Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

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  1. ISO #1

    Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Cole MacGrath and Nix sat in their new hideout pondering what had occured over the past week...

    Deaths of so many people, and to what end? The Beast was dead, but was that truely the right call?

    Cole wondered many things; but ignored the electrical circuitry sparking. He had drained so much power from these walls since their relocation he'd thought he'd just fried all the equipment... The sparks got more frequent and more intense before they sparked a blaze that engulfed the entire place in seconds.

    Surrounded by fire, Cole stayed motionless, staring into his hands.

    A Trial by Fire. This was his judgement. The reconcilliation for all he had done. Fitting that it should be started by sparks of electricity... The power in which he weilded so liberally had turned to be his downfall.

    Close by FM Sifa Grent watched in Silence.

    See, what we know now is that someone had been sabotaging electrical points all around the city. A regular old disgruntled electrician. What were his objectives? His Goals?

    We can only speculate at this point.

    He wasn't a conduit. One of the chosen few. By the time Cole MacGrath had gotten to the city, the stories of the Demon of Empire City had already hit global media, and the existance of Conduits was made public. Maybe he was just bitter that he wasn't chosen? He wasn't included? His mental state was probably questionable to begin with but he became a sort of copycat killer. He couldn't throw lightning out of his hands but he could manipulate electricity into a destructive force of his own right using sabotage.

    The Electro Maniac had finally gotten vengence on the world that had mistreated him so badly. It was he who stood on top victorious at the end of New Marais' conflict. Not the Militia. A crazy lunatic desperate to be a superhero.

    They're not gonna put that in the news. Which is why the Militia one man survivor story was fed to the masses.

    But we can't forget what was lost in this massive conflict. The lessons that we learn.

    Think about the family of Nicol... The Law Abiding Citizen. Just caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Conflict only leads to pain, to suffering and in the end it gets us nowhere. Infact it gets us less than nowhere... people are dead all around us. These people could have gone onto do great things but now they adorn a graveyard.

    We can all learn from the tragedy of New Marais... well... those of us who know the truth.

    In the end of all conflicts...

    Its only the pyschopaths that win.

    Final Surviving Role List:

    Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]

    Conduit [Vermaak 88]

    Random Killing Conduit

    Random Power Militia
    Militia Member

    There are 4 more roles in the list than players due to 4 roles being cleaned

    Final Graveyard:

    FM Tamiyo(???)[Night I]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed. [Conduit]
    FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night I]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death. [Conduit]
    FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance. [Lynch]
    FM Jace Beleren (Priest)[Night II]: Single bullet wound to the head. Died instantly. [Extremist]
    FM Venser (???)[Night II]: Electrocuted then melted to a pool of human components. [Conduit]
    FM Ajani Goldmane(Delsin Rowe)[Day III]: Killed by a Firing Squad. [Lynch]
    FM Nissa Revane (???)[Night III]: Vanished without a trace [Conduit]
    FM Garruk Wildspeaker(Militia Member)[Night III]: Beaten to a pulp with a blunt object then electrocuted [Conduit]
    FM Vraska(Lucy Kuo [MacGrath])[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Lynch]
    Town House Door(Door)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Storyline]
    FM Jaya Ballard(Militia Member)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Modkill]
    FM Tibalt(Stripper)[Night IV]: Frozen to a wall, and blasted with multiple shotgun rounds [Conduit]
    FM Lilianna Vess(Militia Member)[Night IV]: Incinerated by The Beast Defending Cole MacGrath [Beast]
    FM Dack Fayden(Extremist)[Night IV]: Utterly Vaporized attempting to Kill the Beast with Conventional Weapons [Beast]
    FM Sorin Markov(Medic)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
    FM Baltrice(Willbender)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
    FM Parcher(Medic)[Night V]: Found dead in a warehouse, after what looks like extended interrogation. [Execution]
    FM Chandra Naalar(Priest)[Night V]: Found convulsing in an alleyway; died from internal wounds before medical help arrived. [Conduit]
    FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]

    FM Nicol Bolas(Law Abiding Citizen)[Day VI]: Hung at the neck until dead. [Lynch]

    Refurbished, Reinforced and Gold Plated Cosenza Town Gallows(Gallows)[Day VI]: Destroyed by the Beast [Storyline]
    FM Ugin(The Prime Beast)[Day VI]: Killed in human form by the RFI. [Lynch]
    FM Domri Rade(Cop)[Night VI]: Blown up by a Car Bomb [Law Abiding Citizen]
    FM Joseph Bertrand(Joseph Bertrand)[Night VI]: Blown up by a Car Bomb [Law Abiding Citizen]
    FM Xenegos(Janitor)[Night VI]: Killed in a Militia Dogfight [Duel]
    FM Ravi Sengir(Bodyguard)[Night VI]: Killed in a Militia Dogfight [Duel]
    FM Sarkhan Vol(Militia Member)[Night VI]: Beaten to death in his home. The power was out. [Conduit]
    FM Ashiok(Militia Member)[Day VII]: Chased to the top of a building. Jumped off [Lynch]
    FM Masrath(Investigator)[Night VII]: Shot in the leg with a blunderbuss. Unsure why this was fatal [Conduit]
    FM Meshuval(Priest)[Night VII]: Beaten savagely. 3rd degree electrical burns [Conduit]
    Militia Townhouse(Townhouse)[Day VIII]: Burned down in an electrical fire [Storyline]
    FM Teferi(Kidnapper)[Day VIII]: Killed in the collapsing townhouse due to an electrical fire [Neutral Kill]
    FM Elspeth Tirel(Coroner)[Day VIII]: Killed in the collapsing townhouse due to an electrical fire [Neutral Kill]
    FM Ral Zarek(Priest)[Day VIII]: Killed in the collapsing townhouse due to an electrical fire [Neutral Kill]
    FM Karn(Cop)[Night VIII]: Shot far more than necessary. [Conduit]
    FM Sandruu(Cole MacGrath)[Night IX]: Killed in an electrical fire at the hideout. [Neutral Kill]
    FM Tessebik(Nix)[Night IX]: Killed in an electrical fire at the hideout. [Neutral Kill]

    Death Descriptions Added to Reduce Ambiguity. [Conduit] Can refer to Either Mafia Team

    The Electro Maniac has won the game!

    The Law Abiding Citizen has won the game!


    Complete Player List:

    Secondary Objective Completion Grid

    Secondary Objective Awards: [Avatar Awards]

    Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight: FM Glissa Sunseeker

    Spoiler : FM Glissa Sunseeker :


    RNGesus is a force beyond human comprehension. He acts in ways we will never understand and for reasons we may never know.

    None know this fact more than FM Glissa Sunseeker.

    Night 1, Glissa Sunseeker went to dominate the mind of FM Ugin, the god damn beast. This already was a great first hit. She awoke the next morning having converted a target she did not expect, FM Sandruu... Cole MacGrath. The Bus Driver, in his one and only action before being massacred, managed to pick up both The God Damn Beast AND Cole MacGrath, swapping their postions and unintentionally delivering Cole MacGrath right into Sasha's Breast.

    Was This RNGesus' way of decreeing that FM Glissa Sunseeker was the chosen one to dictate the future of New Marais?

    Alas t'was not to be, as the good RNGesus giveth, so too does he take away.

    On the very same night 1, Sasha was investigated by a Cop and was found out; leading to her immediate demise the following day, leaving her freshly dominated slave, FM Sandruu, to fend for himself. Knowing nothing but the maddening whispers of Sasha in his head, Cole set out to kill everyone in New Marais for destroying Sasha... and would have got away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Electro Maniac (or the fact he got gunshy and didnt kill orange)

    Sasha came to New Marais with one purpose... To find Cole Macgrath and to bend him to her sadistic will with a mind controlling tar she produces organically and can spew onto her victims at will; instantly falling under her spell... And managed to do so in record time with the assistance of a Bus Driver who met his end the same night.

    Still a better love story than Twilight.

    The Militia Is The Law: FM Domri Rade

    Spoiler : FM Domri Rade :


    Getting a lucky hit on night 1 is all good, but you need to be able to convince people you're telling the truth. Getting a majority vote this early in the game with so many people alive is no small feat with many different counter arguments and doubts around. Domri managed to do just that giving the town a major advantage with the elimination of the Reapers so early on. This confirmed him way too early and the scum let him live way too long... Though it turned around to bite them with his vendetta against Nicol Bolas.

    As this objective is two fold, while Karn managed to find a couple of conduits towards the end I felt he wasn't instrumental in the lynches of the ones he foound (or if they were even lynched for that matter)

    The Easiest Secondary Known to Man: FM Elspeth Tirel

    Spoiler : FM Elspeth Tirel :


    Literally could not think of another thing for a coroner to do at the time. In hindsight, check a living person who died that night would have been better. Literally check a ??? dude and succeed. Grats bro. We all have questions about my choices when it comes to the coroner this game anyway... Which I will take away and refine.

    We Are The Brotherhood: FM Chandra Nalaar, FM Jace Beleren, FM Ral Zarek, FM Meshuval

    Spoiler : FM Chandra Naalar :


    Spoiler : FM Jace Beleren :


    Spoiler : FM Ral Zarek :


    Spoiler : FM Meshuval :


    These guys themselves may actually be surprised they got this award but it's technically true. The Secondary Objective for the priest is to be 3 strong at any time. On night 5 their recruit was successful, which put them to 3, and then later in the order of operations Chandra was killed reducing them to two. So by law of design and the phrasing of the objective, They were the brotherhood. Congrats turning 1/3 of the overall starting militia members to the priests.

    Last edited by Elixir; January 7th, 2014 at 08:04 PM.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Epilogue: Imitation Is The Best Form of Flattery. (workinprogress)

    MVP and Game Winner Awards: [Avatar, Sig, and Sc2mafia.com Respected Awards]

    Town MVP: FM Meshuval

    Spoiler : awards :


    gyber/Gyver while being a relatively new player to major FMs struck us as one of the most impactful players the town had especially in the early game. While other players had decent calls or good plays; a lot of these were role based and were detracted by misplays in the later stages of the game. Gyvers reads on scum were for the most part accurate and his presence attracted multiple role blocks in fear of what he was capable of.

    His massive post on partnering as well gained him a lot of credibility and also managed to isolate a couple of non town players.

    He managed to do all of this without a single power to his role which is why we have decided to award him MVP.

    Non Town MVP and Game Winner Award: FM Nicol Bolas

    Spoiler : awards :


    A Man who needs no introduction: Yayap's play has gone down in SC2Mafia history time and time again for perfect calls, calculated gambits and in this case amazing annoyance. Everything from his annouciaction of grammar to his side jumping nature in this game cause him to be an annoyance to moost but one that seemed like it could be town. Being quite able to get himself lynched early on, Yayap decided to play the game and go for a late lynch with his kills pretty much sealing defeat for the town.

    Both the hosts and the players agree that they were sutibly played by this next level jester work.

    Player's Choice MVP Award: Refurbished, Reinforced and Gold Plated Cosenza Town Gallows

    Spoiler : awards :

    Ever since my first ever FM in FM II that took place on the quiet streets of Cosenza, these gallows have appeared in every game I've done. They were destroyed in that game and it was the first game were storyline deaths showed in the graveyard for story effect. People seemed really receptive to it so I've done it in every game since... but I've never forgotten where the idea came from so the legacy of Cosenza lives on to this day.

    In the Return to New Marais, they were responible for the hanging and subsequent victory of the Law Abiding Citizen, drawing out the Beast once and for all.

    Well done gallows, your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

    Game Winner and the Real Player's Choice MVP Award: FM Sifa Grent

    Spoiler : awards :


    Getting a Neutral Killer in an FM isn't like getting it in SC2Maf. The odds are so not in your favour that sometimes you think it's not possible. Thats exactly what Fragos seemed to think early on. But lo and behold he managed to stay under the radar all game until it was too late. As the game went on Fragos became increasingly aware victory was possible. Even when he had victory pretty much assured, he didn't kil out of respect on the final night to see what Cole was going to do.

    Tying with FM Nicol Bolas for the players choice MVP award (and as Nicol has already been selected by us for MVP) shows that Fragos' play was exactly what it needed to be. There, but not there. Seen, but nearly unheard.

    I named the role after a role Fragos concepted; as it also made sense with the electric theme. To go on and win with it must be especially vindicating.

    Random Game Awards: [Sig]

    One Will, Two Bodies: FM Parcher and FM Sorin Markov

    Spoiler : Awards Parcher :


    Spoiler : Awards Markov :


    Fuck Me.

    Holy Fuck.

    These two guys I dont even fucking know.

    Look. There were 36 players going into night 1. Having two doctors heal the same person? Yeah Okay thats not out of the realms of possibility. 1/34 chance isnt bad (Less the two doctors who cant heal themselves.)

    But thats not what happened. They had 2 completely seperate actions and the managed to use BOTH on the SAME TWO TARGETS on night 1. Not even the other way around either,

    -Triage Ugin
    -Antiviral Dack Fayden

    I'm sure you'd have to square something to get the chance.

    The chances of this occuring are so infinitely miniscule that it actually caused a mislynch as the medics fought each other.

    One will across two bodies... I dont think we'll ever see this again in an FM.

    Into the Deep End: FM Sandruu

    Spoiler : Awards :


    Apo is a good kinda guy. Not only did he jump in straight away into one of the hardest roles in this game at a moments notice, he also then became the first Godfather in FM history to get culted... and THEN he had his cult leader die on him... making an already difficult role twice as hard. Not only did he step up to the challenge, he almost took the role to a win and if he had managed to pull off the gambit on the final night would probably have knocked Nicol off for MVP. That said, still an amazing effort.

    One Man Army: FM Baltrice/FM Teferi

    Spoiler : Awards :


    Damus pretty much ended up playing all of Vermaak by himself. I could have given him all 4 accounts and I'm pretty sure they would have done just as well if not better. He literally is a one many army and probably could have taken it further if he had started as kidnapper

    Put Up With Elixir: Slaol

    Spoiler : Awards :


    Despite having to move, getting fed up with the site, having like half of battlenet hate him AND having to put up with my god damn nonsnse (pretty sure I made it so much harder than it needed to be) Slaol didn't give up and helped me right till the last day. It wouldn't have been possible without his assistance so Slaol deserves an award simply for surviving. -- AppleyNO didn't even make it to Day 1 before he bailed.

    Ending Comments

    I'd hoped to write a lot more about what I'd learned and experienced from this game as a host but this epilogue has already taken like 3 days to write so I'll keep it brief. I fucked up coroner, I need to work on clarity more and I need to stop making a critical host error every game and I need to have a firmer outlook on modkillings and activity rules.

    Though on a lighter note, did you notice that EVERYONE who -prefer'd a role in the sign up thread got the role they prefered?

    I never said you COULDN'T prefer did I? ^_^

    I hope you all had as much fun playing as I did hosting despite how much of a headache some days were.

    Thanks to Slaol again for helping me as much as he did. -- As always feel free to writer here or message me about the game, I always like reading it.

    Last edited by Elixir; January 7th, 2014 at 09:17 PM.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Great Epilogue! Even though I only lived for a day, it was enough to teach me on how to improve my scum play atleast by a little bit. Night 1 man, universal do-fuck-all-night. But never quite to such an extent.

    Well done everyone!
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    i scumreaded him because his posts were gay
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    ah fuck.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Lol woah so many unlikely coincidences occurred behind the scenes this game! Congrats and well deserved to gyver, yayap, and fragos!

    Thanks Elixir and Slaol, it was a good one
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    I'm sad my secondary objective was so specific... I had to sacrifice completing it in order to act in town's best interest. We lost anyway, but hey, it was still our best chance. Though I still think Xenagos should've been modkilled when Jaya was and my protect should've killed another Vermaak instead. But oh well.

    Good game, everyone. I wanted to win of course, but if I can't win, seeing a neutral killer and jester win over everyone else is pretty satisfying. Congrats to Yayap and Fragos.

    And congrats to Gyber for winning the MVP. You played quite well and I really enjoyed your RP. I look forward to seeing more from you.

    Glip- I thought you did really well this game, aside from your accidental outing of the jailor. You had good targets and a strong day presence. Well done, man!

    Thinklivlife- You really impressed me this game. I found myself agreeing with most of what you said. I tried to give you some wifom protection by doubting your validity as an attack/heal target, but I guess it didn't work. Still though, good game dude. I look forward to playing more FMs with you.

    Elixir and Slaol- Thanks for hosting. 'twas a fun game.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Hmm, I did promise Kiora to show something special when the game ends, right? There you go, Citrus - Pokemon Heart Gold Community Nuzlocke, and there is already a Pokemon named after you! Sheesh, that will be my next major project for a while.

    I had enough fun playing, so I feel like I could host another M-FM again. That's right, a new M-FM poll will come out shortly. What will be your pick this time, hmm?

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    gg everyone, it was a lot of fun playing with you all.

    Elixir, thanks for everything you've done as a host. FMII got me into this game & I'm still enjoying it like 3 years later. Sorry if all the Da Vinci bullshit gets on your nerves.
    FMII: Armorsmith | FMIII: Napoli Godfather | FMIV: Arsonist | FMV: Doctor | FMVI: Greed | FMVIII: Consigliere | FMXVI: Citizen | MFMXVII: Bus Driver | FMXX: Mason

    Il giusto è solo chi sa fingerlo meglio

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    1) i'm not surprised we completed our objective, i saw that possibility too but i thought it would be too easy so i scrapped it. but nice we completed our objective
    2) i don't really think meshuvel is the best choice for town mvp. yes he attracted roleblocks, but those were all town roleblocks, so that's actually a bad thing. second, maybe he was good at the start, but for sure i know when he became priest his day activity, player analysis, leading ability, night chat activity was definitely way too low and also his plans about what to do were quite suboptimal
    3) you already revealed the electro maniac name in your spreadsheet though you didnt want too, it was on every night action page
    4) the odds, if docs decision were random are actually 1/(35*35) (since they can still target each other) which is less than 0,1%
    however since they are not really random, the odds are significantly higher. those targets just made themself look like the best target for doc i think^^

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Yeah, I figued our that Elixir and Slaol just wanted to troll me with this role card. They probably did not saw me as the potential winner, their "hero" was Cole, after all. So my primary goal was my own survival. To think that I would actually put some faith in Cole myself only to see him fail... Well, I can only say one thing: You can't win so easily in Forum Mafia unless you make a move with a very high risk. My night action was that kind of risk, in the matter that it did not actually guarantee my own victory (as Kiora could lynch me). So I had to count on two factors instead of one:

    1. Cole could or could not kill Kiora.
    2. Kiora could or could not lynch me together with Conduits.
    Last edited by Fragos; January 8th, 2014 at 04:14 AM.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    but was it done on n1 via a bus driver?

    gotta give that some cred
    Still not the first GF to be culted in FM history. Just the first through bus driving. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    i scumreaded him because his posts were gay
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    ah fuck.

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    What was the cult like in FM 1 when Oops was recruited?
    Started w/ Cult Leader
    Could convert each night.

    Cult Leader: Narks
    Godfather (Corleone)/Cultist: oops_ur_dead
    Sheriff/Cultist: Elixir
    Gunsmith/Cultist: Sarzael
    Armorer/Cultist: Spy
    Citizen/Cultist: Procyon

    Cult won on Day 5 with no cult dying.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Fragos View Post
    Yeah, I figued our that Elixir and Slaol just wanted to troll me with this role card. They probably did not saw me as the potential winner, their "hero" was Cole, after all. So my primary goal was my own survival. To think that I would actually put some faith in Cole myself only to see him fail... Well, I can only say one thing: You can't win so easily in Forum Mafia unless you make a move with a very high risk. My night action was that kind of risk, in the matter that it did not actually guarantee my own victory (as Kiora could lynch me). So I had to count on two factors instead of one:

    1. Cole could or could not kill Kiora.
    2. Kiora could or could not lynch me together with Conduits.
    Heh that was a risky play for those reasons. But I gave my word and it was to that I stuck ^^. Thanks for not killing me in the epilogue ;)

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Since Elixir already said it was on purpose, just dropping this here.
    [11/19/13 10:33:13 PM] Elixir: im giving fragos
    [11/19/13 10:33:14 PM] Elixir: his role
    [11/19/13 10:33:17 PM] Elixir: leleleleleleleleleel
    [11/19/13 10:33:22 PM] Willem - Slaol: Lol
    [11/19/13 10:33:32 PM] Elixir: Oh man
    [11/19/13 10:33:40 PM] Elixir: I am going to have so much fun writing that card
    [11/19/13 10:33:42 PM] Elixir: you dont even know
    [11/19/13 10:34:38 PM] Elixir: YOU ARE ELECTRO MANAIC
    [11/19/13 10:34:44 PM] Elixir: YOU USE SPARKS TO START FIRES
    [11/19/13 10:34:48 PM] Elixir: CAUSE FIRES ARE COOL

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    I enjoyed many aspects of this game and the players within it. I think a lot of FM learnings happened here and we're gonna improve for the next round a bit more from this one. Looking back I'm actually glad that Yayap got MVP with Fragos getting Players Choice due to their own individuals roles and also the struggle they had survived to reach their respective victories. The Veteran claim by Yayap really sealed his demise and it was very well thought out. It seemed just scummy enough to warrant a risky CC by Ravi to get a lynch off on himself. Very well done. Looking at how stacked the odds were against Fragos I can definitely agree that his play was well done and deserving of MVP, with Apocist coming in very close second. The misplay of Sandruu and Sifa's gambit payed off well. It was a solid read that Sandruu didn't fully read the setup, seeing as most didn't, and thus would have misstepped as he did in the game solidified Sifa's victory. Fragos used his role late game power incredibly well.

    That being said I feel pretty satisfied with how the game played out for the scum faction as a whole. I enjoyed playing the game not to win, but to try and cause a different scum faction to win instead. It feels like I assisted towards that goal really well and that is really all that should matter. It was tough being for all intents and purposes alone in the team I was on but reflecting back on it I still feel content with the ending. Now if only I didn't mess up that priest claim.

    Kudos to Elixir and Slaol for hosting a stand out game, despite the errors and lack of modkillings. I fully enjoyed the FM.

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by vornksr View Post
    I hate this. How is this not gamethrowing?
    In all technical aspects it is. Keep in mind that two out of four players on my team dropped out immediately and the only other one on my team was almost never around. On top of that I played to get my team as close to the end zone as sanely possible being a one man team. Trying to get my team to the end ended up getting me doused. At that point the already impossible win that my team was faced against went to no chance in hell win. You can hate it all you want but the hosts knew about this play since the jump and this is what happened.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    So some people have asked me to do a similar post analysis to the one I did back in FM3s graveyard, mainly me explaining what was going through my head and what I was trying to manipulate with each of my posts.

    If there are a decent amount of people that want me to do this then I'll spend the time to do it.. (I would edit posts and add some text in a specific color to give kinda a running commentary of the game)

    I would also explain what posts I find scummy and why.. as well as what I consider townish posts. Believe it or not, the current meta is extremely anti-town, to a point that what most people find scum slips or scummy posts are not and what they consider town tells are just the opposite in most cases.

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    i was annoyed how he didnt know how to override commands. i was also the one who alerted slaol about arson dousing the kidnapper. if you look in dead chat i was like "WHY DOES NO ONE READ SETUP"
    Apo was fully aware of the overriding, but why do it outside of night chat? Just makes you look suspious, remember that even my teammates were my enemies.. Sorry Ganon, Apo had plenty of thoughts on how Apo'd kill you all momentarily after I was culted.

    It's funny how pissed of Lix seemed to be as he gave me news of my culting... guess he thought it was going to be the end for Apopo honestly thought it was an overpower for the reapers due to having access and control of a mafia + a night/detect immune reaper....well until our mother died almost instantly.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Ganon.... Honestly Apo lost because of you. Apo had very high expectations to be burned that night, so she atleast wanted the team that she fought along side of the entire time to at least have a chance to win jointly.

    Apo expected more honor from Kiora for all that happened. With Apo showing chivalry and not killing him, she thought that Kiora would at least see that light that he gave Kiora a chance and that would have him side with letting fellow mafia(green none the less) win....Of course Apo is actually the traitor and win solely though
    Last edited by Apocist; August 8th, 2022 at 01:36 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Heh, don't blame each other on that. I figured out that both of you would have a long talk in the night chat and chose not to kill Kiora in the end. You did that because I said in the last day that "all scenarios usually end with Sandruu's death" while in reality I had no intentions of killing Sandruu outright, knowing the consequencies.

    Frankly saying, I knew what you could think about the current situation, even though I had no idea that Sandruu was culted. I chose a non-kill action without any doubt in my mind.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Well, if Apo had no feelings for anyone else like in the beginning, she would have just outright killed Kiora as the safest solution.... That's why she was in such debate with herself during the last night chat... Overall Apo is just a nice wuff so her morals were killing her.
    Last edited by Apocist; August 8th, 2022 at 01:37 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Apocist View Post
    Ganon.... Honestly Apo lost because of you. Apo had very high expectations to be burned that night, so he atleast wanted the team that he fought along side of the entire time to at least have a chance to win jointly.

    Apo expected more honor from Kiora for all that happened. With Apo showing chivalry and not killing him, he thought that Kiora would at least see that light that he gave Kiora a chance and that would have him side with letting fellow mafia(green none the less) win....Of course Apo is actually the traitor and win solely though
    Heh, you guys were a bit too happy to break the truce. But regardless, I gave my word in fairness and it would be more dishonorable to not stick to that.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Citrus View Post
    Heh, you guys were a bit too happy to break the truce. But regardless, I gave my word in fairness and it would be more dishonorable to not stick to that.
    And the fact that we actually didn't break the truce, only discussed the options. Apo even...(accidentally) saved Orange

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Believe it or not, the current meta is extremely anti-town, to a point that what most people find scum slips or scummy posts are not and what they consider town tells are just the opposite in most cases.

    I don't know that a complete post analysis is necessary, but if people will listen to you when you explain this, please do.
    FMII: Armorsmith | FMIII: Napoli Godfather | FMIV: Arsonist | FMV: Doctor | FMVI: Greed | FMVIII: Consigliere | FMXVI: Citizen | MFMXVII: Bus Driver | FMXX: Mason

    Il giusto è solo chi sa fingerlo meglio

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Sandruu View Post
    It's funny how pissed of Lix seemed to be as he gave me news of my culting..
    Cause I knew the Cult Leader had been found the same night lol. I couldnt exactly tell you that right
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Epilogue: The Moral of The Story

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    i mean mine are kinda like yaps (3rd person neutral porvoking) so i dont need too much but i would like to see others
    You would be surprised that most of my posts have a dual purpose, mostly for manipulating people. Your posts were just neutral with no purpose.

    So I'll go start writting commentary in this color throughout the entire FM, I'll post updates in my FM guide when I finish each day.

    Day 1 commentary is complete. Pretty much all of my posts day 1 were calculated and had multiple meanings and dual purposes.
    Last edited by Yayap; January 10th, 2014 at 09:43 AM.



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