S-FM Meme War

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Thread: S-FM Meme War

  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Meme War

    Just, forget it.

    Spoiler : Forget this idea: :
    >Meme war

    >Roles list:

    >Zerg Rush(Godfather)
    >Nyancat(Drug Dealer)
    >Rule 34(Consort)

    >Forever Alone(Witch)

    >Courage Wolf(Vigilante)
    >Come at me bro(Veteran)
    >Me Gusta(Escort)
    >Arrow to the knee(Citizen A)
    >Bad luck Brian(Citizen B)

    Every role has a secondary one-use ability
    (See role cards)


    Spoiler : Role cards: :

    Spoiler : Mafia :

    Spoiler : Godfather :
    Can send himself to kill any mafia target each night, is invulnerable.
    Secondary: "Change of leadership": Can choose any member of the mafia to become the godfather, he then becomes a mafioso

    Spoiler : Drug Dealer :
    Can give a target one of three pills to have a fake effect occur:
    -Red pill (Attacked and healed)
    -Blue pill (Witched)
    -Pink pill (Annoyed)
    Secondary: "PILLZ HERE!": Can use two pills on two different people in one night

    Spoiler : Consort :
    Roleblocks one person every night, cannot be roleblocked
    Secondary: "Rule 63": Roleblocked target comes up as mafia to sheriff

    Spoiler : Neutrals :

    Spoiler : Jester :
    Can annoy one person each night, wins if lynched and will cause a random voter to commit suicide.
    Secondary:"Trolololololo": Lets the jester hammer himself if only one more vote is needed

    Spoiler : Witch :
    Can manipulate one person to visit another each night, target is notified of manipulation
    Secondary:"Ninja witch": Lets witch stealthily manipulate, target is not notified.

    Spoiler : Town :

    Spoiler : Bodyguard :
    Guard one person, if he is attacked you will sacrifice yourself, killing the attacker and yourself.
    Secondary:"Can't break a nokia": If activated on the same night that you die, you will come back to life as a citizen, however you cannot win ties.

    Spoiler : Sheriff :
    Check one person each night, can detect non-GF mafia, and witch.
    Secondary:"Deep Thought": Detects one persons exact role, GF shows up as citizen.

    Spoiler : Vigilante :
    Can shoot one person each night, has two shots.
    Secondary:"FEAR ME": Can deny one persons vote from counting during day, if used target will be notified, however you will remain anonymous

    Spoiler : Veteran :
    Can go on alert three times, killing any visitors.
    Secondary:"First come, first serve": Only kills the first visitor when activated

    Spoiler : Escort :
    Can roleblock one person each night, cannot be roleblocked.
    Secondary:"Me GUSTA": Roleblocks a target and all visitors.

    Spoiler : Citizen A :
    Can vote.
    Secondary:"Kneepads": Can pick a target and give them armor for the night.

    Spoiler : Citizen B :
    Can vote.
    Secondary:"Bad luck": Can pick a target, and if attacked, will die instead of target.

    Order of Operations:

    1. Veteran Alert
    2. Secondary Abilities(Unless enhancement to normal ability)
    3. Manipulates and roleblocks(If witch is roleblocked then cannot manipulate)
    4. Jester annoys
    5. Bodyguard Guards
    6. Vigilante kills
    7. Mafia kills
    8. Sheriff Checks


    • If the godfather is dead, one mafia member may choose to attack instead of use ability
    • Day/Night cycle = 24 Hours
    • Vote commands in Red
    • Questions in Green
    • No PM's
    • You must submit night action and post at least twice or you will be replaced/modkilled

      First time making an FM, and I probably went too extravagant with secondary abilities, feel free to give any sort of criticism, such as "Secondary abilities suck", "This whole idea sucks", "This would be better if ...", etc.
    Last edited by Roflcopter; October 17th, 2012 at 01:50 AM.

    Spoiler : :
    S-FM Paranormal Case Studies (Sheriff)

    "Glory only with zerglings and breast implants!!!"
    -Random player on EU



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