game thread placeholder

Game will start later tonight. Rolecards will be sent out soon.

The dusty floor of the building underlined the situation of the group. The plan was not to be here for more than a few hours. But it had been almost a week with no contact with the base. Rations were low, there was no more water. Morale was at an all time low.

But the real issue came the 8th day.

They awoke to a dense fog. The rain pattered against the roof above them. But where were they? None seemed to remember. Only that they were 9 strong. But there were now 11? All of them could not remember. The issue didn’t seem immediate. Perhaps they misremembered. But in reality they didn’t remember at all. In the sake of persistence, one suggested that they use their code names. A fine idea, right?

The next day, Watermeloann was found dead. A glowing knife firmly lodged within his spine. The urgency returned, if it had even faded in the first place, that is. They would have to resolve this mystery, and resolve it quickly, they couldn’t dare risk their lives. Something foul was afoot. A clear new threat. Perhaps, a
Secret Society

The game will start later tonight. I’m not sure. Currently looks like it will be at 8:00 PM CST. That places it at in 6 hours.