is not pooled together from the playerbase. Each Wonder can only be built one time the entire game. If you were working on a specific but someone beat you to it, you'll be refunded 75% of your contribution, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

    Buildings -- Standard buildings, average production cost, average effects. These will keep your Happiness up and also carry very small benefits. Each Building may be built one time per player.

    Spoiler : International Projects :

    World Congress -- 60 Production
    Welcome a new age of international diplomacy! When the World Congress is built, everyone who contributed at least 4 Production will gain 2 Happiness. Top contributor will gain an extra vote.
    Hunger Games -- 50 Production
    With a new era comes a new entertainment! When the Hunger Games is established, everyone who contributed at least 4 Production will be able to spend 10 productions to create a one-use vest. Top contributor will earn a one-use gun.
    Extraterrestrial Colonization -- 60 Production
    Using salvaged Antebellum technology, scientists can continue to work on colonizing the Moon. When Extraterrestrial Colonization is successfully accomplished, everyone who contributed at least 4 Production will gain +2 Production per night. If Peaceseeker, Top contributor will be confirmed as Peaceseeker. Otherwise, nothing will happen. Top contributor will not be revealed in that case.

    Spoiler : Wonders :

    New Great Pyramids -- 16 Production
    Choose another player. You will share a night chat with that player until he/she dies. When he/she dies, you may pick another player to share a night chat with (max once).
    New Statue of Liberty -- 16 Production
    Happiness +1. You have a one-use Audit to use on another player. Hitting a Warmongers member will cause them to only be able to perform factional kills, hitting a Peaceseeker will convert them into a Peaceful, no effect on anyone else.
    New Eiffel Tower -- 16 Production
    Happiness +1. All charges of your ability are refilled. If you are a role that starts with 0 charges, you will gain 1 charge.
    New Stonehenge -- 16 Production
    Happiness + 2. All current vests you own become auto-vests.

    Spoiler : Buildings :

    Residential Area -- 8 Production
    +2 Happiness. Max 3.
    School -- 8 Production
    +1 charge for your ability. Roles that start with 0 charges can acquire a charge from this building. Max 1.
    Mass Entertainment -- 12 Production
    +3 Happiness. Max 1.
    Forge -- 8 Production
    +2 Production per night. Max 1.
    Factory -- 14 Production
    +3 Production per night. Max 1. Requires Forge.


    Peaceful/Nuclear/Doomsday Killer/Warmonger
    Secret Service/Veteran/Disguiser

    You will not know your RP name until you die
    Days and Nights are 48 hours, unless I say otherwise
    Mafia can talk to each other at night.
    Be punctual about Night Actions. You can request me to remind you if necessary.
    Use [vote] tags
    Last Wills are allowed.
    NO Death Notes -- scum fuck themselves over too much with this
    A lynch requires at least 51% of living player's votes
    No outside of game communication. This causes you and whoever you talked to to be replaced. Don't ruin it for someone else.
    No autoplay.
    No quoting PM's.
    Invisible ink is allowed
    Players list randomized, roles are randomized, role assignment randomized.
    Ask in Green

    0. Happiness/Unhappiness takes effect
    1. Night chats open
    2. Warmonger role's special attack
    3. Detainer/Jailor jail
    4. Veteran goes on alert, vests are put on
    5. Culturals enchant
    5.5. Filibusters roleblock.
    6. Witches manipulate
    7. Doctors and Secret Service protect
    8. Pillager pillages
    9. Scientists drug
    10. Actors act
    11. Regular Mafia factional kill, Disguiser kill
    12. Nuclear missile detonates
    12.5. Crafter's and Hunger Games gun fires
    13. Doomsday Killer kill(s)
    13.5. Disguiser cleanses himself and assumes the new identity
    14. Cleaners clean
    15. Crafter hands out an item
    16. Jester and Researcher visits
    16. All investigatives
    17. Detainer/Jailor execute
    18. Night chats close
    19. Production is applied

    Warmongers:Eliminate Pacal and the Peaceseekers, or have nothing be able to stop this from happening. Have at least one member survive until the end.
    Peaceseekers:Eliminate the Warmongers and Pacal.
    Pacal: Eliminate the Warmongers and Peaceseekers.
    Researcher: Survive and win with the Warmongers or Peaceseekers. Note that your win condition and role may change.
    Jester: Be lynched.
    Last edited by Orpz; June 18th, 2014 at 10:14 PM.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Why can not we hand pick our own RP name....

    Your mafia choice left all post-modern era greatest imperialism robbers outside the line.

    Where is my favorite leader Hiawatha? Our hunters moves twice as fast in woods.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyver View Post
    Have you ever played civ?
    Yeah we both have.

    Quote Originally Posted by louiswill View Post
    Why can not we hand pick our own RP name....

    Your mafia choice left all post-modern era greatest imperialism robbers outside the line.

    Where is my favorite leader Hiawatha? Our hunters moves twice as fast in woods.
    Whats the point of picking your own RP name?

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by powerofdeath View Post
    Whats the point of picking your own RP name?
    Random personality.

    Unless you promise all role cards are not 'designed' for the names.

    Btw, Tang Dynasty is the one of the most aggressive dynasty in China, they even went to invade Arab and Korea.(None other dynasties made any major efforts to conquer Korea and middle east.)
    Last edited by louiswill; March 2nd, 2014 at 01:25 PM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyver View Post
    Have you ever played civ?
    >> after nuking the world to shit he had a change of heart

    there it fits now
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    >> after nuking the world to shit he had a change of heart

    there it fits now
    what ideology/culture did you use?
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    The neutral can have 8 KPN?
    short answer: Not likely.

    I will do the math for ya.

    Quote Originally Posted by Setup
    Doomsday Killer
    You may kill one person at night. If every Mafia member is dead, you gain an additional kill per night. Every time a Peaceful is lynched, you gain an additional kill for that night. If a Nuclear missile is detonated, you gain an additional kill that night. Completely immune to night death and Sheriff/Agent/Lookout/Detective checks. Will show up as Peaceful to an Espionage.

    At night, you may visit a player to detonate a nuclear missile. You will kill them and all Doctors protecting them without fail (unless they are the Doomsday Killer). You will lose an additional 3 Happiness for dropping the missile. The Doomsday Killer will take this as a sign of the approaching apocalypse, and gain an additional kill for that night. 1 usage.
    For Orange Neutral Killer:
    Original Kill: +1
    All mafia wipes: +1
    Nuclear missle: +1 per missle

    It means it is impossible to get 8 KPN constantly.

    So for a Neutral player to get 8 kill, Temperarily.

    scene 1: there are 7 people with nuclear role cards, and each of them fired a missile the day before.
    If so then, redfaction kill + 7 green nuclear weapon can kill around half people, then next night mafia kill + nuclear + 8 kill from Neutral killer will likely end the world. There are only 20 people max.

    But seriously, 7 people with nuclear role card will be retarded. this scene should not be considered.

    Scene 2: All mafia wipes + 6 launched nuclear weapons
    Optimistically even if there are still 13 people alive when all 4 mafia died
    1 lynch, and 12 people alive.
    The only neutral killer with 8kpn the next night + another nuclear weapon launch wave
    That will end the game.

    I'd say it is a very balanced KPN for a neutral killer.
    For they need to survive nuclear wipe out and all other killing first in order to use 8KPN temporarily.
    Last edited by louiswill; March 5th, 2014 at 10:13 AM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    I ain't readin' all dat shit.

    But Anyways, it does not say it's temporary that they get an additional KPN. Only the Missile says that.

    If town lynches even 2 peacefuls, the NK will be OP.

    Anyways, please let the hosts response to the questions. I need their answers, not what you think they'll say.
    It is temporary.
    "If a Nuclear missile is detonated, you gain an additional kill that night."
    Neutral killer is only powerful when town abuse nuclear weapon & lynches every day, if not massive people getting nuclear weapons.
    I do not think Neutral killer is OP at all because they have to survive the nuclear weapon without night immunity at all.

    I think for only 4 mafia out of 20 people, random lynch peaceful claimer and hand out extra KPN to neutral killer is really bad, for town having majority.
    Last edited by louiswill; March 5th, 2014 at 10:23 AM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    1. I'm saying the other 7 KPN will be permanent. I specified i wasn't talking about the Missile.
    2. The NK is immune to night death, including nuke.

    Even if the NK obtains 3KPN, that is OP in a game this size. After he obtains a KPN of 3, the game will be over in 2-3 days.

    So once again, I'm wanting to hear how hosts plan to maintain balance, not someone who is just reading the setup.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    in any way other than nuclear missile, the game will end far before neutral killer reach 7 KPN.
    For 3 KPN case, why would town lynch any peaceful without a desperate situation or else.

    "If every Mafia member is dead, you gain an additional kill per night."
    It is used to balance the game when all mafia wiped out early and town hold extreme majority.
    It helps neutral killer play against town, and end game faster.

    "Every time a Peaceful is lynched, you gain an additional kill for that night. "
    When mafia is at advantage, neutral killer is enhanced, providing peaceful are all town.

    "If a Nuclear missile is detonated, you gain an additional kill that night."
    When town go rogue, neutral killer go rogue. It is fair square.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    I ain't readin' all dat shit.

    But Anyways, it does not say it's temporary that they get an additional KPN. Only the Missile says that.

    If town lynches even 2 peacefuls, the NK will be OP.

    Anyways, please let the hosts response to the questions. I need their answers, not what you think they'll say.
    They don't gain an additional KPN, only an extra kill that night. Perhaps it is overboard with that though . The goal was to make Town more wary of lynching Peaceful/Citizen claims and Vigilante shots. I know they already pay a large price for being wrong but I was hoping to push them to gain more information and be more certain. I'm likely gonna scrap the Nuclear missile extra kill and put a cap on the extra free kills

    The only permanant KPN is from the death of the Mafias. The goal on that was to encourage the Serial Killer to be an all out Serial Killer and just murder everyone and everything without fear of wiping off the Mafia too early.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Orpz You let Neutral killing gain extra kill is not only to punish town when they are wrong but also diminished mafia gain advantage from mislynhch peaceful. Correct?
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by louiswill View Post
    Orpz You let Neutral killing gain extra kill is not only to punish town when they are wrong but also diminished mafia gain advantage from mislynhch peaceful. Correct?
    Admittedly, that's an unintentional side effect
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Does Actor's ability last indefinitely?
    Cultural gives feedback on Luring & successful repelling?
    Agent/Detective/Lookout can see vests being used?
    There is no list of feedback anywhere that is present in the game. Please include somewhere, or underneath the Scientist's rolecard, so that the Scientist knows what is possible of his role.
    After the Warmonger uses his ability, he becomes immune to everything stated for the rest of the game?
    Filbusters missing from OoO. Make sure to make one immune to the other, or have one come before the other in OoO.
    Please explain better how Disguiser gets charges. It says he must be supplemented by Buildings, but I can't find anything that explains when and how he gets charges.
    Does Cleaner receive their targets role and/or last will upon usage?
    Veteran says "If at least 3 players visit you, all who survive the night will learn your identity." Does this mean that if 3 people visit him, his role & indentity is revealed to the rest of the players in the game? Is alignment revealed?
    Players informed of being Witched?
    Doctor informed of successful healing?
    Bodyguard can be healed in a fight?
    Please clarify that Crafter can't give 2 guns & 2 vests in a single night.
    Like Disguiser, please clarify how Nuclear gets charges using Buildings.

    Regarding World Congress, it seems like you're willing to destroy Disguiser/Cleaner/Actor WIFOM when removing the extra vote during MYLO/LYLO (when town might think they have an extra player). You don't have to change this, just something you should consider w/ your setup.

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    1) Does Actor's ability last indefinitely?
    2) Cultural gives feedback on Luring & successful repelling?
    3) Agent/Detective/Lookout can see vests being used?
    4) There is no list of feedback anywhere that is present in the game. Please include somewhere, or underneath the Scientist's rolecard, so that the Scientist knows what is possible of his role.
    5) After the Warmonger uses his ability, he becomes immune to everything stated for the rest of the game?
    6) Filbusters missing from OoO. Make sure to make one immune to the other, or have one come before the other in OoO.
    7) Please explain better how Disguiser gets charges. It says he must be supplemented by Buildings, but I can't find anything that explains when and how he gets charges.
    Does Cleaner receive their targets role and/or last will upon usage?
    9) Veteran says "If at least 3 players visit you, all who survive the night will learn your identity." Does this mean that if 3 people visit him, his role & indentity is revealed to the rest of the players in the game? Is alignment revealed?
    10) Players informed of being Witched?
    11) Doctor informed of successful healing?
    12) Bodyguard can be healed in a fight?
    13) Please clarify that Crafter can't give 2 guns & 2 vests in a single night.
    14) Like Disguiser, please clarify how Nuclear gets charges using Buildings.

    Regarding World Congress, it seems like you're willing to destroy Disguiser/Cleaner/Actor WIFOM when removing the extra vote during MYLO/LYLO (when town might think they have an extra player). You don't have to change this, just something you should consider w/ your setup.
    1) An Actor's ability will last until he visits another player, so yes.
    2) Yes. The Cultural and its targets will all receive feedbacks.
    3) No.
    4) Will do, thanks
    5) No. He will only be immune when he activates his ability
    6) My bad, will do. They will both be immune to roleblock, and will receive feedback saying someone attempted to roleblock them.
    7) The New Eiffel Tower wonder and School building gives charges to Disguiser and Nuclear. They must be built to use their ability.
    Yes, edited in
    9) Only those that visited him and survive the night will learn his role and identity. Alignment will be revealed since Veteran is only possible for the Mafia.
    10) Yes.
    11) Yes.
    12) No.
    13) Added into setup
    14) #7

    I'm a fan of Disguiser/Cleaner/Actor WIFOM so I'll allow the extra vote to stay.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Are all nations informed about the contribution of each nation to international projects?
    Only the top contributor is revealed.

    For those that think this game is special mechanics heavy: it's not. you will very likely not build close to everything on the list
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    How does Warmonger become immune jail, then? He uses his ability once jailed, and he's removed from jail & allowed to kill?

    Also, I see now that the eiffel tower states they get a charge. You should also add that to the school, or something worded similar

    I'll check your OoO later, and then I think i'm good on questions.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; June 10th, 2014 at 02:13 PM.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    How does Warmonger become immune jail, then? He uses his ability once jailed, and he's removed from jail & allowed to kill?

    Also, I see now that the eiffel tower states they get a charge. You should also add that to the school, or something worded similar

    I'll check your OoO later, and then I think i'm good on questions.
    He can't use his ability when jailed. He can pierce through jails though, killing jailed targets even though they are under protection of the jailor. I'll edit the wording of the school
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Wow! Lots of effort put into this set up I can tell! Kudos to the creators.

    I do have some questions. Some of this may be known to people who frequent this board, but I usually frequent DLP (and occasionally in the past StarCraft 2 in game)

    1) Let's assume that two people tie for the most amount of production on a wonder/international building? What happens?
    2) Are we given progress that E.G Montezuma spent 3 production on X and Washington spent .5 production on Y and 2.5 production on Z, etc with each day? Some civ versions like civ 5 esp have spies and you can see who is building what in their capital.
    3) I see a lot of mechanics to decrease happiness, e.g. special abilities, but not a lot to increase it. Is the only way to do that buildings?
    4) A lot of the wonders/international buildings seem to require multiple "nations" to complete. Should the primary nation that houses a wonder fall due to a kill/lynch/other means, would that wonder be destroyed and be able to be rebuilt? Or is it gone for good?
    5) For the line:
    Using a night action (guns and vests included) lowers your happiness by 1 for each action including additional night actions (ex: Jailors)

    Does the NK (if mafia scum or Pacal) count as a night action for devaluing happiness?
    If so, if they get the option of double kill will that deduct 2 happiness if used?

    Also could a player do neither the traditional "power"/night action/NK" and say "none" to preserve happiness?

    Role specific:
    During the day, you may reveal yourself to be a Chief. If a lynch goes through, you may PM me ASAP to cancel the lynch. You may cancel lynches as many times as you want as long as you are alive. You lose 1 Happiness a night after you reveal.

    Do you have to reveal yourself in order to use the cancel lynch abilitiy. Does the unhappiness stack for each night after the reveal or just the first?

    You want peace to be restored to Earth, but you aren't willing to sneak around at night and risk hurting diplomatic relations. You have no night abilities, but are gifted with exceptional speech skills for the day.

    Is the exceptional speech skills flavor text or is this an ability here?

    I can visit up to 4 people a night. Does each visit cost me negative 1 happiness?
    What if I do not want the victory condition to change and would rather win with the mafia/town? Is the new victory condition a "forced" acceptance or a choice?

    Wonder question:
    Using salvaged Antebellum technology, scientists can continue to work on colonizing the Moon. When Extraterrestrial Colonization is successfully accomplished, everyone who contributed at least 2 Production will gain +1 Production per night. If Peaceseeker, Top contributor will be confirmed as Peaceseeker. Otherwise, nothing happens.

    For the mafia/third party on this wonder, since the top contributor (if I read correctly) is generally known before launch, wouldn't a nothing happens be a confirmation of that person as mafia/third party?

    I apologize if this is a lot of questions I just want to know the system for if I sign up. I'm still debating because I usually don't play with this many players as it's not my usual thing.
    Last edited by MathBlade; June 10th, 2014 at 05:17 PM. Reason: Remove investigative pairs question just saw it.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by MathBlade View Post
    Oh and one last question I just thought up:

    What is the difference between revealing and claiming in this game? E.G. if I'm mafia scum and "claim" to be the Chief. How is this different that the chief's ability to "reveal" himself/herself as Chief? Or are mass claims not recommended/permissible on this forum?
    Revealing is when the host autoconfirm your role. Only specific roles can reveal. Claiming is when you say you are a role. It is highly recommended to not fake claim any roles that can reveal because that would probably result in your lynching. You can try to if you want for some kind of crazy gambit/wifom. As for the mass claiming, its up to you guys if you want to mass claim or not. We can't stop you from doing it.
    Last edited by powerofdeath; June 10th, 2014 at 06:49 PM.

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by MathBlade View Post
    Wow! Lots of effort put into this set up I can tell! Kudos to the creators.

    I do have some questions. Some of this may be known to people who frequent this board, but I usually frequent DLP (and occasionally in the past StarCraft 2 in game)

    1) Let's assume that two people tie for the most amount of production on a wonder/international building? What happens?
    2) Are we given progress that E.G Montezuma spent 3 production on X and Washington spent .5 production on Y and 2.5 production on Z, etc with each day? Some civ versions like civ 5 esp have spies and you can see who is building what in their capital.
    3) I see a lot of mechanics to decrease happiness, e.g. special abilities, but not a lot to increase it. Is the only way to do that buildings?
    4) A lot of the wonders/international buildings seem to require multiple "nations" to complete. Should the primary nation that houses a wonder fall due to a kill/lynch/other means, would that wonder be destroyed and be able to be rebuilt? Or is it gone for good?
    5) For the line:
    Using a night action (guns and vests included) lowers your happiness by 1 for each action including additional night actions (ex: Jailors)

    Does the NK (if mafia scum or Pacal) count as a night action for devaluing happiness?
    If so, if they get the option of double kill will that deduct 2 happiness if used?

    Also could a player do neither the traditional "power"/night action/NK" and say "none" to preserve happiness?

    Role specific:
    During the day, you may reveal yourself to be a Chief. If a lynch goes through, you may PM me ASAP to cancel the lynch. You may cancel lynches as many times as you want as long as you are alive. You lose 1 Happiness a night after you reveal.

    Do you have to reveal yourself in order to use the cancel lynch abilitiy. Does the unhappiness stack for each night after the reveal or just the first?

    You want peace to be restored to Earth, but you aren't willing to sneak around at night and risk hurting diplomatic relations. You have no night abilities, but are gifted with exceptional speech skills for the day.

    Is the exceptional speech skills flavor text or is this an ability here?

    I can visit up to 4 people a night. Does each visit cost me negative 1 happiness?
    What if I do not want the victory condition to change and would rather win with the mafia/town? Is the new victory condition a "forced" acceptance or a choice?

    Wonder question:
    Using salvaged Antebellum technology, scientists can continue to work on colonizing the Moon. When Extraterrestrial Colonization is successfully accomplished, everyone who contributed at least 2 Production will gain +1 Production per night. If Peaceseeker, Top contributor will be confirmed as Peaceseeker. Otherwise, nothing happens.

    For the mafia/third party on this wonder, since the top contributor (if I read correctly) is generally known before launch, wouldn't a nothing happens be a confirmation of that person as mafia/third party?

    I apologize if this is a lot of questions I just want to know the system for if I sign up. I'm still debating because I usually don't play with this many players as it's not my usual thing.
    1) I highly doubt it'll come to this since it's unlikely the exact same amount of production will be applied, but if it does, the outcome will be Random'd at random.org.
    2) No
    3) I disagree, but yeah you gotta use buildings
    4) The International Project/Wonder would still stand, cause no one is barbaric enough to raze it. That player will be out, but the effects of the IP/Wonder will still apply to other livings players.
    5) Yes, night kills count. If you kill twice, you lose 2 Happiness.
    you CAN choose to take no action to recover Happiness. Added that into the setup.
    6) Yes, you have to reveal yourself. I'm not sure what you mean for unhappiness stacking, but you lose 1 Happiness every night that goes by after you reveal.
    7) Flavor text
    No, your visits will always cost 1 Happiness, regardless of the amount. It's a "forced" acceptance, so you must think about how many players you want to visit.
    9) Oops, you won't know the top contributor for that project.

    Your questions are not an inconvenience in the slightest, they all help to improve the setup and game experience.

    Update: I doubled all the production values so that the scaling is still the same, but there is no base .5 unit.
    Last edited by Orpz; June 10th, 2014 at 08:14 PM.
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  39. ISO #39

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Thanks for the response. Very clear and concise. I like it I appreciate the patience.

    Off topic: Btw, if you need character references Citrus offered to vouch for me.

    And what I meant by unhappiness stacking was in the answer. So the earlier you reveal the more unhappiness throughout the game.

    If I may suggest that you clarify researcher that they can visit as many people as they want e.g. 3 people = 1 happiness cost, 1 person = 1 happiness cost, 0 people = 0 cost, since this seems different than the others.

    And a lot of the answers are just like civ I was just making sure nothing changed really to make it mafia esque.

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    What happens if someone kills the same person as a Disguiser?
    What happens if someone attacks the Disguiser the same night he Disguises?
    Please include Jester & Researcher on the OoO, just to confirm if their night actions will go off if they are killed or not.
    1) The Disguiser will proceed to cleanse itself and assume a new identity anyways.
    2) Disguiser getting a new identity has been added into the OoO, if he is attacked before then he will die.

    Included, thanks
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    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by MathBlade View Post
    Thanks for the response. Very clear and concise. I like it I appreciate the patience.

    Off topic: Btw, if you need character references Citrus offered to vouch for me.

    And what I meant by unhappiness stacking was in the answer. So the earlier you reveal the more unhappiness throughout the game.

    If I may suggest that you clarify researcher that they can visit as many people as they want e.g. 3 people = 1 happiness cost, 1 person = 1 happiness cost, 0 people = 0 cost, since this seems different than the others.

    And a lot of the answers are just like civ I was just making sure nothing changed really to make it mafia esque.
    I can confirm, in case you need some sort of verification since MathBlade doesn't play on the sc2mafia mod etc.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    If Disguser disguises as a person who gets attacked, how does the Disguiser assume the new identity? Does the Disguiser assume the new identity and then get attacked & killed himself?
    Normally. The person who gets attacked will appear to be alive although it's a disguiser. I'll fix the OoO to reflect that
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    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: M-FM Civilization

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Does the Disguiser's old body appear to have been attacked twice?

    Regardless of the answer, Approved.

    GL Hosting guys, you can start your game whenever you have enough signs & your accounts.
    yes, thank you
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    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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