M-FM XXI Avatar the Last Airbender Gamethread - Page 47

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  • Momo

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  • Monk Gyatso

    1 7.14%
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    2 14.29%
  • Sangok

    2 14.29%
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    0 0%
  • Yangchen

    2 14.29%
  • Wan Shi Tong

    1 7.14%
  • Wang Fire

    0 0%
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Page 47 of 47 FirstFirst ... 37 43 44 45 46 47
Results 2,301 to 2,338 of 2338
  1. ISO #2301

  2. ISO #2302

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only shouting against imperialism, but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it. Kim Il Sung
    [CENTER]S-FM: Bus Drivers, S-FM: Trust, S-FM: Double Killers, S-FM: Double Killers Too, S-FM: Heart of the Swarm [COLOR="#FF0000"]HOST[SIZE=1]

  3. ISO #2303

  4. ISO #2304

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    [11/17/2013 11:09:43 PM] Gerik: damus. it ended like a week ago. everyone knows who won. it's over. shut up. lol
    [11/17/2013 11:11:19 PM] Damus: Want Awards
    [11/17/2013 11:11:40 PM] Gerik: On 11/17/13, at 11:11 PM, Damus wrote:
    > Want Awards

    you win them all. now shut up
    [11/17/2013 11:11:48 PM] Damus: Publicly plox
    [11/17/2013 11:11:50 PM] Slaol: its true
    [11/17/2013 11:12:01 PM] Slaol: damus we will make one sooner or later

  5. ISO #2305

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Even the cult hating PoD wrote one. MAKE A GODDAMN TABLE AND PRESENT IT.
    We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only shouting against imperialism, but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it. Kim Il Sung
    [CENTER]S-FM: Bus Drivers, S-FM: Trust, S-FM: Double Killers, S-FM: Double Killers Too, S-FM: Heart of the Swarm [COLOR="#FF0000"]HOST[SIZE=1]

  6. ISO #2306

  7. ISO #2307

  8. ISO #2308

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Due = Poriomania
    Hama = Muso
    Huu = Numbertwo
    Jin Wei
    June = Hypersniper
    Koh = gyber
    Kyoshi Warrior #3 = clementine
    Lion Turtle = madbird20
    Momo = Azuriae
    Monk Gyatso = Sen
    Pathik = Citrus
    Sangok = ypmagic
    Tho = Dagaen
    Yangchen = Damus_Graves
    Wan Shi Tong = NoctiZ
    Wang Fire
    Wei Jin

  9. ISO #2309

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    clementine's unofficial epilogue rp

    The Earth Kingdom Citizens rejoiced. They had retreated to their stronghold, Ba Sing Se, after the demoralizing fall of the Avatar Aang and his trusty sky bison, Appa, with little hope in their hearts. However things started looking up when Admiral Zhao of the Fire nation was tricked into combusting himself along with his ships by the devious Katara. With the head of the Fire Nation army dead, the residents of Ba Sing Se began to hunt for traitors hiding amongst themselves. The Cabbage Merchant was the first to go, his last words being a sad solitary utterance of the phrase, "My cabbages!" But the next day, it was discovered that Tui, the moon spirit and greatest water bender of them all had been slain.

    Although water bending was no more, the tide began to turn. A devastated Sokka realized that the Kyoshi Warriors weren't who they claimed to be. His girlfriend Suki had been replaced by Princess Azula and her friends Mai and Ty Lee. The real Suki had been sent to the Boiling Rock. Zuko and Katara sacrificed their lives to take out Princess Azula and the ever stoic Mai, but not before the death of a quite insane Uncle Iroh. Stripped of his former position in the Fire Nation, Uncle Iroh decided to walk down a path not of spiritual enlightenment, but down one of mental turmoil.

    Ba Sing Se was becoming a safer place, but rumors of a Freedom Fighter uprising were spreading. However Jet had approached the wrong people about joining his cause; only Smellerbee had joined his ranks. A guard of the city found out about his plans and decided to end his life once and for all. Sokka dueled Ty Lee, the last Fire Nation supporter, and they both perished in a duel of Sword vs Chi Blocker. Smellerbee was the last enemy of Ba Sing Se to be found and killed, but at last the Earth Kingdom had reclaimed their city and their livelihoods.

    Unofficial List of COMs
    (bold = confirmed; I added stuff to Porio's list)
    Due = Poriomania
    Hama = Muso
    Huu = Numbertwo
    Jin Wei = Raptorblaze

    June = Hypersniper
    Koh = gyber
    Kuruk = sc2reboot?
    Kyoshi =
    Kyoshi Warrior #3 = clementine
    La = Apache

    Lion Turtle = madbird20
    Momo = Azuriae Bunny
    Monk Gyatso = Sen
    Pathik = Citrus
    Sangok = ypmagic
    Tho = Dagaen
    Yangchen = Damus_Graves
    Wan Shi Tong = NoctiZ

    Wang Fire = Fragos?
    Wei Jin = Banshis

    General Thoughts
    This game didn't play out at all like I had expected. The two converting roles (Aang and Jet) were rendered pretty much useless and I initially was interested to see how converted PRs would affect the balance and flow of the game. I was also interested to see evolving win conditions become more of a factor in this M-FM, although the early death of Aang prevented a lot of the possible evolution options.

    It was a lot of fun to play, so a big thank you to Gerik and Slaol for hosting.

    Specific Thoughts
    It was kind of cool how you chose to communicate via pictures, but it was really hard to find quotes of things that you said! It seems like this has started a trend based on ika's posting in M-FM XX. I'm personally not a fan of the pictures or any kind of self-imposed posting restrictions because it artificially alters your behavior and will make it harder for town members to read you as town and it can be distracting which seems a bit pro-scum to me. Once you dropped the pictures, I found you quite insightful. Cool interaction mapping post. Sorry you had your impending win snatched away at the last minute via recruitment.

    Perhaps the most unlucky player of the game. The weird recruits-can-convert-back-to-town-and-potentially-sell-out-jet thing as well as the jail/roleblock/failed recruits were tough on you. You seemed to have the right idea of recruiting pro-town voices in the town instead of more scummy (but confirmed-ish) citizens although in this instance it backfired.

    Things could have gone a lot differently if you had been recruited to the cult. I like how you said once that you would play to your current win conditions; would you have sold out Jet if you had been in a position to win with the town if you gave up the cult leader?

    Jin Wei
    A super pro-town force right from the beginning. It definitely helped the town to have a jailor to kill some scummy townies to eliminate mislynch fodder and to actually kill scum. All in all I think you did great.

    Thanks for replacing into an inactive slot. I had been thinking that Koh was either Iroh or a citizen based on Jin Wei saying that Iroh didn't post on the first day. It's always hard to be a replacement but I think you caught up well. Unfortunately your grand Fire Nation Reveal ended up backfiring; I'm actually wondering what you were planning to accomplish with that in the most ideal setting.

    Aww I'm sorry you said life stuff got in the way of participating more in the game, but it was fun to play with you. I'm still kicking myself for misreading that post of yours where I thought you were implying that you fake claimed encouraged. Noooooo x_x Pretty devious how your wording was carefully crafted to lay a trap.

    Heh you had to claim on D1.

    Nooo you died too early. I like playing FMs with you

    So did you actually lose a cabbage on N1? I was interested to see how the benign neutral possibilities would unfold in the late game had you lived that long just due to intricacies involving evolved win conditions and game ending wins.

    Monk Gyatso
    Noooo you were modkilled! Had this not happened, I think the mafia might have managed to pull a win or at least come a bit closer than we did.

    I hope the player of the hour thing persists as part of your play style from now on. I found it to be a nice thing to read, although it probably took you more than an hour to write up each one. :P

    I lol'ed when I saw you posting about how you wanted Jet to convert you at the end. :P

    Wan Shi Tong
    Man I'm so sad I messed up my fake Sokka claim and wasn't able to get you lynched.

    Wei Jin
    What a boss! Finding and role blocking the doctor role every night of the game. Probably the best night actions out of anyone.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  10. ISO #2310

  11. ISO #2311

  12. ISO #2312

  13. ISO #2313

  14. ISO #2314

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    I feel like this game suffered from the "Your most important role always dies Day/Night 1" syndrome, which I've certainly experienced in the past.

    I'm thinking about reworking the "conversion" concept in a future FM as someone who is a public unkillable, unlynchable Neutral whose win condition depends on them converting people into stronger power roles.

    @clem: I did it because I read a game where someone only communicated via images and he was considered a large threat to scum, so I was hoping to replicate that. Also because of S-FM Post Restrictions which went up a couple days before this started.

    I justify the use of it by the fact that I was still posting content through it, but yeah, be aware that scum can use a faked PR to avoid posting content, so don't give it a free pass.

    I honestly could not get into this game which is why I was so inactive in the later Days.

  15. ISO #2315

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Thanks for replacing into an inactive slot. I had been thinking that Koh was either Iroh or a citizen based on Jin Wei saying that Iroh didn't post on the first day. It's always hard to be a replacement but I think you caught up well. Unfortunately your grand Fire Nation Reveal ended up backfiring; I'm actually wondering what you were planning to accomplish with that in the most ideal setting.
    I had assumed Jet had converted at least one ally, preferably two. At that point in the game, town+zuko were able to kill 3 people per day+night cycle. It was very likely that by the next day the last fire nation would be dead along with at least one cult. I thought if the cult thought they knew the identity of the last fire nation, they would they would feel safe enough to take out the bigger threat of zuko, who could kill twice as many of them per night. Then when the next day came along, I could basically post Hamas and Sokkas prison chat verbatim to prove I was Iroh. Worst case scenario, I could post that evidence with 6 hours left to keep town from lynching me even if cult didn't go for Zuko. But then someone had to hammer over a day early.
    Spoiler : Accolades :

  16. ISO #2316

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    [11/17/2013 11:09:43 PM] Gerik: damus. it ended like a week ago. everyone knows who won. it's over. shut up. lol
    [11/17/2013 11:11:19 PM] Damus: Want Awards
    [11/17/2013 11:11:40 PM] Gerik: On 11/17/13, at 11:11 PM, Damus wrote:
    > Want Awards

    you win them all. now shut up
    [11/17/2013 11:11:48 PM] Damus: Publicly plox
    [11/17/2013 11:11:50 PM] Slaol: its true
    [11/17/2013 11:12:01 PM] Slaol: damus we will make one sooner or later
    LOL that seems so bitter & angry. at the very least a COM/player/role list should be posted lol..
    clementine's list has people who weren't even in the game lol

  17. ISO #2317

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Alright, alright, alright. We will make one tonight. Totes promises.
    Correction, whenever Gerik is actually around. I thought he'd be afoot last night. Whenever I can get with him we will put it together.

  18. ISO #2318

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    clementine's unofficial epilogue rp

    The Earth Kingdom Citizens rejoiced. They had retreated to their stronghold, Ba Sing Se, after the demoralizing fall of the Avatar Aang and his trusty sky bison, Appa, with little hope in their hearts. However things started looking up when Admiral Zhao of the Fire nation was tricked into combusting himself along with his ships by the devious Katara. With the head of the Fire Nation army dead, the residents of Ba Sing Se began to hunt for traitors hiding amongst themselves. The Cabbage Merchant was the first to go, his last words being a sad solitary utterance of the phrase, "My cabbages!" But the next day, it was discovered that Tui, the moon spirit and greatest water bender of them all had been slain.

    Although water bending was no more, the tide began to turn. A devastated Sokka realized that the Kyoshi Warriors weren't who they claimed to be. His girlfriend Suki had been replaced by Princess Azula and her friends Mai and Ty Lee. The real Suki had been sent to the Boiling Rock. Zuko and Katara sacrificed their lives to take out Princess Azula and the ever stoic Mai, but not before the death of a quite insane Uncle Iroh. Stripped of his former position in the Fire Nation, Uncle Iroh decided to walk down a path not of spiritual enlightenment, but down one of mental turmoil.

    Ba Sing Se was becoming a safer place, but rumors of a Freedom Fighter uprising were spreading. However Jet had approached the wrong people about joining his cause; only Smellerbee had joined his ranks. A guard of the city found out about his plans and decided to end his life once and for all. Sokka dueled Ty Lee, the last Fire Nation supporter, and they both perished in a duel of Sword vs Chi Blocker. Smellerbee was the last enemy of Ba Sing Se to be found and killed, but at last the Earth Kingdom had reclaimed their city and their livelihoods.

    Unofficial List of COMs
    (bold = confirmed; I added stuff to Porio's list)
    Due = Poriomania
    Hama = Muso
    Huu = Numbertwo
    Jin Wei = Raptorblaze

    June = Hypersniper
    Koh = gyber
    Kuruk = sc2reboot?
    Kyoshi =
    Kyoshi Warrior #3 = clementine
    La = Apache

    Lion Turtle = madbird20
    Momo = Azuriae Bunny
    Monk Gyatso = Sen
    Pathik = Citrus
    Sangok = ypmagic
    Tho = Dagaen
    Yangchen = Damus_Graves
    Wan Shi Tong = NoctiZ

    Wang Fire = Fragos?
    Wei Jin = Banshis

    General Thoughts
    This game didn't play out at all like I had expected. The two converting roles (Aang and Jet) were rendered pretty much useless and I initially was interested to see how converted PRs would affect the balance and flow of the game. I was also interested to see evolving win conditions become more of a factor in this M-FM, although the early death of Aang prevented a lot of the possible evolution options.

    It was a lot of fun to play, so a big thank you to Gerik and Slaol for hosting.

    Specific Thoughts
    It was kind of cool how you chose to communicate via pictures, but it was really hard to find quotes of things that you said! It seems like this has started a trend based on ika's posting in M-FM XX. I'm personally not a fan of the pictures or any kind of self-imposed posting restrictions because it artificially alters your behavior and will make it harder for town members to read you as town and it can be distracting which seems a bit pro-scum to me. Once you dropped the pictures, I found you quite insightful. Cool interaction mapping post. Sorry you had your impending win snatched away at the last minute via recruitment.

    Perhaps the most unlucky player of the game. The weird recruits-can-convert-back-to-town-and-potentially-sell-out-jet thing as well as the jail/roleblock/failed recruits were tough on you. You seemed to have the right idea of recruiting pro-town voices in the town instead of more scummy (but confirmed-ish) citizens although in this instance it backfired.

    Things could have gone a lot differently if you had been recruited to the cult. I like how you said once that you would play to your current win conditions; would you have sold out Jet if you had been in a position to win with the town if you gave up the cult leader?

    Jin Wei
    A super pro-town force right from the beginning. It definitely helped the town to have a jailor to kill some scummy townies to eliminate mislynch fodder and to actually kill scum. All in all I think you did great.

    Thanks for replacing into an inactive slot. I had been thinking that Koh was either Iroh or a citizen based on Jin Wei saying that Iroh didn't post on the first day. It's always hard to be a replacement but I think you caught up well. Unfortunately your grand Fire Nation Reveal ended up backfiring; I'm actually wondering what you were planning to accomplish with that in the most ideal setting.

    Aww I'm sorry you said life stuff got in the way of participating more in the game, but it was fun to play with you. I'm still kicking myself for misreading that post of yours where I thought you were implying that you fake claimed encouraged. Noooooo x_x Pretty devious how your wording was carefully crafted to lay a trap.

    Heh you had to claim on D1.

    Nooo you died too early. I like playing FMs with you

    So did you actually lose a cabbage on N1? I was interested to see how the benign neutral possibilities would unfold in the late game had you lived that long just due to intricacies involving evolved win conditions and game ending wins.

    Monk Gyatso
    Noooo you were modkilled! Had this not happened, I think the mafia might have managed to pull a win or at least come a bit closer than we did.

    I hope the player of the hour thing persists as part of your play style from now on. I found it to be a nice thing to read, although it probably took you more than an hour to write up each one. :P

    I lol'ed when I saw you posting about how you wanted Jet to convert you at the end. :P

    Wan Shi Tong
    Man I'm so sad I messed up my fake Sokka claim and wasn't able to get you lynched.

    Wei Jin
    What a boss! Finding and role blocking the doctor role every night of the game. Probably the best night actions out of anyone.


  19. ISO #2319

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    lol I only put you in there, Bunny, because people kept saying that you were Momo. (Someone even got modkilled for it!)

    That's why the list is completely unofficial. The bolded ones should be correct although the non-bolded ones are just speculation as far as I know.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  20. ISO #2320

  21. ISO #2321

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    I was kuruk. Next time around should be better. This was my 3rd fm. Quite a bit of trial and error this time around. I called mono out com hunting. Took me a bit to figure out it was pretty BM. Next go I should do quite a bit better.

    -Edited for the post game mod kill

  22. ISO #2322

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkLiveLife View Post
    I was kuruk. Next time around should be better. This was my 3rd fm. Quite a bit of trial and error this time around. I called mono out com hunting. Took me a bit to figure out it was pretty BM. Next go I should do quite a bit better.

    -Edited for the post game mod kill
    Sorry for roleblocking you every night to your death lol

  23. ISO #2323

  24. ISO #2324

  25. ISO #2325

  26. ISO #2326

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkLiveLife View Post
    Lol. Its ok. You were the best I ever had. I was wondering who was on me.

    Out of curiosity did my claiming encouraged do anything to make you think I was a cit?
    Not for me. I was pretty sure you were Katara after ur refusal to believe Due's roleblock claim. That is why I kept blocking you.

  27. ISO #2327

  28. ISO #2328

  29. ISO #2329

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Slaol has been lynched. His role was One-half-of-the-hosting-roster-but-90%-of-the-hosting.

    His Last Will included the Epilogue in super invisible text.

    Spoiler : epilogue :
    Last edited by Slaol; November 25th, 2013 at 08:29 PM.

  30. ISO #2330

  31. ISO #2331

  32. ISO #2332

    Re: M-FM 19: Avatar the Last Airbender

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Slaol has been lynched. His role was One-half-of-the-hosting-roster-but-90%-of-the-hosting.

    His Last Will included the Epilogue in super invisible text.

    Spoiler : epilogue :

    And with the death of the final Freedom Fighter, the world was at peace.. for now. The fight against the Fire Nation Navy had cost the world the Avatar, but the cycle continues. Book 1 came to a close with the world being in balance. The Air was above, the Water around, the Earth was below, and the Fire within. The Sea once again danced with the moonlight, reborn with the life force of Yue. However, from the royal chamber of the fire nation a new plan was in the work..

    Due = Poriomania
    Hama = Muso
    Huu = Numbertwo
    Jin Wei = Raptorblaze
    June = Hypersniper
    Koh = Harakazu -> gyber
    Kuruk = ThinkLiveLife
    Kyoshi = Blazer
    Kyoshi Warrior #3 = clementine
    La = Apache
    Lion Turtle = madbird20
    Momo = Azuriae
    Monk Gyatso = Sen
    Pathik = Citrus
    Sangok = ypmagic
    Tho = Dagaen
    Yangchen = Damus_Graves
    Wan Shi Tong = NoctiZ
    Wang Fire = Fragos
    Wei Jin = Banshis

    Thoughts on Town. Good god, that was pretty embarrassing at first. Similar to FM XIX the lynching was hideous and before the modkilling of Sen the Mafia was en route to steam roll. Then the turn around was pretty impressive. They couldn't get much done themselves, but capitalized on errors appropriately.

    Thoughts on Mafia. Opening steam roll was strong. You all did a stellar job to be Town looking. Monk Gyatso and Pathik being some of the most town looking players. There were slight slips that allowed for the down far, but overall the performance was pretty impressive.

    Thoughts on Zuko. I enjoyed the plan to work with Town, and that Iroh wasn't even effectively your ally. I think your performance most effectively summed up the intent of the sort of 'personal' mechanic that was built in. The use of betrayal and alignment changing. It allowed for discussion and progression of the game like characters in a television show.

    Thoughts on Iroh. The coming out and pushing for a big lynch was expected. The direction you went with it was not the one I expected. That was probably why you died, but it was definitely fun to watch.

    Thoughts on Jet. LOLLOLOLOLOLOL. The single most fucked player I have ever seen in an FM. 1 Reruit was succesful on night 5?
    Night 1- La (failed)
    Night 2- Jailed (failed)
    Night 3- Role blocked (failed)
    Night 4- Pathik (failed)
    Night 5- Due (success)

    Awards and stuff.
    MVP- Raptorblaze as Jin Wei: Zuko.
    - I felt he was the most influential player in the end, and most effectively represented the intent of the game to play to each side. Several players had 2 votes. I decided to be the tie breaker.

    MVC- Damus_Graves as Yangchen: Earth Kingdom Citizen.
    - In the end, Damus got the most scum correctly. Both early game and late game.

    MSU- Muso as Hama: Jet.
    - MSU stands for 'Most Shat Upon'. I've never seen a player have a more unlucky game. lol
    Without invisible
    Last edited by Slaol; November 25th, 2013 at 08:15 PM.

  33. ISO #2333

  34. ISO #2334

  35. ISO #2335

  36. ISO #2336

  37. ISO #2337

  38. ISO #2338



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