M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    Located on a lonely island stands the once majestic Castle Varen. The now decrepit Castle and untame landscape is a desired location for Historians and Thrill Seekers alike. With 42 deaths and 167 disappearances in the past 116 years, Castle Varen has built quite the reputation for itself: It's cursed. Everyone believes that the curse started after the disappearance of Lady Varen. Rumor has it that she's vanished from the island hours after having her portrait painted; some say that she was murdered by her Husband, her soul cursing the Island and the Portrait. Others, however, tell a story of how the Varen family is a Cult, converting and murderering their visitors.
    Whatever the case may be, the descendants of Lady and Lord Varen held a contest, giving 17 winners an invitation to spend a night at the Castle.

    The date came, and as the last lucky winner disembarked the Ferry, it left. All 17 of them were trapped on the Island until the next Ferry, tomorrow morning. Lady Varen greeted the winners and showed them inside.

    "As you can see, we haven't had any visitors in a while", said Lady Varen as she attempted to explain the condition of the Castle. As dust covered everything, it was apparent no one had cleaned in several years. "I regret to inform you that Lord Varen is sick in his chamber, and will not be joining us this evening."

    She showed everyone to their rooms, and let them unpack.

    "Meet in the great hall at 8, and we will begin our tour." stated Lady Varen, as she retreated to her chambers.

    Art Collector
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Mercenary
    Hidden Mercenary

    Hidden Federal Agent
    Hidden Federal Agent
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker
    Hidden Thrill Seeker

    Lord Varen (Hidden Neutral)
    Lady Varen (Hidden Neutral)
    Groundskeeper (Hidden Neutral)

    Art Collector & Mercenaries: After the contest ended, the Art Collector used his resources to obtain 4 tickets. He hired 3 Mercenaries for protection, and brought them with him to Castle Varen. The Art Collector has planned to use this exclusive visit to Castle Varen and a chance to find and steal the Painting of Lady Varen. Classified as priceless, the Painting is said to steal the soul of whoever looks into the eyes of Lady Varen, killing them. The Art Collector sees this as an opportunity to complete his collection, and possibly use the Portrait as a weapon.. If the stories are true...
    Federal Agents: The Feds confiscated 2 tickets after the contest, and plan to send two agent in undercover. The purpose of this mission is to search the Castle for signs of Ritualistic killings and to explore the rumors of a Cult on the Island. With 209 open cases, the Feds are really pressing the matter, sending their two top Agents. Will they find the cause of all the murders, or will the come across something more sinister?
    Thrill Seekers: The 11 true winners of Lady Varen's contest came for one reason: to find proof of the curse. However, in a Castle with this much history of blood, will they be able to band together and survive the horrors in store for them?
    Lord Varen & Lady Varen: Current owners of Castle Varen, Lady and Lord Varen invited people to the castle in hopes to solve the mystery of the castle, in hopes to encourage more people to come and visit the island once it's solved.
    Groundskeeper: The Groundskeeper for as long as anybody can remember. His family has served generations of Varens, and is a loyal servant of Lord and Lady Varen. But, with the state of the Island and Castle, what does he do with his time?

    Possible Mercenary roles: Consort, Consigliere, Disguiser, Framer, Interrogator, Janitor, Mafioso, Tailor, Thief.
    Possible Federal Agent roles: Detective, Investigator, Jailor, Lookout, Sheriff, Vigilante.
    Possible Thrill Seeker roles: Architect, Blacksmith, Bodyguard, Bulletproof, Citizen, Coroner, Doctor, Escort, Journalist.
    Possible Neutral roles: Amnesiac, Banshee, Corrupt Journalist, Cultist, Cult Leader, Executioner, Ghost, Graverobber, Jester, Ritual Killer, Witch.

    Win Conditions:
    Mercenaries: Eliminate the Federal Agents, the Thrill Seekers, the Cult, and any killing Neutrals; at least one member must be alive at the end.
    Federal Agents: Eliminate the Mercenaries, the Cult, any killing Neutrals, and the Witch; at least one member of the Federal Agents or the Thrill Seekers must be alive at the end.
    Thrill Seekers: Eliminate the Mercenaries, the Cult, any killing Neutrals, and the Witch; at least one member of the Federal Agents or the Thrill Seekers must be alive at the end.
    Killing Neutrals: Eliminate the Mercenaries, any other Killing Neutrals, the Federal Agents, and the Thrill Seekers; must survive until the end.
    Cult: Eliminate the Mercenaries, the Federal Agents, and the Thrill Seekers; at least one member must be alive at the end.
    Amnesiac: Survive until the end, or gain the Win Condition of the role you become.
    Corrupt Journalist: Eliminate the Federal Agents and the Thrill Seekers and survive until the end.
    Executioner: Get your target lynched and survive until the end.
    Ghost: Die, and then make sure your killer's faction loses.
    Graverobber: Eliminate the Federal Agents and the Thrill Seekers and survive until the end.
    Jester: Get Lynched.
    Witch: Eliminate the Federal Agents and the Thrill Seekers and survive until the end.

    Mercenaries know who eachother are.
    Federal Agents know who eachother are, but not roles.
    Lady & Lord Varen know who eachother are, but not roles.
    Mercenaries share a night chat.
    Cult shares a night chat.
    Days can last 48 hours long. Days can be ended early by either lynch or skip vote.
    Nights are 24 hours long.
    Non-town can create deathnotes.
    Anyone can create lastwills.
    Autolynch occurs at 51%.
    Voting is done with the [VOTE]Name[/VOTE] tags.

    Regarding Night Chat Accounts:
    Jailor & Interrogator:
    Night accounts can be named Detainer, Captor, Confiner, or Imprisoner. It will be randomized.
    Jailed targets:
    Night accounts will be named Detained #, Captive #, Confiner #, Imprisoner #. The # will be the night number.
    Architect targets:
    Night accounts will be named Architect A # and Architect B #. The # will be the night number.

    No editing posts (0 warnings).
    No COM claiming (true or false) (1 warnings).
    No COM hunting (true or false) (1 warning).
    Must post multiple times each day, excluding double posts (0 warning).
    No videos (1 warning).
    No posting screenshots (0 warnings).
    No quoting PMs (0 warnings).
    No outside communication about the game (0 warnings).
    English only (1 warning).


    Spoiler : Mercenary Rolecards :

    Art Collector
    Night Action: May be sent for the night kill if alone.
    • Immune to attacks.
    • Immune to Sheriff detection.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, blocking them.
    • Immune to roleblock.
    • Not informed of roleblock immunity.
    • May be sent for the kill.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, discovering their role.
    • Detects exact role.
    • Detects detection immune targets as Citizen.
    • May be sent for the kill.

    Night Action: If sent for the night kill, you will disguise as your target.
    • Role is not cleaned.
    • Becomes Mafioso after use of night action.
    • May be sent for the kill.
    • Own last will is shown.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, framing them.
    • Target comes up suspicious to Sheriffs.
    • Target appears to be Framer to investigators.
    • May also select a second target, making it appear that your framed target visited them to Detectives and Lookouts.
    • May be sent for the kill.

    Night Action: Target one player at night. If that player dies, their role and lastwill will not be revealed.
    • Limited to 3 uses.
    • May be sent for the kill.

    Day Action: During the day, select one player to Jail. If there is no lynch, you will Jail your target, gaining a nightchat.
    Night Action: You may speak to your captive at night and may choose to kill him.
    • Limited to 1 execution.
    • Target's last will is destroyed.
    • Target gains immunity in jail.
    • May be sent for the kill if he did not jail.

    Night Action: May be sent for the night kill.
    • None.

    Night Action: Target one player at night. If that player dies, they will appear as a role of your choice in the graveyard.
    • Limited to 3 uses.
    • May be sent for the kill.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, stealing their night action for a night. The next night, you may relinquish your night action back to your target, or you may use their night action. After using their night action, it will be returned to the player. The player may not use their night action if it is stolen.
    • Can only hold one night action at any time.
    • Can be sent for the kill.

    Spoiler : Thief Abilities :

    Detective - Can follow someone the next night.
    Investigator - Can check someone for their investigative pairing the next night.
    Jailor - Nothing.
    Lookout - Can watch someone the next night.
    Sheriff - Examine someone for their alignment the next night.
    Vigilante - Can kill someone the next night.
    Architect - Select two people to enter a nightchat together the following night. Can target self.
    Blacksmith - Nothing.
    Bodyguard - Can protect someone from attacks the next night.
    Coroner - Can examine a dead player and learn their role, last will, and who killed them. Can attempt to target a living player.
    Doctor - Can heal someone the next night.
    Escort - Can roleblock someone the next night.
    Journalist - Can select someone to write an article the next day. It will be posted anonymously.
    Citizen - Nothing.
    Amnesiac - Nothing.
    Banshee - Nothing.
    Corrupt Journalist - Can select one person to write an article, or write an article yourself. Either will be posted anonymously.
    Cultist - Nothing.
    Cult Leader - Nothing.
    Executioner - Nothing.
    Ghost - Nothing.
    Graverobber - Nothing.
    Jester - Nothing.
    Ritual Killer - Nothing.
    Witch - Can force one player to visit another player the next night.

    Spoiler : Federal Agent Rolecards :

    Night Action: Target one player at night, learning who they visited.
    • None.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, learning their investigative pairing.
    • Does not detect exact role.

    Day Action: During the day, select one player to Jail. If there is no lynch, you will Jail your target, gaining a nightchat.
    Night Action: You may speak to your captive at night and may choose to kill him.
    • Limited to 3 executions.
    • Victim has immunity in jail.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, learning who visits them.
    • Can target self.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, learning their alignment.
    • Detects Mercenaries, Killing Neutrals, and Cult as Suspicious.

    Night Action: Target a player at night, killing them.
    • Limited to 3 bullets.
    • Can't shoot night one.

    Spoiler : Thrill Seeker Rolecards :

    Day Action: Target two people in the day. When night comes, the two targets will be removed from their nightchat (if applicable) and share a new nightchat.
    Night Action: None.
    • Does not partake in conversation.
    • Cannot see the conversation.
    • Cultists and Mafia members are NOT removed from their night chat for the night if they are targeted.
    • Jailing/Interrogating any party prevents nightchat. Only Arcitect is informed of this.
    • Chat is anonymous.

    Night Action: Give out one bullet proof vest, or a one-shot gun, to a target each night.
    • Can't self target.

    Night Action: Target one player at night. If they are attacked, you will kill their attacker at the cost of your life.
    • Can be healed.
    • Doesn't pierce immunity.

    Night Action: None.
    • You are immune to direct attacks.

    Night Action: None.
    • None.

    Night Action: Target one person at night, revealing their role, last will, and what role killed them.
    • Can preemptively select a target. If they die that night, your action will be successful.
    • Will receive last will of Interceptor's victim.

    Night Action: Target one person at night, protecting them from attacks and conversion.
    • Informed of successful healing.
    • Can prevent 1 attack and 1 conversion at the same time.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, blocking them.
    • Immune to roleblock.
    • Not informed of roleblock immunity.

    Day Action: Target one player during the day. At night, they may write an article that will displayed anonymously to the town in the morning.
    Night Action: None.
    • Jailing/Intercepting prevents article from being published.

    Spoiler : Neutral Rolecards :

    Night Action: Select one dead person from the graveyard, remembering you are like them.
    • Cannot become the Art Collector.
    • Retains 1 charge if remembering you're like a role with charges.

    Night Action: Target one person at night, stealing their soul and killing them.
    • Before night one ends, must choose detection immunity or attack immunity.
    • Immune to roleblock.
    • If target is targeting you back, your attack pierces healing.

    Corrupt Journalist
    Day Action: Target one player during the day. At night, they may write an article that will displayed anonymously to the town in the morning.
    Night Action: If no target is chosen in the day, the Corrupt Journalist may write an article that will be anonymously displayed to the town.
    • Jailing/Intercepting prevents article from being published.

    Night Action: None.
    • May be sent for the conversion.
    • Does not replace Cult Leader.

    Cult Leader
    Night Action: You may choose who to convert and who to be sent to convert.
    • Before night one ends, must choose detection immunity or attack immunity.
    • Upon death, the entire cult, minus one, dies.
    • Cultists do not retain old roles.
    • Immunity prevents conversion.
    • Cannot convert Mercenaries.
    • Cannot convert Neutrals.
    • 1 night between successful conversions.

    Night Action: None.
    • Target is always a Thrill Seeker.

    Night Action: Upon death, you may choose 1 player at night to possess the next day.
    • Cannot possess the same player 2 days in a row.
    • If lynched, killer is random'd from voters.

    Night Action: At night, target one dead player, using their night action on any target of your choice.
    May steal specific (marked with an *) roles during the day instead of choosing at night.
    • May only target each dead player once.
    • May target self with any ability.
    • Will be seen targeting dead people if targeted by Detective.
    • Unlimited uses.
      Spoiler : Graverobber Items :

      Art Collector - Can kill someone at night.
      Consort - Can roleblock someone at night.
      Consigliere - Can check someone for exact role at night.
      Disguiser - Nothing.
      Framer - Can frame someone the next night.
      *Interrogator- Can jail and talk to one player at night. No executions.
      Janitor - Can attempt to clean someones role at night.
      Mafioso - Can kill someone at night.
      Tailor - Make a target appear as any role in the graveyard if they die the same night.
      Thief - Nothing.
      Detective - Can follow someone at night.
      Investigator - Can check someone for their investigative pairing atnight.
      *Jailor - Can jail and talk to one player at night. No executions.
      Lookout - Can watch someone at night.
      Sheriff - Examine someone for their alignment at night.
      Vigilante - Can kill someone at night.
      *Architect - Put two people in an anonymous nightchat.
      Blacksmith - Can give someone a gun or a vest at night.
      Bodyguard - Can protect someone from attacks at night, at the cost of your life if successful. Will not protect self from an attack, but will kill the attacker.
      Coroner - Can examine a dead player and learn their role, last will, and who killed them. Can attempt to target a living player.
      Doctor - Can heal someone at night.
      Escort - Can roleblock someone at night.
      *Journalist - Can select someone to write an article the next day, or write an article yourself. Either will be posted anonymously.
      Citizen - Nothing.
      Amnesiac - Nothing.
      Banshee - Can kill one person at night.
      *Corrupt Journalist - Can select one person to write an article, or write an article yourself. Either will be posted anonymously.
      Cultist - Nothing.
      Cult Leader - Can convert someone to your team. They gain your win condition.
      Executioner - Nothing.
      Ghost - Nothing.
      Graverobber - Nothing.
      Jester - Nothing.
      Ritual Killer - Can burn all previously doused people the next night.
      Witch - Can force one player to visit another player the next night.

    Night Action: You may visit a target, but nothing will happen.
    • 1/4 of guilty voters will perish.

    Ritual Killer
    Night Action: Target one player each night, marking them for death. OR
    Summon a demon to engulf all players marked for death with fire.
    • Targets are not notified of being marked.
    • Before night one ends, must choose detection immunity or attack immunity.
    • Attacks ignore invulnerability, but not healing.
    • Burning destroys targets' deathnotes.

    Night Action: Target one player at night, forcing them to target a second player of your choice.
    • Targets are not informed of Witching.
    • Can't cause self targets.

    Investigative Pairings:

    Art Collector/Jester/Cult Leader/Citizen/Ritual Killer (immune to detection)/Banshee (immune to detection)
    Ritual Killer/Banshee/Bulletproof
    Corrupt Journalist/Journalist

    Order of Operations:

    1. Day targets: Corrupt Journalist/Journalist
    2. Jailed: Interceptor/Jailor chooses target.
    3. Night chats open/Architect
    4. Manipulation: Witch (affected by 4)
    5. Roleblocks: Consort/Escort
    6. Protection: Vest/Bodyguard/Doctor
    7. Mafia utility:Framer
    8. Conversion: Cult Leader/Cultist
    9. Mafia deception: Tailor/Janitor
    10. Kills: Mafia/Interceptor/Jailor/Vigilante/Banshee/Ritual Killer/Gun
    11. Investigative: Consigliere/Investigator/Sheriff/Detective/Lookout/Coroner
    12. Items: Thief/Graverobber/Blacksmith
    13. Misc: Jester/Amnesiac/Ghost


    You were roleblocked last night!
    Roleblock Immune:
    Someone tried to roleblock you last night, but it was ineffective.
    Sheriff Feedback:
    Your target appeared to be Anti-Town/Town.
    Investigator Feedback:
    Your target appeared to be INVESTIGATIVE PAIRING.
    Detective Feedback:
    Your target visited *PLAYER* last night.
    Lookout Feedback:
    Your target was visited by *PLAYER* last night.
    Jailed (By Jailor/Interceptor):
    You were jailed! Proceed to *URL* to speak with your captor.
    Stolen Power:
    You stole a(n) *POWER* last night.
    Power Stolen:
    Your power was stolen last night. You may not use your night action tonight.
    Power Returned:
    Your power was returned to you. You may use your night action tonight.
    Target Immune to Attacks:
    Your target was immune to attacks last night.
    Attacked & Immune:
    You were attacked last night, but it proved to be ineffective.
    You were killed last night!
    Attacked & Healed:
    You were attacked last night, but somebody saved your life.
    Successful Healing:
    You successfully healed your target!
    Architect Chat:
    You were rushed into a dark room. Proceed to *URL* to see if anyone else is here.
    Architect Chat Failed:
    One of your targets couldn't be found.
    Successful Bodyguard:
    You saved your target and died last night!
    Received Gun:
    You received a one-use gun last night.
    Received Vest:
    You received a one-use vest last night.
    Your target's role was *ROLE*.
    Your target visited *PLAYER* night one.
    Your target was killed by *ROLE/LYNCH*
    Selected for Interview:
    Someone has asked you to write an anonymous article.
    Please submit your article one hour before night ends.
    You remembered that you were a *ROLE*!
    You were culted last night.
    Cult Leader: *PLAYER*.
    Cultists: *PLAYERS*
    Night Chat: *URL*
    You were possessed yesterday.
    To re-obtain old feedback, please contact me.
    You obtained an *ITEM* from your target.

    Death Descriptions:

    Found dead with hir hands bound behind hir back.
    Vigilante/Gunsmith Gun/Mafia Kill:
    Shot in the head.
    Ritual Kiler:
    All that was left was a pile of charred bones.
    Scared to death.
    Killed in a fight.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; July 23rd, 2013 at 02:32 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Ok. I think the banshee is a little too powerful. How is the town supposed to catch him or other than random lynch? Banshee claims citizen day 1. No one can detect his motions, so he looks stationary.

    This model might be better served by giving the witch detection immunity instead.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus View Post
    Ok. I think the banshee is a little too powerful. How is the town supposed to catch him or other than random lynch? Banshee claims citizen day 1. No one can detect his motions, so he looks stationary.

    This model might be better served by giving the witch detection immunity instead.
    how does town find the godfather? Lookout, Investigator, Detective. And why can't anyone detect the Banshee motions? Only immune to Sheriff.

    and witch does have detection immunity lol sheriff only detects cult, killing neutrals, and mercenaries.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; March 1st, 2013 at 05:24 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus View Post
    Ok my apologies then. Can you clarify that in the setup though? I thought that Banshee was immune to lookout, det and investigator.

    Nevermind it looks like you did. Nice setup btw.
    Np, and thanks, I appreciate all questions

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Can you post the Corrupt Journalist win conditions? Also are -lw and -dn allowed?
    whooops, sure, thanks.
    dn is allowed for scum and lw are allowed.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    any day/night events? seeing how its supposvly haunted and ppl disapear i think it would make an intresting mechanic to throw in
    haven't thought of any yet, but that might change. Trying to still keep it mostly a normal game of Mafia, but we'll see.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  12. ISO #12

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Ok. Dumb question on the Ghost's win condition. If he's lynched, is he automatically against the town? Does it matter who voted more to lynch the ghost? Ex: 3 mafia and two town lynch ghost. Would ghost be against mafia in that scenario?
    Last edited by Titus; March 2nd, 2013 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Forgot color tag, I know no editiing in game

  13. ISO #13

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by Titus View Post
    Ok. Dumb question on the Ghost's win condition. If he's lynched, is he automatically against the town? Does it matter who voted more to lynch the ghost? Ex: 3 mafia and two town lynch ghost. Would ghost be against mafia in that scenario?
    If a ghost is killed via lynch, I will random.org out of the voters who will be his target. The more of a faction that votes for him, the higher chance they will be the target.

    in your ex, mafia would have a 60% chance to be the target, town would have 40% chance.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; March 2nd, 2013 at 11:45 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Varen Castle

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Killing Neutrals and Cult win together by win conditions?

    Graverobber doesn't say he uses dead. It should be clear with 'Grave', but yea.
    Yes, all Neutrals have the ability to win together.
    And thanks, i'll fix that.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    It says in the rolecard that the Sheriff detects Neutral Killers as suspicious, but both of the neutral killers are immune to sheriff detection.

    In the graverobber's stealing list, it says if he steals from a tailor he can attempt to change someone's role. I know what this means, but maybe just to be sure you should specify it further. Before someone decides he wants to try and turn the sheriff into a cult leader

    Executioner role options state that his target is always a Thrill Seeker. But because you use the same term for both citizens and a category of town roles which includes PR's it's not explicitly clear what's implied here. I recommend changing the name of the citizen role to something else to avoid confusion. Maybe.. Tourist?

    If a jailor jails an interceptor or vice versa, what happens?

    When an interceptor destroys a last will, can a coroner still read it?

    If jailing prevents architect from establishing a night chat / journalists from posting articles, why are they listed before jailing in the OoO?

    Disguiser rolecard says "own last will is shown." Does this mean the last will of the Disguiser, or the target he disguised?

    The Ritual Killer/Witch invest pairing looks a bit too damning.

    Death descriptions are missing Bodyguard.
    Last edited by BorkBot; April 28th, 2013 at 02:54 PM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    It says in the rolecard that the Sheriff detects Neutral Killers as suspicious, but both of the neutral killers are immune to sheriff detection.
    Changed it so Cult Leader & Banshee & Ritural Killer can all either choose detection immunity, or attack immunity before the end of night one. It will be a permanent choice.

    In the graverobber's stealing list, it says if he steals from a tailor he can attempt to change someone's role. I know what this means, but maybe just to be sure you should specify it further. Before someone decides he wants to try and turn the sheriff into a cult leader
    Ok, clarified lol

    Executioner role options state that his target is always a Thrill Seeker. But because you use the same term for both citizens and a category of town roles which includes PR's it's not explicitly clear what's implied here. I recommend changing the name of the citizen role to something else to avoid confusion. Maybe.. Tourist?
    Ok, renamed to Citizen.

    If a jailor jails an interceptor or vice versa, what happens?
    First come first serve.

    When an interceptor destroys a last will, can a coroner still read it?
    Yes, clarified.

    If jailing prevents architect from establishing a night chat / journalists from posting articles, why are they listed before jailing in the OoO?
    lol fixed

    Disguiser rolecard says "own last will is shown." Does this mean the last will of the Disguiser, or the target he disguised?
    The disguiser gets to write a last will for the target.

    The Ritual Killer/Witch invest pairing looks a bit too damning.
    Needed another role for balance, so added Bulletproof and edited the pairings.

    Death descriptions are missing Bodyguard.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; April 28th, 2013 at 08:27 PM.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    I think it looks fine as it is. The town doesn't have a huge majority so I don't think they can miss any members.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    It can work either way, but killing neutrals will have a really hard time to win solo if there are several groups that can clear each other.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    It can work either way, but killing neutrals will have a really hard time to win solo if there are several groups that can clear each other.
    Yea, that makes sense. Maybe I'll change it back. Maybe I'm just trying to wifom people into thinking this setup will be a certain way. Maybe that was the wifom. lol

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    I thought I posted this.
    It says Cult Leader has to pick between attack and detection immunity by the end of night 1.
    Cult Leader is with Citizen (immune to detection Banshee/Ritual Killer) naturally. Where is Cult Leader in Investigator pairings if he is Immune to Detection vs. him not being immune to detection?

  28. ISO #28

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    I thought I posted this.
    It says Cult Leader has to pick between attack and detection immunity by the end of night 1.
    Cult Leader is with Citizen (immune to detection Banshee/Ritual Killer) naturally. Where is Cult Leader in Investigator pairings if he is Immune to Detection vs. him not being immune to detection?
    Cult Leader's investigative pairing will remain the same no matter. It's just Sheriff investigation that changes.

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM : The Curse of Castle Varen

    If Lord/Lady Varden was to be a Cult Leader/Cultist, will one of them be able to recruit the other?
    We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only shouting against imperialism, but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it. Kim Il Sung
    [CENTER]S-FM: Bus Drivers, S-FM: Trust, S-FM: Double Killers, S-FM: Double Killers Too, S-FM: Heart of the Swarm [COLOR="#FF0000"]HOST[SIZE=1]

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36



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