M-FM Blazer's Experiment Role Cards

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM Blazer's Experiment Role Cards

    Spoiler : The Infection (Test Subjects) :

    The new virus was created by the mad scientist Blazer. The substance was declared the "B-Virus". The B-Virus was developed for unknown reasons, except to Blazer himself. Those who have successfully undergone mutation show no symptoms externally and can only be revealed to those who were trained in the practice of medicine. Those who were infected with the new virus bonded with it and became a new organism altogether. Blazer's experimentation showed that the infected could spread via blood contact. The results shown from that source of infection indicate that the subject undergoes a change internally and becomes "one of the pack". These new subjects showed no process of evolution or exceptional mutation. Records found in Blazer's lab indicate that the infected are able to communicate telepathically once they have completed mutation.

    -Share a night chat.
    -Know each others identity.

    Spoiler : Alpha Infected :

    The Alpha infected was the first subject to bond with the B-Virus. The Alpha infected has obtained a keen sixth sense. This sixth sense allows him to determine which organisms will be good hosts for the B-Virus. The Alpha leads the pack and is the only one allowed to infect other organisms. The Alpha is the only subject who was able to retain any signs of civility or high intellect.

    -Infect 1 person each night by biting them.
    -Infection will be complete the following night.

    Spoiler : Omega Infected :

    The Omega infected is the strongest organism to bond with the B-Virus. The Omega subject developed physically over mentally. The Omega uses animistic instincts and the guidance of the Alpha combined with it's most basic intelligence level. Blazer's experiments show that the Omega fights with such brute force and ferocity that there is hardly ever any evidence of it's victim. The Omega has been known to devour it's victim and fuse the DNA of the victim with his own. This led to even further evolution of the Omega. Blazer left some notes on how he suspected an increase of brain activity with each "meal".

    -Invulnerable to conventional attacks.
    -May devour 1 target at night and steal it's night ability.
    -Will succeed the Alpha and lose any previously attained ability upon the death of the Alpha.
    -Will retain night invulnerability.

    Spoiler : Sadist :

    The Sadist was a very troubled subject. She was once a normal girl but lost all sanity once she embraced the black arts. Once she was introduced to the experiment, she marveled at the wonderful creations that Blazer had created. She sought out the infected subjects and proclaimed her allegiance. Since she had a special "gift" with the dark arts, the Alpha decided to welcome her to the pack and infected her. She still retained her influence within the dark arts after infection. Blazer's notes indicate that she also became the "mother" of the brood.

    -Manipulate 1 person each night to assign them a new target.
    -Target is notified of manipulation.

    Spoiler : Infected :

    The infected are the drones of the pack. They have shown no increase in physical abilities or intellectual prowess whatsoever. These subjects are the direct result of the Alpha infecting them. These subjects developed the telepathic ability of the infected, but lost any previous knowledge of their practice before infection.

    -Lose ability upon complete infection.
    -Infection takes one full day to complete.

    Spoiler : The Survivors (Placebo Subjects) :

    The Survivors were exposed to the B-Virus but their immune systems fought off and rejected the virus. The Survivors retained their memories and knowledge of who they were before the experiment. These subjects do not know who else was left unaffected by the virus or who to trust. Their goal is simple, survive the experiment that Blazer has forced upon them.

    Spoiler : Physician :

    This subject once practiced as a personal trainer to athletes. His knowledge of the human body allows him to determine if there were any genetic changes. He also took some courses in psychology to help the mental condition of his athletes. This skill also allowed him to analyze behavior and see if someone is simply a survivor, or if they are hiding more than one can normally see.

    -Visit 1 person each night.
    -Determine the targets alignment.
    -Unable to be devoured.

    Spoiler : Doctor :

    This subject practiced in the field of medicine. A somewhat 'mad' doctor, yet his knowledge and skills are great. His methods are unorthodox but he can recognize if someone is infected or undergoing infection. His medical tools allow him to prevent infection up to a certain point in the development, or will allow him to purge the infection and kill those who are beyond saving.

    -Visit 1 person each night.
    -If the target is undergoing infection, prevent it from progressing.
    -If the target is already infected, purge the infection. (kill the target)
    -If the target is being attacked, heal 1 fatal injury.

    Spoiler : Vigilante :

    This subject is the stereotypical redneck. Having a private arsenal of weapons, the subject kills those who he deems suspicious. He was only allowed to keep 1 weapon and four shots inside the experiment. No one knows why Blazer allowed him to keep his weapon...perhaps it was just to see who he would shoot...

    -Visit 1 person each night.
    -Shoot your target.
    -Shots will not pierce healing.
    -Shots will not pierce invulnerability.
    -Has 4 shots.
    -May shoot night 1.

    Spoiler : Jailor :

    This subject is a war veteran who became battle hardened after serving many tours in Vietnam. His military knowledge allows him to capture and interrogate any suspects he finds in the experiment. His age does not seem to have any effect on his skill. This old man is a tough one.

    -Jail 1 person each night.
    -Has 2 executions.
    -May not jail after a lynch.
    -Jailing provides immunity to conventional attacks.
    -Jailing does not prevent infection

    Spoiler : Bodyguard :

    This subject was a gang leader before being forced into Blazer's experiment. His brutality and experience in the gang gives him exceptional combat experience. After being introduced into the experiment he showed his true colors. This man was not the typical mob boss who would massacre many innocents. He actually took the initiative to protect those weaker than himself. It is undetermined if this is a side effect of the B-Virus.

    -Visit 1 target each night.
    -Protect that target from attacks.
    -You will die in the place of your target if he/she is attacked.
    -Unable to be healed if dying by protecting his target.
    -Will not prevent infection of the target.

    Spoiler : Detective :

    This subject was a cop that specialized in cases that were 'beyond normal'. His recent mission was concluded on foreign soil as he returned the president's daughter from the clutches of a cult. Showing exceptional skill he was target by Blazer and dragged into this experiment of death. It was the time to truly put his skill to the test.

    -Visit 1 person each night.
    -View who your target visited each previous night.

    Spoiler : Bus Driver :

    This subject was a bus driver in the outside world. He met many people and was very friendly to all who rode his bus. He came to learn names of all of this riders and provided them with a great transportation service. After being thrust into this experiment, he still was a very friendly fellow and would often distract his targets at night. This caused them to end up in opposite locations than originally planned.

    -Visit 2 targets each night.
    -Swap the location of each target that night.
    -Target is notified of being swapped.

    Spoiler : Lookout :

    Once a stalker, always a stalker. This subject was involved in the crime scene detective unit at the local police department. He worked part time as a private eye, but his skill was still being developed. After being exposed to the B-Virus and thrust into an experiment of deadly proportions, he continued to watch the subjects for any signs that would help him determine who had evil intentions and who just wanted to get out alive.

    -Stalk 1 person each night.
    -See who visits your target that night.

    Spoiler : Enchantress :

    A woman who was exceptionally skilled a persuading those around her to achieve what she wanted. Her feminine charms were enhanced once exposed to the B-Virus. She is able to charm those around her to faun over her and stay the night with her. Her skill still expands as she is also able to make those who have intentions to visit her randomly target someone else.

    -Visit 2 people each night.
    -Lure 1 target to visit you that night.
    -Repel 1 target from visiting you that night.
    -Target is notified of both repelling and luring.
    -A successful repel will make the target visit someone at random that night.

    Spoiler : Citizen :

    An innocent bystander that had no exceptional skills to begin with. Blazer just brought these targets in to provide more hosts for the virus. Catching on to their situation, these subjects quickly formed a group. At night they decided to meet and try to figure out what was going on.

    -Share a night chat with each other.

    Spoiler : The Unaccounted For Variables :

    These Subjects were exposed to the B-Virus and their bodies did not undergo any changes, but their minds were compromised. These subjects showed drastic changes in mental behavior. Their brain activity spiked and receded at varying rates. Their memories were compromised and only each individual knows what they are thinking.

    Spoiler : Psycho (Jester) :

    This subject was once a politician. No one knows how intelligent he was to begin with, but now the subject shows the most basic levels of intellect. The memories of this subject were erased and he thinks he is still in the candidacy stage of his election. He wants to become the most popular test subject and die in fame and glory.

    -May visit 1 person each night to convince them of your ability in this candidacy.
    -The silver tongue of this subject provides him with night immunity to conventional attacks.
    -Can be infected.
    -Will eliminate 3 players if total number of players is 15+ will eliminate 2 if 14-.
    -Jester grief can not be stopped through any means.
    -Target is NOT notified of visit.

    Spoiler : Loner (Survivor) :

    This subject was an average, everyday citizen until he stumbled upon bizarre mishaps while at work. His girlfriend went missing at the station that the mysterious events occurred. His team was sent to evaluate the situation and provide assistance. There was no way that they would be prepared for a fight for their lives. Blazer took an interest in this subject after he showed exceptional skill in surviving in such a place. His instincts were sharp and his mind keen.

    -Has 1 vest.

    Spoiler : Cannibal (Amnesiac) :

    Spoiler : Real One :

    This subject was a caring and loving mother before she was exposed to the experimentation at Blazer's hands. She was pregnant when she was exposed to the B-Virus and began mutation. Sadly, her child did not survive the process. She began to show symptoms of severe regression and mental instability. Her humanity was lost to her after bonding with the virus. Her depression drove her to cannibalism. The virus adapted to her mental breakdown and took advantage of the DNA she devoured.

    -Eat 1 corpse at night.
    -Gain the abilities of the deceased.
    -If charge based, Amnesiac will receive the full set of charges.
    -Role is revealed to town.

    Spoiler : Executioner :

    This subject was the average high school nerd. Everyday he was picked on at class. He was short, wore glasses, always had his nose in a book, and was athletically underdeveloped. Blazer saw something more within this weak human and thought he would provide interesting results once bonded with the B-Virus. Naturally, his intuition was correct. The poor boy had stored up years of hate and had an incredibly sinister side to him. His rage provided a catalyst for the B-Virus to spread and overtake his body. The boy grew to an enormous height and developed a mass of muscle never seen before. Since he was once an innocent child who was victimized, he saw himself as justice and an avenger. The virus might have had something to do with his mental condition, but that is pure speculation since the subject hid such hatred within his heart.

    -Target is always town.
    -Immune to infection.
    -Immune to conventional attacks.

    Spoiler : Student :

    This young lady was a straight A student at Fujimi High School. She lived the life of a genius who could solve any intellectual challenge presented before her. Her athletic skills were not the most impressive, but she could adapt to any situation and learn any skill after a short analysis. Blazer selected this self-proclaimed genius to test her ability as an intellectual. Once exposed to the virus, she displayed no known symptoms. She appeared to be the same lady she was before exposure. Some tests are in order to determine the capabilities of this subject.

    -Pick mentor night 1.
    -Will succeed mentor upon his/her death.
    -If infected upon succession, the student will obtain a corrupted version of the role.
    -Immune to devouring.

    Spoiler : The Limiters :

    These participants are Blazer's personal guard. They are specially trained, elite, bio-enhanced beings that Blazer personally picked. They are completely loyal to their boss and their resolve is absolute. They were dispatched to keep the B-Virus under control. Blazer told them to use any means they see fit, this includes killing the subjects that are potential hosts to the virus. Their enhancements and training makes them extremely deadly and immune to infection. Blazer allowed two of the Limiters to 'participate' in the experiment while the other two guarded the perimeter and enforced the rules.

    -Immune to infection.
    -Will obtain a night chat upon visiting one another.

    Spoiler : Serial Killer :

    Vector is the squads close quarters combat expert. His ability to blend into any crowd and hide within the most exposed areas truly shows his skill as the squads assassin. Not much is known about Vector's background. He has never mentioned anything about his real name or his life before working for Blazer.

    -Kill 1 person each night
    -Pierces invulnerability.

    Spoiler : Arsonist :

    Bertha is the squads pyropsyko. She always has some source a fire around her. She is one of the toughest members and serves as the squads interrogator as well. Her habits include using a machete during negotiations, collecting fingernails, and listening to the sound of breaking bones. Her weapon of choice it the A-1PYR, a highly modified flamethrower developed by scientists in Blazer's lab. Her personal record ends abruptly and no more data can be found about her.

    -Douse 1 person each night.
    -Target is notified of dousing.
    -Ignition will ignite all previously doused targets.
    -Ignition pierces invulnerability.
    -Ignition does not pierce healing.

    Spoiler : Explosives Expert (Electro Maniac) :

    Beltway is the explosives expert. He is highly skilled at setting traps and rigging many deadly encounters. His personal favorite is planting bombs on unsuspecting targets and have the explosives set on a proximity trigger. He doesn't have to be at the scene of the crime and he is virtually untraceable when rigging up a target. His past has always been about explosions and traps.

    -Rig 1 person each night.
    -Explosions do not pierce healing or invulnerability.
    -Healing will not remove the explosives.
    -Target is not notified of rigging.

    Spoiler : Spree Killer :

    Spectre's specialty is long-ranged elimination. His skills allow him to simultaneously kill any targets within his objective area. He has been known to stalk targets and eliminate those who enter the target's objective area with simultaneous head shots. He has been designated at the over-watch in operations and usually hangs back to provide support.

    -Visit one person each night.
    -Kill any who enter the target's area.
    -Successful firing will require a 1 night cool down to change locations.
    -Does not pierce healing or invulnerability.

    Last edited by Blazer; November 3rd, 2012 at 10:09 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment Role Cards

    Sorry that happened, Blazer.
    I understand your pain.. These things take a lot of time to type up... >_>

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  4. ISO #4



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