Feedback / Suggestions

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  1. ISO #1
    No exit

    Feedback / Suggestions

    Dear Dark.Revenant,

    First of all: Congratulations on your fine creation, it is a lot of fun and you can see the great quality throughout the game and I had many enjoyable games so far .

    During the many games I have played I have made a list of feedback and suggestions for you:

    1) It is not very easy to quickly compare the dead people versus the setup of the game. Is it possible to move the current role setup from the Help page to right next to the graveyard, this will give a better oversight of what is going on and makes it easier for people to find where the current game setup is located (especially if by default the graveyard and the setup are visible).

    2) Is it possible to see the "sub-options" of the game while being in a game. By Sub-options I mean: Is Godfather invulnerable at night, how many shots does Vigilante have at start of game, ... . Especially when someone loads from save slot you often have no idea what the sub-options are.

    3) Will there be some sort of help for the messages of the inspector to be understood directly (either in the Help page or in the message itself)? For newer players (especially with the new roles coming up) it can be very hard to know what for example "Good with sharp knives" means in terms of roles and an investigator + doctor could be given away to the mafia like this.

    4) As Sheriff/Investigator I want to add my new scan into my last will every time but need to retype everything (if I remember what was in there in the first place). Can this made a little more easy? (Concrete suggestions would be: A textbox UI where you can type in freely OR new command "-add to last will" OR a UI element with current last will) .

    5) I noticed that there are a lot of "crazy setups" possible (for example: 4 Docs, 2 Vigilantes (2 shots), 4 Serial Killers, 1 GodFather (immune at night, can kill), 1 Witch and finally 2 survivors (2 bullet vests)) but from the moment that you just start to try and set one up, you get immediately repick voted even though I think there would be a "market" for crazy setups like this.
    So my suggestion would be to make some sort of a "Crazy Friday" forum thread where you can suggest your builds. Then about 4 days before Friday a mod will take 3 builds and put them in a poll on the forum.
    On the actual day, the winning build would then be played by gathering in a Chat channel.
    This would be for both EU and US. Oh ... and Friday would be just a suggestion, it can be another day too.

    6) DR Setup: This might be a typical European thing but from the moment that this build is loaded everyone is like:
    No Citizens!!!!!!!
    Less day time!!!!!!!!! (1.6 minutes seems to be the socially accepted "norm")
    No PMs!!!!!!!
    And I haven't played a single game where the host didn't change these or got brutally -repicked.

    7) A possible suggestion to speed up the picking at the start:
    - At the start of the game, show 2 possible setups to the players. The players can then vote either one of those setups and this will be played. If however both setups are crap, there is also a possibility to reject both and get 2 new builds ... but you would need more than 50% to do this.
    - Every time your build is rejected, you lose probability that your build will be picked as one of the original 2 builds next time.
    - Every time your build gets picked, you gain probability that your build will be picked as one of the original 2 builds next time (up to a certain limit, remember that bank hacking is possible).
    -At the end of the game, you can freely edit your save slot if you wish to do so.
    This would speed up the picking process.
    The downfall of this is that most people will set up 14 player builds which might not work when you only have 12 or even 8 players.

    8 ) When you are about to pick your model and your hat, when you hover over these things with your mouse it shows the amount of points you need before you will unlock something else. These amount of points seem to be way too high for what they really are.

    9) It would be cool if in the night sequence there was an option to have the "detailed murder details" (shot at close range, stabbed, ...) without having to listen to the "sounds". In the EU, night sequence is very often turned off.

    Thanks for reading. Even though this might appear to be a long list I think it's a great map to play so thanks for what you have created for us .

    Kind regards,

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    I am extremely tired so if I seem brief right now, I apologize.

    1. This is a good idea, but it will be something that has to wait until a later version.

    2. Tutorials tab. Check 'em.

    3. Very well.

    4. This is low on the priority list for me.

    5. I'm fine with organized forum events.

    6. Join a channel-operated game. I don't know how to help you with this problem.

    7. This would be a large deal of (development) work for something that could make hosts feel restricted.

    8. A couple already have nearly 1.4k points. The exponential scale on the models/hats are so that even the most elite players have a goal to strive for.

    9. This is an oft-requested option that I will do at some undetermined point in the future.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Since this is the only forum discussion in which I saw someone talking about hats...
    Can anyone please tell me where exactly do you select those hats? All I see is the model selection.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    oh some really great suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by No exit View Post
    1) It is not very easy to quickly compare the dead people versus the setup of the game. Is it possible to move the current role setup from the Help page to right next to the graveyard, this will give a better oversight of what is going on and makes it easier for people to find where the current game setup is located (especially if by default the graveyard and the setup are visible).
    I would LOVE to see something like that implemented. I know both infos can currently be found, but this kind of shortcut would be awesome !

    Quote Originally Posted by No exit View Post
    3) Will there be some sort of help for the messages of the inspector to be understood directly (either in the Help page or in the message itself)? For newer players (especially with the new roles coming up) it can be very hard to know what for example "Good with sharp knives" means in terms of roles and an investigator + doctor could be given away to the mafia like this.
    Seems fair for newer players yeah. Especially when new roles will be implemented (arso & bus-driver for example).

    Quote Originally Posted by No exit View Post
    4) As Sheriff/Investigator I want to add my new scan into my last will every time but need to retype everything (if I remember what was in there in the first place). Can this made a little more easy? (Concrete suggestions would be: A textbox UI where you can type in freely OR new command "-add to last will" OR a UI element with current last will) .
    Yep that's no big deal but pretty annoying. Additional shorter commands like "-lw" would be very handy as well.
    Another suggestion I read somewhere was some kind of "notepad" zone where you could write your various notes. No idea how hard it is to implement though, but would be a tremendous help.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    6) well, u are right here But they are games with those sets up... at least with longer day time, night sequence on and citizen^^

  6. ISO #6
    No exit

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Hello again,

    Thank you for the quick reply.

    2) Yeah I missed this, my bad.

    6) Well my idea was that if other people agreed to this it would be nice to have some of the default settings changed. But it's up to you, I'm just the messenger.

    8 ) Oops, I misread the tooltip completely so never mind.

    Kind regards,
    No exit

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Deolrin View Post
    Since this is the only forum discussion in which I saw someone talking about hats...
    Can anyone please tell me where exactly do you select those hats? All I see is the model selection.
    Well, you need enough points for the first hat.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Oh, thanks.
    How much is 'enough points'?

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    These are pretty well thought out suggestions, but..

    Maybe I’m in the minority, but I am personally strongly against #3 on this list. Part of this game is the aspect of having to use your brain and common sense to deduce things. You will eventually learn through experience what the investigator descriptions mean, but part of the game is taking advantage of noobs or people who forget things. If the description explanations are just laid out there like that there is a much lesser opportunity for lying and deception..which is the most entertaining part of the game.

    My 2 cents..

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    The faster we can educate the noobs the better. I've seen too many games where after the first night I hear "why were you out on the streets last night?" and realive that the town is about to get stomped. Simply put, noobs hurt the town MUCH more then the mafia. There's a reason I've been seeing mafia win a lot more in Pubs then normal (that and shitty hosts that add like 7 neutrals don't help lol).

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    For #9
    9) It would be cool if in the night sequence there was an option to have the "detailed murder details" (shot at close range, stabbed, ...) without having to listen to the "sounds". In the EU, night sequence is very often turned off.
    When I first started this game, I thought that the text was extremely useful as well. But after much more matches, I found that having no description of how they got killed are actually much better. The killing roles have much more framing ability without the text. Take for example :
    -You are the SK
    -Sheriff found out the Mafia but no one believes him and the day passes without a lynch/someone else got lynched.
    -At night, you go and kill the Sheriff, thus revealing the true identity of the Mafia as well.
    -In the day, the Mafia is lynched.
    -Overall : Two down in one swoop. (Three if the mafia killed someone else that night as well)

    The reverse of the situation above can be used as well (SK framed by mafia). If the text is included, everyone would know whether it was either the SK or mafia/vigi that killed someone and you wouldn't be able to frame others anymore

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    A few of these suggestions made it into the latest update. The Investigator change is a very helpful one. Is the Roles List meant to be Overlapping the GY though?

    edit: was already fixed. Too good.
    Yep and those changes are pretty damn cool. I'm really enjoying this new version

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Feedback / Suggestions

    Same with Inspector and Consigliere



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