Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
Oh my fucking god I didn't even read this post. If you're so blatantly uninformed about the world that you think communism was unpopular in Germany after the war (leftist parties got about 40% of the vote in Germany in the 1933 election, in 1932 their combined support was greater than the Nazi party) or that Hitler rebranded the Nazi party as 'socialist' because communism was banned (Hitler banned the Communist Party of Germany after he won in 1933) then I please ask you to read and learn more about what you're talking about before you continue posting nonsense.
Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
Bro, you're either a straight up liar or extremely gullible. This isn't true in the slightest, and you won't find a single example of someone being fined or going to jail for that. Even fucking Fox News says this is wrong: https://www.foxnews.com/world/not-re...gender-pronoun

You need to learn to think for yourself and stop listening to biased media and right-wing demagogues.

I don't see your point with this; lying to doctors that you have ADHD to get adderall doesn't mean you have ADHD. It doesn't remove the legitimacy of people with ADHD.

Also if you want to keep your alt-right views as hidden as possible you probably shouldn't admit to supporting Lauren Southern, who's been banned from the UK for stirring up hatred, supports white supremacy and creating an ethnostate, and supports the theory of there being an organized replacement of white people (probably by (((them))) of course, since she's a good friend of Richard Spencer).

Before you accuse me of having a rude tone or whatever, keep in mind that as a Canadian I have to say I'm tired of people spreading right-wing lies and bullshit about my country and listening to proto-fascists who completely make things up about a place they hate just to stir up shit. Feel free to criticize your own country but don't slander mine if you don't have the decency and critical thinking skills to verify whatever you say, and don't champion the beliefs of our own disgraced and widely hated neo-Nazis if you don't know the first thing about the place they're trying to destroy.
The German army was conservative. Hitler already tried the revolutionary tactic once and it failed. He very promptly changed his worldview to appeal to the nationalists and the conservative government, who were distrustful of left-wingers in general.

Communism hadn’t been banned, but the government was NOT in love with it by any means.

You can can find examples; it is illegal in Canada to refuse to refer to someone by the pronoun they request. We’re at the point where a professor was persuaded by faculty members to do something about what he said vis-a-vis Bill C-16. This is not normal. I don’t think it’s okay to discriminate either, and personally if asked to, as long as the person didn’t have an ideological reason to ask me to refer to them by non-standard pronouns, I would probably do as they wished.

Lastly, I haven’t watched much of Lauren Southern videos but as far as I can tell, she is not alt-right. She seemed to be a relatively normal person to me. But the main point was, the fact that you can intimidate doctors and clerks to legally change your gender is not ok...

You seem to be having a purely emotional response to these facts.