Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

Rachyl didn't actually do anything wrong by making this thread.
Not sure why she's getting dunked on like this.
There are much better places to show your dislike for Rachyl.
Indeed, and Rachyl actually did good. Even people that you hate do good things. I can understand disliking, but bullying someone for something that can only do good things and has obviously no manipulative intent is being mean. Even when *insert the name of someone that I hate, and that the people who know me know who it is but I don't want to make this thread a fight* does good things, I say it and thank/congratulate that person. Rachyl is far from being malicious IMO. Yes, maybe dumb or different sometimes, just as we are all. If you aren't being annoyed by someone, don't get on and hit on that someone for no reason. And even if you will say that I am being weird here, you will live a happier life if you do that than if you just hit on people to feel better than them.