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  1. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    RIP Stiance
  2. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    God. You really like saying that. Is that the only thing you can say because you can think of say anything else because you are busy in your scum chat.

    What account would people prefer I use?
  3. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    And who have you not interacted much with wisp?
  4. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Thank god
    Who do you think is hiding?
  5. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    I have now executed my Archon/Hybrid partner. This slot/player/head now only has one person playing it. This is @SuperJack


    @Dark Magician
    @Marshmallow Marshall
    @S-FM Magoroth

    I apologize and I hope we can continue.
  6. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Game goes splat
  7. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post

    One of the traitors calls it an assault on the freedom of speech.
    Imagine a world where you can self publish

    Or create your own social media site (and host it too)

    And nobody from the government can stop you

    Now imagine crying that you aren't allowed to strong arm a publisher into publishing you instead, or strong arm a social media site into letting you violate their terms of service
  8. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Imagine you want to publish a book full of conspiracy theories. You go to different book publishers and they tell you that they don't want to publish your book and distribute your conspiracy theories. Are they now in trouble for suppressing free speech?
  9. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Twitter exists as a convenience. A luxury as you will. It isn't required in order to have free speech. But it makes spreading your free speech easier.

    Cutting out this luxury does not disable free speech.
    You know, you can create an account for the site that you can use to argue all of this. Please stop using our account here. Thanks.
  10. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Twitter exists as a convenience. A luxury as you will. It isn't required in order to have free speech. But it makes spreading your free speech easier.

    Cutting out this luxury does not disable free speech.
  11. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    We didn't have speech before twitter?
    This is such an important point that conservatives love to completely gloss over. The perceived "free speech" twitter problem here only exists because twitter was innovative enough to create a platform that enabled people to spread what they want easier.
  12. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Affecting distribution of free speech IS affecting freedom of speech xD
    It isn't. Unless it's the government doing it. The government does not have the right to shut down the distribution of free speech. The distribution business does have the right to refuse distribution of anything it doesn't want to distribute. That's the difference here.
  13. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Imagine coming up with an idea, using that idea in your business model to make money and then being told you're not allowed to use that idea as you wish - being forced to use that idea as others are telling you to.

    Why are you only concerned for the rights of right wingers? Why are you not concerned for twitter's rights? Do you not believe that they have rights to their own product that they created?
  14. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Twitter is affecting freedom of speech by doing this. It’s not just Trump that’s getting deplatformed and it’s not as if it’s even the first time ppl have gotten censored. Ppl have gotten censored before for speaking out against COVID (on YouTube, and now on Twitter as well, lately), and the message is clear to everyone - disagree with Twitter and Facebook and you’ll get your tweets removed, account banned, videos deleted from YouTube.

    The problem with FaceBook and Twitter engaging in journalism is that they have a high reaching influence; post something on Twitter and FB and pretty much the entire planet can see what you wrote. When you have such a monopoly on media channels as they do, you can do a lot of real damage by preventing ppl from speaking there. You’ve effectively cut off the person from a very important venue of communication. That is censorship and against freedom of speech. It isn’t protected by freedom of business, simply because of how pervasive these companies how and they can affect public opinion and essentially control a large part of the information available.
    They aren't affecting freedom of speech. They are affecting the distribution of said speech. Distribution that only exists due to the fact that they created said distribution. And as creators and owners of that distribution that they created as part of their business model to make money, they absolutely have the right to refuse the service of said distribution to anyone they choose (again, other than in cases of protected classes).
  15. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Censoring a head of state on social media is not a right a business has and it has nothing to do with ‘refusing service’ to a customer. Deleting and flagging posts is clearly picking a certain political camp and social media platforms are not supposed to have opinions of their own (they’re meant to be unbiased), anymore than the town square is. When they start telling you what’s right and what’s wrong they’re no longer a social media platform - they’re engaging in journalism.
    It is refusing service. Social media platforms are businesses that exist to make money by providing a service. Just because they don't charge you for the service they provide doesn't make that fact any different - they are providing you a service and making money off of it.

    The service they are providing you is a way for you to say things online and have those things reach your intended audience. So they are refusing that service to people they are as violating their terms of service, which is their right.

    The 1st amendment stops the government shutting down your free speech. That hasn't happened. Nobody's 1st amendment rights have been violated. Don't like that twitter is banning you and removing your content? Follow it's terms of service, or find another platform with different rules.
  16. Replies

    ►►Re: FUCK TWITTER!!!◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Ayatollah Khamenei was not censored by Twitter when he made a post calling for the genocide of Israelis.
    Funnily enough when he started questioning the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine his post did get edited out.

    I think it’s a dangerous precedent for a social media platform to be able to moderate content and spin the story they want. It’s okay right now because Twitter is liberal and pro-Biden, but I’m wondering what’s going to happen once Twitter and the Democratic Party have a major disagreement. Will they censor them too? Only time will tell.

    Also, this has nothing to do with the freedom of a business to do what it wants, they are overstepping their boundaries and attempting to prevent a major political figure from taking to his supporters (and preventing a President from speaking to his country, which is even worse). In terms of them being free to do what tbey want, and somehow them ‘being forced to broadcast Trump’s bs’ being against their freedom, this would be akin to saying the City of Pittsburgh is having its freedom violated by letting Trump speak at a rally there. Like, what? Lol
    Yes it does. Twitter is a business, and a business should have the freedom to refuse service to any customer for any reason, should they not? Except for when it comes to discrimination of protected classes - a political affiliation is not, however, a protected class.

    Or do you disagree that businesses shouldn't be able to refuse service to any customer for any reason? Including establishing a terms of service and refusing service to customers that break that terms of service?
  17. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    But what does the fox say?
    "Check your G-diffuser system."
  18. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Duck goes oink
  19. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Duck goes quack.
  20. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Dogs go woof.
  21. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    You just described every religious person engaging in worship from the beginning of religion. Also, FOUL KNAVE Samson did, in fact, go against the commands of God in the Bible therefore I am allowed some discretion but only once. After I dissent I shall be blinded, just like the picture, and if I am not dead after that I shall kill everyone left but Wiisp. Let it be written, let it be done.
    Yes, I know. Look:

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Do you really mean to tell me the only reason you try to be good is to gain God's approval and reward, or to avoid his disapproval and punishment? That's not morality, that's just sucking up, apple-polishing, looking over your shoulder at the great surveillance camera in the sky, or the still small wiretap inside your head, monitoring your every move, even your every base though.
    If you're not reading our posts though I guess we can take the Dark Magician approach.
  22. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    {Samson Mask Off} Wiisp can ask me anything or command me anything. The rest of you Could care less about. If you want anything from me you’ll have to answer Samson’s riddle. After that you can judge if I’m they type of person who would lie after commuting to method acting the character out. In short, if the biblical Samson would keep his word no matter what so will I for this FM game. Unless Wiisp specifically guides me in a different direction I will be following Samson’s moral alignment until I’m removed from the game.

    {Samson mask back on} Now, what hath thou to proclaim fro thy unclean mouth? Any progress? If Nay then I must go to work on my wisp-given strength at the gym LA Fintness!
    Suck up
  23. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Martin probably just town here, and MM is reaching a point of even though it does somewhat feel like he grasping at straws, he has already been able to push multiple people, which I think is somewhat hard for him as a wolf, and wolves in general.

    Dark Magician should probably die at some point, maybe not today at least not, since I can't put a tangible scum read on him, but he certainly isn't doing anything

    I wish he stuck to not caring, because he did post some stuff and it just feels forced
    Everybody dies at some point.
  24. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Wiisp dammit you look sexy in the morning. Have you been working the chest muscles, cause they look bigger? Dick Dawkins, I have my Sam-sa-scope open and I am watching your every other move (I take into account one of you is cool and one is not)
    That's... Helz..
  25. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    No, Just woke up a while ago.
    Drunk with (falsely perceived) power then.
  26. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    I guess the answer is "yes"
  27. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I think this D1 has been a bit of a dumpsterfire for the town so far. We will need to tighten up and stop relying on claims/reveals and such to get on the right track. Depending on the smite flip I would be giggling like a school girl if I was on the scum team.
    Are you drunk again?
  28. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    If you are right, nothing matters anyway. We’re tiny organisms like bacteria on a moldy rock streaming through space towards an eventual black hole. Good is as relative as time and space which you would know if you could connect your massive fact-filled brain (Wikipedia) with your intellect. Trying to convince others what they think isn't right what you think is right is exactly what you are putting them down for. In essence. You came to the party with a plan and a goal but the only way to have any fun is admitting the party is whatever you make it to be and nothing more.
    The truly adult view is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it. And we can make it very wonderful indeed.
  29. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Did you seriously just take Wiisp's name in vain? You can't edit posts you know, the almighty will see all of this and judge.
    Do you really mean to tell me the only reason you try to be good is to gain God's approval and reward, or to avoid his disapproval and punishment? That's not morality, that's just sucking up, apple-polishing, looking over your shoulder at the great surveillance camera in the sky, or the still small wiretap inside your head, monitoring your every move, even your every base though.
  30. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    There's a rule that only 2 of us can occupy this space? 3 headed archons aren't a new concept
    Just for this game. God Karen, you are so dumb sometimes.
  31. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    I fear people may of believed we where breaking rules by having more than 2 head.
    There's a rule that only 2 of us can occupy this space? 3 headed archons aren't a new concept
  32. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    No clue why you revealed that but yeah, its why I unvoted and backed off you
    I fear people may of believed we where breaking rules by having more than 2 head.
  33. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    {SAMSON MASK OFF] Okay I read the setup and tried to control F the word "Hydra" found nothing. I am continuing under the assumption Dawkins has multiple people talking under one account for the purposes of entertainment and confusion. If there are any other things I wouldn't know such as the aforementioned rather multiple-personality-schizophrenic Dawkins please clue me in.

    {SAMSON MASK ON} I come to this gathering for wine, riddles, and a good time. And I'm all outta wine, so if you are fine and we have the time let's chat up the divine.
    We're not a hydra, that term is banned. We are an archon.
  34. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    No clue why you revealed that but yeah, its why I unvoted and backed off you
    Appreciate you, boobies.
  35. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    I (potato) have felt such a strong mind meld with SuperJack that I legitimately would not be able to review the game and sort out who posted what.
  36. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Also when ever someone wants I will go through our own posts and split them up to show which are mine (SuperJack) and which belong too the other. (Potatoe)
  37. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Also when ever someone wants I will go through our own posts and split them up to show which are mine (SuperJack) and which belong too the other. (Potatoe)
  38. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    On that note can we get a replacement for our third head? I don't think they intend on returning

    Just to make it clear we dont have a third head and it may just bee some wisdom concerning one of the roles of the setup
  39. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Foul Knave! Thou shall remove thyself from mine presence so I may palaver with the good Dr. Dawkins on my riddle.
    Your bible-based "riddle" is not the battle of wits that I was promised.
  40. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    On that note can we get a replacement for our third head? I don't think they intend on returning

  41. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Nice shitpost there Jack. Why don't you post some fucking content already.
    Please don't make me start ignoring you.
  42. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    If you haven't noticed my Partner loves to reply to other people's posts of roleplay and claims of shit posting, with shit posting. Your vote Is pathetic, weak and lazy. I think a player should make talk to the low posters, or even vote then to provoke some sort of reply.
    Oh look. Someone did. That's us. That's progression while this is just lame.

    Our opinion on Helz shall remain uncommented as that's between us and Helz for now until Helz partakes without the beer.
    Nice shitpost there Jack. Why don't you post some fucking content already.
  43. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    While I find your roleplay very amusing, Varcron is right when he says it is effectively shitposting when no content is included. Quality shitposting, but shitposting nonetheless. Voting him for calling you out is just anti-town and scummy. Seeing how the shitposting-roleplay very much carried on even when you were asked to stop and give content, I feel like
    -vote Hybrid Richard Dawkins
    is only appropriate. This is both a policy-pressure vote and a vote against who is now a scumlean.
    If you haven't noticed my Partner loves to reply to other people's posts of roleplay and claims of shit posting, with shit posting. Your vote Is pathetic, weak and lazy. I think a player should make talk to the low posters, or even vote then to provoke some sort of reply.
    Oh look. Someone did. That's us. That's progression while this is just lame.

    Our opinion on Helz shall remain uncommented as that's between us and Helz for now until Helz partakes without the beer.
  44. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    There is no god.

    Wisp is the "god" role.
    Can you stop that for five minutes? I am trying to make some progress here.
  45. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Thank Gawd....I mean THANK WIISP. Ahem, I'm going to slip back into method Samson the drunk riddle maker who may or may not eventually kill everyone WIISP wills it so.
    There is no god.

    Wisp is the "god" role.
  46. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    My mistake.

    - SuperTwat
  47. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Whhhhhhat I thought Richard Dawkins was Superjack. I'm confused. Also, I meant Schrödinger's Hat in my last post. I'm impulsive and error-prone, if we don't have an edit feature then be warned now I make mistakes right and left constantly.
    I forgot to switch accounts. The search function doesn't work on Hybrid accounts forcing me to keep switching.
  48. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    While I find your roleplay very amusing, Varcron is right when he says it is effectively shitposting when no content is included. Quality shitposting, but shitposting nonetheless. Voting him for calling you out is just anti-town and scummy. Seeing how the shitposting-roleplay very much carried on even when you were asked to stop and give content, I feel like
    -vote Hybrid Richard Dawkins
    is only appropriate. This is both a policy-pressure vote and a vote against who is now a scumlean.
    Didn't make it clear but the vote on Varcron was a carry on from Leto. Who after failing their first attack on us decided to restart it and went back to the start of the attack.
  49. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    I didn't type that so yes, ahem. I am currently occupying a body that is much more of a vessel. The last inhabitant pissed off someone big because they were completely removed from this and every other reality and timeline. But the good news is we still have Paul's body, which is now min. I've turned it cosmetically awesome with the nomenclature of Samson.
    Eh you've been alright so far. I'm kinda sad Paul peaced though. This game would have been more fun with him in it.
  50. Replies

    ►►Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)◄◄

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    While I find your roleplay very amusing, Varcron is right when he says it is effectively shitposting when no content is included. Quality shitposting, but shitposting nonetheless. Voting him for calling you out is just anti-town and scummy. Seeing how the shitposting-roleplay very much carried on even when you were asked to stop and give content, I feel like
    -vote Hybrid Richard Dawkins
    is only appropriate. This is both a policy-pressure vote and a vote against who is now a scumlean.
    Fundamentalist religion is hell-bent on ruining the scientific education of countless thousands of innocent, well-meaning, eager young minds. Non-fundamentalist, "sensible" religion may not be doing that. But it is making the world safe for fundamentalism by teaching children, from their earliest years, that unquestioning faith is a virtue.
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