S-FM: Cops & Robbers

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia

    Hidden Evil

    Hidden Police
    Hidden Police

    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town

    Hidden Citizen or Criminal
    Hidden Citizen or Criminal
    Hidden Citizen or Criminal
    Hidden Citizen or Criminal

    Spoiler : Role Cards :

    Spoiler : Police :
    Jailor- May jail and execute on any day. Infinite executions. Your jail takes the target from their night chat.

    Sheriff- You may check for a player's alignment at night. Sees 'Town', 'Mafia', 'Evil', 'Police'
    Investigator- You may inspect a player for their class type at night. Investigator pairs below.
    Detective- You may track a player at night for their night visit.
    Lookout- You may watch a player at night for their night visitors.

    Vigilante- You may shoot someone at night. Infinite shots.
    Blacksmith- You may arm a non-police with a 1-use gun. If the gun is used to kill a scum you will both earn a 1-use Auto-Vest. Infinite arms.
    Veteran- You may alert at night to kill all visitors. May alert at any Police officer. Infinite alerts
    Bodyguard- Protect a target at night. If they are targetted by offensive enemies you will die and kill the enemy. You may also predict attackers, and if you properly predict the evil role that you will kill you will NOT die to it. MAY BE HEALED

    Spoiler : Town :

    Citizen- You win 1v1 ties, and may be recruited to the Masons.
    Marshall- You may reveal yourself to allow for multiple lynches in a day.
    Mason- You may reveal yourself to someone at night. Citizens will become Masons permanently. You also detect Cultists that try to convert you.
    Mayor- You may reveal yourself to make your vote count as 3. MAY BE HEALED.
    Pacifist- If there is no lynch you will gain full night immunity.

    Judge- You may reveal the demand of lynch of a player. If they are lynched within 2 nights their alignment is role blocked the next night.

    Doctor- You may heal someone at night. This will prevent the first Attack and the first Conversion. Doctor's are immune to healing by any Doctor that isn't them.
    Escort- You may role block someone at night. You detect role block immunity.
    Matchmaker- Match 2 players. Night actions taken against one will effect the other. They will be alerted to whom they are matched with.
    Nurse- Inject a player with adrenaline. Their power will be buffed in some way the next night.
    Body Double- Double for a target at night. If they die you may chat with them at night for the rest of the game.

    Bus Driver- You may swap two players' night locations. They are alerted of their being swapped.
    Operator- You will put 2 targets in a night chat. This does not remove them from other night chats. You will decide if and when to reveal them to the other but may not speak yourself. Their targets will be switched with the other.
    Enchantress- You may lure a player, and repel another player. Lure'd target will be protected from Repel'd target.
    Shaman- You may manipulate a dead player.
    Mime- You may mimic a target, using a buffed version of their power on them. You will be silenced the next day.

    Spy- You will hack the Mafia's messages and view their night targets. You may read 1 letter sent in the mail each day. You will know the true sender.
    Coroner- You will autopsy a player and learn their original role as well as all targets and true mode of death. As well as Last Will.
    Snitch- If lynched you will snitch and reveal the hidden evil roles in the roles list, as well as how many Criminals are in game. Thief, Framer, Blackmailer, Toxicologist, Gossip all effect the role reveal.
    Gossip- You may silence a player at night. They may not vote or reveal.
    Crier- You may send a mass message to the other players at night.

    Spoiler : Mafia :
    Godfather- Immune to detection, role blocking, and night death.
    Disguiser- Kill a player, and replace yourself as him. (As it is an S-FM that player will join the Mafia.
    Bruiser- 1-Use guaranteed kill of a player. Or remove night immunity from a player.
    Thief- Steal a target's power or use a stolen power. List below.

    Arms Dealer- Make a night kill appear as a different kill type. Serial Killer / Mass Murderer / Arsonist / Electro Maniac / Vigilante / Veteran / Jailor / Joker / Blacksmith gun / Bodyguard / Bus Driver / Operator / Poison / Fear / Suicide
    Janitor- Clean the role of a killed player. Learns their last will and role.
    Framer- Make a player appear as any role/alignment/night visit to any investigative roles. Does effect Detective/Lookout/Spy/Coroner as well as Snitch.
    Drug Dealer- Drug a player with any feedback. Witched/Doused/Charged/Armed/Blocked/Silenced/Poisoned/Robbed/Fought (Bruiser)/Lure/Repel/Swapped/Attacked&Healed/Ventriloquist

    Mafioso- Win 1v1 ties against all but Citizens. The Mafia may also select any member to kill if they have a Mafioso.
    Consigliere- Inspect a player for their role. You detect exact role.
    Consort- Role block a player at night. You are immune to role blocking.
    Blackmailer- Silence a player the next day.

    Spoiler : Evil :
    Serial Killer- Murder a player at night. You kill role blockers and are immune to death after all Citizens are dead.
    Arsonist- Douse a player/undouse a player/or ignite all players doused. You kill role blockers if they are doused. Targets are alerted to Dousing. You are immune to night death. Your fire ignores immunity.
    Mass Murderer- Spree at a player's 'house'. You may spree at your house every 3 nights.
    Joker- Demand the lynch of a target. If they are not lynched in 2 days you will get 2 night kills. Your attacks pierce everything.
    Cultist- Convert a player to the Cult at night. No Cult power roles. Limit is 3.

    Ventriloquist- May manipulate a player. Will send PM's to a player that they must post directly.
    Witch- Manipulate a player to change their target. You may choose to alert them to the manipulation.
    Magician- Puts a box around a target. All actions done to the target are reverse. All actions done to the Magician instead hit the target.
    ElectroManiac- Charge a player. If charged players interact they both die. 2 players just die. 3 players last wills will be hidden, 4+ players will be cleaned.
    Toxicologist- Silence a player with poison. They may choose to speak but will die at the end of the day. They will also die if they are not healed the next night.

    Criminal- You win ties against Citizens

    Spoiler : Investigator Pairings :

    Investigator / Consigliere (not exact role) pairings.
    1. Citizen / Criminal / immune to detection = Seemingly innocent.
    2. Investigator / Consigliere = Snoops for information.
    3. Bus Driver / Arsonist = Works with gasoline.
    4. Gossip / Blackmailer = Knows a lot of secrets about the Town.
    5. Mayor / Disguiser = No one seems to know who he or she is.
    6. Blacksmith / Arms Dealer = Owns and sells weapons.
    7. Vigilante / Mafioso = Owns a personal arsenal.
    8. Escort / Consort = Has a list of 'clients'.
    9. Sheriff = Has a vast knowledge of legal matters.
    10. Mason / Cultist = Spends nights with others.
    11. Doctor / Drug Dealer = Owns medications
    12. Snitch = Seems to avoid contact.
    13. Marshall = A charismatic vocal leader.
    14. Veteran / Mass Murderer = Owns a flurry of weapons
    15. Lookout = Very observant.
    16. Detective = Seems to be some sort of stalker.
    17. Coroner / Janitor = Works with dead bodies.
    18. Bodyguard / Bruiser = A very talented close combat fighter.
    19. Operator / ElectroManiac = Skilled with technology.
    20. Enchantress / Witch = A Mystic.
    21. Shaman / Magician = Able to manipulate bodies.
    22. Matchmaker / Ventriloquist / Godfather = People really follow their directions.
    23. Spy / Theif = Very hard to find.
    24. Crier = Seeks public attention.
    25. Judge / Joker = Seems to hold a lot of grudges.
    26. Nurse / Serial Killer = Knows a lot of how the body works.
    27. Body Double / Toxicologist = Wears a large trench coat
    28. Framer = Likes to manipulate information.
    29. Mime = Doesn’t speak much.
    30. Pacifist = Hates death.

    Spoiler : Thief Items to steal :

    1. Jailor- 1-use jailing. Mafia can kill the target to ignore immunity
    2. Sheriff- all of his past notes
    3. Investigator- all of his past notes
    4. Detective- all of his past notes
    5. Lookouts- all of his past notes
    6. Vigilante- full ammo for Blacksmith gun
    7. Bodyguard- a 1-use gun
    8. Blacksmith- a bullet-less gun
    9. Veteran- 1-use MM style attack that kills with Veteran death
    10. Citizen- 1-use vest
    11. Marshall- his identification, Godfather may reveal as Marshall. Marshall may not reveal until Thief dies.
    12. Mayor- his identification, Godfather may reveal as Mayor. Mayor may not reveal until Thief dies.
    13. Pacifist- nothing
    14. Judge- Paperwork. Learns how many Criminals are in town.
    15. Doctor- healing ability
    16. Escort- immunity to role blocking
    17. Matchmaker- tricks to matchmaking, can match someone at night
    18. Nurse- 1-use of adrenaline
    19. Body Double- costumes, may disguise 1 time
    20. Bus Driver- keys to the bus. Bus Driver may not swap until Thief dies.
    21. Operator- switching mainframe. Operator may not switch until Thief dies.
    22. Enchantress- love potion. Ability to lure. Enchantress may not Lure until Thief dies.
    23. Shaman- spell book. Ability to manipulate dead. Shaman can not use dead until Thief dies.
    24. Mime- invisible wall. 1-use immunity to detection
    25. Spy- can hear police chat. Spy can not see targets until Thief dies.
    26. Coroner- all his past notes
    27. Snitch- role of the neutral evil, then he will edit what the Snitch reveals. Snitch reveal is broken until Thief dies.
    28. Gossip- secrets on town. may silence players the Gossip has silenced. Gossip may not silence them until Thief dies.
    29. Crier- May edit the Crier message
    30. Serial Killer- Mafia night kill can look like Serial Killer
    31. Arsonist- List of those doused
    32. Mass Murderer- Mafia night kill can look like Mass Murderer
    33. Joker- Mafia kill can look like Joker
    34. Cultist- list of Cult member
    35. Ventriloquist- immunity to ventriloquist
    36. Witch- immunity to Witching
    37. Magician- immunity to Magician's redirection
    38. ElectroManiac- list of charged
    39. Toxicologist- immunity to poison and list of poisoned
    40. Criminal- Thief will win ties against Citizens

    Spoiler : Nurse Buffs :
    Coming soon

    Spoiler : Special Mechanics :

    Scum: Scum will win together, but may friendly fire. Mafia, Evil, and any Criminals may all win.
    Police: Police are aligned with the Town, but share a night chat
    Mail: Mail may be sent through me, signed as any living player, and will be sent the next morning of the game.

    Spoiler : Boring Rules :
    Game will cycle at about midnight Central 'Murican Time.
    Game will start at night.
    Day should be 24 hours.
    Night actions should be in asap, but your deadline is 1 hour before night ends.
    Nights should be 24 hours. They may be cut short if I receive all actions.
    Days will always end when they were planned to end, even if night is cut short.
    Votes will use the new system.
    No outside communication.
    Last wills are allowed and encouraged.
    Nothing looks scummier than an edited post. Don't do it.
    I reserve the right to modkill myself if I don't do well.
    Last edited by Slaol; March 1st, 2013 at 07:36 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I can see this being an interesting game.
    Are you hand picking these roles or Random?
    Randoming until I get one I am happy with. Might tweak the randoms.

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    Toxicologist- Silence a player with poison, if they speak or if they are not healed they will die.

    are they informed of toxin?
    Oh, that is technical wording for use with kids in person. They mess up and talk sometimes. However, I have chosen to not fix it. If toxin'd players may choose to post during the day and die at the end of it. They WILL be alerted to the different of poison and blackmailing.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Randoming until I get one I am happy with. Might tweak the randoms.

    Oh, that is technical wording for use with kids in person. They mess up and talk sometimes. However, I have chosen to not fix it. If toxin'd players may choose to post during the day and die at the end of it. They WILL be alerted to the different of poison and blackmailing.
    oh i missed the part of silencing. i was just skiming through it and read the part of talks and die missing the main part that they are silenced XD

    im gonna read it more thorughly and find something to question that is relivent

    this confuses me about bg

    Bodyguard- You may guard a player at night. You will kill and die to enemy offensive roles. If you also select the attacking player you will live. clairfy plz?

    can doc heal bg if dies defending target?
    is witching informed?
    is doc informed of target being attacked?
    is cult just cult or is there cult leader?
    Last edited by creedkingsx; February 28th, 2013 at 09:03 PM.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    oh i missed the part of silencing. i was just skiming through it and read the part of talks and die missing the main part that they are silenced XD

    im gonna read it more thorughly and find something to question that is relivent

    this confuses me about bg

    Bodyguard- You may guard a player at night. You will kill and die to enemy offensive roles. If you also select the attacking player you will live. clairfy plz?
    Police 'killing' roles were buffed. Bodyguard protects (target A). If he predicts the attacker (target B) he will kill target B and not die.
    Jailor can act any night.
    Blacksmith guns used properly gain auto-vests
    Veteran can alert on any police
    Bodyguard can survive with proper WIFOM
    Vigilante- find someone with night immunity to death..


    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    can doc heal bg if dies defending target?
    is witching informed?
    is doc informed of target being attacked?
    is cult just cult or is there cult leader?
    Cultist. Original will have priority in decisions.
    Last edited by Slaol; February 28th, 2013 at 09:19 PM.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Can you please go a little more indepth with your rolecards?
    • Can only Mafioso kill?
    • Are any neutrals immune to attacks?
    • SK kill rbers?
    • Does Arson pierce immunity?
    • Jailor/Vigilante/Veteran/Janitor # of charges?
    • Cultists: Max cult size? Days between conversions?
    • Also, Disguiser does not work at all. I recommend removing it or overhauling it. If a disguiser targets an Investigator n3, then that player joins the Mafia, they now have all their information.
    • What does a Body Double do exactly? What does he PM you?
    • What are the "buffed powers" that are spoken of in the rolecards?
    • Does Detective & Lookout detect GF?
    • If a Thief steals a power, can the person who it was stolen from still use it? If a Thief uses a power, is it returned to the player?
    • Can silenced players vote?
    • Escort/Consort immune to rb?
    • Can Doctor prevent conversions?
    • Are targets of the Matchmaker / Operator informed?
    Last edited by Cryptonic; March 1st, 2013 at 06:54 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Can you please go a little more indepth with your rolecards?
    • Can only Mafioso kill?
    • Are any neutrals immune to attacks?
    • SK kill rbers?
    • Does Arson pierce immunity?
    • Jailor/Vigilante/Veteran/Janitor # of charges?
    • Cultists: Max cult size? Days between conversions?
    • Also, Disguiser does not work at all. I recommend removing it or overhauling it. If a disguiser targets an Investigator n3, then that player joins the Mafia, they now have all their information.
    • What does a Body Double do exactly? What does he PM you?
    • What are the "buffed powers" that are spoken of in the rolecards?
    • Does Detective & Lookout detect GF?
    • If a Thief steals a power, can the person who it was stolen from still use it? If a Thief uses a power, is it returned to the player?
    • Can silenced players vote?
    • Escort/Consort immune to rb?
    • Can Doctor prevent conversions?
    • Are targets of the Matchmaker / Operator informed?
    Not unless I update to make them (but this update will be pointed out)
    Not unless I update to make them
    If immunity is added Arson WILL pierce it
    No nights between, will add limit since they win with Mafia. Limit is 3
    I am OK with Disguisers Mafia getting all the information. He is like a 1-use suicide Cultist
    Body Double may PM you anything. He saves once without killing attackers and spends the rest of the game as a friend for discussion and reading. Like a Student sort of. (But since I will be using night chats i will use a night chat for it)
    Check police for buffed powers, I also explained it in the post above yours
    They can use it depending on what role it was stolen from. I will include a list to clarify. Roles that are outright stolen are returned if the Thief dies.
    Consort Immune to blocking. Escort detects block immunity

    I'll go add more information, but was planning to see which roles ended up in game then to tweak settings to make sure it is more balanced. But I guess I can just switch the order and balance after doing settings :P

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    am i not allowed to make a request? i did kind of make it up on the spot but i think it would be cool. i want to watch it and know the roles and things. i mean its really up to you if you allow it or not
    I'm willing to do that, sure. Not set on what is what yet, but I can do that. Might ask you to sign if I get to ~12 instead :P, but if we are full I will do this no doubt.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17



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