The Great Single Post Thread

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  1. ISO #1

    The Great Single Post Thread

    To stem the growth of post farming, I suggest the creation of a new method of thread. I shall post, and when someone replies I shall reply to them by editing their post into my OP. It will save spam, and possibly lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    This thread highly offends my sensibilities Slaol. You are stepping way out of bounds here.
    If this continues I am going to begin pushing for your immediate dismissal of all moderator abilities, which you do not rightly deserve.
    Your opinion of what is good for the forums might explain why it was I that was selected for those abilities before you. 'rightly'? Do you rightfully NOT hold the powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Oh please tell me more about how this is within bounds of your given abilities.
    Last I checked you were assigned to be mod of MAFIA DISCUSSION.
    Not the entire forums.
    This suggestion is completely unneeded. Someone please do us a favor and delete this troll thread.
    Damus, this is a suggestion, not a mandate. I expect the common sense of the populace to see the light of my ways before action is needed. And we may have to see about that 'entire forums' idea.. if it comes to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I chose. CHOSE. to inform Oops that I do not want to be a mod. I told him never to make me a mod. So your argument is superfluous.
    Yet you applied for Keeper? Even when you didn't have Starcraft 2 at the time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Your "suggestion" is offensive. And useless. Did I mention useless?

    I applied for Keeper, having fixed my SC2 copy, as an attempt to assist in the overload within the Reports section.
    Rap decided I was unneeded. That is not the same thing and you know it.
    You did mention it, quite a talent at double stating things- farmer.

    If your services were needed, you would have been contacted. We all know you just want to have more places to post, regardless of how useless you would be without SC2. - You application was LONG before you returned to the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    Creed, I see you reading. What is happening?
    Do not confuse things, Creed is in no way related to this issue, Appley.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I have trying to stress the complete moronic-ness that exists within your suggestion.


    At least I am glad I didn't get sucked into the black hole that seems to exist in the recently added Moderator positions.
    You challenge my fellow Moderators and the mighty Keepers? I promised you this crushing of farming and farmers wouldn't need come from my hand...

    Quote Originally Posted by AppleyNO View Post
    Damus, you of all people should know what is happening.

    Slaol posted in CJ about he is anti-post farmer and said we should all do something that would obviously not work and would go again what a forum is in the name of anti-post farming.

    You fell for it dude, and its devolving into Rule 1.
    I was the one attacked when I posted in the group. I had my intentions, but Damus is the aggressor here. I planned political action and progressive reform. This war was CERTAINLY not in the plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    When these forums die the blame shall lead directly at your feet.
    Only my colleagues know how much I refuse to let these forums die...

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Your right. Slaol is obviously trying to get me banned..
    I'm onto you Slaol. I'm onto you.
    And the forums would be over 8,000 posts a year cleaner.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    As for the original idea of the thread, it would be great if new posts updated when people edited, otherwise noone will ever realize you edited your OP.
    +1 for the idea. Rofl, with you at my side we can make the art of anti-post farming more easily accessible and beneficial to the forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I was the one offended first Slaol. You cannot play the victim!
    By my social life choices? How did you even notice my request with all the posting you should be doing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    I am offended because of your boneheaded "suggestion" and the fact that you are completely insulting me in a more subtle manner than I have you!
    Your claims of subtle insult are only to be matched by my facts of blatant insults.

    I want no more part in this post frenzy discussion, and would like the opinions on my idea from the others in the community.
    Last edited by Slaol; January 1st, 2013 at 03:03 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Oh please tell me more about how this is within bounds of your given abilities.
    Last I checked you were assigned to be mod of MAFIA DISCUSSION.
    Not the entire forums.
    This suggestion is completely unneeded. Someone please do us a favor and delete this troll thread.

    I chose. CHOSE. to inform Oops that I do not want to be a mod. I told him never to make me a mod. So your argument is superfluous.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol
    Damus, this is a suggestion, not a mandate. I expect the common sense of the populace to see the light of my ways before action is needed. And we may have to see about that 'entire forums' idea.. if it comes to it.

    Yet you applied for Keeper? Even when you didn't have Starcraft 2 at the time?
    Your "suggestion" is offensive. And useless. Did I mention useless?

    I applied for Keeper, having fixed my SC2 copy, as an attempt to assist in the overload within the Reports section.
    Rap decided I was unneeded. That is not the same thing and you know it.

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol
    You did mention it, quite a talent at double stating things- farmer.

    If your services were needed, you would have been contacted. We all know you just want to have more places to post, regardless of how useless you would be without SC2. - You application was LONG before you returned to the game.
    I have trying to stress the complete moronic-ness that exists within your suggestion.


    At least I am glad I didn't get sucked into the black hole that seems to exist in the recently added Moderator positions.

    Stay out of this Appley. I don't want you getting tainted by this fools shortsightedness.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Damus, you of all people should know what is happening.

    Slaol posted in CJ about he is anti-post farmer and said we should all do something that would obviously not work and would go again what a forum is in the name of anti-post farming.

    You fell for it dude, and its devolving into Rule 1.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    I would like to remind you two to be careful and not devolve into personal attacks though, else you'll be infracted by certain infraction-happy mods.

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol
    I was the one attacked when I posted in the group. I had my intentions, but Damus is the aggressor here. I planned political action and progressive reform. This war was CERTAINLY not in the plan.
    I was the one offended first Slaol. You cannot play the victim!

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    As for the original idea of the thread, it would be great if new posts updated when people edited, otherwise noone will ever realize you edited your OP.

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Are you really taking amusement out of this?!

    Perhaps I shouldn't have expected you to be as effected about this as I am, turncoat!
    This is not in Site Discussion.

    I rest my case.

    And yes, I am.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol
    Your claims of subtle insult are only to be matched by my facts of blatant insults.

    I want no more part in this post frenzy discussion, and would like the opinions on my idea from the others in the community.
    Oh of course!
    Just brush me aside and further the thought that I am the bad guy in all of this..
    I know the truth Slaol. And I will not be silenced.

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: The Great Single Post Thread

    where is my post gone? o.0
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28



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