<CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game - Page 4

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  1. ISO #151

  2. ISO #152

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    I meant in clan announcement, but okay. If we felt no emotion (sociopath claim) we would literally ignore it all
    Guys, there's a "Reply with quote" button, and keep thread clean, if a player is just being a cancer, report.
    [SIGPIC]Why you hold cursor on my signature picture?[/SIGPIC] A very annoying SC2Mafia player.

  3. ISO #153

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    I meant in clan announcement, but okay. If we felt no emotion (sociopath claim) we would literally ignore it all
    You pretty.much have ignored it all.

    Again, you're a good one. Played a game with you earlier and you played well and it was a gg. Don't stoop so low and attack me for speaking the truth.

    This is all for encouraging Choo to give up their spam ways so that the game community can heal from the rampant hacking behavior notorious of Choo that allegedly has since been squashed. But I have yet to see it.

  4. ISO #154

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    You pretty.much have ignored it all.

    Again, you're a good one. Played a game with you earlier and you played well and it was a gg. Don't stoop so low and attack me for speaking the truth.

    This is all for encouraging Choo to give up their spam ways so that the game community can heal from the rampant hacking behavior notorious of Choo that allegedly has since been squashed. But I have yet to see it.
    I haven't gone after you personally besides telling you to stop and look that you are almost completely alone. You however, have gone after everyone who has disagreed with you as flunkies and various other insults. The entire time you have claimed we have gone after you and lashed out at our clan, and then us personally, and we haven't lashed out at you... yet you continue to claim we do go after you and gaslight.

  5. ISO #155

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    I haven't gone after you personally besides telling you to stop and look that you are almost completely alone. You however, have gone after everyone who has disagreed with you as flunkies and various other insults. The entire time you have claimed we have gone after you and lashed out at our clan, and then us personally, and we haven't lashed out at you... yet you continue to claim we do go after you and gaslight.
    I'm alone because I haven't called a flunky brigade in like your dear leader has, but again take a poll of random mafia players in your lobby and see that there is a silent majority that agrees with me.

    Being a flunky isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is a good description of what I see here.

    I've only 'lashed out' in response to what I've seen and experienced personally. What other reason would I have to care?

    But of course my concerns are invalid and I'm making everything up. Who was it again, ohhh yeah Hacker, who along with scvmurderer, would ruin games.

  6. ISO #156

  7. ISO #157

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    And Devyn you of all the chooos I always thought was fine but you taint your reputation by stooping so low to defend and praise your dear leader, who cheats, spams, and coordinates outside of the game with others to ruin the experience for normal people.
    Please submit replays of coordinating. That would be taken seriously. But games of spamming that are months old is just grasping at straws here.

  8. ISO #158

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    You pretty.much have ignored it all.

    Again, you're a good one. Played a game with you earlier and you played well and it was a gg. Don't stoop so low and attack me for speaking the truth.

    This is all for encouraging Choo to give up their spam ways so that the game community can heal from the rampant hacking behavior notorious of Choo that allegedly has since been squashed. But I have yet to see it.
    You are ignoring my question as well.

    Rather than kicking Chooos from your lobby - why not let them join? If the trolling/throwing is as prevalent as you say it is, it should not be hard for you to get a replay to bring here correct? You make it out to be like every single game - then why do you have to go so far back into the past to find replays....?

  9. ISO #159

  10. ISO #160

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    You are ignoring my question as well.

    Rather than kicking Chooos from your lobby - why not let them join? If the trolling/throwing is as prevalent as you say it is, it should not be hard for you to get a replay to bring here correct? You make it out to be like every single game - then why do you have to go so far back into the past to find replays....?


  11. ISO #161

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game





    Last edited by Renegade; February 17th, 2018 at 11:43 PM.

  12. ISO #162

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Renegade I feel as tho you aren't taking this as seriously as you should. I am a keeper trying to help you, take you down the path you want to go down. I'll say it again, Nighthawk and myself have no affiliations with CHOOOO. We will gladly review the replays. If you do not wish to provide us with replays well I am sorry but nothing will happen. We can't help you if you wont help us.

    I am going to request this thread to be locked soon as nothing productive is coming from it.

  13. ISO #163

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post




    If we were gaslighting we would be going after you personally and insulting you. Its time to grow up and stop. You don't HAVE to go through more replays, get more. That's why I sport my name to prove that choos get witchhunted even when quiet. Grow up, play, get a replay, submit it. ta-da. Done. Also make sure you didn't record an imitator and you got a choo. simple as that. You are complaining, insulting, and accusing us of many things we are not doing, and some of which YOU ARE. You have literally been gaslighting this entire time.

  14. ISO #164

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    Renegade I feel as tho you aren't taking this as seriously as you should. I am a keeper trying to help you, take you down the path you want to go down. I'll say it again, Nighthawk and myself have no affiliations with CHOOOO. We will gladly review the replays. If you do not wish to provide us with replays well I am sorry but nothing will happen. We can't help you if you wont help us.

    I am going to request this thread to be locked soon as nothing productive is coming from it.
    I'll have replays for you tomorrow. Again I've got to sort through several hundred.

    Additionally what's the point if all these assholes get is WLx4 how long was so called hacker on a watch list before someone decided his Choo endorsed spamming and GRIEFING was enough?

    Sure lock the thread continue to bury the truth that CHOOO FORMALLY ENDORSED GRIEFING SPAMMING AND CHEATING.

    Blame it all on hacker! Surely no one else did anything wrong!

    I am taking this more seriously than others in this thread.

  15. ISO #165

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    The volume of those speaking against me does not invalidate any of what I'm saying.

    I'd like to be an active contributing member of this community. I'll gladly support monetarily as well that is why I finally made want account when I saw this thread existed. But enough is enough and the charades have gone on long enough.

  16. ISO #166

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    I'll have replays for you tomorrow. Again I've got to sort through several hundred.

    Additionally what's the point if all these assholes get is WLx4 how long was so called hacker on a watch list before someone decided his Choo endorsed spamming and GRIEFING was enough?

    Sure lock the thread continue to bury the truth that CHOOO FORMALLY ENDORSED GRIEFING SPAMMING AND CHEATING.

    Blame it all on hacker! Surely no one else did anything wrong!

    I am taking this more seriously than others in this thread.
    When did chooo formally endorse, griefing, spamming, and cheating? I'd like to see this.

  17. ISO #167

  18. ISO #168

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    Sure lock the thread continue to bury the truth that CHOOO FORMALLY ENDORSED GRIEFING SPAMMING AND CHEATING.
    Nothing is getting buried, the thread will still be accessible. All that is coming from it is personal attacks and dancing around in circles.

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    I'll have replays for you tomorrow.
    Looking forward to it. Please make sure you follow our guidelines on how to submit a report in the correct formatting

  19. ISO #169

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    By letting so called HACKER stay in their clan for months and work alongside him to spam and grief.
    Choo is 4 months old. Hacker joined halfway through month 2.5, and has been kicked around 3-3.5 months. Meanwhile, that is neither formal nor endorsing, Hacker never cheated, (or actually hacked despite his claims, the punishment for hacking is due to the fact he claimed it.) however, I can't argue with the spamming too much, but there is literally a command for that, and literally everyone except hacker stopped after D1. Why are you so hellbent on getting rid of choo for the community when we are a large amount of the community, and why are you shifting the facts so much to try and get rid of us? did you get lynched because of it? did you get beaten? what caused you to be so mad at literally nothing when the games still run smoothly? Hell, you don't know much ABOUT choo. You have been trying to get us to KICK THE FOUNDER/UNKICKABLE. YOU KNOW SO LITTLE OF THE CLAN, YET YOU ACT AS IF YOU ARE AN EXPERT DIAGNOSING A DISEASE.

  20. ISO #170

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    I haven't gone after you personally besides telling you to stop and look that you are almost completely alone. You however, have gone after everyone who has disagreed with you as flunkies and various other insults. The entire time you have claimed we have gone after you and lashed out at our clan, and then us personally, and we haven't lashed out at you... yet you continue to claim we do go after you and gaslight.
    He's not alone.

    There are many players unhappy with certain clans and people who, as mentioned by Reacher on page 1, skirt the rules without actually breaking them, but harm the spirit of the game nonetheless.

    However, these people talk amongst themselves and the few who voice their opinions openly are spread thinly across multiple channels (lobby chat, individual games that got lost in the sea of replays, Discord chat, etc). Unfortunately, these people are always shot down by the posse of disruptive players.

    I mean, shit, some of the players are spammers who flood day chat in tandem, and others are collaborators who vote with/protect each other. They go everywhere and deal with everything in packs. Is it any surprise that @renegade appears to be "alone"?

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post

    If you want this progress anywhere, submit a report to the report section. I highly advise it. The pictures you have uploaded in this thread will not be accepted as evidence, so if you have a replay of the game however I will gladly look at it.
    Typical advice from a member of the Skwirl posse, telling people to take action that sounds reasonable at face value, but not actually viable.

    We've already established that these players' behaviour is disruptive but not technically breaking any rules. Reports won't do anything.

    However, just because you can't be officially punished for it doesn't mean it's not wrong, nor hurting the community.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  21. ISO #171

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    Renegade I feel as tho you aren't taking this as seriously as you should. I am a keeper trying to help you, take you down the path you want to go down. I'll say it again, Nighthawk and myself have no affiliations with CHOOOO. We will gladly review the replays. If you do not wish to provide us with replays well I am sorry but nothing will happen. We can't help you if you wont help us.

    I am going to request this thread to be locked soon as nothing productive is coming from it.
    Thread locks are not a norm on this forum. Let's not make that a thing.

    Just because he's saying something unpopular doesn't mean you get to censor him.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  22. ISO #172

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    Choo is 4 months old. Hacker joined halfway through month 2.5, and has been kicked around 3-3.5 months. Meanwhile, that is neither formal nor endorsing, Hacker never cheated, (or actually hacked despite his claims, the punishment for hacking is due to the fact he claimed it.) however, I can't argue with the spamming too much, but there is literally a command for that, and literally everyone except hacker stopped after D1. Why are you so hellbent on getting rid of choo for the community when we are a large amount of the community, and why are you shifting the facts so much to try and get rid of us? did you get lynched because of it? did you get beaten? what caused you to be so mad at literally nothing when the games still run smoothly? Hell, you don't know much ABOUT choo. You have been trying to get us to KICK THE FOUNDER/UNKICKABLE. YOU KNOW SO LITTLE OF THE CLAN, YET YOU ACT AS IF YOU ARE AN EXPERT DIAGNOSING A DISEASE.

    If the clan is only 4 months old then why are you all so desperate to protect it and your dear leader?

    Trust me I'm not salty for losing a game to a Choo (don't think it's ever happened), I'm just giving a voice to all of those that have been subject to their ABUSE just by joining a mafia game.

    So you either support or don't support the ABUSE. You pick devyn.

    All I know of the clan is the show the cult has put on in public display by GRIEFING SPAMMING AND CHEATING WITH EACH OTHER.

    I speak for the silent majority. Seriously I'll bet you 50 bucks that if we join a random mafia lobby with normal players that they would all have valid complaints against your cult. They just don't happen to get on the forum to post.

  23. ISO #173

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Hi Exeter,

    Me being apart of the Skwirl discord has nothing to do with this, I am not taking sides. Like I said before if someone isn't happy with my handling of the report we have another Keeper who I am sure you will be happy with.

    I will say it now, spamming is against the rules and we have punished players for it before. However 5-10 copy pasted messages at the start of Day 1 will be ignored for common sense reasons.

    Thread locks have been utilized when personal attacks are taken too far, which this thread has shown potential for.
    Last edited by rumox; February 18th, 2018 at 12:27 AM.

  24. ISO #174

  25. ISO #175

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Anyway, this is ridiculous.

    You guys from the mega clans are working as a united front, constantly covering each others' backs and keeping up a constant bombardment of posts that independent players cannot address all by themselves.

    Which is why independent players always get shot down with "You see anybody else complaining? You're the only one whining about it." even though it's a rubbish point. The "NO CHOOS OR SKWIRLS" lobbies had some support, me confronting Distorted on the Skwirl Discord chat had some support, the same name usage complaint thread had some support, lobby conversations, in-game conversations, even this fairly recent thread has some support.

    Yet somehow we're always downplayed as the lone wolf crying about a trivial issue that "nobody" cares about.

    This is precisely the crux of the issue. The mega clans roam around in packs. Both in game, and in the arguments that occur outside.

    So when we broach the issue on official channels, you guys come in to refute it in a coordinated wave. There are other players who agree with us, but because we don't arrange to fight back as one, our voices get drowned out.

    * * * * *

    On a side note, that these issues are constantly brought up are quite telling. Yes, Mafia players complain a lot about many things. But threads about "shit cult saves", "crappy Judge-Crier saves", "there should be a rule banning saves with rigged settings", or even "Diablo model should be silenced" don't crop up this often.
    Last edited by Exeter350; February 18th, 2018 at 12:40 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  26. ISO #176

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    If the clan is only 4 months old then why are you all so desperate to protect it and your dear leader?

    Trust me I'm not salty for losing a game to a Choo (don't think it's ever happened), I'm just giving a voice to all of those that have been subject to their ABUSE just by joining a mafia game.

    So you either support or don't support the ABUSE. You pick devyn.

    All I know of the clan is the show the cult has put on in public display by GRIEFING SPAMMING AND CHEATING WITH EACH OTHER.

    I speak for the silent majority. Seriously I'll bet you 50 bucks that if we join a random mafia lobby with normal players that they would all have valid complaints against your cult. They just don't happen to get on the forum to post.
    You are not the Lorax, and the community are not trees.

  27. ISO #177

  28. ISO #178

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    But the one point that should overwhelm all the fighting is this: If you see over-spamming past d1, take it to forums. that is griefing. Hacker isn't part of the clan, and people who spam and pretend to be choos OFTEN ARE NOT CHOOS. The mass spamming HAS been used in punishments before: Take for example the mass spamming hacker, who got griefing charges on him when he made up more than a quarter of the game's chat. Get evidence, then submit it. Stop yelling about old things that are gone, or just things without providing proof. IT IS SIMPLE AS THAT. I bet a lot of you don't even notice the one or two choos in a lot of your games, quietly playing, going under your notice.

  29. ISO #179

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by devyn View Post
    But the one point that should overwhelm all the fighting is this: If you see over-spamming past d1, take it to forums. that is griefing. Hacker isn't part of the clan, and people who spam and pretend to be choos OFTEN ARE NOT CHOOS. The mass spamming HAS been used in punishments before: Take for example the mass spamming hacker, who got griefing charges on him when he made up more than a quarter of the game's chat. Get evidence, then submit it. Stop yelling about old things that are gone, or just things without providing proof. IT IS SIMPLE AS THAT. I bet a lot of you don't even notice the one or two choos in a lot of your games, quietly playing, going under your notice.
    Take it to forums...
    ...or type "-mute".
    [SIGPIC]Why you hold cursor on my signature picture?[/SIGPIC] A very annoying SC2Mafia player.

  30. ISO #180

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Thank you Exeter

    If they keep it under wrap I personally wont have any issues with this discussion continuing. I may be a part of Skwirl discord which might give the impression of me having ulterior motives but I can honestly say that is not the case. Scvmurderer is and will be under close watch given the past nature of CHOOOO. I do not deny past indiscretions by former members of the clan, I have spoken up against it in game as well.

    We do have a system in place the deals with spammers but we can only act upon replays submitted that adhere to our rules of submission. If anyone is found violating these rules (staff member or not) we will impose the relevant punishment for their action, taking into consideration past infractions as well.

  31. ISO #181

  32. ISO #182

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Anyway, this is ridiculous.

    You guys from the mega clans are working as a united front, constantly covering each others' backs and keeping up a constant bombardment of posts that independent players cannot address all by themselves.

    Which is why independent players always get shot down with "You see anybody else complaining? You're the only one whining about it." even though it's a rubbish point. The "NO CHOOS OR SKWIRLS" lobbies had some support, me confronting Distorted on the Skwirl Discord chat had some support, the same name usage complaint thread had some support, lobby conversations, in-game conversations, even this fairly recent thread has some support.

    Yet somehow we're always downplayed as the lone wolf crying about a trivial issue that "nobody" cares about.

    This is precisely the crux of the issue. The mega clans roam around in packs. Both in game, and in the arguments that occur outside.

    So when we broach the issue on official channels, you guys come in to refute it in a coordinated wave. There are other players who agree with us, but because we don't arrange to fight back as one, our voices get drowned out.

    * * * * *

    On a side note, that these issues are constantly brought up are quite telling. Yes, Mafia players complain a lot about many things. But threads about "shit cult saves", "crappy Judge-Crier saves", "there should be a rule banning saves with rigged settings", or even "Diablo model should be silenced" don't crop up this often.
    Every side of any argument will always have multiple people. With that being said, what do you think should be done about this? You have come here argueing but I am not exactly sure what can be done? What solution should we start working towards? We are not a coordinated group of people working to dominate Mafia; that is efekannns goal =P I personally believe the reason most people play Mafia is because it is a social game - and this is a social group of people. So I strongly support the idea of communities, not just skwirl, chooo, jwg, efeM, uganda, sc2maf, promaf, or other clans created - but even the meta of people joining and seeing familiar people to play with. Makes it fun So the only real resolution to the problem (i believe?) you are talking about is a dilution of power via bringing in more staff from outside of the formed communities.

    So! There are keeper and mod positions open. If you feel that passionately about trying to help and make a difference in the community, like we have, please fill out an application. It is clear that you do value the game, and in our argument earlier about names you were defending a view of Mafia that you believe in. I think you becoming a staff member could really benefit the community as well because you are active and have a strong, logical view of what Mafia is.
    You have won the MVP award and are a long time active member of the community - so for me personally, I will take your opinion heavier than other peoples.

    1) What resolutions can we do to accommodate what you are pushing for (it is not quite clear what you are pushing for right now)?

    2) Here is the link to fill out an application to keeper to become a staff member and help regulate the community, they are in need of more help!
    Last edited by Distorted; February 18th, 2018 at 02:01 AM.

  33. ISO #183

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    2) Here is the link to fill out an application to keeper to become a staff member and help regulate the community, they are in need of more help!
    I can vouch for this.

    There is only 3 active Keepers currently. If anyone wishes to throw their hands up and help out the community with their own personal touch I'm sure Arrow will set you up as he did with me.

  34. ISO #184

  35. ISO #185

  36. ISO #186

  37. ISO #187

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    First replay of many more to come.


    December 17th 2017

    CHOOO YoungOne

    So much spam. But I guess this is not only accepted here but celebrated.

    I'll find more, and submit formal reports later. But it is time to shine a light on this shit.

    Watch the whole fucking thing. Each of them were egging each other on, despite initial messages that they shouldn't - But I guess all SCV gets is a little slap on the wrist, why they get protected for this shit only the protectors will know!

    And before you say this doesn't count because this is from when HACKER was still in the cult - I DONT FUCKING CARE.

    -Mafia- (52) 4 CHOOOS massive spam.SC2Replay

  38. ISO #188

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    1) What resolutions can we do to accommodate what you are pushing for (it is not quite clear what you are pushing for right now)?
    For these clans to stop certain behaviours disruptive to the spirit of the game, specifically but not limited to:

    1. Excessive spamming, whether strategic or not.
    E.g. Spamming to get lynched as Jester, or spamming to bait as Veteran.

    2. Vocalising troll-ish statements, even as a joke or strategy.
    E.g. "CHOO CHOO" with no intention to actually leave train or lynch train.

    3. Picking names that will allow players to be easily identified.
    E.g. Squirrel, CHOO CHOO THE LYNCH TRAIN, etc.

    4. Voting in tandem due to player identity, or giving the impression of doing so.
    E.g. "#9 is Distorted and he plays well, so I'll vote with him" but may or may not end up voting together with the player.

    * * * * *

    I am fully aware of existing counter arguments to the points above, such as, but not limited to:

    1. Spamming can be a strategy, and there is a -mute function in-game.

    2. Trolling can be a strategy.

    3. Custom names were implemented for a reason, and the option to turn off custom names is there.

    4. Meta trust is part of the game.

    * * * * *

    While those are valid points, I firmly believe that the cons outweigh the pros, namely:

    1. Spamming drowns out day chat, preventing any meaningful conversation from taking place. Even if the Veteran successfully baits, or Jester successfully gets lynched - i.e. a working strategy - it kills the fun of the game and frustrates many players into quitting mid-way or not playing afterwards.

    Even if the spammers win, so what? The game was no fun for anybody except for the spammers themselves, who completely miss the point of the game in their ecstatic smugness.

    Additionally, -mute is not a viable option, since it blocks potential valuable feedback from the muted player. For instance, if a muted player is trialed, players will not hear his defense nor be willing to unmute him, and may end up mislynching him.

    Also, asking the numerous unhappy players to -mute spammers is to punish the player base instead of the spammers. Instead of getting the majority to make the extra effort to -mute and -unmute the spammers, get the spammers to stop spamming.

    2. Trolling statements can kill the vibe of the game, even as a joke, especially when the majority of the players not involved in the "joke" take it seriously and believe that the game is about to be derailed by disruptive trolls.

    Unless the rules have changed, I believe saying "CHOO CHOO" constitutes as inciting a leave-train, regardless of whether it was a joke or not. This is also why pretending to rolehack and call out random players as scum ("#6 is GF, #9 is Consigliere, #12 is Kidnapper") is also treated as hacking, joking/strategy or not.

    I believe under these rules, many members of certain clans would already be banlisted if reports had been filed.

    Thus, regardless of strategic implications, making trolling statements is already against the rules.

    3. Custom names ARE part of the game, but I believe using them in certain ways is harmful to the game flow. Additionally, certain specific cases, while not deliberately used in a harmful way, nonetheless have a negative influence on the game flow, and are thus included as well.

    This is why the "name abuse" offense exists, and also why players have been punished for similar offenses in the past.

    Turning off custom names is not a viable option, since players are likely to be unwilling to play such a save, even if it is a fairly standard setup, resulting in a leave train.

    It is the same with other settings like Secret Ballot, the existence of Citizens and Coroners, etc.

    A more realistic approach is to simply get the disruptive players to stop their behaviours - Again, instead of punishing the player base by getting them to make the extra effort to circumvent such behaviour.

    4. Collaboration with no visible reason (meta trust) used to be punished as Skyping, and targeting specific players due to their identities (meta distrust) used to be punished as Griefing.

    Both excessive meta trust and meta distrust hurts the spirit of the game, because it is no longer a clean slate where every player is anonymous and starts off free from bias. Rather, the game devolves to revolve around players' true identities and their interrelationships, and will sometimes degenerate into popularity contests.

    "He is Efekann. I dislike him, so I'm going to hardcore push to trial him. His defense is poor, I'm getting to hardcore push a lynch on him. Yes! I got him lynched, time to laugh about it in his face. Wait, it was a mislynch? Too bad Efe."

    "This is Distorted! All the evidence points to him being the crook, and he has a shitty Sheriff claim, but I like him and believe him due to my bias, so I will not vote to trial or lynch him, and I will continue protecting him at night as BG."

    The problem is that, while this elite inner circle of regular players are busy swaggering around feeling smug about knowing who everybody is, the newcomers and not-so-regular players are left out of the loop. It's all fun and games to the inner circle, but not much fun to everybody else.

    Not only is the game diverted from being played properly, players outside of these clans and inner circles are also driven off by the intimate web of interrelationships that they have no wish to be part of.

    I'm not sure at what point the rules became more relaxed about these issues, but since there have been numerous precedents for such cases, it wouldn't be far-fetched to demand for such behaviour to stop or be punished.

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    2) Here is the link to fill out an application to keeper to become a staff member and help regulate the community, they are in need of more help!
    I have been offered the job before, but turned it down due to real life commitments. Playing the game is easy, takes little commitment, and allows me to multi-task and do my work. Constantly reviewing reports, however, is a whole different matter.

    Nonetheless, I believe there are other productive ways for me to contribute to the community, such as speaking up about issues like this.
    Last edited by Exeter350; February 18th, 2018 at 10:10 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  39. ISO #189

  40. ISO #190

  41. ISO #191

  42. ISO #192

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    You are a special snowflake, aren't you? You were told more than 10 times to not include replays before 2018 or replays with Hacker in them. Do you even read? GTFO!
    This is exactly what I'm saying. So because you all are scapegoating so called "Hacker" that absolves the CHOOO assholes of all of their GRIEFING, SPAMMING, and CHEATING.

    Why don't you kindly fuck off.

    Hurry SCVMurderer you need more flunkies to gaslight me!

  43. ISO #193

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxerRebellion View Post
    So this thread is all about one nigger in particular that is still complaining about the CHOO clan despite the fact that I am banned. SCV was the initiator of the spam. I just took that idea way too far if you have not fucking noticed.
    You've got problems.

  44. ISO #194

  45. ISO #195

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    You are a special snowflake, aren't you? You were told more than 10 times to not include replays before 2018 or replays with Hacker in them. Do you even read? GTFO!
    Ignore Hacker's presence and behaviour in the game, and look at SCV, Dutes and YoungOne's behaviours.

    Hacker's presence does not invalidate SCV, Dutes and YoungOne's actions.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  46. ISO #196

  47. ISO #197

  48. ISO #198

    Re: <CHOOO> Clan and -Mafia- Arcade Game

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxerRebellion View Post
    Cheating? Huh, you must be a shit observer to think that we cheat to win, or you are just like those liberals making accusations on someone without evidence.
    If by "cheating" he means meta trust collaboration, I'm with him on that one.

    But even ignoring the poorly-phrased "cheating" accusations, there are still substantial, obvious issues like the spamming.

    And yes, Hacker got banned, but he wasn't the only one.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  49. ISO #199

  50. ISO #200



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