Feature - Rematch

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  1. ISO #1

    Feature - Rematch

    Hello everyone, first post on this forum.

    Thanks for a great (and addicting) map. Well done so far!

    I would like to suggest a rematch feature added to the map.
    I did a search and came up with nothing, surprisingly, because such a standard idea must've been though of before.

    Anyway, here's a few tips.

    Whenever someone dies, give them a message that points are given at the end and that there'll be an option for a rematch. When the game ends and points are given, players gets to vote between

    • No rematch.
    • Rematch with new options.
    • Rematch with same options.

    I guess the options are kind of self-explanatory. What do you think?

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Feature - Rematch

    I don't know how the SC2 system works, but when games implemented the rematch system in WC3 the more rematches you did the more everyone lagged.

    If you're really interested in playing with the same people for the time being you could join the Private Mafia Channel "Mafia" and look for people hosting games there. Obviously there aren't always games going on, but usually you can find some full houses/in houses going on.

  3. ISO #3



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