Role idea: Kamikaze!

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  1. ISO #1

    Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Name: Kamikaze/Martyr/Suicide Bomber/Terrorist/Voltorb (something to that effect)
    Alignment: Neutral
    Goal: At the start of the game they are assigned a role of any type in the session, Town, Mafia or Neutral, who they need to kill. If they kill anyone of this role, they win (but the game will continue).
    Ability: At night they can choose to kill someone with a suicide bombing, killing themselves in the process. The town will find them missing, and their target dead, the next morning.
    Options for the host to enable/disable at their own preference:
    Targets role blockers for bombing if blocked on the night of their attack
    Target of bombing cannot be healed
    Kamikaze kills self if the only remaining member of their target role dies.
    Targets role blockers even if they weren't attacking on the night of being blocked.

    My thoughts: I think this would be a fun role for the person playing it and everyone else watching (especially if they end up blowing up the wrong person). Obviously they need to be careful as they only have one shot at hitting the right person, so need to be especially on the lookout for clues on people's roles, while avoiding making themselves a target for lynching or the Mafia. The person playing the kamikaze also has to weigh the risk of them or their target being killed with the risk of them hitting the wrong person.
    Everyone else needs to be more cautious when revealing their roles during trials if they know their is a kamikaze in the game, making people think twice before declaring "I'M SHRIFF, HEAL ME DOC PLZ" at the start of the game. It also makes bluffing a bit more risky, you may be mistaken for their target.

    Obviously this role is a bit luck based. For example if they get assigned the godfather they're going to struggle, but that's half the fun in my opinion, and he is intended for fun games rather than serious games anyway (think of him as a mix of serial killer and jester).

    I've been sitting on this idea for a while, thought I'd finally share it. Any feedback will be highly appreciated (whether good or bad) and improvement ideas would be great too!

    P.S Great job on the game you guys, such a great mod.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Bleh. If you add this role, there's always going to be the stupid person that sets up the game with serial killer, arsonist, and a kamikaze. But the role itself would be different, and a bit of a challenge. I'm on the line about this one.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    I think you should change:
    -Targets of Bombers can be healed (bomber dies without a kill)
    -Escorts who Roleblock bombs set off the bomb (even if the bomber chose not to use their ability)

    I think you should add a point system. More important roles give you more points at the end of the game for the kill. Citizens wouldn't give you many points, for instance. Godfather, Doctor, or SK might give you more (or however you decide an 'important' role)

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metnik View Post
    I think you should change:
    -Targets of Bombers can be healed (bomber dies without a kill)
    This would be the standard setting, notice how the healing immunity was only an option (such as the godfather being able to kill on his own), although i thank you for the feedback. I like your other idea, i'll add it to the options section.
    Edit: TONS of spelling/grammer corrections, only just woke up.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Mafia is a pretty chaotic game. The current points system (1.24 NA, not the EU 1.23 version) fulfills the task of addressing skill pretty well, IMO. Awarding based off of individual actions would be too chaotic.
    I, personally, would just award a flat amount of points for winning or losing, based on role. Doesn't really need anything fancier than that in my opinion.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Quote Originally Posted by JACKTAAS View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Mafia is a pretty chaotic game. The current points system (1.24 NA, not the EU 1.23 version) fulfills the task of addressing skill pretty well, IMO. Awarding based off of individual actions would be too chaotic.
    I, personally, would just award a flat amount of points for winning or losing, based on role. Doesn't really need anything fancier than that in my opinion.
    ... No ?

    This would be horribly abused beyond salvation given the customizing nature of the map (people would create setups with high-reward roles only). IMO the current system is pretty damn good (well, currently not in Europe eheh).

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    if such a role maybe something like "headhunter"... he gets 3-4-5 names on his list and wins once they are dead?

    But just 1... is a bit easy to win and a bit boring for the player... he just has to target one ppl and the game is over for him no matter what^^

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Role idea: Kamikaze!

    Quote Originally Posted by Afumba View Post
    if such a role maybe something like "headhunter"... he gets 3-4-5 names on his list and wins once they are dead?

    But just 1... is a bit easy to win and a bit boring for the player... he just has to target one ppl and the game is over for him no matter what^^
    I like this suggestion, it reminds me of this role:

    Alignment : Third party
    Night Visiting Role : No
    Abilities : Wins if an irritating townie is lynched.

    The Lyncher has no abilities. He is given a target, the irritating townie, at the beginning of the game, and he has the win condition of having that target lynched.



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