S-FM: Belly Crisis

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Simplified version after Post 25#:

    A Mafia Monopoly runs the entire economy of the city state.
    A economy crisis kicks in during a Freezing December.
    Town lost job, food and coal.
    The future is different in everyone's eyes.
    How would the broken factions unit again?
    How much blood will be shed?

    Role List:
    1 Monopoly
    1 investor

    1 Mayor
    6 Citizens

    1 Union Leader

    Spoiler : Vesus in General :

    just a roughly decription:
    Also it is the order of win tie 1 vs 1
    Mafia Authoritarians
    Town Revolutionary New Order
    Town Restoration Traditionalist (They win with anyone but mobs of Libertarian.)
    Town Upraising Libertarian

    Role card:

    Spoiler : Mafia Monopoly Faction :

    Monopoly (if union leader alive):

    Prime condition &
    Survive and Finish game in 5 days

    1. 3 vests
    2. Hire and assign(Maxim 3)
    3. Announcing Reveal

    Monopoly (if union leader died)
    Prime Condition
    Goal: Survive and Finish game in 8 days

    1. Hire (Maxim 1)
    2. Announcing Reveal
    3. Overseeing (get information if employee skip job)

    Investor (if monopoly alive):

    Prime Condition
    Fire everyone and Survive till the end

    1. Fire
    2. Overseeing

    Investor(if monopoly died):

    Prime Condition
    Fire everyone Survive 2 more days unless game end

    1. Fire everyone if any

    Spoiler : Town Restoration :


    Prime Condition
    Kill all Mobs,
    Survive and end the game in 8 days

    1. Appoint sheriff
    2. Appoint lynch
    3. Supply & Visit (prevent a citizen from becoming mob, gain immunity if visited citizens & communists)


    Prime Condition
    Kill all Mobs,

    1. Become Mob
    2. Become Communist
    3. Become Anachylist
    4. Die if not hired, no action and no mayor visit

    Spoiler : Town Revolutionary :

    Union Leader

    Prime Condition
    Survive and kill monopoly

    1. Immunity to fire (if monopoly is alive)
    2. Immunity to kill
    3. Job Protecting (You will know who is employee, choose one to protect at any time)
    4. Co-worker management (You will know assignment and slacking)

    Communist :

    Prime Condition
    kill monopoly & Anachylist

    1. Class Conflict Priority : Visit and convert an Anachylist if target is not hired, will be killed if you visit monopoly.
    2. Underground movement : a member list if population < Anachylist -1

    Spoiler : Town Upraising :


    Prime Condition
    kill Mayor, Communist

    1. Support: Reveal yourself to monopoly
    2. Underground movement : a member name list if Population < Communist -1

    Mob(If monopoly alive):
    Prime Condition
    being Hired and survive

    1. Kill
    2. Immunity to kill
    3. Get Report of killing action

    Mob(if monopoly died)
    Prime Condition
    Kill everyone except Anarchylist

    1. Kill
    2. Immunity to kill
    3. Get Report of killing action

    1)Prime Condition of wining
    The entire population have 50% working class (aka Investor + Mob + Anachylist + Communist + Citizen)

    2) Ending:
    Everyone alive must satisfy their win condition.
    Everyone lose if prime condition doesn't match.

    3)Hiring and assignment:
    Spoiler : Hiring and Assignment :

    Monopoly hire a guard to manipulate political movement. (Pm me during the day time)
    The hired person will be signed to a target and protect the target from killing at night.
    The hired person will know the assignment and can choose to skip the job at night.

    4) Lynch by mayor
    Spoiler : Lynch :

    Mayor pm me at night to lynch a person.
    Next day, a majority vote is required to Excuse the person from being lynched.
    The person will be lynch at the end of day.

    If mayor died,
    the sheriff he pointed will reveal and in charge of public lynch as mayor did, but he can not have other ability of mayor.

    5) Sheriff Appointment
    Spoiler : Sheriff :

    Mayor pm me at DAY to point a sheriff
    The Sheriff will have the ability to detect Faction/Employeement statue

    4)Events announcement:
    Spoiler : Events :

    A. Begin of game : Event:

    B. Death of Mayor : Majority lynch vote, aka normal lynch enable

    C. Death of Monopoly : Investor will take over the company

    D. Warning: Treasury empty (Mayor is going to suicide in one day)

    E. Warning: Company collapse (Monopoly is going to suicide in one day)

    F. Close of company (Investor wining day counting begin)

    G. Society in Danger (population of Citizen+Communist+Anachylist+Mob+Investor getting close to 50%)

    H. Death Reporting : Lynch/Death by violence/Death by hunger and cold

    5) Day & Night

    Everyone will get a lot of information from me by the start of day and night.
    Depend on your:
    B.Employee statue

    Order of operation(night):

    Mayor visit
    Citizen choice
    Monopoly Hiring
    Investor Firing
    Sheriff ability
    Employee Guarding
    Mod Killing
    Lynch Killing*
    Communist converting
    Population calculating
    Faction calculation
    Last edited by louiswill; October 9th, 2013 at 11:18 PM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    I had to fix some of the win conditions, sorry, but it now looks better.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
    Except for "Monopoly". I see how it affects him. Doesn't seem to impact anyone else as far as I can tell, though.

    Also PMs being allowed is a very bad idea.

    Monopoly must not hire everyone, because his money is limited.

    Therefore, there will be more people on the street as mobs, anarchylist and communist.

    The money will restrict game time because the company will go bankrupt after a while if hiring too many people.

    Mayor need money to survive, if treasury is gone, then the mayor suicide.

    Investor doesn't care money but he must fire people to win.

    pretty much.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Louiswill you need to make an exact rolelist. Right now you don't have one that supports the mechanics you want to try out that or it is not easily understood and needs explanation.
    it is a 10/10 role list

    N = 10-4 = 6

    there are 6 mob family members.

    The role list as it is.

    The key thing is that the family member must choose their alignment or ask mayor's government relief.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by louiswill View Post
    it is a 10/10 role list

    N = 10-4 = 6

    there are 6 mob family members.

    The role list as it is.

    The key thing is that the family member must choose their alignment or ask mayor's government relief.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    1 Monopoly
    1 mayor
    1 Union Leader
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member

    1 Investor

    ^ Rolelist

    Will mob be sharing a night chat?
    Can mob be hired by Monopoly?
    How does everyone achieve victory/can you explain this process a bit more?

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    1 Monopoly
    1 mayor
    1 Union Leader
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member
    mob family member

    1 Investor
    Thank you very much damus.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    If the Mob and the Invester make up more than 50% of the population the game ends and those players win I suppose.

    I believe the Monopoly player counts for 6 people since he starts with 5 "workers"
    Pretty much Right, but those mob people must be either all communist or all anarchylist, mobs doesnt have to choose. (but they will need to either kill mayor or monopoly in that case).
    Last edited by louiswill; May 4th, 2013 at 05:01 PM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by creedkingsx View Post
    Why say everyone loses then?
    The goal of this game is to simulate a situation that a country try to restore its order.

    Either order of monopoly, communist, anarchylist or mayor's monarchy kind.

    IF 50% of citizens perished, the society is put into ruin and perish into history, aka, no one wins.

    detailed explian:
    Monopoly's company collapsed with only a hulk left.
    Investor lost its home to live and other public facility to live with.
    Mayor failed to restore order and left a country in ruin.
    Family members are sad, their brothers and sisters blood spilled or starved to die.
    To Union leader, the people he fought for are losing lives. Himself lost job eventually because the company failed.

    The world end up in a hopeless situation. - Everyone Failed.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post

    Please make sure you have completed everything required, as stated in the above topic, before adding it to the queue.

    hmm, role list role card mechanic... I think everything is done correctly.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    You're missing Order of Operations.
    And you need to clarify things like "Reveal to anyone". How is this done? What does this mean? What does this do?

    And please color code all the rolecards so we know their alignment.

    How do Police and Employee win?
    Ok this time I believe the requirement is matched.

    Colored faction and operation order.

    Also a Q&A at bottom to answer your question.

    Anyhow, the employee and policeman are promotions, not really a role.

    People gain additional ability as policeman and employee.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    While you have obviously put a lot of effort into this, we have decided that the mechanics you wish too use stray too far from how we envision Simple Forum Mafia games. And it may even be too different for a MFM.

    You are more than welcome to make and host another setup, but please stick to the basics if you can. Especially for your first game. There's more to hosting than meets the eye, so it's best to start small.

    I would suggest editing or removing specific parts of the setup to make it meet the requirements.. however, I think it would be less work to simply start from scratch. You can keep the theme (it's a good theme), just make sure the setup and general mechanics are more like the games you've been playing and hopefully been enjoying on the site thus far.

    You can look at other people's setup threads for ideas, and read this thread for explanations on how to structure the various components in which you explain the setup:

    Sorry to disappoint. We hope to see a fresh idea from you soon!
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    While you have obviously put a lot of effort into this, we have decided that the mechanics you wish too use stray too far from how we envision Simple Forum Mafia games. And it may even be too different for a MFM.

    You are more than welcome to make and host another setup, but please stick to the basics if you can. Especially for your first game. There's more to hosting than meets the eye, so it's best to start small.

    I would suggest editing or removing specific parts of the setup to make it meet the requirements.. however, I think it would be less work to simply start from scratch. You can keep the theme (it's a good theme), just make sure the setup and general mechanics are more like the games you've been playing and hopefully been enjoying on the site thus far.

    You can look at other people's setup threads for ideas, and read this thread for explanations on how to structure the various components in which you explain the setup:

    Sorry to disappoint. We hope to see a fresh idea from you soon!

    Thanks for the responding.


    The idea was a 3 fluid alliance against each others with 6 swing voters and 1 neutral (investor)

    Well I thought it was hostable because the order of operation is quite simple. I did read the requirement before I setup. That is why I restricted the number of players into 10. I will try to make it simpler then.
    Last edited by louiswill; May 7th, 2013 at 06:34 PM.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Too much swing voting. You could make the communists like a cult and the capitalists the town (with the monopolist as mayor who is conversion immune), with an anarchist neutral killer.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Too much swing voting. You could make the communists like a cult and the capitalists the town (with the monopolist as mayor who is conversion immune), with an anarchist neutral killer.
    Damn it...I just read your post after I changed everything...

    I actually realized that I did two things as you suggested in coincidence:
    1) communist become cultist
    2) Anarchylist ally with neutral killer (the mob)

    Anyway... I hope this fixation will make things simple.
    1) removed the money system
    2) making more clear line of factions: neutral/mafia/town/cult style
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    I think the swing votes is under control.

    Convert, killing and lynch will be the tool of eliminate enemy factions.

    Immunity, coalition is used to resist killings.

    Also missing goals are pasted up.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    I suggested you should start from scratch for a reason.

    The entire hiring/assignment/strange events system needs to go. Please make it more like a basic mafia game.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    I am so thoroughly confused... What is this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Even if the theme of your game is illiteracy, your setup is expected to follow the conventions of proper English grammar. Exceptions will be granted only to non-native English speakers.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: S-FM: Belly Crisis

    I played one of these. Might have been the one before this one.

    It was a weird economy twist on Mafia in a big multiball where each faction could kinda side for or against etch other (but not with everyone). It was kinda so different it was not even really Mafia but did have the lynch cycles.



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