Is going AFK reportable?

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  1. ISO #1

    Is going AFK reportable?

    I was jester one game and I got lynched day 2.

    Now fast forward to day 8 or so. There is a doctor, escort, veteran, witch, and mafioso. The doctor and escort both want to lynch the mafioso, but the veteran was afk. So the following night the escort was killed off, then the veteran.

    Because the veteran went afk, the witch won the game. Had the veteran been there, the town would have won.

    Is that reportable?

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Is going AFK reportable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptorblaze View Post
    If there was significant evidence, yes.
    I have kicked several people for AFK gamethrowing.
    I actually do have a replay, but it's on another computer at another house, so I guess I'll file one on Sunday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I thought AFKing wasn't against the rules.
    Well it caused only the witch to win instead of the town.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Is going AFK reportable?

    yea thats reportable dood. even if he wasnt AFK, that might be enough to report that person for gamethrowing.
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  6. ISO #6

    Re: Is going AFK reportable?

    I remember when Archangel chose to go AFK as Godfather, and his name was "AFK Godfather". He went afk all-game, drove his team mad!

    But I do regret times when I am partially afk. My fault for having windowed-mode on, which makes alt-tabbing EZ. But it's not fair to other players because it results in a lot of silence and votes that never happen.

    Question: can we report retarded town members? I mean, my argument has always been "How else is the evil side supposed to win?". If town votes wrong, can we just report the people who voted guilty on doctor?

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Is going AFK reportable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I thought AFKing wasn't against the rules.
    My rationale is that if you're AFK then you don't get the points, so I will kick AFKers right before the game ends.

    Either way, if the person's been afk the entire game, I don't consider it punishable by watch/kick/banlist, it's just something that sometimes happens and I accept it, but they still don't get points for it.

    I would consider it punishable if a person suddenly went AFK right at a critical time, perhaps swaying the game to a friend on another faction or something, but normal AFK I wouldn't really consider reportable. Unless it happened in a Ranked game.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Is going AFK reportable?

    It's nearly impossible to prove someone intentionally went afk to throw the game unless he claims he did at some point, in which case yes it is reportable.

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