Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

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  1. ISO #1

    Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Seems to show up only 50% of the time for some reason... refresh until you see the clip! ^^

    Chronicles of New Marais

    The following contains a few light game spoilers… most of which are from the first 5 minutes anyway. All care has been taken to avoid revealing crucial plot elements and everything written here was done for a reason; I have purposely left out a few key facts to avoid spoilers… they don’t affect gameplay anyway. (oh and my neutral is completely made up so don’t expect that when you play the game :P)


    The town of New Marais was in an uproar. By now news of men with super natural powers had reached everyone’s ears. They call themselves Conduits… we call them Freaks. Blasphemous heathens wielding ungodly powers no man was meant to control. These individuals possess a certain hidden gene; known as the Conduit gene. Once this gene is activated through the use of a Ray Sphere, the newly born freak is free to terrorize all that aren’t obliterated in the blast. The Mayor of New Marais, Joseph Bertrand, had enacted marshal law over New Marais, forming a band of militant vigilantes known as the Militia to ‘protect’ his people against the freaks.

    In Betrand’s own words, some of your freedom must be sacrificed to protect everything you hold dear… your friends… your loved ones… from the threat of the hellish Conduit freaks. Anyone could have mistaken these redneck vigilantes for witch hunters though… dragging people off the streets, accusing them of being freaks and publically executing them on the spot. Paranoia ran deep in everyone as anyone could be hiding this dark curse. Though the citizens of New Marais had grown restless, the Empire event was etched deep into their minds…

    An emergency forum was called out front of one of largest building estates in town that afternoon… A crowd of 36 activists showed up, though not knowing why…

    Rather than seeing Bertrand they were greeted with a large screen… it sprung to life and the voice of Bertrand echoed into the gardens.

    It is now one week since the quarantine of Empire City was meant to be lifted. The government is trying to cover up the Empire incident by refusing media access but the denizens of New Marais know what happened; WE are no strangers to the world of freaks. Demons with magical powers walking upright as men, assimilating into our fair society. Alone... we stand no chance... but together we can make a difference, which is why you all answered the call. We must cast out the demons seeking to infect New Marais; especially our newest threat... the very demon responsible for Empire City, walks among us… Cole MacGrath. This fiend represents everything the militia stands against… and I know for a fact this electric freak stands in this very crowd hoping to attempt on my life. Now… some of you harbour ill will towards the Militia… But I pledge to you that together, we will find Cole and any who aid in his malicious crimes… When the time is right I will come forth guide your hand, and usher in a new, brighter future for New Marais. But for now… you all must do your town proud. Find those among you who seek to take away all that you cherish. As the new leaders of the militia, I give all of you equal power to send the heathens straight back to God.

    The video recording then dropped dead.

    In the crowd the disguised Bertrand knew that this was a gamble, especially with the free reign he had given the Militia; but his gambit paid off. To his surprise, the townmembers in attendance cheered at the video and began chanting “Bertrand! Bertrand! Bertrand!”.

    Their job was just beginning… A forum was created and the 36 members of the crowd all agreed to meet back every day until each and every freak was dead.

    They moved into the building designated for discussion… It appeared to be a court house at some stage, with statues of justice and murals of resolve adorning the decaying white walls. As the crowd moved into the forum halls a man whispered to another “Well Zeke, they know we’re here”

    Known by many names… the Demon of Empire City, the Electric man… Cole MacGrath had come to New Marais for one purpose, despite what the town thought. He needed power. Power to prevent what happened in Empire City. An entity known only as The Beast had come and levelled the entire city and he couldn’t stop it… He thought to himself… “These so called "Militia" are going to try to stop me... But nothing is going to stop me... The Beast is coming, and I will be ready... No matter the cost.” As they entered the hall he couldn’t help but feel off… something was in there with him

    He had been followed… by an old psychotic acquaintance.

    Everyone thought Sasha hadn’t survived her ordeals in Empire City. What little mind she had left was all but eradicated after being tortured by the First Sons. All she could think about know… her entire purpose in life… was to see Cole MacGrath hers. Her psychotic infatuation had led her here, to New Marais. She had concocted a style of mind altering tar that not even Conduits can resist, and she planned to use it to bring everyone under her control until she found Cole… and even then… well… you can’t have enough toys can you?

    MacGrath wasn’t the only freak in the room either… A bunch of men with the powers to create glaciers of ice with their fingertips were also in attendance. Hoping to rid the town of it’s human infestation, the group called Vermaak 88 infiltrated the forum to silently kill the town’s leaders before going on a city wide rampage.

    Unbeknownst to the crowd was a solemn person who entered alone… their crimson eyes hidden behind sunglasses. The Beast had attached a fragment of his soul to Cole MacGrath as they fought in Empire… the soul fragment had possessed one of the people in the crowd… The body moves to attach with its soul, It being guided cosmically down the coast all the way to New Marais… God only knows the calamity that would ensue if the soul was able to reunite with its body… Would MacGrath even be able to stop it?

    As the first Militia meeting began, with so many different agendas being silently carried out in the hall… does New Marais have what it takes to rid their town of Freaks for good?

    The Beast is 1500 Miles from New Marais.

    Day I will end at 7:30pm AEST Monday 19th of September. - Follow this Link to see it in your time:

    Members of the Militia Forum:


    Role List:

    Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
    Lucy Kuo [MacGrath]
    Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
    Random Conduit [MacGrath]

    Enforcer [Vermaak 88]
    Janitor [Vermaak 88]
    Random Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Random Conduit [Vermaak 88]

    Soul of The Beast
    Sasha (Reaper Leader)
    Random Killing Neutral
    Random Neutral
    Random Neutral

    Joseph Bertrand
    Militia Extremist
    Random Power Town
    Random Power Town
    Random Power Town
    Random Power Town
    Random Power Town
    Random Power Town

    Random Conduit: Disguiser, Conduit, Enforcer, Janitor, Consort, Grave Robber, Framer, Consigliere, Drug Dealer
    Random Neutral: Amnesiac, Executioner, Jester, Student, Witch
    Random Killing Neutral: Serial Killer, Nix the Pyromaniac, Laroche, Leader of the Rebels, Spree Killer
    Random Power Town: Cop, Investigator, Coroner, Militia Extremist, Stripper, Medic, Gunsmith, Armorsmith, Bodyguard, Priest, Detective, Lookout, Bus Driver, Jailor, Veteran

    Please read the following as some rules/settings/policies may have changed from last game.

    Order of Night Operations:
    [list type=decimal] [*]Jailing[*]Talking[*]Amnesiac role taking/Veteran Alert[*]Role-Blocking/Bus Driving (Can still be Witched)[*]Witching[*]Enforcing (this can block Amnesiac Changing Roles but it is down here to be affected by blocks and witchs and busses.[*]Detective and Lookout move to locations[*]Vests (immunity) [*]Healing/Bodyguarding (+1 life per) [*]Mason Recruiting[*]Revolutionist Recruiting[*]Cult Recruiting[*]Framing/Giving items[*]All Killing Actions (-1 life per attack)[*]Janitor Cleaning[*]Investigators/Cops/Coroners[*]Disguiser/Grave Robber takes body[/list]

    Investigation Possibilities:

    • Your Target is adept at creating tools. They Might be an Armorsmith, Gunsmith or a Framer
    • Your Target appears to have a lot of information… They might be a Cop or Investigator… They could also be a Consigliere or could be fooling you as a Jester
    • Your Target has a fascination with surgical instruments. They might be a Medic, Serial Killer or a Spree Killer
    • Your Target seems to possess a variety of weapons. They might be a Jailor, Militia Extremist or they may be a Conduit.
    • Your Target appears to survey people during the night. They Might be a Detective, Lookout or a Disguiser.
    • Your Target seems to have a stockpile of gas. They might be a Bus Driver or Nix, the Pyromaniac.
    • Your Target doesn’t appear noteworthy at all… This probably means they are a Citizen, although it could be Cole MacGrath, Sasha or Laroche
    • Your Target appears to work closely with the dead. They could be a Coroner, Janitor or a Grave Robber
    • Your Target seems to attend gatherings as night falls. They could be a Priest, a Reaper or a Rebel
    • Your Target seems to prefer solitude. They could be a Witch, a Student or an Executioner
    • There appears to be more to your target than meets the eye. They could be Joseph Bertrand, a Drug Dealer, an Amnesiac or even The Soul of the Beast!
    • Your Target appears to work during the night. They could be a Stripper, Consort, Bodyguard or an Enforcer.
    • You survived an encounter with the Veteran!

    All Role Options:

    Joseph Bertrand(Mayor): Once Revealed, Bertrand’s vote’s will count for 5. He can be healed by Doctors. He will not lose his votes if recruited into the Reapers.

    Cop(Sheriff): Will Detect Conduits, Reapers and Rebels, but not their respective leaders.

    Investigator: Investigation reports are listed below.

    Coroner: Discovers Target’s Last Will, and who they targeted the night prior to their death (it will also say what action they took on that target). Also blocks Grave Robber from taking that ability the following night.

    Medic(Doctor): Can choose whether to take their medical supplies to heal and prevent 1 attack, or their anti toxin kit to prevent Mind Control by the Reapers. Choose wisely. Will be notified if their target was attacked if healing, or attempted to be mind controlled if preventing mind control.

    Militia Extremist(Vigilante): Get 3 Shots. 1 Of these shots may be used during the day if you wish. Do not use this to claim yourself town though, as there may be a Witch around… If the Extremist attempts to shoot Cole MacGrath during the day, it will not be announced publically. Only the Extremist and Cole will be notified, and a shot deducted. If a shot it taken on a neutral with an auto vest, the same occurs.

    Priest(Mason): Will Kill anyone found to be control by the Reaper taint if attempting to recruit. Attempting to recruit a Conduit, or an evil Neutral will result in the Priest’s death.

    Detective: Does not ignore investigation immunity.

    Lookout: Does not ignore investigation immunity.

    Bus Driver: Can not target self. Targets will be notified they have been driven.

    Bodyguard: Pierces Immunity as Standard.

    Jailor: 3 Executions. Can jail on all days. Can execute on Non Lynch days or when 2 lynch days happen in a row.

    Veteran: Can go on Alert 4 times.

    Citizen: Does Not Start the Game with a Vest.

    Stripper(Escort): No Notable Options

    Gunsmith: No Notable Options

    Armorsmith: No Notable Options

    Sasha(Cult Leader): Can use her mind altering Tar to convert a target each night to the Reaper Clan. If her target is a Priest, the priest will escape and find out Sasha’s true identity. If she is killed, half of the Reapers will die with her.

    The Soul of The Beast: The Beast is the most powerful Conduit. As such, he cannot be killed by either of the Conduit teams. Town killing roles and Neutrals can kill him however. More info on his role card

    Serial Killer: Does not kill Roleblockers. Has 1 passive vest.

    Nix, The Pyromaniac (Arsonist): May douse OR undouse (cult reasons) 1 person a night. Can burn at anytime during the day

    Laroche, Leader of the Rebels (Revolutionist): Can recruit Citizens to the rebellion. Once the Rebels number 3 or more, they can send Rebels to kill.

    Rebel (Revolutionist Citizen): Will become citizens again if Laroche is killed.

    Spree Killer: Has 1 passive vest. Does not kill Roleblockers. Must wait 1 night if his spree numbers 3 or more to rest.

    Amnesiac: New role will be revealed to the town. You can take any role except: Cole MacGrath, Sasha, Joseph Bertrand and The Soul of the Beast. (This includes ??? roles). If your role has a storyline name, you will be given the original role’s name.

    Executioner: Target can be anyone. Does not have to survive till the end.

    Jester: Hammer voter and a random other voter will commit suicide.

    Student: Can choose anyone as a Mentor, if their Mentor is a storyline character, they will be promoted to the original role, not the storyline character (will be promoted to Mayor, not Joseph Bertrand for example.)

    Witch: Target will know they have been controlled. You can make them target themselves.

    Cole MacGrath(Godfather): Immune to Investigations, Kill Immunity (Including during the day (Obviously not immune to lynch)), Can do the killing himself.

    Lucy Kuo / Consort Random: No Notable Options

    Zeke Dunbar / Consigliere Random: Investigations reports as listed below.

    Disguiser: Will Clean the Targets Role.

    Conduit (Mafioso): No Notable Options

    Drug Dealer: No Notable Options

    Enforcer: Target’s role will not change that night.

    Janitor: Is Limited to 4 Cleanings. Will discover targets will.

    Framer: Is not immune to Investigations. Lookouts and Detectives targeting a framed target will receive false information.

    Grave Robber: Limited to 3 successful 3 grave robs and use the ability of the stolen grave once. Must choose whether to Rob Grave or to Use Stored Ability. Cannot steal Mayor’s voting ability, Jailor’s abilities, Disguiser abilities, Amnesiac Ability, or Vigilante’s Daytime kill (can steal an extra night kill for the mafia that will show up as a Vig/Gunsmith Gun Kill).

    Game Rules and Other Notes:

    All power roles (sorry Citizens) also have a hidden Storyline Objective. This objective is aside your primary win objective and must remain hidden at all times outside Night Chats. Publically revealing your secondary objective is grounds for a Mod Kill. This objective is more of a challenge mode, not required to win but extra epeen and possibly end of game awards for successfully completing them.

    Quoting role cards (useless anyway cause they’re in the other thread), or PMs from me are also grounds for Mod Kill.

    Images/Videos are fine in last wills, but not in the day thread.

    I am going to be very very harsh on Da Vinci shit. If you have some code or some other bullshit you want to use, you ask me first. Don’t just think because I don’t notice it you’ll be fine, because your team wont win. Code words and words formed by first letters in sentences/paragraphs I can live with.

    Don’t lie about mechanics. I’ve tried to make it all as simple as I can but if you still have a question, PM me and I’ll work it out.

    Choose an Avatar and stick with it please.

    You may choose to reveal your true identity in your team chats, but if I catch you claiming someone you aren’t I will step in and reveal who you are.

    All evil and neutral roles can write Death Notes. I forgot to include this on the role cards.

    Changing your name is explicitly forbidden.

    Posting in the live threads once you're dead by my error or mod privileges will get you banned from future FMs

    Oh, and Dont fucking cheat.

    With that wall of text out of the way, Good Luck, and Enjoy Forum Mafia 5: New Marais.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Welcome to New Marais.

    You cannot Lynch on Day I.

    If for some reason you have not got your role PM me.

    If you cant choose an avatar, that may be because you're initiates until 10 posts... I'll get DR to fix it.
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hola amigos!

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    at first I was like yay new mafia
    then I was like WTF
    then - wait what..
    now I am okay

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hi all,
    was anyone else asking Elixir where to log in with our accounts?^^
    Also, who wants to be my Tom

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    hey there fellow people of new marais

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hi everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    Also, who wants to be my Tom
    I would love to, but i'm just a alan

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    One little crab said to his friend: I am going to the ocean!
    And the other crab replied: You are too young, you will never make it.
    The first crab, red with anger: What? Look at how fast I run! I challenge you to a race!

    The little crab ran as fast as he could, but he could never reach his goal. His friend, older and wiser, waited patiently under the sea, until a black shark passed by. He hopped on his back and let the fish carry him to the ocean. The two crabs never met again.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hi everybody!

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Hi everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    Also, who wants to be my Tom
    I would love to, but i'm just a alan
    What a pity, but I hope you got enough flashlights to go through this nightmare^^

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I'd like to say hello to the entire population of the town. I've got a feeling that it's going to be a wonderful week!

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais


  13. ISO #13

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais


  14. ISO #14

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Nice to meet you. I hope you understood my joke o.o

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I am Phillip.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesse View Post
    Nice to meet you. I hope you understood my joke o.o
    Nice to meet you too. Yes, i wish your name was Steve

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Buenvinidos a Nuevo Marais! Me gusta vivir aqui porque la gente es muy amable.

    Quere un tranducion? Preguntame.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    your rp and setup was simply amazing elixir

    only thing that sucks is post count is required for avatars so i dont think ill be remembering any of you until then

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Sup I'm todd!

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    you are all the same to me
    i didn't like the crab story

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Verna View Post
    i didn't like the crab story
    You didn't get it, I guess.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    good thing we have the first day to get our post count up to 10

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Yvette View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Verna View Post
    i didn't like the crab story
    You didn't get it, I guess.
    if you get it, explain please

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvette View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Verna View Post
    i didn't like the crab story
    You didn't get it, I guess.
    if you get it, explain please
    I can tell you didn't get it too.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Yvette View Post
    One little crab said to his friend: I am going to the ocean!
    And the other crab replied: You are too young, you will never make it.
    The first crab, red with anger: What? Look at how fast I run! I challenge you to a race!

    The little crab ran as fast as he could, but he could never reach his goal. His friend, older and wiser, waited patiently under the sea, until a black shark passed by. He hopped on his back and let the fish carry him to the ocean. The two crabs never met again.
    That's so touching.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Why is there already so much hate here

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I like crabs.

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    All haters are mafia I guess.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Let's talk. What did you guys do today?

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Yvette View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvette View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Verna View Post
    i didn't like the crab story
    You didn't get it, I guess.
    if you get it, explain please
    I can tell you didn't get it too.
    I didn't even get that you wrote it, so yes of course I didn't. some new code trickery disguised as harmless stories?

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I was watching a movie.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Codes always remind me of matrix.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I liked the two guys with the long grey hair and the cool glasses.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    You know grey o.o

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I see what you're doing here.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    mhm yeah i also thought that that could be some kind of code, but wouldn't that be forbidden?
    just to clarify, Jerry searching for Tom means absolutely nothing... besides maybe I'm searching for a nice friend to put my trust in

    Oh and I watched some episodes of naruto and played some games

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    What games? Naruto sucks -.-

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    It's just a cool story, really. But it has deep meaning. You should ask me later.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    I feel like an old lady. This name is quite odd.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Gladys View Post
    I feel like an old lady. This name is quite odd.
    You feel bad? I feel like a doctor/banker/CEO. The people who take my money. :-\

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenberg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gladys View Post
    I feel like an old lady. This name is quite odd.
    You feel bad? I feel like a doctor/banker/CEO. The people who take my money. :-\
    You could also be Julius Rosenburg who was involved in a conspiracy to give the atom bomb to Russia.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenberg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gladys View Post
    I feel like an old lady. This name is quite odd.
    You feel bad? I feel like a doctor/banker/CEO. The people who take my money. :-\
    Isn't this a racist stereotype?

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hi guys, how's it going?

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    this day seems highly useless without lynching. why don't we just go straight on to night?

    unrelated, yolanda is a pretty lame name

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Good Brian, how about you?

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Well, not so good. I just got into town recently and someone robbed all my money... Then they declared this strange lockdown so I can't get out of here and I can't call my family. Spare some coins? Or better yet, some meat?

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Yolanda View Post
    this day seems highly useless without lynching. why don't we just go straight on to night?

    unrelated, yolanda is a pretty lame name
    Be cool Honey Bunny!

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Quote Originally Posted by Yolanda View Post
    this day seems highly useless without lynching. why don't we just go straight on to night?

    unrelated, yolanda is a pretty lame name
    yolanda is a nice name

    and no, days without lynches can be pretty useful, you will see

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    People get to talk and collect themselves before the war begins.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Day I: Chronicles of New Marais

    Hmm somoene's trying to act like someone else with that signature :P



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