M-FM XIX The Curse of Castle Varen Gamethread

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  • Sholanda Dykes

    0 0%
  • Uncle Kappy

    0 0%
  • Tommy Calhoun

    0 0%
  • Ricky Spanish

    1 7.14%
  • Dr Jordan Edilstein

    1 7.14%
  • Elisha Wilkner

    0 0%
  • Pete Pendelman

    1 7.14%
  • Sgt. Pepper

    0 0%
  • Roland Chang

    6 42.86%
  • Martin Sugar

    0 0%
  • Professor Baxter

    0 0%
  • Tom Yabo

    0 0%
  • Demitri Krotchlikmioff

    1 7.14%
  • Charles Bronson

    1 7.14%
  • Lestat de Lioncourt

    0 0%
  • Max Jets

    0 0%
  • Sidney Huffman

    0 0%
  • Rashid

    0 0%
  • Laura Vanderbooben

    0 0%
  • Ace Chapman

    3 21.43%
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Results 1 to 50 of 2433
  1. ISO #1

    M-FM XIX The Curse of Castle Varen Gamethread

    M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    The game has ended!
    Congratulations Mercenaries and Ghost!

    Setup located here.

    Roles List
    Art Collector
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Lord Varen (Ghost)
    Lady Varen (Banshee)
    Groundskeeper (Ritual Killer)

    Living Players
    Professor Baxter
    Sholanda Dykes
    Sidney Huffman

    Captain François Dubonais - Roleplay death.
    Ricky Spanish - Lookout - scared to death Night One.
    Laura Vanderbooben - Citizen - shot in the head Night One.
    Tom Yabo - Interrogator - lynched Day Two.
    Rashid - Sheriff - scared to death Night Two.
    Tommy Calhoun - Citizen - shot in the head Night Two.
    Roland Chang - Ghost - lynched Day Three.
    Sgt. Pepper - Architect - shot in the head Night Three.
    Lestat de Lioncourt - Citizen - scared to death Night Three.
    Charles Bronson - Journalist - shot in the head Night Three.
    Martin Sugar - Art Collector - lynched Day Four
    Demitri Krotchlikmioff - Blacksmith - shot in the head Night Four.
    Max Jets - Consort - scared to death Night Four.
    Dr Jordan Edilstein - Banshee - lynched Day Five.
    Ace Chapman - Ritual Killer - shot in the head Night Five.
    Uncle Kappy - Citizen - lynched Day Six.
    Pete Pendelman - Doctor - shot in the head Night Six.
    Elisha Wilkner - Bulletproof - sacrificed Day Seven

    Game Gateways
    Ace Chapman
    Demitri Krotchlikmioff
    Elisha Wilkner
    Dr Jordan Edilstein
    Laura Vanderbooben
    Lestat de Lioncourt
    Martin Sugar
    Max Jets
    Pete Pendelman
    Professor Baxter
    Ricky Spanish
    Roland Chang
    Sgt. Pepper
    Sholanda Dykes
    Charles Bronson
    Sidney Huffman
    Tom Yabo
    Tommy Calhoun
    Uncle Kappy

    Day One
    Night One
    Day Two
    Night Two
    Day Three
    Night Three
    Day Four
    Night Four
    Day Five
    Night Five
    Day Six
    Night Six
    Day Seven

    Located on a lonely island stands the once majestic Castle Varen. The now decrepit Castle and untame landscape is a desired location for Historians and Thrill Seekers alike. With 42 deaths and 167 disappearances in the past 116 years, Castle Varen has built quite the reputation for itself: It's cursed. Everyone believes that the curse started after the disappearance of Lady Varen. Rumor has it that she's vanished from the island hours after having her portrait painted; some say that she was murdered by her Husband, her soul cursing the Island and the Portrait. Others, however, tell a story of how the Varen family is a Cult, converting and murderering their visitors.
    Whatever the case may be, the descendants of Lady and Lord Varen held a contest, giving 17 winners an invitation to spend a night at the Castle.

    The date came, and as the last lucky winner disembarked the Ferry, it left. All 17 of them were trapped on the Island until the next Ferry, tomorrow morning. Lady Varen greeted the winners and showed them inside.

    "As you can see, we haven't had any visitors in a while", said Lady Varen as she attempted to explain the condition of the Castle. As dust covered everything, it was apparent no one had cleaned in several years. "I regret to inform you that Lord Varen is sick in his chamber, and will not be joining us this evening."

    She showed everyone to their rooms, and let them unpack.

    "Meet in the great hall at 8, and we will begin our tour." stated Lady Varen, as she retreated to her chambers.

    The sound of the grandfather clock echoed throughout the Great Hall as it reached 8 o'clock. With Lady Varen no where to be seen, everyone used this time to introduce themselves.
    "Why are there 21 of us?", someone asked. "I thought there were only 17 winners."
    Everyone looked around, and realized it was true. No one was able to determine who wasn't on the ferry with them. Some faces seemed familiar to them, but they didn't recognize a majority of these people. With the sudden appearance of these new strangers, everyone was on edge.

    "It's just a gimic! All of this is probably orchestrated for our entertainment. I wouldn't be surprised if actors were hired to hide among us!", someone proclaimed. "While we're waiting, we might as well look around."

    Immediately after they started to look around, someone let out a scream. Behind the couch was the body of Captain François Dubonais. He appeared to have been strangled.

    "What the hell! I was just talking to him 5 minutes ago! What the hell!! How is this possible?!" someone yelled from the crowd.
    "Who would do this!?" shouted another.

    After these words were shouted, people started accusing others of being the likely killer. It was obvious that it was someone who was in the room with them.

    Most people felt like they couldn't trust anybody, while some were still assuming that it was all just a show.

    With 20 people remaining, it only took 11 votes to lynch.

    The panic caused by Captain François Dubonais' death subsided, and everyone decided to let things go for the time being.

    "I have to get out of here." someone said "I know I can't leave this island, but at least I can still get the hell away from everyone."
    "I think some of us should go look for Lady Varen, and make sure something hasn't happened to her.." said another.

    No one replied.

    They all looked at one another and realized that their lives were in jeopardy as long as the killer was still among them. One by one, the winners left the Great Hall on their own. Some had thoughts of using this time to organize their thoughts, while others decided to look deeper into the death of Captain François Dubonais.

    Not long after everyone went their own way, a scream echoed through the castle once again. Silence fell over castle as everyone was trying to hear what was going on.


    Gunshot rang through the corridors. Another scream. Everyone started running back to the Grand Hall in hopes to find others. Surprisingly, 18 of them returned.

    "Was that a gun?! Is everyone OK?" someone asked.

    "No.. We're not." explained an older man. "It's Laura.. Laura Vanderbooben. She's dead. We just found her with a bullet in her head.."

    "Has.. Has anyone seen Ricky Spanish?" asked a girl. "I had been hoping he'd be here already."

    "Ricky Spanish? The guy with the pony tail?" someone questioned, "Yea... Yea, I saw him in the Dining Hall. He was just.. sitting there. He just seemed to be frozen in that position. It was as if... as if he was scared to death. I don't want to be here anymore..."

    "And we're the winners?"

    With 18 people alive, it took 10 votes to lynch!

    "So, what's the story with that guy?" someone asked, referencing Tom Yabo.
    "No one really knows, we rarely ever see him talking to anybody. He just lurks in the corner." replied another.
    "Well, I don't think it. It's weird." said Lestat de Lioncourt.

    The same thought was ran through all their heads. They all grabbed Tom Yabo, and held him down. Lestat de Lioncourt grabbed a candlestick and repeatedly struck Tom Yabo in the head until he no longer struggled. Tom Yabo was dead. They searched his body and found a pair a hand cuffs. He was an Interrogator.

    Everyone needed time to process the murder of Tom Yabo.
    "We will meet back here if any happens." said someone. "Don't be gone for too long."
    Some people went off alone, while others went off in pairs.

    It was only about twenty minutes before a man's scream was heard, followed by a gunshot on the other side of the castle.

    "That scream sounded like it was just down the hall!" said a Thrill Seeker to another.

    The two ran towards the noise, and found Rashid sitting in the corner of his bedroom. He had his arms propped up, shielding his face. Rigor mortis had already mysteriously set in.

    "This is just like Ricky Spanish. It looks like he was scared to death." the Thrill Seeker pointed out. "Search him, maybe he has something useful."

    They started sifting through his pockets, and pulled out his wallet.

    "What is this? An FBI badge? What's the FBI doing here?" questioned one.
    "I don't know, but a dead Fed just makes me feel worse about this whole situation.." the other replied.

    They gathered their belongings, and started heading back to the Great Hall.

    The others had already arrived, heading straight there after hearing the scream.

    "15? Where's Rashid and Tommy Calhoun?" someone asked.
    "We found Rashid. He was all messed up, just like Ricky Spanish. We found out he was in the FBI.." replied the Thrill Seeker.
    "And Tommy Calhoun?" he asked.
    "No idea. We didn't see him."

    The group then notices a girl weeping in the corner.

    "Hey, You!" shouted the Thrill Seeker.
    The girl looked up.
    "Yea. Why are you crying? Did you see what happened to Tommy Calhoun?"
    The girl swallowed hard, and tried to get the words out. "They.. They took him. They said if I followed they'd kill me, too. They shot him.. They shot him right in the head. There was nothing I could do..."
    " 'They'? " he replied.

    The group members looked around at each other, and felt more uneasy with each passing minute. They all knew that they needed to find out who was responsible for all this, and finally put a stop to them.

    "Why are you always around when people mysteriously die?!" shouted someone at Roland Chang, pushing him into the fireplace mantle.

    "It's not me, you got the wrong guy!" shouted Roland Chang.

    And at that moment, Roland Chang quickly reached for the fire poker. Smoke erupted from his hand once he had made contact with the iron fire poker. He immediately released it, and collapsed to the ground in pain.

    "Please don't hurt me! Please! I wasn't in control of my own body!" pleaded Roland Chang as he cowered on the ground.

    "I don't buy this shit." Max Jets said to the rest of the group. "We need to end this before he kills us."

    He picked up the fire poker and jabbed it into Roland Chang's chest. Roland Chang blacked out and didn't wake up. He was dead. Roland's last words had shaken up the group. Was Roland Chang really possessed by a Ghost?

    After everyone parted ways, someone followed Sgt. Pepper into the library and hid behind a wall. Sgt. Pepper pulled on a book, revealing a secret staircase. The mysterious person hurried down the steps after him.

    "What the hell are you doing down here? How'd you find this place!?" the man questioned Sgt. Pepper.
    "What? Who? I swear, I just stumbled across this place. I'm trying to help you!" replied Sgt. Pepper.
    "Just shut up. You've been keeping secrets from all of us, and you expect me to believe you now?" he replied.

    He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sgt. Pepper.

    "Surprise asshole." he said, as he pulled back the trigger.


    Sgt. Pepper crumbled to the ground. He was dead.

    Everyone started their way back to the Grand Hall. On his way back, Lestat de Lioncourt heard a click; it sounded as if lock on the room he was walking by unlocked. He slowly opened the door into the dark room. He stood in the doorway and thought he could make out a figure standing in the darkness. He started feeling a cold, numbing sensation run through his body. Lestat de Lioncourt let out a loud scream, but he was dead before it had finished.

    Everyone raced back to the Grand Hall after hearing the gunshot, but the door was closed. They tried to push it open, but something was blocking it. They group managed to ram the door open with enough force, and Charles Bronson slide out from behind it. He was already dead.

    The group had reached a majority decision to eliminate Martin Sugar. As they started to approach him, he pulled a gun on them.

    "Get the fuck away from me, or I'll put a hole in your head!" exclaimed Martin Sugar.

    Max Jets quickly lept forward and disarmed Martin Sugar before he could realize what was happening. Max Jets took Martin's gun and pointed it at Martin Sugar while he sat on the ground, pleading for his life. Max Jets tightened his grip.


    Martin Sugar laid on the ground, twitching. He was dead.

    A wave of calmness fell over the remaining 10 Thrill Seekers following the death of the Art Collector. With him gone, most felt that they were likely to survive until the morning. Before anyone had a chance to fully enjoy this feeling, a laugh echoed through the castle.

    "Was that... Lady Varen?" someone asked.

    Max Jets began to run towards the direction of the noise, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

    "What the.. I.. I can't move my legs! What the hell is this?" he shouted.

    As the numb feeling moved from legs to his torso, Max Jets quickly drew a gun from his jacket. Everyone attempted to jump out of the way.


    The room went silent. A Thrill Seeker peaked from behind the couch, and Max Jets was frozen in place with his gun still extended. They all stood up and regrouped, but Demitri Krotchlikmioff remained motionless on the ground. They both were dead.

    Dr Jordan Edilstein revealed himself to be the Banshee, thinking that he was too powerful to be defeated.

    "All your souls will soon belong to me..." said Dr Jordan Edilstein
    "That voice.. It that Lady Varen?!"

    Dr Jordan Edilstein let out a laugh and started dashing towards Elisha Wilkner. Elisha Wilkner found herself unable to run away.

    "Someone, stop him!" shouted Elisha.

    And just then, Professor Baxter swung the iron fire poker hard, crushing Dr Jordan Edilstein's skull. A dark smoke erupted from the wound, covering the floor. Dr Jordan Edilstein screamed until the smoke ceased, and then he fell limp to the floor. Dr Jordan Edilstein was dead.

    The castle felt less threatening following the exorcism of the Banshee, and everyone felt safe enough to rest alone in their rooms. At least until blast from a nearby gunshot shook them all.


    Everyone quickly ran to the hallway, and noticed that Ace Chapman was nowhere to be found. They all rushed into his room, noticing a pool of blood seeping out from under the closet door. They opened the closet door and found Ace Chapman. He was dead. In his hands he held an old book. To everyone's horror, the book was filled with symbols written in blood, and pictures of fire and monsters. Some names of fellow Thrill Seekers were written on some of the pages.

    "It's probably best that he's dead..." someone said.

    They all grabbed their stuff and headed back to the Great Hall.

    The Thrill Seekers made it back to the Great Hall, and suspicion immediately fell onto Uncle Kappy. The argument quickly turned into aggression as Uncle Kappy snapped under the pressure.

    "Get away from me." said Uncle Kappy, "I didn't do shit."

    But it was too late. The group rushed Uncle Kappy and held him down as Professor Baxter retrieved the gun from Max Jets' cold hands. He pointed the gun at Uncle Kappy, and everyone looked away.


    Professor Baxter had shot Uncle Kappy in the neck. Uncle Kappy spat up blood while trying to speak. He gripped his neck to try to prevent the bleeding, but it was too late. Uncle Kappy had bled to death.

    Feeling that the horror was finally over, the Thrill Seekers began to move the bodies out of the Great Hall. Each going off on their own, carrying the dead with them.

    The Thrill Seekers were working on moving the last body when the sound of gunfire rang throughout the castle. Everyone had expected that the violence had finally ended, but now they knew they would never be safe until the were off the island.

    They all met up while running down the halls, checking everyone room along the way. However, Pete Pendelman never joined the troupe. Following a blood trail, Elisha Wilkner discovered Pete Pendelman's body stuffed into a kitchen cabinet. He had been shot in the head.

    "I thought this shit was over.. Why is this still going on?" questioned Elisha Wilkner.

    They all headed back to the Great Hall, all thinking that this would be the last discussion they would have.

    • No editing posts (0 warnings).
    • No COM claiming (true or false) (1 warnings).
    • No COM hunting (true or false) (1 warning).
    • Must post multiple times each day, excluding double posts (0 warning).
    • No videos (1 warning).
    • No posting screenshots (0 warnings).
    • No quoting PMs (0 warnings); You may paraphrase.
    • No outside communication about the game (0 warnings).
    • English only (1 warning).
    • Using codes is allowed.
    • You may NOT change your Avatar after Night One. (1 warning. must change back and not change again.)

    Note: Since days are 48 hours, there will be no lynching before the first 24 hours have passed (although, you may still vote and use the vote counter!). However, Day One will be a majority vote at the very beginning. This MFM will be confined to one thread; please use the Gateways to quickly find the start, midpoint, and end of days. As a reminder: please do not change your MFM account password at any time.

    Thank you and have fun!
    Last edited by Cryptonic; July 31st, 2013 at 06:49 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Day One

    Roles List
    Art Collector
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Federal Agent
    Hidden Federal Agent
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Lord Varen (Hidden Neutral)
    Lady Varen (Hidden Neutral)
    Groundskeeper (Hidden Neutral)

    Living Players
    Dr Jordan Edilstein
    Lestat de Lioncourt
    Professor Baxter
    Laura Vanderbooben
    Sholanda Dykes
    Charles Bronson
    Sidney Huffman
    Tommy Calhoun
    Uncle Kappy
    Pete Pendelman
    Martin Sugar
    Roland Chang
    Sgt. Pepper
    Demitri Krotchlikmioff
    Max Jets
    Tom Yabo
    Ricky Spanish
    Elisha Wilkner
    Ace Chapman

    Captain François Dubonais - Roleplay death.


    The sound of the grandfather clock echoed throughout the Great Hall as it reached 8 o'clock. With Lady Varen no where to be seen, everyone used this time to introduce themselves.
    "Why are there 21 of us?", someone asked. "I thought there were only 17 winners."
    Everyone looked around, and realized it was true. No one was able to determine who wasn't on the ferry with them. Some faces seemed familiar to them, but they didn't recognize a majority of these people. With the sudden appearance of these new strangers, everyone was on edge.

    "It's just a gimic! All of this is probably orchestrated for our entertainment. I wouldn't be surprised if actors were hired to hide among us!", someone proclaimed. "While we're waiting, we might as well look around."

    Immediately after they started to look around, someone let out a scream. Behind the couch was the body of Captain François Dubonais. He appeared to have been strangled.

    "What the hell! I was just talking to him 5 minutes ago! What the hell!! How is this possible?!" someone yelled from the crowd.
    "Who would do this!?" shouted another.

    After these words were shouted, people started accusing others of being the likely killer. It was obvious that it was someone who was in the room with them.

    Most people felt like they couldn't trust anybody, while some were still assuming that it was all just a show.

    With 20 people remaining, it only took 11 votes to lynch.

    Day ends in 48 hours at 7:00 PM PST, Wednesday, July 17.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; July 19th, 2013 at 09:52 AM.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Sholanda Dykes View Post
    Well you are a college professor at Harvard with an IQ of 140. You had a book that sold and you are a Hebrew. That is a dumbed down version of ur alter ego.
    There is a Doctor in every jewish family isn't there?

    Either way, I will not be subject to this torcher...

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Jordan Edilstein View Post
    There is a Doctor in every jewish family isn't there?

    Either way, I will not be subject to this torcher...
    Atleast you are interesting. I work at AT&T. That is all. So you better be nice to me cuz I'm the only one on the island with cellphone service!

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    One of the Rogers we see is a scum alter ego hiding behind the respectable masks. God has sent me here to purge him and cleanse this Earth.
    It will not be easy. Rumors up in heaven say that Michael is assisting these abominations. He is the eldest of Archangels, us lesser angels must move out of the way. Let Gabriel handle him. And where the fuck is Raphael?

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestat de Lioncourt View Post
    One of the Rogers we see is a scum alter ego hiding behind the respectable masks. God has sent me here to purge him and cleanse this Earth.
    It will not be easy. Rumors up in heaven say that Michael is assisting these abominations. He is the eldest of Archangels, us lesser angels must move out of the way. Let Gabriel handle him. And where the fuck is Raphael?
    You clash the theme of Rogers! Obvious scum right here. He is probably a neutral....

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Calhoun View Post
    So... can we throw the captain's body to the sea?
    It'll be a while until we can get out from here. I don't want him to stink the whole place.
    Wait a second if we took a ferry here why did we need a captain? Obviously the ferry is going to be back tomorrow and we can leave. I just don't see why we need a dead captain since he obviously wasn't the one steering the ferry.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Sholanda Dykes View Post
    Wait a second if we took a ferry here why did we need a captain? Obviously the ferry is going to be back tomorrow and we can leave. I just don't see why we need a dead captain since he obviously wasn't the one steering the ferry.
    He was the captain of a football team.

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Sholanda Dykes View Post
    Can't we just throw him in the basement? Nothing bad ever happens in the basement. Or we could stuff him in a closet. I don't want my food to smell like rotting flesh.
    Given that our hosts have tons of cash and live in an island, I guess they have some spare refrigerators for emergencies like this.

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Sholanda Dykes View Post
    Interesting for a professor at Harvard with an IQ of 140 he isn't that smart.... hmmm
    No no no, I could have gotten jumped by some guy with a bat who beat me in the head with it giving me amnesia...

    But in all seriousness I am not going to confirm or deny your report...

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Jordan Edilstein View Post
    No no no, I could have gotten jumped by some guy with a bat who beat me in the head with it giving me amnesia...

    But in all seriousness I am not going to confirm or deny your report...
    What does a quasi-genius find interesting about a supposedly cursed castle?
    Aren't you guys like all scientific method and stuff?

    Also, call me Thomas.
    I don't know why they listed me as "Tommy" in the winners list. Not even my granny called me that.

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: M-FM XVIII - The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Calhoun View Post
    What does a quasi-genius find interesting about a supposedly cursed castle?
    Aren't you guys like all scientific method and stuff?

    Also, call me Thomas.
    I don't know why they listed me as "Tommy" in the winners list. Not even my granny called me that.
    Well... it's because I want to disprove magic.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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