
Three centuries after the dawn of the millennium, humanity still walks a path no scholar nor prophet can predict. The world is a crowded place and still not so different from three centuries ago... But it is different. Nations have risen and fallen as they always do. Now humanity finds itself on the beginning of a new era- one that resides in the stars.

The point of this IOT is to build your empire, but this one will attempt to take it to a level rarely taken to. Your goal is not just building your civilization on earth, but expanding into space. This is a fresh start IOT even though it takes place in the future of earth as we know it today. That is not to say the earth has gone through apocalypse or anything; it is just very hard to predict what the future 300 years from now will look like. So you decide. Your only limitations are that your nations must be realistic. No Darth Vaders or Elves. It must also make sense. No "Empire of Mainland Hawaii" based in California. I'm going to say this now, this IOT is almost entirely RP-based. There won't be many hard stats, if any at all. So anyway, let's talk about...


Maps :
Attachment 8736 Earth Map
Attachment 8735 Mars
Attachment 8734 Moon
The other planets will arrives during gameplay , but you wil need to call them

All you're doing is reserving a region, and nominate yourself for Great Power, Medium Power, or Small Power status. You will get your kind of power based on your personal experience as I know it in IOT. I know the lot of you well enough. I promise I will be as fair as possible. Don't whine about what you are chosen for. The big powers can fall and the small powers can rise relatively easily. Your power status determines how large you are, both physically and economically, but it also means you have more problems. This will all be addressed later. There will be no territories on the finalized map, just so you know. You may carve out your slice, though, and it will be considered. Be fair; I will cut it up harshly if you're not. Now, on to...


"Situation" is used pretty straight-forwardly. Generally, at game-start there is no definite super-power. All Great Powers, Medium Powers, and Small Powers start on par with others of the same power range more or less. Great Powers have partially-futuristic infrastructure. This means they can colonize Sol-based celestial bodies and exploit these colonies. This can open the window to seek to improve their domestic situations. This is fleshed out in the Technology section. Great Powers have some pretty bad drawbacks, though. They suffer from overpopulation the most; being the most advanced and generally biggest, they need more resources than their weaker neighboring minor powers. This power are for those who can lead the world effectively while being able to maintain their own situation, thus being very difficult. Medium Powers can be compared to today's first world. They have industrialized economies and have the capacity to eventually become the great powers of tomorrow, but as far as the current great powers are concerned, they are still developing. They have many of today's problems: radically spinning economies, slightly unstable governments, etc. They also can suffer from over-population, but this cannot be helped by that country alone. These kinds of countries are for those who prefer a more diplomatic play-style, because simply put you won't be successful on your own. Small Powers are the poorest regions of the world. The only reason they aren't constantly at war is because of the bigger powers keeping them in line. These governments are generally the most unstable, but they for the most part lack over-population. These economies are the most manpower-based due to, compared to everyone else, the lack of infrastructure.


Like stated, Great Powers represent economies and governments who are generally stable. They won't have to invest much to keep their monetary economies alive, but their resources are dwindling. No amount of economic investment can change that, so you have only one option. You have to colonize space, but you don't have the means to go extra-solar yet. Your research plans can be foiled or stolen -probably both- by enemy espionage. You may fight colonial wars over the colonies because that asteroid has much better quality metals, or that colony has exclusive access to Mars' only accessible fresh water at the pole. While that is happening, you have to be sure the medium and small powers don't get in huge battles because they aspire to be in your position. And even though it's downplayed, you still have to worry about other domestic issues besides overpopulation and the peaking resources... Overall, this is the hardest kind of power to manage. They starts with 10 regions

Medium Powers have to focus more on their domestic affairs. Their economies can flip like pancakes if the situation is bad enough, but resources are generally in check. Over-spending, however, may put you in as bad a spot as the great powers though, and you won't have the economy to attempt to pay it off. You won't have access to space off the bat, but the research and trade opportunities are there. Basically, you will have to politik your way into deals with other nations in order to make your own more successful. Otherwise, espionage is an option. Play your cards right, and you can be effectively as powerful as a great power - albeit not physically there yet. They starts with 7 regions

Small Powers are mostly manpower-driven. Their industries just aren't there compared to the bigger players. Where they lack in economy, they make up for in the easiest overall situation. The only care you really have is instability. In other words, you're fighting internal factions to stay in power. you can convince your people that you're the best for the job any number of ways - fear, economic expansion, international diplomatic success, military prowess on the battlefield, the list goes on. By far, these nations are the most flexible and can be shaped a lot easier than the big ones. They starts with 4 regions .

All these economies will be kept track of by a simple system. You have Common Minerals, Energy, Rare Materials, and Element 0 as resources. The first three are still on Earth , but they star to run over. Element 0 is only found in extraterrestrial bodies, thus it cannot be obtained by Great Powers without trade. Each resource is calculated in stars , to 1 ( almost nothing ) to 20 ( full of ) materials . All great powers will start at all 4-star stockpiles, except for element 0 which starts at 0 for everyone. Trade deals can be struck with smaller powers to improve this without going into space, but while costly at first space can and will yield better stockpiles long-term. Medium powers will start at 5 to 6-star and so long you don't invest too much into programs you don't yet need it won't drop too much. trade deals can be struck to improve these more, or to improve economies by selling them. Small powers have 7 to 8-star stockpiles, and can trade them off to help their economies. Economies improved by trade won't have to be maintained as much as economies improved by domestic spending. Achieving higher stockpiles will requires either a lot of trading or space colonization.

Actual industrial output is gauged 1-10. All Great Powers start at 9, Mediums powers at 7, and small powers at 6. This rating tells you how much you can spend on armies and space program ( an army por point , you gain 1 point por territory , and haf of a stockpile of rare por territory ) , but more you have , more you will spend ( unless you use more industrial techs ).

Technology is just a plan +1 when attacking ( military ) , -1 stockpile needed on production ( industrial ) and less Colonization spending ( space ), but they increase level to level ( starting to 3 stockpiles of rare materials ) , until they reach level 15 , at that point , you need a stockpile of Element 0 for advance more .


Espionage is a key part to Great and Medium powers. It is it's own stat apart from standard Technology, but like technology it can go infinitely. The amount to raise it is a lot lower. About 20 points per economic point invested. Its functionality should be obvious. Specific missions include destabilizing and couping the weaker nations to support your country, stealing from other powers more on your level, possibly gaining research, small amount of resources, or economy. Great Powers start at 60, Medium Powers at 20, and Small Powers at 0.


Military requires resources. While the bigger powers have the best trained and most advanced militaries, they don't have the resources to maintain large ones, even if they have the economy for it. Small powers on the other hand can neglect most of the economic part of it and can use their relatively large resource pools to wage war. However, going to war without reason will likely receive negative international response, but if you're victorious you can end up having a significantly large resource pool; it has pros and cons like everything else in other words.. Your military still can't compete with the bigger powers in most cases, but still. The combat is processed by me , i will calculate the tech level , the numbers of armies


Colonization is probably the most exact part of the rule set. At game start, Great Powers have colonization access to the Moon, Mars, and a tenth of the asteroid belt , the Medium powers to the Moon and the Small Powers none . As technology expands to decine to decine , you will find available colonizable bodies . Colonization requires an economy to back it up and some resource investment.From there, colonies will begin producing resources , the colonies costs 5 stockpiles of common materials and 3 of rare . Eventually, stockpiles will be large enough to have to be expanded. Colonization does not have a hard value to it. Invest some of your assets to it, and you will reap what you sow. Based on your investments and your roleplay, you will get a certain percentage of they body under your control.
The 4 tips stars are the Element 0 material mines : because on the Earth is not avaible , you will need to take it from the others planets , every mine gives you 2 Element 0 stockpile , but be careful : the Element 0 is unstable , and might be VERY dangerous .


The events can turn a game in favor or sfavor of a player , i don't have a sure lists of events , but i will place an event for every player and a globla event .

The whole focus of this game is roleplay. I expect a lot of the things detailed in these rules to be roleplayed in some way, and it can in fact determine your success in many cases - this is why the rules are so vague compared to many other games.

Victory : Surpise ! The Military Vicotry is not the only option ! There can be the United Planets Diplomatic Victory ( found it whenever you want when someone takes at leas 3 territories out of Earth and for win with it you must take at least 3/4 of the votes in the Council ) ; the Wealth Victory ( have 20 stockpiles of every resource for 3 turns ) and the... Ascension Victory ! This victory requires to have 5 stockpielso of rare materials and industrial tech mark XVI, construct a "Superioir Wordl Portal " in a tterritory , keep it for 4 truns and...

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