M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    Opening Stats

    20 players.
    13 Town
    - 2 Town Investigative. Sheriff, Lookout
    - 2 Town Communication. Journalist, Architect
    - 2 Town Protective. Doctor, Bulletproof
    - 1 Town Protective/Killing. Blacksmith
    - 6 Citizen
    7 Non-Town
    - 4 Mafia. Godfather, Interrogator, Consort, Framer
    - 1 Serial Killer
    - 1 Arsonist
    - 1 Ghost
    It has become clear to me that some things need be true in FMs. Oddly, Cryptonic came to similar conclusions on his own.
    1: Town Power Roles should match Scum Power Roles. 7 vs. 7
    2: Scum KPN should match the Town's ability to prevent it. 3 vs. 3
    It has also become clear to me that a second level of balance should be considered.
    Disregarding Mafia Power Roles, and Town Power roles for a moment, do you numbers work for the lynching to be effective?

    Opening numbers - 13 Town / 4 Mafia / 1 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 1 - Mafioso is lynched - 13 Town / 3 Mafia / 1 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 2 - 2 Town killed, Mafioso lynched - 11 Town (1 doused) / 2 Mafia / 1 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 3 - 2 Town killed, Mafioso lynched - 9 Town (2 doused) / 1 Mafia / 1 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 4 - 2 Town killed, Mafioso lynched - 7 Town (3 doused) / 0 Mafia / 1 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 5 - 1 Town killed, Serial Killer lynched - 6 Town (4 doused) / 0 Mafia / 0 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 1 Ghost
    Day 6 - 4 Town killed, Ghost is only viable lynch because of stalemate - 2 Town / 0 Mafia / 0 Serial Killer / 1 Arsonist / 0 Ghost
    Day 7 - depending on who the Ghost has possessed, and who he believes the Arsonist to be the game will be decided here. The Ghost's goal is to assist the Arsonist in lynching a Town. That, or the Ghost can simply buy time until the Arsonist ignites on night 7. However, the game has already been decided at this point in that the Ghost has prevented the Town from winning, or has failed in his possession and the Town pulls it out.

    Cryptonic's game in action also took, a coincidental, 7 days.
    Then, once you consider the power roles involved, and the natural course of actions in an FM. Many things could have happened.
    1- The Bulletproof could have taken a hit.
    2- The Doctor could have prevented a kill.
    3- The Blacksmith vests could have saved someone.
    4- The Blacksmith guns could have been a factor.
    5- Any scum could have miskilled on an enemy scum.
    6- Any scum could have misshot on an immune scum.
    7- The Consort could have prevented a Dousing.
    8- One of the Scum could have hit the Ghost, wasting a kill and changing the Ghost's intent.
    So many minor factors that were possible could have happened to give Town the most minor edge to aid the very close numbers. However, there were other factors to help scum as well.
    1- The Interrogator could have gotten his kill off.
    2- The Blacksmith guns could have eaten Town alive.
    3- Mislynches are always a problem.
    4- The Ghost could have been lynched day 1, causing massive disruption of the day chat.
    Some might question the use of the Ghost. I did at first. But when you examine the other roles in game. Namely Journalist, Architect, and Interrogator, you see that there is an added level of non-day communication that could circumvent the Ghost and make his job difficult.

    Mafia had their anti-investigative in Framer. Mafia had their anti-protection in Consort. The Ghost had his anti-discussion in... himself.

    Really, this game was beautifully balanced and i'm not entirely certain that anyone has really said it until now. I just felt the dire need to publicize my amazement at the balance in this game. Serious serious serious props to Cryptonic.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    +1 as well. At first I questioned the use of two NKs, but the special mechanics and everything made the game amazingly fun to play and very balanced. Good job, Crypt!
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM Curse of Castle Varen - Ace Chapman - Ritual Killer - Loss
    FM XIX - FM Jaheira - Explorer - Win
    S-FM 111: ♥ - Lover - Loss

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic
    I'm going to call you Madison Twatter
    I am Madison Twatter, the Epic Epitome of Towniness ^.^

  4. ISO #4

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    Well that was the primairy reason why it had the most votes, wasn't it?

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fragos View Post
    Well that was the primairy reason why it had the most votes, wasn't it?
    No. The balance had to do with the ending (hidden) roles list. The reason it has the most votes was likely the extensive RP and Cryptonic's renown as the assistant judge.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    i just talked about it a lot and made people think about it.
    also, a lot of people just voted because they wanted to guaranteed spot and thought mine was gonna win, but them rushing to get a spot caused it to win.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    Let me play devil's advocate here, but I don't consider a town that correctly lynched three/five (or four/five times, depending on how you look at it) and still lost as "balanced".

    The town only had one mislynch and one bad Ghost lynch, yet they still lost. There were seven out of twenty roles that were anti-town, and I felt as if the Arsonist could have made a huge disruption if he ignited correctly. I feel as though this game was in favor of the scum.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM: Castle Varen- the most balanced game on site ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Poriomania View Post
    Let me play devil's advocate here, but I don't consider a town that correctly lynched three/five (or four/five times, depending on how you look at it) and still lost as "balanced".

    The town only had one mislynch and one bad Ghost lynch, yet they still lost. There were seven out of twenty roles that were anti-town, and I felt as if the Arsonist could have made a huge disruption if he ignited correctly. I feel as though this game was in favor of the scum.
    The game was balanced because both factions had the power within their grasp to win, with only minor margins of difference. You say it was a 3/5 ratio, I say that isn't the entire situation.
    Day 1 was a lynch that was thrown away.
    Day 5 was a lynch that was thrown away.
    The Blacksmith guns killed 1 Town, and were lost on 2 occasions. As well as the first night being a Vest.
    Combined they connected on 3 out of 11 of their kill possibilities: 7 lynches, 4 Blacksmith gun chances. A 3/5 ratio is fine, a 3/5 ratio is NOT what the Town put out.
    Town connected on under 30% of it's KPN potential and still got down to 1 scum.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11



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