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Thread: Mafia's dying

  1. ISO #51

    Re: Mafia's dying

    but shouldn't that mean a global drop in popularity of all custom games?
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  2. ISO #52

  3. ISO #53

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by NettleS View Post
    Ranked UMS games? wtf is this crap
    I haven't played SC in around 3 months or so but seriously ranked UMS = blizzard has totally lost the plot.
    All the top games are ranked... And has been for like a year, take SOTIS for example(now Aeon of Storms)

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  4. ISO #54

  5. ISO #55

  6. ISO #56

    Re: Mafia's dying

    in that case na is wtfbbq full of trolls.

    EU has nobody in the flipping watchlist o.0
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  7. ISO #57

  8. ISO #58

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    I don't exactly see how that would affect Mafia's popularity. Mafia was about equal in popularity between NA and EU and I don't see any population differences that would cause the addition of a game mode to make the map plummet.
    It divides the player pool. Not a good thing.

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Xen View Post
    It divides the player pool. Not a good thing.
    Not really, since you can choose which lobby you join. If there's no one in ranked, I leave the lobby and join custom.
    Also could this be possibly due to a bug? I find that the lobbies for mafia fill up a lot faster than the games around it, yet it is still falling in popularity.

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  10. ISO #60

  11. ISO #61

  12. ISO #62

  13. ISO #63

  14. ISO #64

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    The drop was because Blizzard's shitty popularity counter ignored any games from Custom and only counted Ranked. I fixed it so it instead ignores Ranked and only counts Custom.
    so blizzard screwed up? not the first time. thought why can't it count both costum AND ranked?
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  15. ISO #65

    Re: Mafia's dying

    typical of blizzard, can't really blame them tho.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    The drop was because Blizzard's shitty popularity counter ignored any games from Custom and only counted Ranked. I fixed it so it instead ignores Ranked and only counts Custom.
    Roflmfao, knew it

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  18. ISO #68

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Guardian View Post
    typical of blizzard, can't really blame them tho.
    Can't blame them?

    Some asshole in Blizzard HQ decided to merge with Activision.

    From that day, Blizzard will ALWAYS be to blame.

    There needs to be a new op video game making company called Volcano or Forest Fire or Hell's Furnace to overthrow Blizzard.

  19. ISO #69

  20. ISO #70

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Xen View Post
    Can't blame them?

    Some asshole in Blizzard HQ decided to merge with Activision.

    From that day, Blizzard will ALWAYS be to blame.

    There needs to be a new op video game making company called Volcano or Forest Fire or Hell's Furnace to overthrow Blizzard.
    Blizzard is already the best of all the current video game companies, I say don't get too greedy.

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  21. ISO #71

  22. ISO #72

  23. ISO #73

  24. ISO #74

  25. ISO #75

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Ranked cannot possibly be solely blamed for the loss in popularity.

    Case in point: EU's popularity dropped but within a small margin (7th place to 9th place or thereabouts) when the patch hit.
    It still could. EU might just like it better, hence a less drastic drop. What works for one group, might not work for the other.

  26. ISO #76

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by Mugy7 View Post
    Blizzard is already the best of all the current video game companies, I say don't get too greedy.

    the second PSO2 comes out here in USA sega will have more active players than all of blizzard.
    otherwise square enix could be viewed as having more players than blizzard ever had in sales of all FF games combined.

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by hobokiller. View Post
    Seince i cant create a new thread cause AMBIENT MADE ME RESTRICTED. ill make a Post here.

    type unban hobokiller to agree with my petittion to get me unbanned.
    ive learnt my lession . and i havnt thrown a game in 6-7 months. it is quite unfair that im banned.
    agree with the pettition and type unban hobokiller today!
    /ban hobokiller
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Well, a couple of thoughts on the subject :

    1.The huge popularity bump that came from the Pomf & Thud video probably ended now, and it made Mafia immensely popular in Europe for some weeks - and french players immensely hated too. Even if Thud made a new comment about Mafia on the livestream of the MLG today, so there may be another french assault on the game in the next days (around 7000 viewers when he said it).

    2.Guild Wars 2 is out. I know at least one experienced player (Ori) that is gonna spend 28 hours a day on it. The Mafia community isn't your average RTS community, maybe there is more "RPers" in it, and a big game like GW2 may influence the number of games.

    3.Even if I have to wait to play now, especially in are so great that I really don't care. Also, "When you go rank, you can't go back". I think Ranked is gonna be more and more popular, and make more and more people try it. People ready to wait up to 15 minutes for a real Mafia game anyway.

  30. ISO #80

  31. ISO #81

  32. ISO #82

  33. ISO #83

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by FruitNinja View Post
    It's been declining since patch 1.5, but it's been dropping fast recently:
    Mostly due to zenolate and zero blue, but they have far from killed Mafia. They have wasted their time. Mafia is still going very strong and this community is likely going to stay together.

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  34. ISO #84

  35. ISO #85

    Re: Mafia's dying

    This community will not die now.

    Within a while it will get back on top of the list again.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  36. ISO #86

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Quote Originally Posted by FruitNinja View Post
    It's been declining since patch 1.5, but it's been dropping fast recently:
    Cool, thanks for the link. Does anyone else see that it stopped counting on the 7th.

    7th was a league day. Where is my name?

    Link is no good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  37. ISO #87

  38. ISO #88

  39. ISO #89

  40. ISO #90

    Re: Mafia's dying

    Yeh the bug with only recording rnked games is fix'd now so we can go back to wifom-5
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  41. ISO #91

  42. ISO #92

  43. ISO #93

    Re: Mafia's dying

    I still find it fills up at a fairly decent speed.
    But whenever I try ranked, i'm waiting for like 20 minutes, so I leave and join custom.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,



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