Survival Quest #2 - Page 3

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  1. ISO #101

  2. ISO #102

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Part Ending

    "Hm... this seems quite simple and still... this doesn't make any sense!" - Glip claimed. "But this is the correct translation." - Ash assured. "And what? You think some old dirty jungle thing has some sense in it?" - Damus argued. "Well, I..." - Ash tried to find any words to answer but Fatais interrupted them: "Nevermind, guys. This is totally not the thing that helps us getting outta here. We must search for anything really useful." "Agreed" - Gzz nodded. The Survivors decided to get back to camp, but there was something they wouldn't have expected.
    "Wha..." - Ash stood with opened mouth. "The hell?" - Damus stood too. The terrain where the camp was supposed to be, was completely empty. No campfire, no leaf-tents, no people, no even a goddamn crashed plane! "Where did everything go?" - zingo asked. - "Were we moving in right direction?" "Yes, creedkingsx was supposed to make a map while we were going." "My map is right, check the compass." - creed argued. "It's not the case about the navigation." - Glip said. - "It's about this place." "Oh, don't you start all that campfire horror stories" - RLVG claimed. - "We're just lost. And we need to track ourselves backwards and find the camp." Everyone agreed to go back...

    Spoiler : Solution :
    Equal groups of letters had their letter group analogs according to the given examples.

    Ko = Fe
    Uhs = Ar
    Org = For
    Hul = Got
    Lan = Ten

    Result: Fear Forgotten

    Spoiler : Part Results :

    1. Glip - RIGHT - 5
    2. RLVG - RIGHT - 5
    3. Roflcopter - RIGHT - 5
    4. Fatalis - RIGHT - 5
    5. Ash - RIGHT - 5
    6. creedkingsx - RIGHT - 5
    7. Damus_Graves - RIGHT - 5
    8. SuperJack - RIGHT - 5
    9. Gingerape - WRONG - 4
    10. Gzz - NO REPLY - 4
    11. zingo1zang - NO REPLY - 4
    Sencerely yours,


  3. ISO #103

  4. ISO #104

  5. ISO #105

  6. ISO #106

  7. ISO #107

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    glip got it right and said the second word couldve been something else
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  8. ISO #108

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Logic : There's only one nine lettered word with "gotten" in it.

    ... Omg, 5 HP
    We had no way of knowing that it was nine letters.

    Uhs was translated as "ar", so you can't say that a grouping of three letters always translates to three letters in English.

    Therefore, up until he posted the fourth translation, "begotten" and "ungotten" were still possible translations. And "misbegotten" was less likely but couldn't be entirely ruled out either.

  9. ISO #109

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    We had no way of knowing that it was nine letters.

    Uhs was translated as "ar", so you can't say that a grouping of three letters always translates to three letters in English.

    Therefore, up until he posted the fourth translation, "begotten" and "ungotten" were still possible translations. And "misbegotten" was less likely but couldn't be entirely ruled out either.
    A little meta however is that it's the Very First Puzzle, it would be rather difficult if we had to deal with extending or shortening what letters we already got.

  10. ISO #110

  11. ISO #111

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    A little meta however is that it's the Very First Puzzle, it would be rather difficult if we had to deal with extending or shortening what letters we already got.
    As I said, we already had to deal with shortening what letters we already got with "uhs", three letters, being translated as "ar", two letters. As such, "org" could just have easily been translated as "be" or "un", until he posted the fourth translation.

    And if you play enough FM you learn that "a little meta" is quite unreliable, although I will say that it was only because of meta that I felt safe in submitting my answer before determining a failsafe translation of "org".

  12. ISO #112

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Fear begotten makes no sense, same with fear ungotten.

    Fear forgotten is the only sensical answer, therefore there was never more than one answer.

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU

  13. ISO #113

  14. ISO #114

    Re: Survival Quest #2


    Forever real, it never is not-real.

    And the other one is a simple sentance of someone stating how many torchs they have, but fear begotten makes no sense at all!

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU

  15. ISO #115

  16. ISO #116

  17. ISO #117

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    Fear begotten makes no sense, same with fear ungotten.

    Fear forgotten is the only sensical answer, therefore there was never more than one answer.
    Fear forgotten and Fear begotten make the same amount of sense.

    It could mean something like Fear has been forgotten, like the ancient civilization had nothing left to fear, and lived in peace and harmony or whatsit.

    Or maybe it's saying to Fear the forgotten ones, like some even more ancient evil came and wiped them out, and is still here, waiting to prey on us.

    The arrival of the forgotten ones would most definitely beget fear in the ancient civilization, which would be "Fear Begotten"

    Or maybe the "forgotten ones" are some sort of demon spawn, in which case they'd be the "begotten" ones too. Fear the Begotten ones

    Now, if the ancient civilization never actually had anything to fear, then it would be fear ungotten.

    Fear Misbegotten = They were afraid of something they shouldn't have been afraid of.

    Most likely methinks it's telling us to Fear the Forgotten Ones! There must be some ancient evil that lies waiting for us in this forest. We'd best be on our guard.
    Last edited by Glip; January 7th, 2013 at 04:09 PM.

  18. ISO #118

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    Fear forgotten and Fear begotten make the same amount of sense.

    It could mean something like Fear has been forgotten, like the ancient civilization had nothing left to fear, and lived in peace and harmony or whatsit.

    Or maybe it's saying to Fear the forgotten ones, like some even more ancient evil came and wiped them out, and is still here, waiting to prey on us.

    The arrival of the forgotten ones would most definitely beget fear in the ancient civilization, which would be "Fear Begotten"

    Or maybe the "forgotten ones" are some sort of demon spawn, in which case they'd be the "begotten" ones too. Fear the Begotten ones

    Now, if the ancient civilization never actually had anything to fear, then it would be fear ungotten.

    Fear Misbegotten = They were afraid of something they shouldn't have been afraid of.

    Most likely methinks it's telling us to Fear the Forgotten Ones! There must be some ancient evil that lies waiting for us in this forest. We'd best be on our guard.
    I taught it was forgotten fear lol

  19. ISO #119

  20. ISO #120

  21. ISO #121

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    I can't picture Esposito having us guess fear begotten, and misbegotten is too long.
    It's possible, but retarded for a first puzzle with multiple interprettions if Forgotten were not the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roflcopter View Post
    Also it was 78.6%, not 77%!
    Whatsup with all the math wizzes in the forum?

    My first interprettion of the puzzle were 66%, 33% for FEAR and GOTTEN with the last 33/34% with a guess to fill the blank FOR.

    Edit : English skillz, it's "Interpretation".
    Last edited by RLVG; January 7th, 2013 at 10:53 PM.

  22. ISO #122

  23. ISO #123

  24. ISO #124

  25. ISO #125

  26. ISO #126

  27. ISO #127

  28. ISO #128

  29. ISO #129

  30. ISO #130

  31. ISO #131

  32. ISO #132

  33. ISO #133

  34. ISO #134

  35. ISO #135

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Since you're obsessive with the "Fear Forgotten", here's a random puzzle to keep you busy until part 2 comes up.
    (Mainly I want a different subject since it's stupid to discuss a 77% )

    | X | 2 | X | 4 | X |
    | 5 | 1 | X | 3 | 4 |
    | X | X | X | X | X |
    | 3 | 4 | X | 1 | 2 |
    | X | 3 | X | 5 | X |
    No explanation given, other then a hint: Pattern.
    Last edited by RLVG; January 8th, 2013 at 12:12 PM.

  36. ISO #136

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Since you're obsessive with the "Fear Forgotten", here's a random puzzle to keep you busy until part 2 comes up.
    (Mainly I want a different subject since it's stupid to discuss a 77% )

    | X | 2 | X | 4 | X |
    | 5 | 1 | X | 3 | 4 |
    | X | X | X | X | X |
    | 3 | 4 | X | 1 | 2 |
    | X | 3 | X | 5 | X |
    No explanation given, other then a hint: Pattern.
    I guess I'll put this one in a spoiler code so other people still get a chance to solve it on their own if they want. I'll also have to throw in a bit of BS extra stuff in here so the darn "new forum posts" thing doesn't go ahead and spoil it anyway. There should be some way to make it show that it doesn't display text that is inside spoiler tags.

    Spoiler : The Solution :
    | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
    | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
    | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
    | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
    | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
    Last edited by Glip; January 8th, 2013 at 03:05 PM.

  37. ISO #137

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Part 2. Cursed Empire

    Survivors were going through the jungles searching for their last footsteps to find their way back to camp. In the end they were very surprised as footsteps dissappeared just near the place where they found the tablet. "Maybe a rain erased it?" - Ash suggested. "Have you seen the rain? Or have you heard it? Nah, there are no signs of anyone or anything erasing it." - Damus_Graves said. "Damus is right" - Glip agreed. - "These jungles are not the same. Here were different trees in different positions". "Jesus, stop all those scary things about the jungles. Don't claim that you've remembered all the trees around!" - Gingerape argued. "Guys, we need to find a hideout" - Ash reminded. "And some food, I'm starving" - zingo said. "Alright, let's move then" - Glip commanded.
    It started getting darker. Even through all the leaves it was now even darker than it was during the day.
    In the end they decided to have a rest near some big tree. Damus broke some sticks and Ash used his lighter to make a campfire.
    Fatalis made a torch and went to look around. "I found something!" - he suddenly signaled. Everyone came to him and Fatalis shown a big ancient wall covered with same symbols as at the tablet. "Well, at least now it will be easy to translate these signs" - Ash said and started inspecting the wall. "And that's all? What's the point of searching this old dirty wall?" - zingo claimed. "We need something to do anyway and I don't wanna sleep this night anyway" - Damus said and joined the inspection.

    Spoiler : Survivors :

    1. Glip - 5
    2. Damus_Graves - 5
    3. RLVG - 5
    4. creedkingsx - 5
    5. Ash - 5
    6. SuperJack - 5
    7. Fatalis - 5
    8. Jr4life24 - 5
    9. Gingerape - 4
    10. Gzz - 4
    11. zingo1zang - 4

    Spoiler : Puzzle :

    The translated text is a story, maybe a legend about ancient Emperors of Nis Empire that ruled these lands.

    "By the rise of the seventh Sun, Emperor Tsul was born. From the time he started ruling the Empire, he was surrounded by women's beauty and love. He had 365 wives to have one of them each day of the year. But it was Leap Year coming, when there were 366 days. And he wanted to have one more wife, but she must be the most beautiful from all of his wives. He ordered to find him a woman and he found her in a small fishing village. She didn't want to come with him and because of that Emperor took her with force and burnt the village. When the year was over and it was the last day coming, Tsul invited the new woman to his bedchamber. At first she agreed to some, but that night she tookand hided a silver fork after the dinner, looked deeply in Emperor's eyes and put this fork in his throat. After that a riot started in the Palace and the whole harem has been executed on fire.

    The next decade Emperor Ynot-Tulg, one of the Tsul's lost sons started his ruling. He was a wise Emperor but very fat because he was having 5 dinners each day and a dinner party every Sunday. His councilors tried to stop him from eating that much, but he refused their help. After several years a stranger came to the Palace claiming that he was the greatest cook in the whole Empire and asked to serve Ynot's next dinner. When the dinner started and the Emperor tried the first course, it was so wonderful that he wanted more. The main course was even better and Emperor started asking more and more, he ate so much food that by the end of the day he wasn't able even to swallow any more piece of food. He suffocated and fell right on the table. The stranger has been executed and the Emperor's guards started looking for another Tsul's son.

    Three years later they found him. Emperor De'Erg was a lost son of Tsul that was carried out by an old by kind woman from the town that was near the capital. De'Erg tired from living in poverty and he was very happy to know that he had to be the Emperor. He was so surprised by the riches he had got that he started spending hours in his treasure room, playing with golden armor and covered with diamonds wineglasses. Then his mother came to him. She asked him to give the town a few gold coins to solve the poverty there. After such request Emperor went completely mad. He ordered to throw the old woman out from the Palace and forbid her to enter the Capital of the Empire. After that day De'Erg became crazy. He started thinking that everybody comes to him only to ask for his riches to share. He hided all the treasures and killed everyone who knew about their location. In the end, he was so worrying about them that he put all of them in the Palace tomb and locked himself inside with all his gold, silver and diamonds. After a month the tomb has been opened and De'Erg's corpse was siting in the corner of the room, still holding his treasures.

    Palace guards panicked. They had no other Emperor but they had to choose a new one. There were two generals in the army, they were brothers: Ht-Ols and Ht-Arw. Each of them wanted the throne even harder than the other and they started fighting for the crown. After the fight, in wich Ols cheated, Arw has been banished from the Empire forever and Ht-Ols became the Emperor. He was having great time in the Palace, during the whole day he was lying on his throne. He even made it mobile so that he could ride without leaving his chair, moved by his subjects. He became completely lazy, Osl didn't want to make any changes in his Empire, didn't want to solve social or political problems.

    After all, Ht-Arw returned to the Empire with great army from North that helped him to conquer the Capital. When Arw entered the main room of the Palace, he found fat Ols lying in his chair. "Stand up and fight me like a real man!" - Arw ordered. But Ols answered that he didn't even want to. That was "too hard" for him. Arw became really mad about it and killed his brother without any regret and took his crown. He was so crazy about his brother being unable to fight him that he started tyrannizing the whole Empire, burning every village he didn't like.

    15 years later, Arw's son Yv-Ne grown up and was ready to take the crown, but first his farther had to die. He decided to wait. Arw became very old but still he was able to rule the Empire. After all, Yv asked him why couldn't he become Emperor right now. "You are too young for this, my dear" - Emperor ansewered. "But I can become the Emperor. I want to become the Emperor! I want the crown! I want it!" - he screamed loudly and tried to take the crown by force. Arw was too old to fight eventhough Yv was just a child. Yv took a sword and killed his farther to take the crown. After becoming an Emperor, he ordered every town and village in the Empire to bring him the best food, best women and the most expensive treasures. And after travelling around the Empire, he always found anything he liked and he wanted to take it.


    The part about the Last Emperor is broken and unreadable. Now you must tell me the name of the Last Emperor, according to other Emperors' stories.
    Tip: there are no " ' " or "-" marks in his name, his name is signle and is not divided.

    • You may ask questions in green
    • You have 1 guess
    • You can't discuss your solution
    • You can inform the others if you have solved the puzzle
    • I give you from 24 to 48 hours, depending on how much of you solves it by the time. If there will be more than a half of players who solved the puzzle, I will end the part in 24 hours

    Sencerely yours,


  38. ISO #138

  39. ISO #139

    Re: Survival Quest #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Gingerape View Post
    Jesus, stop all those scary things about the jungles. Don't claim that you've remembered all the trees around!
    lol, you don't need to rp that, that is said in the RP part =)
    Sencerely yours,


  40. ISO #140

  41. ISO #141

  42. ISO #142

  43. ISO #143

  44. ISO #144

  45. ISO #145

  46. ISO #146

  47. ISO #147

  48. ISO #148

  49. ISO #149

  50. ISO #150



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