The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

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  1. ISO #1

    The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

    This message was originally intended for Yayap through pm, but I decided that everyone has a right to know. Replace "you" with Yayap whenever needed.

    Basic Premise: I am an escort and I blocked Hannelore night one. My reasoning given to Claw, "I decided to ruin a troll's life just in case he's bad." Who knew it was Yayap?

    Apples and Bananas was very simple, but I wanted it to seem as though I put a lot of thought into it and made an intricate code.

    The message was simply-Gabriele is a town power role(Detective/Lookout) and she found out that Hannelore had something to do with a dead body.

    The fruits were meaningless.

    I just wanted to bait SOMEONE else into initiating an accusation about you so that I could gain some info. I, personally, can't sit idly by and watch, so I took it upon myself to find even the smallest of scumtells and get you to roleclaim.

    Why? Because the possibility of you being town was slim.

    Only a handful of roles are immune to roleblocking and at the time, Claw had misled me into thinking that Occultist was not part of the immune group(by not mentioning it when I asked him on skype). Therefore, I felt it was very likely you were consort.

    When I accused you and you told me you thought you knew who I was, I knew something was up. The only possible town roles you could be were Escort and Mason. If you were Mason, you would've clearly answered the friends question with a resounding YES. You did not.

    Therefore, I narrowed you down to most likely consort, then student, ghost, revolutionist.

    I thought about it some more and we encroached upon our "twin" code. Twin referring to Escort. Evil twin referring to consort.

    Logically, if you were my twin, we would never even reach this stage. You would be doubting MY identity. After all, I am most likely a consort, because 2 escorts is unlikely. When you remained defensive and also didn't answer my question asking you if you are my twin, I decided you must be neutral. I let you go because you were more likely than not a town friendly neutral (Student, Ghost).

    During night, I contemplated the situation further. I was internally torn, ask Claw. This whole time I was thinking to myself that Hannel has to be mafia. There were SO many scumtells.

    I came to my senses during the middle of Day 3 when I asked Claw if ghost really could be roleblocked because I checked the original list and no where did it say that it was immune. He realized he made a mistake and proceeded to hide it. Anyway, long story short, I reviewed Day 2 again and came upon the 68 eyes clue(which turned out not to be a clue) and concluded that Yayap was a Student/Occultist (very likely student) upon which I posted,
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriele
    Well, look at your rolecard, assume that I know it, and think whether I should be accusing you based upon that knowledge.
    That's when the cheating was unveiled.

    Yayap, thanks for being a worthy opponent.

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  2. ISO #2

    Re: The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

    Another thing I did was spell Mangoes as such instead of Mangos to appear as so though I was eu. Did anyone fall for that?

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Apples and Bananas

    I figured you were pursuing the lynch on me based on night time info, I just couldn't figure out if you were Escort or Consort. And I knew that if I revealed then the mafia would blackmail me like the amnesiac and I would die. So role claiming was out of the question for me.
    I had fun making my last will though. I spent 4 hours making it. Would have made it better if I had more time but it was around 3 am and I had to be by 6am to go to the regatta. So I sent what I had.

    Didn't notice the Mangoes/Mangos.

    I thought it was a color reference to the online list, Green apples = keeper / you, Oranges = donors, Mangoes = some other orange color and so on.. I guess I was wrong. I only figured out that the red furry thing was referring to me much later that day (see, I wasn't paying attention... too busy keeping track who was online)

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Apples and Bananas

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    I thought it was a color reference to the online list, Green apples = keeper / you, Oranges = donors, Mangoes = some other orange color and so on..
    I thought this for a while, too, but I couldn't make it make sense.

    I did catch the mangoes thing, but I couldn't figure out what it might mean. Didn't occur to me that it was a fake metaclue.
    FMII: Armorsmith | FMIII: Napoli Godfather | FMIV: Arsonist | FMV: Doctor | FMVI: Greed | FMVIII: Consigliere | FMXVI: Citizen | MFMXVII: Bus Driver | FMXX: Mason

    Il giusto è solo chi sa fingerlo meglio

  5. ISO #5

    Re: The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

    I admit i didn't get the code, however, as i said i was solid on you being a town power role, you must have been one that could have only vague info about Hannelore. Thus, not sheriff or invest nor any town role without a night action. Probably not doctor or jailor either. I thought of you as Detective/Lookout, until i became lookout myself... then i stopped caring as new stuff happened.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir, Forum Mafia II
    Raiden is an enigma. You'll have to wait and see.
    FMI: Jester | FMII: De Luca Consigliere | FMIII: 1st Mason | FMIV: Citizen/Lookout | FMV: Escort | FMVII: Host

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

    Quote Originally Posted by philie View Post
    I got the code, but you denied it.
    I googled 2 mangoes after jack said it did open his eyes. They looked like boobs. I wasn't sure what to make of it.:P
    Correct. The code had already become useless at that point because I had already begun accusing Hannelore. Therefore, I tried to make it seem as if it was more complicated than it actually was so that people might think I was a Sheriff/Invest that knew Hannel's exact role.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJackofSpades View Post
    I got class so I can't really comment much but the way you explained it, your second code WAS crackable with knowledge of your role.
    That is entirely correct. But I wanted it to seem as though it wasn't, so that the mafia wouldn't even try to crack it. Do you understand why I said that?

    If Mafia crack it they gain invaluable information. If 1 townie cracks it, it won't really help them much. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that the code was best if it remained hidden.

    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  9. ISO #9

    Re: The "Code" of Apples and Bananas

    I guess I can see why, but that's really not the best defense to fall back on. The fact that you were feigning that it was impossible basically made me think that A) You were disguised and were attempting to make it appear like your defense was indisputable when it wasn't or B) You were using an uncrackable code that suggests you made and distributed a cipher elsewhere to Yayap which suggests a night chat or cheating.



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