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  1. ISO #201

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Since you said that, please identify my useful tips that are beneficial to neutral and scum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Useful tip: There will be special events every day.[/I]
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Useful tip: Role claim to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Useful tip: Faking surprise at number of pages is scum tactic.
    You inform tactics ahead of time, already on Day 0.
    That's a scum tactic itself to give a premature message to the scum what they should watch out for before the night.

  2. ISO #202

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The fact that you want someone killed is anti-town, in comparision to just "checking them out".
    That kind of play is for pubs. Over reliance on investigative roles. You have a lot of time left to convince town that you are not mafia.

    Useful tip: After confirming that there is no Spree Killer, organize town actions to find the liars.

  3. ISO #203

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    You inform tactics ahead of time, already on Day 0.
    That's a scum tactic itself to give a premature message to the scum what they should watch out for before the night.
    So you are accusing me of being Killing Neutral or Evil Neutral instead of Mafia?

    Useful tip: Citizens have the power of free speech in addition to the power of the vote.

  4. ISO #204

  5. ISO #205

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by The Nightbringer View Post
    I remember the last time Nick and I played together... I named him my nemesis.
    Remember Anti-Stalking 101?

    5. Day events may occur. One event that comes to mind is that (players can vote if they want it) everyone WILL receive their results PM, but one random town role will be bastardized or change their bastardization.
    I'd like to remind everyone that there will be day events. Much like Amnesia Town. Make sure to READ the instruction and think through the choices.

    Useful tip: Choose your avatars wisely. They greatly impact the tone of your posts.

  6. ISO #206

  7. ISO #207

  8. ISO #208

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    I'm looking over and over on Clems posts to find something in them that makes her stand out for others but I honestly only see that Plan she made as the thing to judge her on. Perhaps I cannot see it well enough to understand what must go on through Nick's head. See for example he seems to find RLVG scum as well but I only see it as a Citizen with nothing else to do on day one. Of course this should mean that there is an alternate motive within RLVG's posts that make me weary of him. But once again I see very little that causes a need for bloodshed. You can understand the reason behind my skepticism obviously and predictably find me out to be scummy from this paragraph. Good luck to you.

  9. ISO #209

  10. ISO #210

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Fatalis is calling me a lurker when it is night were I am. He seems to always have some new reason as to why I am scum, like posting off topic things, were he did just after, and then calling me a lurker when it is night time in my part of the world. He is a possible Exec, yet may just be a Scum Hunting Townie.

    Damus seems to be taking back his natural Town Leader position, yet it could be an attempt to get back in the good with the Town people after being accused.

    Nick claims to have found all the scum, and claims to be a Vig about to kill them, yet he doesn't take into knowledge from what I have read what he would do if he was the Bastardized role.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  11. ISO #211

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Fatalis is calling me a lurker when it is night were I am. He seems to always have some new reason as to why I am scum, like posting off topic things, were he did just after, and then calling me a lurker when it is night time in my part of the world. He is a possible Exec, yet may just be a Scum Hunting Townie.

    Damus seems to be taking back his natural Town Leader position, yet it could be an attempt to get back in the good with the Town people after being accused.

    Nick claims to have found all the scum, and claims to be a Vig about to kill them, yet he doesn't take into knowledge from what I have read what he would do if he was the Bastardized role.
    No I have not. You need to re-define what Town Leader is. I am an active player. Not Town Leader

  12. ISO #212

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Is anybody else worried about how the Special Mechanics of this game will affect us? It's ok. I've come up with a way to sort through the special mechanics to the best of our abilities. Here is what we should do:

    The Baseline Plan
    On Night 1, all citizens should make no action. All town power roles (except perhaps Vigilante and Veteran) should choose to take action. This will establish what the town power roles + mafia role night feedback looks like. (This is our 'baseline' that we can compare all subsequent night action feedback to)

    On Night 2, all citizens should perform their action on random players. All town power roles (except perhaps Vigilante and Veteran) should choose to take action. Town power roles such as a Viglante or Veteran should either perform their action on both Night 1 and Night 2 or NOT perform their action on both Night 1 and Night 2.

    After determining what the "incorrect" role card's feedback is, we can determine something about the incorrect town power role's role card. If the Night 1 feedback has no role blocks (for example) but the Night 2 feedback has a role block, we will know that one citizen is a hidden role blocker. This way, the citizen with the incorrect role card will definitively know his purpose and be able to utilize his role to the best of his ability.
    PR that is a cit has possibility of finding out he is a cit d1 and cit can find out d2 if:
    - Role is unique in the setup
    - No one is roleblocked
    - Role gives distinctive feedback (not "you were successful")

    If any of the top 3 conditions are not met, cit still doesn't know what he is and is wasting nights trying to find out.
    If either the PR or Cit dies before they figure it out and inform the town, the other will never know.

    My proposals:
    Plan A:
    If Nick agrees: Since Nick claimed to be vig, how about have both cits target Nick tonight and Nick not shoot? that way the results should be: you did nothing + the missing PRs feedback.

    Plan B:
    I somehow doubt that Crimson will return to play and will most likely get replaced with Slaol. How about both cits target Crimson/Slaol and Crimson/Slaol does nothing (to get the same results as Plan A)

    Pros: It might reward us with faster information on what feedback the cit is. (and the PR would recognize his feedback is on someone who did no action)

    -If more than one person does nothing, it might spoil the plans. (although if scum do nothing on purpose, then we are in a way roleblocking scum)
    -If plans are foiled, its a little late to revert to Clems plan.

    I donno... I get the impression that our time table is a little short to be worrying about 1 PR. With 2 scum kpn, towns majority is gonna fall fast.

  13. ISO #213

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    TDL is mostly town atm.
    He is 90% town 15% scum
    I'm reading and catching up.

    Yes I am no longer AFK. Stopping her because 90% + 15% = 105%. Impossible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  14. ISO #214

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by The Nightbringer View Post
    Yet, when someone asked him about the bus driver, he realized that it wouldn't work. I'd expect him to reason the same way with the roles I pointed out.
    Yayap didn't read the setup???

    Quote Originally Posted by Nazzhoul View Post
    One town PR, if he is the one who received the wrong role PM, actually has no action. (Essentially, one PR and one Citizen have the correct role, but received the incorrect PM. The REAL PR, told he is a citizen, still has a night action.) Jailor, Bus Driver, and Journalist are excluded.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  15. ISO #215

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by The Nightbringer View Post
    If Nick agrees: Since Nick claimed to be vig, how about have both cits target Nick tonight and Nick not shoot? that way the results should be: you did nothing + the missing PRs feedback.

    Plan B:
    I somehow doubt that Crimson will return to play and will most likely get replaced with Slaol. How about both cits target Crimson/Slaol and Crimson/Slaol does nothing (to get the same results as Plan A)

    Pros: It might reward us with faster information on what feedback the cit is. (and the PR would recognize his feedback is on someone who did no action)

    -If more than one person does nothing, it might spoil the plans. (although if scum do nothing on purpose, then we are in a way roleblocking scum)
    -If plans are foiled, its a little late to revert to Clems plan.

    I donno... I get the impression that our time table is a little short to be worrying about 1 PR. With 2 scum kpn, towns majority is gonna fall fast.
    The only risk that your plans have besides the ones you mentioned are what if one of the PRs who got a citizen role card is actually the vigilante O.o

    It would be really funny if Nick was a citizen, and the vigilante shot him following plan A.
    Plan B relies on Crimson/Slaol not being a citizen.

    All in all, your last sentence kinda points out something that has been on my mind. KPN < 1 = Bad for us.

    I would recommend a lynch tomorrow if we lose two towns.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  16. ISO #216

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Yea, 8 town VS 5 non Town. Two townies die its 6 V 5 (assuming Vigilante/Veteran/Jailor doesn't kill anyone). It would be Lynch or Lose.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  17. ISO #217

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    @Appley: I didn't miss it, I was testing to see who else read the setup, apparently only you did. The others thought I was stupid to try to guess that the cit couldn't be journalist or jailor which I had in red... or they are trying to make me look stupid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Best of luck to all involved and I would like to point out this one inscrutable fact:
    Today must not be skipped.

    Today is an important function in Town PR night actions and skipping shall only help the scum.
    I disagree, while you guys all think that you can scumhunt by analyzing posts on day 0, none of you know what you are looking for, you don't even know what "lurking" is. Scum don't know anything more than town does. Granted, Mafia might know their team mates but I doubt any of you are dumb rookies who would slip up on that level.

    -vote skip

    I'm waiting until day 1 before I start scumhunting.. although some have given me some bad vibes, its only gut feelings right now and I won't share those yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I suggest keeping a close watch on the people who agree all to readily with me.
    or maybe you do agree with me... I can't tell nor will I waste my time studying your wording.

    I'll be back in a few hours, I may or may not post depending on the current discussion when I get back.

    Other people: OMG! Yayap is LURKING! and he voted to skip day!

    Yes! I plan on lurking the rest of day 0 unless something requires my immediate attention.

    Useful tip: I good player knows how to talk, but only a great player knows when to shut up!

  18. ISO #218

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    Yea, 8 town VS 5 non Town. Two townies die its 6 V 5 (assuming Vigilante/Veteran/Jailor doesn't kill anyone). It would be Lynch or Lose.
    SFM's aren't known to be the most balanced, but scum can kill scum unlike in Yayap's FM.

    Also, I agree that we should wait on some answers from the FAQ thread before deciding to proceed. (about modkill risk if people decide not to submit actions.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  19. ISO #219

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    SFM's aren't known to be the most balanced, but scum can kill scum unlike in Yayap's FM.

    Also, I agree that we should wait on some answers from the FAQ thread before deciding to proceed. (about modkill risk if people decide not to submit actions.
    Answers are in the FAQ OP.

  20. ISO #220

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightbringer
    I disagree, while you guys all think that you can scumhunt by analyzing posts on day 0, none of you know what you are looking for, you don't even know what "lurking" is. Scum don't know anything more than town does. Granted, Mafia might know their team mates but I doubt any of you are dumb rookies who would slip up on that level.

    -vote skip

    I'm waiting until day 1 before I start scumhunting.. although some have given me some bad vibes, its only gut feelings right now and I won't share those yet.
    I think I have proven enough times that Scum can be found Day 0/1 which ever games start on.

  21. ISO #221

  22. ISO #222

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The useful tip syndrome is spreading.
    ... How the fuck is this an useful tip? Lol.
    Claw used to use the day chat to manipulate players into doing as he wanted them to.
    Have an escort target player X through some subtle wording in a post or two or three.

    What "Yayap" is saying is that sometimes there is more use in a player, such as one in my position, not talking than continuing to chat.

    I am taking his advice in stride and going into the background. Good luck scum hunting

  23. ISO #223

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by The Nightbringer View Post
    @Appley: I didn't miss it, I was testing to see who else read the setup, apparently only you did. The others thought I was stupid to try to guess that the cit couldn't be journalist or jailor which I had in red... or they are trying to make me look stupid.

    I disagree, while you guys all think that you can scumhunt by analyzing posts on day 0, none of you know what you are looking for, you don't even know what "lurking" is. Scum don't know anything more than town does. Granted, Mafia might know their team mates but I doubt any of you are dumb rookies who would slip up on that level.

    -vote skip

    I'm waiting until day 1 before I start scumhunting.. although some have given me some bad vibes, its only gut feelings right now and I won't share those yet.
    I totally think you can scumhunt by analyzing Day 1 posts. You give us all too much credit if you truly think that we all are good enough to hide info about our alignment.

    Also, RLVG is leaning town again. (but just barely).

    RLVG (maybe)

    Mintberry Crunch

    The Nightbringer

    I suggest protective roles choose a player from my town list, and investigative roles choose a player from my mid/unsure or scum list. If there's a vigilante he should shoot jr4life24 because jr is playing consistent with his scum meta.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  24. ISO #224

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Also, RLVG is leaning town again. (but just barely).

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    I suggest protective roles choose a player from my town list, and investigative roles choose a player from my mid/unsure or scum list. If there's a vigilante he should shoot jr4life24 because jr is playing consistent with his scum meta.
    I guess Mid/Unsure for Non-Vigi PR because if Vigi are to hit the Scum it would waste the invest clues.

  25. ISO #225

  26. ISO #226

  27. ISO #227

  28. ISO #228

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Twelve pages on night one, I'm guessing at least one hour read.
    More like 20ish, I'm a fast reader.

    Anyways, Currently most ideas that i have currently have been said so far, So i don't exactly have much input my self.

    I put some things in my notes so far to use later, Since i hate day 0 i think i'm going to save it for tomorrow.

  29. ISO #229

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jr4life24 View Post
    More like 20ish, I'm a fast reader.

    Anyways, Currently most ideas that i have currently have been said so far, So i don't exactly have much input my self.

    I put some things in my notes so far to use later, Since i hate day 0 i think i'm going to save it for tomorrow.
    What's your opinion about Yap, RLVG (yes me), Clem and Damus?

  30. ISO #230

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    What's your opinion about Yap, RLVG (yes me), Clem and Damus?
    "Yayap" is everything so far. However as saying so means that it is also more likely than not for him to actually be anything.
    RLVG needs to do something meaningful
    Clem is Clem
    Damus is Damus however not usual Damus of course

  31. ISO #231

  32. ISO #232

  33. ISO #233

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    "Yayap" is everything so far. However as saying so means that it is also more likely than not for him to actually be anything.
    RLVG needs to do something meaningful
    Clem is Clem
    Damus is Damus however not usual Damus of course

    This post..

    I dont even.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  34. ISO #234

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post

    This post..

    I dont even.
    ^ This

    Fatalis is calling me a lurker when it is night were I am. He seems to always have some new reason as to why I am scum, like posting off topic things, were he did just after, and then calling me a lurker when it is night time in my part of the world. He is a possible Exec, yet may just be a Scum Hunting Townie.
    TDL's reaction have been a little over defensive to what I have been saying. But I'm still fairly unsure since he haven't made any apparent scummy acts.

    Also Appley, I found it weird that Clem would trust you as of the moment

  35. ISO #235

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatalis View Post
    Also Appley, I found it weird that Clem would trust you as of the moment

    Why is that? She trusts me for a special meta reason, apparently.

    Its probably because I haven't made any lists yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  36. ISO #236

  37. ISO #237

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post

    Why is that? She trusts me for a special meta reason, apparently.

    Its probably because I haven't made any lists yet.
    Maybe, but I can't meta you because I haven't played with you enough as of the recent. And iirc everytime you act pro-town you are more likely to flip scum.

  38. ISO #238

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The useful tip syndrome is spreading.
    ... How the fuck is this an useful tip? Lol.
    That could be true in certain situations. For example, sometimes because you talk too much you could easily lose the trust you've gain. Like being read as over-reactive or tunnel-visioning.

    Claw used to use the day chat to manipulate players into doing as he wanted them to.
    Have an escort target player X through some subtle wording in a post or two or three.

    What "Yayap" is saying is that sometimes there is more use in a player, such as one in my position, not talking than continuing to chat.

    I am taking his advice in stride and going into the background. Good luck scum hunting
    However this just says that he is either super important TPR or scum
    It's very obvious how Damus seeks to intentionally make him look scummy. Which makes him less likely to be a town.

  39. ISO #239

  40. ISO #240

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatalis View Post
    Will Crimson be replaced if he doesn't post today?
    Yes. If he does not post in the next 25 hours, I will replace him with a hungry Magmar.
    And if I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on...
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FMXV: Jester: Win/MVP SFM-Borderlands: Witch: Win M-FM Blazer's Experiment: Subject 8, Sheriff/Infected (Lose) M-FM Nasty Rumors/Treasure Town: Skuntank, Blackmailer (Lose)

  41. ISO #241

  42. ISO #242

  43. ISO #243

  44. ISO #244

    Re: S-FM 57: Bastardized Game Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nazzhoul in the original post View Post

    There is no lynch today! Day may be skipped with a majority vote, once everyone has posted. Otherwise, day will end at this time:

    8:00 PM EST January 27
    I'll just leave this here
    And if I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on...
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FMXV: Jester: Win/MVP SFM-Borderlands: Witch: Win M-FM Blazer's Experiment: Subject 8, Sheriff/Infected (Lose) M-FM Nasty Rumors/Treasure Town: Skuntank, Blackmailer (Lose)

  45. ISO #245

  46. ISO #246

  47. ISO #247

  48. ISO #248

  49. ISO #249

  50. ISO #250



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