M-FM XVII Halo 2 Gamethread

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View Poll Results: Who is the MVP?

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  • M-FM Sachiel

    6 31.58%
  • M-FM Arael

    1 5.26%
  • M-FM Lillith

    2 10.53%
  • M-FM Acnologia

    6 31.58%
  • M-FM Cerberus

    4 21.05%
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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM XVII Halo 2 Gamethread


    Welcome all players to Halo 2 MFM.


    Day Zero will start at this time: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...+7%3A30+AM+CST

    Spoiler : Alive Players :

    M-FM Acnologia
    M-FM Adam
    M-FM Alphonse
    M-FM Arael
    M-FM Armisaels
    M-FM Artemia
    M-FM Asuka
    M-FM Bellcross
    M-FM Cerberus
    M-FM Erymanthos
    M-FM Iruel
    M-FM Lernaya
    M-FM Lilim
    M-FM Lillith
    M-FM Mustang
    M-FM Ramiel
    M-FM Sachiel
    M-FM Shamsiel
    M-FM Saya
    M-FM Tabris

    Spoiler : Dead Players :

    None You are doing great!

    Good luck.
    Last edited by AppleyNO; February 2nd, 2013 at 02:16 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero


    Note to all players. Site died, which is why the game did not start on said time.

    Spoiler : Alive Players :

    M-FM Acnologia
    M-FM Adam
    M-FM Alphonse
    M-FM Arael
    M-FM Armisaels
    M-FM Artemia
    M-FM Asuka
    M-FM Bellcross
    M-FM Cerberus
    M-FM Erymanthos
    M-FM Iruel
    M-FM Lernaya
    M-FM Lilim
    M-FM Lillith
    M-FM Mustang
    M-FM Ramiel
    M-FM Sachiel
    M-FM Shamsiel
    M-FM Saya
    M-FM Tabris

    Spoiler : Dead Players :

    None You are doing great!

    Anyway, welcome to everyone. I don't think I'll be doing much RP, so I'll let the Videos talk for themselves.

    Today is the Frostbyte Mandatory Lynch Day. Unlike all other days, which will run on regular lynching with vote tags, today you will use vote tags and there will be no hammer. The player with the higher amount of votes gets lynched!

    If no one has any votes on them, everyone dies. If there is a tie, those players die.

    Good Luck! Day ends at this time.
    Last edited by AppleyNO; February 2nd, 2013 at 02:16 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Sachiel View Post
    Hello, let's get this party started ppls!
    -vote M-FM Saya

    FoS: M-FM Acnologia
    the first vote against saya.. also the first semi-legit post (the first was me claiming first)

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Adam View Post
    No matter if I get lynched or not I know that I will be safe sleeping in my bed tonight.
    So if I get lynched and die a horrible humiliating death I hope that each of you maintain the knowledge that your power lies in the vote over everything else.
    you know.... after looking back saya was randomly voted up...

    i hate to say but syay might be a town then a scum due to its being more randomed onto sya. but you are more scum tell right now due to what others have been anyalzing aobut you

    ill find the other ppls posts on saya but im watching

    -vote M-FM Adam

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Tabris View Post
    the first vote against saya.. also the first semi-legit post (the first was me claiming first)

    you know.... after looking back saya was randomly voted up...

    i hate to say but syay might be a town then a scum due to its being more randomed onto sya. but you are more scum tell right now due to what others have been anyalzing aobut you

    ill find the other ppls posts on saya but im watching

    -vote M-FM Adam
    Im not scum. I'm just someone that took a risk and failed.
    Seriously I left the biggest hint short of roleclaiming for you to read. Read it

  10. ISO #10

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Adam View Post
    Im not scum. I'm just someone that took a risk and failed.
    Seriously I left the biggest hint short of roleclaiming for you to read. Read it
    i love how you point it towards me trying to use me the new player to get a vote off you. not gonna work if i see that the other players see somethign i dont. and looking back there was a lot more you are becoming worse and worse. i almost want to think you are doing ovious jester

  11. ISO #11

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Tabris View Post
    i love how you point it towards me trying to use me the new player to get a vote off you. not gonna work if i see that the other players see somethign i dont. and looking back there was a lot more you are becoming worse and worse. i almost want to think you are doing ovious jester
    Well I am. I am doing Obvious Jester.
    But I left a real hint to my real role in that last quote in your post before this one.

    Im not using you as a reason im town. Im just pushing you to read into it and determine my role.

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Acnologia View Post
    I totes hate dis wicked stupid forced lynch yo. Right?
    it is but we could try to force a tie in the lynching. what id ont understand is why sacheil votes someone else and put fos on you. wouldnt it be better to vote the fos?

    oh a new post....

    allow me to answer

    its my basic sc2 mafia instincts to random whne no leads and hopes to find scum XD. but i should know that it prob wont work here...

    questionf or you though why change the fos so quick and why the teal color

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Arael View Post
    Finaly. Lets roll team.

    I have a lead of sorts. Last night, I saw Armisaels spend quite a bit of time online, but wasn't viewing the M-FM board. Lets start there.

    -vote M-FM Armisaels
    Last night you saw Armisael* log into his account to check his role and then leave the window open while he attended other matters. I may have left it on overnight as well. Don't exactly have a good memory.

    Anywho, Hi all.

    This is my first chance to talk today. Been a busy day. And now, since it is 12:27 AM where I am and I have stuff to do to(day)morrow, I will be going to sleep soon. If there's anything you must converse with me today, do it now.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Armisael View Post
    Last night you saw Armisael* log into his account to check his role and then leave the window open while he attended other matters. I may have left it on overnight as well. Don't exactly have a good memory.

    Anywho, Hi all.

    This is my first chance to talk today. Been a busy day. And now, since it is 12:27 AM where I am and I have stuff to do to(day)morrow, I will be going to sleep soon. If there's anything you must converse with me today, do it now.
    I felt in a gutsy mood, so did a D1 gambit (see post #16). I wasn't checking your activity last night. I picked you as a random player, then claimed to have seen you online, but not viewing the M-FM board. I then wanted to see if you denied doing so, or made an excuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Armisael View Post
    Last night you saw Armisael* log into his account to check his role and then leave the window open while he attended other matters.

    -vote M-FM Armisael

  31. ISO #31

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Arael View Post
    I felt in a gutsy mood, so did a D1 gambit (see post #16). I wasn't checking your activity last night. I picked you as a random player, then claimed to have seen you online, but not viewing the M-FM board. I then wanted to see if you denied doing so, or made an excuse.


    -vote M-FM Armisael

    Lol. As if that was needed to suspect Armisael a little bit: He asked for leads to go by today.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Adam View Post
    Lol. As if that was needed to suspect Armisael a little bit: He asked for leads to go by today.
    I actually just reread the night zero post and didn't realize that there were no night actions last night.

    But hey, maybe my "Unless someone has some real info" was rhetorical, as clearly no one could have any information, so we should just go with the idea stated in that post, which was to vote no one.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Arael View Post
    I felt in a gutsy mood, so did a D1 gambit (see post #16). I wasn't checking your activity last night. I picked you as a random player, then claimed to have seen you online, but not viewing the M-FM board. I then wanted to see if you denied doing so, or made an excuse.


    -vote M-FM Armisael
    I'm not going to deny doing something that I actually did. Sorry.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Tabris View Post
    I think we should watch the vote counters come the end of the day and see what gets flipped and who voted that person
    ^^^ Alphonse and Shamsiel are hardcore sheeping Sachiel's attempt to get a scumtell out of me (which won't work because I'm not scum), so I wouldn't be surprised if they were scum.

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    IF you guys have not known until now, the anon account naming theme is anime characters.
    Why not Halo characters

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Sachiel View Post
    LOL sure you're not.
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not. What makes you think I am? Not much I can add here, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point of my post.

    I would like for pressure on Tabris, he's high on my scum list.

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Tabris View Post

    and due to the real gavemind being potentally revealed im gonna push a vote on that

    -vote M-FM Bellcross
    Very early to push a lynch on someone who's only posted once. Also notice how you're the first person to vote on Bellcross. The timing just doesn't sit right with me... Sure it's a scummy post, but I just don't see your vote on Bellcross as applying pressure to him but more like a way of diverting attention from the fact that Adam just called out your posts.

    Also the fact that you're voting him because he's "the real gravemind being potentially revealed" rather than "scummy post" makes it seem more of a defensive vote.

    What do you have to say to that?

  43. ISO #43

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Saya View Post
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not. What makes you think I am? Not much I can add here, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point of my post.

    I would like for pressure on Tabris, he's high on my scum list.

    Very early to push a lynch on someone who's only posted once. Also notice how you're the first person to vote on Bellcross. The timing just doesn't sit right with me... Sure it's a scummy post, but I just don't see your vote on Bellcross as applying pressure to him but more like a way of diverting attention from the fact that Adam just called out your posts.

    Also the fact that you're voting him because he's "the real gravemind being potentially revealed" rather than "scummy post" makes it seem more of a defensive vote.

    What do you have to say to that?
    idc that he called me out on my posts. go ahead call me out on ever scum post. go ahead and lynch me if you so inclined it would just hurt you in the long run if you are town. i will call me role if needed but lynching me would be a huge blow tot he town due to who i am. im simply off work today so i have plenty of time to sit around on the fourm today.

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM Halo 2 Night Zero/Day Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Saya View Post
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not. What makes you think I am? Not much I can add here, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point of my post.

    I would like for pressure on Tabris, he's high on my scum list.

    Very early to push a lynch on someone who's only posted once. Also notice how you're the first person to vote on Bellcross. The timing just doesn't sit right with me... Sure it's a scummy post, but I just don't see your vote on Bellcross as applying pressure to him but more like a way of diverting attention from the fact that Adam just called out your posts.

    Also the fact that you're voting him because he's "the real gravemind being potentially revealed" rather than "scummy post" makes it seem more of a defensive vote.

    What do you have to say to that?
    He's high on your scumlist, and you're not voting for him?

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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