Another gaspiden Role Idea: Inquisitioner

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  1. ISO #1

    Lightbulb Another gaspiden Role Idea: Inquisitioner

    Inquisitioner: A devout religious fundamental who takes pleasure in the torture of his victims, who he deems as against his beliefs.

    Alignment: Neutral/Advanced

    Special Abilities: An Inquisitioner has the option of targeting one person at night and torturing them that night. The objective of the Inquistioner is too successfully torture his victim for 3 nights IN A ROW so that on the third night of successful torture, his victim's body will fail to withstand any more of the cruel proceedings and die as a result. A message will display to victims: "You been trialed and found guilty of heresy by an elite religious institution! The inquisition has come!". It will also display at end of night "Victim suffered severe mental strain and physical exhaustion. Death awaits". Once the victim is dead, the Inquistioner would have completed his role (thus winning essentially) but will lose all abilities for the rest of the game, including night immunity.

    Goal: To successfully cause a slow, excruciating painful, and agonizing death for his victim (I.e torture victim for 3 nights til death).


    -Inquistioner is invulnerable at night
    -Inquistioner tortured victims can still be killed at night
    -Victim is not notified that he has been tortured

    POSSIBLE QUESTIONS (very important you read these before commenting)

    What do you mean by "successful torture", what can anyone do to STOP an inquistioner from torturing his victims besides lynching (since he's invulnerable at night)?

    A tortured victim can still be healed or protected by a bodyguard. In the case that a doctor heals the target, all the torture will be reduced back to 0 (I.e if inquistioner was on night 3 of torturing his victim, but his victim was healed. Inquistioner's target will be set back to 0. So that's as if no tortures ever occurred).

    Can Inquistioner switch targets? And if so, do his tortures stack?

    An inquistioner can choose to switch targets but if he does, the victim he previously tortured is cleared of all tortures (I.e if he tortured a victim for 2 nights, decides to torture someone else another night, but then goes back to the victim 4 night it would act as the first attempt of torture made. In otherwords, previous victim wouldn't die).

    An inquistioner seems impossible to win as. What are the chances that you will be able to torture the person 3 nights in A ROW (how bout if target was lynched or killed?).

    An inquistioner's target cannot be killed at night when under torture. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for inquisitioner to win (victim would die before he would be able to kill). If the target is lynched however, the only thing inquistioner can do is pick a different victim and start over.

    If the inquistioner chooses not to torture one night. Are the tortures on the victim reset to 0?

    NO. If he chooses not to torture anyone one night, his previous target will still have 2 tortures (unless target was attacked and healed that night).

    What happens once Inquistioner has won?

    Well like executioner, he pretty much just can remain indifferent. Once his victim dies, the inquistioner loses all abilities including night immunity.

    Why should Inquistioner get night immunity?

    I put this option and think it should be checked, just when you consider the time frame that inquistioner needs. I mean he needs to torture a target successfully for 3 NIGHTS and that's if his target isn't A. lynched B. healed. So to give inquistioner a chance, he shouldn't be able to die at night.

    What happens if his tortured victim suicides?

    If his target suicides, then Inquistioner wins by default. It basically implies that his torture was sufficient enough for the victim to take their own life (I.e player knew he was gonna die after 2 tortures, so decides to suicide).

    Why 3 nights?

    A fair number, 2 is too few, 4 is too many.

    Can inquistioner kill a target with night immunity?

    Regardless whether he chose an sk or gf. His victim will die after 3 nights of torture.

    How about it he targets vet or a bg protecting someone?

    He will die like any other role if vet has alert or bg protect.
    Last edited by gaspiden; July 28th, 2012 at 03:24 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Another gaspiden Role Idea: Inquisitioner


    Yeah, I've also been thinking about that too with day 1 rolequitters (rolequitters ruin the game and should be at the very least on kicklists). Nonetheless, I forgot to mention that suicide win only applies after the target has been successfully tortured for 1 night. If he suicides THE night he IS tortured, the inquisitioner doesn't win and must select a different target next night. Thus it's really a waste of time for inquistioner to pick a target that already left. And yes, a person can just suicide to guarantee an inquistioner a win after n2 (assuming the target isn't lynched or healed). However this would be purposeful gamethrowing, like skypers lynching a jester and would be very muched treated the same way (ban-list).
    Last edited by gaspiden; July 29th, 2012 at 02:06 AM.



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