GUIDE: Colored names

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    GUIDE: Colored names

    The Default Colors:

    1- Red
    2- Blue
    3- Teal
    4- Purple
    5- Yellow
    6- Orange
    7- Green
    8- Light Pink
    9- Violet
    10- Grey
    11- Dark Green
    12- Brown
    13- Light Green
    14- Black
    15- Pink

    Colored Names

    Example: RAINBOW

    How To

    Step 1:
    Have 5,000 or more points.
    Step 2: At the name select screen, type the hyphen as usual.
    Step 3: Input color values using HTML coding. In essence, HTML coding is a 6 digit/letter combination used for a specific color value.

    Coding Format

    HTML Code:
    <c val="FF0000">The text here will be red</c>

    Anything between the "opening" and "closing" brackets will be the color chosen.

    So to make R red it would look like this:
    HTML Code:
    <c val="FF0000">R</c>

    To make the entire RAINBOW color in game it would look like this:
    HTML Code:
    <c val="FF0000">R</c><c val="fe8a0e">A</c><c val="FFFF00">I</c><c val="00FF00">N</c><c val="00FFFF">B</c><c val="151B8D">O</c><c val="842DCE">W</c>

    Note: There is a 255 character limit set in place for starcraft. 12 Different colors is about the max that you may use in any name before it will be cut off.

    Useful Websites

    1: Color Codes
    2: Hex Color Picker
    3: Gradient Maker
    4: Color Fading


    Serial Killer
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="4c0f3d">S</c><c val="661452">e</c><c val="801a66">r</c><c val="991f7a">i</c><c val="b2248f">a</c><c val="cc29a3">l</c> <c val="e62eb8">K</c><c val="ff33cc">i</c><c val="ff47d1">l</c><c val="ff5cd6">l</c><c val="ff70db">e</c><c val="ff85e0">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="663D66">J</c><c val="804c80">e</c><c val="995c99">s</c><c val="b26bb2">t</c><c val="cc7acc">e</c><c val="e68ae6">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="008080">E</c><c val="009999">x</c><c val="00b2b2">e</c><c val="00cccc">c</c><c val="00e6e6">u</c><c val="00ffff">t</c><c val="00e6e6">i</c><c val="00cccc">o</c><c val="00b2b2">n</c><c val="009999">e</c><c val="008080">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ee4400">A</c><c val="ee5500">r</c><c val="ee6600">s</c><c val="ee8800">o</c><c val="ee7700">n</c><c val="ee6600">i</c><c val="ee5500">s</c><c val="ee4400">t</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="3D663D">I</c><c val="4c804c">n</c><c val="5c995c">v</c><c val="6bb26b">e</c><c val="7acc7a">s</c><c val="8ae68a">t</c><c val="99ff99">i</c><c val="8ae68a">g</c><c val="7acc7a">a</c><c val="6bb26b">t</c><c val="5c995c">o</c><c val="4c804c">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="66ff33">E</c><c val="52cc29">s</c><c val="3d991f">c</c><c val="33801a">o</c><c val="296614">r</c><c val="1f4c0f">t</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="8A0808">G</c><c val="B40404">o</c><c val="DF0101">d</c><c val="FF0000">f</c><c val="FF0000">a</c><c val="FF0000">t</c><c val="DF0101">h</c><c val="B40404">e</c><c val="8A0808">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="4c0f00">B</c><c val="661400">l</c><c val="801a00">a</c><c val="991F00">c</c><c val="b22400">k</c><c val="cc2900">m</c><c val="b22400">a</c><c val="991f00">i</c><c val="801a00">l</c><c val="661400">e</c><c val="4c0f00">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="2554C7">G</c><c val="FF0000">o</c><c val="FBB117">o</c><c val="2554c7">g</c><c val="4AA02C">l</c><c val="FF0000">e</c>
    Twilight Sparkle
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="332266">Tw</c><c val="6600bb">i</c><c val="ff4499">l</c><c val="332255">ig</c><c val="9955dd">ht</c> <c val="ff4499">S</c><c val="9955bb">p</c><c val="9955aa">ar</c><c val="9955bb">k</c><c val="9955cc">l</c><c val="9955dd">e</c>
    Pinkie Pie
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ff4499">P</c><c val="ff4499">i</c><c val="ff4499">n</c><c val="ffee99">k</c><c val="99ddff">i</c><c val="ff99bb">e</c> <c val="ff99cc">P</c><c val="ff99dd">i</c><c val="ff99cc">e</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ffaaaa">F</c><c val="ff99aa">l</c><c val="ff99aa">u</c><c val="ffaaaa">t</c><c val="ffdd88">t</c><c val="ffee88">e</c><c val="ffff88">r</c><c val="ffff88">s</c><c val="ffee88">h</c><c val="ffdd88">y</c>
    Rainbow Dash
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ff0000">R</c><c val="ff9900">a</c><c val="ffff00">i</c><c val="00ff00">n</c><c val="0000ff">b</c><c val="9900ff">o</c><c val="66dddd">w</c> <c val="66ddee">D</c><c val="66ddff">a</c><c val="66ddee">s</c><c val="66dddd">h</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ffffaa">A</c><c val="ffffaa">p</c><c val="ffaa44">p</c><c val="ffaa55">l</c><c val="ffaa66">e</c><c val="ffaa66">j</c><c val="ffaa55">a</c><c val="ff0000">c</c><c val="ffaa44">k</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="6633dd">R</c><c val="6655dd">a</c><c val="00ffff">r</c><c val="ffffff">i</c><c val="ffffff">t</c><c val="ffffff">y</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FE0105">S</c><c val="E00113">p</c><c val="EA0133">i</c><c val="EA0171">d</c><c val="DE01EA">e</c><c val="8601E4">r</c><c val="5101FE">m</c><c val="2F01FE">a</c><c val="0B01D6">n</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="2B3856">a</c><c val="3C4364">b</c><c val="4D4E72">c</c><c val="5E5A80">d</c><c val="4D4E72">e</c><c val="3C4364">f</c><c val="2B3856">g</c><c val="4C7D7E">h</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="1B0A2A">L</c><c val="7401DF">u</c><c val="8904B1">n</c><c val="642EFE">a</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="EFEFFB">T</c><c val="E0E0F8">h</c><c val="CECEF6">u</c><c val="BCA9F5">n</c><c val="9F81F7">d</c><c val="8258FA">e</c><c val="642EFE">r</c><c val="4000FF">s</c><c val="3104B4">t</c><c val="210B61">r</c><c val="170B3B">u</c><c val="170B3B">ck</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0099">H</c><c val="CC0099">I</c><c val="99099">T</c><c val="660099">G</c><c val="990099">I</c><c val="CC0099">R</c><c val="FF0099">L</c><c val="FF099">?</c>
    The American
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">The </c><c val="FFFFFF">Amer</c><c val="0000FF">ican</c>
    The Canadian
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">The </c><c val="FFFFFF">Cana</c><c val="FF0000">dian</c>
    The German
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="333333">The </c><c val="FF0000">Ger</c><c val="FFff00">man</c>
    The Italian
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="088A08">The </c><c val="FFFFFF">Ital</c><c val="FF0000">ian</c>
    The Frenchman
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="0000FF">The F</c><c val="FFFFFF">renc</c><c val="FF0000">hman</c>
    The Indian
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FE9A2E">The </c><c val="FFFFFF">Ind</c><c val="088A08">ian</c>
    The Irishman
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="088A08">The </c><c val="FFFFFF">Iris</c><c val="FE9A2E">hman</c>
    The Korean
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFFFF">The </c><c val="FF0000">Ko</c><c val="0000FF">re</c><c val="FFFFFF">an</c>
    The SouthKorean
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFFFF">The </c><c val="FF0000">South</c><c val="0000FF">Kore</c><c val="FFFFFF">an</c>
    The South Korean
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFFFF">The </c><c val="FF0000">Sout</c><c val="0000FF">h Kor</c><c val="FFFFFF">ean</c>
    Derpy Hooves
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="DBA901">D</c><c val="FFBF00">e</c><c val="FAAC58">r</c><c val="F3F781">p</c><c val="F5F6CE">y</c> <c val="848484">H</c><c val="BDBDBD">oo</c><c val="848484">ves</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="8542F8">C</c><c val="6642F8">o</c><c val="5442F8">l</c><c val="74A6F2">g</c><c val="5E8AEF">a</c><c val="5E77EF">t</c><c val="635EEF">e</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="2EFE9A">L</c><c val="FE9A2E">y</c><c val="00FFBF">r</c><c val="A9F5E1">a</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="58FAF4">T</c><c val="00FFFF">z</c><c val="00BFFF">e</c><c val="00BFFF">e</c><c val="0080FF">nt</c><c val="0040FF">c</c><c val="0101DF">h</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">K</c><c val="DF0101">h</c><c val="B40404">o</c><c val="8A0808">r</c><c val="610B0B">n</c><c val="3B0B0B">e</c>
    High Stakes Roulette
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFFFF">High Stakes</c> <c val="FF0000">Ro</c><c val="000000">ul</c><c val="FF0000">et</c><c val="000000">te</c>
    High Stakes Roulette
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFFFF">High Stakes</c> <c val="FF0000">Ro</c><c val="333333">ul</c><c val="FF0000">et</c><c val="333333">te</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="00CCFF">Rune</c><c val="FFFF00">Scape</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">C</c><c val="AA0000">o</c><c val="560000">n</c><c val="010000">s</c><c val="560000">o</c><c val="AA0000">r</c><c val="FF0000">t</c>
    [WATCH LIST] Plasmatic is a confirmed cheater and gamethrower!
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FFFF00">[WATCH LIST]</c> <c val="ff0000">Plasmatic</c> <c val="FFFF00">is a confirmed cheater and game-thrower!</c>
    Lord Beric Dondarrion
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="736AFF">Lo</c><c val="7D2252">rd</c> <c val="461B7E">Be</c><c val="461B7E">ri</c><c val="6C2DC7">c</c> <c val="1589FF">Do</c><c val="9172EC">nd</c><c val="736AFF">ar</c><c val="4EE2EC">ri</c><c val="1589FF">on</c>
    //////NYAN CAT
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">/</c><c val="fe8a0e">/</c><c val="FFFF00">/</c><c val="00FF00">/</c><c val="00FFFF">/</c><c val="842DCE">/</c><c val="F9B7FF">N</c><c val="B93B8F">Y</c><c val="F9B7FF">A</c><c val="B93B8F">N</c> <c val="736F6E">CAT</c>
    The BanHammer
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="4c0f00">T</c><c val="661400">h</c><c val="801a00">e</c><c val="991F00"> B</c><c val="b22400">a</c><c val="cc2900">n</c><c val="b22400">H</c><c val="991f00">a</c><c val="801a00">m</c><c val="661400">m</c><c val="4c0f00">e</c><c val="4c0f00">r</c>
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="C4C5CA">J</c><c val="D8D8DC">u</c><c val="EBECED">d</c><c val="FFFFFF">g</c><c val="D7D7D7">e</c><c val="AFAFAF"> </c><c val="BEBEBE">Y</c><c val="CCCCCC">a</c><c val="DBDBDB">y</c><c val="EDEDED">a</c><c val="FFFFFF">p</c>
    The Fred is Dead
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="AE0000">T</c><c val="A00000">h</c><c val="920000">e</c> <c val="750000">F</c><c val="670000">r</c><c val="590000">e</c><c val="4A0000">d</c> <c val="540000">i</c><c val="6D0000">s</c> <c val="9D0000">D</c><c val="B50000">ead</c>
    Achmed The Dead Terrorist
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="C4C5CA">Ach</c><c val="D8D8DC">me</c><c val="EBECED">d T</c><c val="FFFFFF">he</c><c val="D7D7D7"> De</c><c val="AFAFAF"></c><c val="BEBEBE">ad</c><c val="CCCCCC"> Te</c><c val="DBDBDB">rr</c><c val="EDEDED">orist</c>
    The Red Baron
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF0000">The </c><c val="000000">Red </c><c val="FF0000">Baron</c>
    The White Knight
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="C7C7C7">The</c> <c val="E3E3E3">Whi</c><c val="F8F8F8">te K</c><c val="E7E7E7">nig</c><c val="C7C7C7">ht</c>
    The Dark Lord
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="FF7F00">The</c> <c val="#AA5500">Da</c><c val="2B1500">rk</c> <c val="804000">Lo</c><c val="FF7F00">rd</c>
    [WATCH LIST] Yayap is a confirmed dead man!
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="66ff33">[WATCH LIST]</c> <c val="ff0000">Yayap</c> <c val="FFFF00">is a confirmed dead man!</c>
    [BAN LIST] Fred is a confirmed points thief!
    HTML Code:
    -<c val="ff0000">[BAN LIST]</c> <c val="66ff33">Fred</c> <c val="FFFF00">is a confirmed points thief!</c>
    Spoiler : Auckmid's compiled list of unlockables :
    I noticed that I couldn't find a list of unlockables anywhere on the website or wiki, so...

    Male - Default
    Female - 30 points
    Scientist - 150 points
    Prisoner - 400 points
    Hunk - 1000 points
    Glowman - 2000 points
    Rave God - 4000 points
    Soldier - 8000 points
    Dark Lord - 14000 points
    Megafunk - 22000 points

    Advenurer Hat - 50 points
    Funny Hat - 100 points
    Cowboy Hat - 200 points
    Suave Hat - 300 points
    Afro - 500 points
    Bamboo Hat - 700 points
    Seaman Hat - 1100 points
    Napoleon Hat - 1500 points
    Top Hat - 2300 points
    Officer Hat - 3100 points
    Captain Hat - 4700 points
    Golden Hat - 6300 points
    Operator Hat - 9500 points
    Vizer - 12700 points
    Halo - 19100 points

    Bolded items used to be exclusive to donors and mods(I think Soldier might have always been availabe to all, but I bolded him because of exceptionaly high points value for non-donors)
    Bolded and italiced items used to be very excusive, with only Patrons, global mods and above having access
    Bolded, italiced and underlined items used to be only available for Benefactors and Admin(there was a time when Halo was exclusive to Plato)

    I think I'm pretty acurate, but I might have made some mistakes...

    Oh yes, and pretty colours

    Spoiler : yzb25's Guide to Last Wills :
    NOTE: Basically I just want to practice my written teaching skills. I thought it'd be a good idea to start out with something very non serious so I just decided to make a tutorial for a section of a game. If I could be told how well this goes that'd be nice. You can use crtl+f and then the number in the contents (e.g. 2.1) to skip to a part that's relevant to you. (but make sure you specify to the decimal as normal numbers have been used in other places).


    1) the basics.
    1.1 - What is a LW?
    1.2 - The uses
    1.3 - The language
    1.4 - a final note

    2) making a fake lw

    2.1 - Which role? - the priorities.
    2.2 - Making it fit

    3) finally
    3.1 - in conclusion


    1.1 - What is a LW?

    What is a LW? - A lw (Last will), in it's simplest sense, is a message you type into a box that will then be saved. This saved message will be printed onto the screen upon death. This "box" that text is typed into is generated by typing the "-lw" (without quotes) into the chat. You will then be given two bars to type text into. The top bar will have the words "Type last will here". This sentence can be replaced with a more relevant one to the game. The text typed into the box can be copied. This makes it possible halfway through a game to be copied (by bringing up the box with -lw) then crtl+c-ing the text and crtl+v-ing it into the chat so that other players can see it before you die in case you feel it is necessary that the data is revealed to the town now and you can't wait for death. The use of this will be described in the next section.

    1.2 - The uses.

    A lw has two main uses:

    One: What's stored in the boxes can be copied into the chat to give information (whether it be true or false) to the other players at any point in the game. This makes the lw a quick way to give the information you got from your role to other players rather than looking back through the log to get all the information you previously discovered and type it into the chat. Because it is something generally done by town roles to give data to other townies. Evil roles will often make a "fake lw" to copy and paste into the chat pretending to be a, for example, sheriff by giving a bunch of people they investigated to be NS. It's a very good way to get the town on your side, however as people get better at mafia they become more critical and careful with lws which means evils have to do the same. Making a good fake lw will be explained below.

    Two: Often you don't always want to reveal your role. However you have data you want to give to the town before you die. However because a lw is also printed on the screen the day after death this does not make that a problem. For example, if a sheriff knows there are no protectives left he may not want to reveal he's sheriff to the town. However if he dies he will never be able to give this information to the town. Instead he can just type it in his last will so if he does die the town will know his information and he can hide his role until death.

    1.3 - The language

    The boxes used for a last will are honestly quite small. This is why it's important to make last wills as small as possible to make sure as much data can be crammed in them as possible. Even though the advantage of all the abbreviations used in lws makes it possible for them to be very small we can still end up with very complicated lws. It can be a little bit baffling to new-comers and, for example, here is a lookout's lw:

    n1 4 <-- 3,15,6 n2 9 <-- noone n3 5<---1,2

    invest lw:

    n1 3 citi/sini n2 7 sheriff/exe n3 4 doc/sk n4 5 lookout/bm

    As you can see, it can be quite baffling for someone new to the game.

    . That's why I'm going to explain the most common abbreviations here:

    n# = night (number) e.g. n3= night 3 n1 = night 1

    . There are two ways roles are abbreviated:

    1) if it's a large word that can be broken down into two smaller ones, e.g. godfather, blackmailer, the start of the two small words e.g. god - g and father - f is taken and fused together to make a new word - gf. blackmailer b - black and m - mailer = bm. The only exception to this rule is lookout which is usually just kept the same rather than becoming lo.

    2) If it's a word that cannot be applied to the rule above, it is either kept the same or letters at the end are knocked off - e.g. executioner - exe doctor - doc. Often if it sounds weird when shortened down e.g. sheriff = sher it'll just be kept the same - sheriff.

    1.4 - a final note

    Also I forgot to mention what individually the two boxes were for. The bottom box is where you give the data of your role as shown above (n1 3 citi/sini n2 7 sheriff/exe n3 4 doc/sk n4 5 lookout/bm). The top box is the evaluation. The evaluation is where you take your findings and draw conclusions. For example: "No more doctors in setup which means 4 must be sk" or "7 has found many mafias so it's safe to assume he's sheriff not exe". This is done because the bottom of the last will bar is a lot like a math calculation, even though if someone else stared at it for 20 seconds they'd probably work it out eventually, it'd still be a lot more easier if you explained it to them rather than they waste half a mafia day deciphering it and its uses.


    As people get better at mafia, the town gets more critical and the evils are forced to be more deceptive and illusive with their strategy. It's always a struggle for the evils. Esp. newcomer evils who struggle to get to grips with making a lw in general let alone a good fake one. That is why I will try to explain the basics of making a good fake lw.

    2.1 - Which role? - the priorities.

    One of the biggest deciders to how good your last will will be is the role you plan to claim. If you claim an inappropriate role, the town will often dismantle you immediately. I believe that the role claiming is the most key part in making a fake last will.

    I like to think of which role you'll pick in priorities. There are important aspects that must always be satisfied if you want your lw to be good. If they are not satisfied a good town will easily dismantle your lw.

    PRIORITY ONE - THE ROLES LIST: The roles list button at the top of the screen gives the setup for the game. When people claim a role, the first thing any good townie will do is check the roles list to see if your role is even possible. For example, if you claim bodyguard and there are no town killings, town protectives, town randoms, or any randoms (that include town) or guaranteed bodyguards that are still not alive or not already confirmed to be other people, the town will tell you your role is impossible and you will be lynched (or if they're extra smart they'll let a jailor or vigi kill you in case you're jester). Also, if you can, try to make it that your role fits into two (or even more) possibilities on the roles list (e.g. an evil claims bg when there's a town protective AND a town killing still alive and unconfirmed).

    PRIORITY TWO - THE COMPLEXITY: I believe this, to be priority two along with easyness (as mentioned below). Basically, people have a weird psychology in mafia where the more complex your lw is, the more likely they are to believe you. For example, the mindblowing lookout last will above is far more likely to get the town on your side than a citizen last will that will likely consist of: "n5 - used bpf vest."

    PRIORITY TWO - THE EASYNESS: I believe this to be the second most important thing - how easy is it to fake this role's lw? For example, If you tried to fake a lookout it'd be extremely hard as it relies on you knowing who visited who. There is no evil that can have any clue about who visited who apart from who you (and if you're in the mafia who they visited). This makes lookout a very hard lw to fake, not impossible, but hard. That's why i ranked this as priority two as it's impossible to fake a role that can't exist (priority one). Now, imagine how easy it'd be to fake citizen! "I used my bulletproof vest n5". Of course, this rule almost contradicts the complexity rule mentioned above. The point I'm trying to make is that you should try to find a balance between complexity and easyness. Don't fake a citizen last will but don't fake a lookout last will either. A lovely medium tends to be a sheriff last will for example. (But of course if you claim someone ns and they come out as evil you're in for trouble.

    PRIORITY THREE - CONFIRMED EXISTENCE BUT UNCONFIRMED PLAYER: This is more of a tactic than a priority but I think it's necessary it's included: A good tactic is if a town role has been confirmed somehow in the chat e.g. someone has died to a vet shooting or a vigi kill exc. but no-one knows who actually is the person a good idea is to fulfill that role as it will fit in very nicely to your defense. Just make sure you claim it before the real one does! Also you should try to only do this at the end of the game as doing this will likely create you and the real one enemies which will cause investigatives to check you both and (possibly) dismantle you. It's a great idea to quickly type that role into the chat when there are only 3 or 4 players left (including you).

    PRIORITY TEN - INVESTIGATOR MESSAGE: I feel that a lot of people overestimate the importance of having your role fit with your investigator message e.g. "if you're an sk claim doc and if you're a blackmailer claim lookout" but honestly, having your role fit in with that is a luxury. Ultimately, when you make a fake lw, there will always be a flaw. If you claim you're a doc and you say you're healing the sheriff while a detect knows you visited the person the sk did last night you will be caught. Every investigative has a way of flawing a last will somehow. You should just try to focus on the basics rather than getting rapped up in something like this. Having your role fit with an investigative is a luxury. I called this one priority ten to emphasize how little it actually matters in comparison to other things when making a lw.

    2.2 - Making it fit

    This next note is going to be very vague. But I will try my best to give good examples. Basically, if you see 9 found 3 to be ns night 1 you'll know that 9 must have visited 3 to get this information. Therefore, you can actually put it in your detective last will. This is a very complicated art that can take an extremely long time to master. But with practice you'll get better at it. This also links back to the lookout last will. It'd be extremely difficult to make an accurate lookout last will. Remember, the town only needs to find one faulty in your last will and your screwed. This is why you have to be extremely (extremely) careful when building your last will. However, most people who play mafia do not have photographic memory and tend not to check the log much. So if you, as a matter of fact, edit your last will slightly as you go along, even if you printed it in chat a while a go and esp. if it's a complex lw the town is actually unlikely to notice. If you realize that in fact you copied the log incorrectly and 3 also visited 8 on n2 *wink wink*, *nudge nudge* you may actually get away with it. But remember, the less complex, the more easy it is to notice this.


    3.1 - conclusion

    I hope you found this instruction guide (if not all of it at least parts of it) useful. Please tell me how it could have been improved in the comments (If you feel the overpowering urge to). Remember if you're town you don't have to do all this theory work with making a fake last will! All you have to do is find something wrong with it! Whether it be that it contradicts your findings and actions or someone else's!

    Thanks for reading - yzb25
    Last edited by rumox; January 28th, 2019 at 12:58 AM.



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