S-FM Fractured Whizzbang (12P)

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Fractured Whizzbang (12P)

    S-FM Fractured Whizzbang - A Huey Long Production

    The Year is 1916, we are deep into the Great War and you and your team of tunnellers and raiders have been preparing for a set and capture mission.
    To firstly tunnel under the enemy trench and lay an explosive charge and secondly to prepare for a Trench Raid to capture German Prisoners. However these German Prisoners were original defectors from the British side, among them is a important Officer who knows the location of a British Lord who has been feeding the German Reich important information.

    Due to this you and your trench team were tasked with the infiltration of the German Trench and capture of the necessary Officer. You have already laid the explosive and brought the cord back to the home trench. You and your team is called into the Officers room within the trench and told that within the team their are a set of defectors who wish to stop the raid and Deactivate the charges as to save the German Trench before the officer has been captured. Now you must put the raid on hold and find who the defectors are, have them arrested, interrogated and executed.

    Role List
    British Soldier
    British Soldier
    British Soldier
    British Soldier
    British Lead Tunneller
    British Trench Armourer
    Hidden Trench Raider
    Hidden Trench Raider
    Leader of the Defectors
    German Tunneller
    Hidden German Allied Raider
    Irish Volunteer

    Role Cards

    Spoiler : British Forces :
    A standard solider of the British Empire, You will be given a Name and a Bio.
    You have no action.

    British Lead Tunneller:
    You are the lead tunneller of the team, You will be- given a Name and a Bio.
    You are in charge of the Detonation of the TNT charges, upon your death the Detonation Plunger will be given to your second in command Tunneller.
    You can not be killed while 3 or more Soldiers exist. (you will not be notified when this protection ends)
    You can detonate your charges from day 3 onwards given you are no longer protected
    Doing such will Reveal the Leader of the Defectors.

    Each night can dig up the graves of those dead to find out their Role.
    (you can only do this if you are not detonating the charges)
    British Trench Armourer:
    You are the Official Armourer of the British Trench, You have a name and a Bio.
    At night you may give out the following (you may only choose one):
    -Trench Armour, You may give out 2 of these a night, the players given them must choose to use them at night, They protect from all normal night attacks but not explosives. (can be used in conjunction with other abilities)
    -Early Flak Jacket, You may give one of these out, it will protect them from all explosives, no need to activate
    -Raider Plate, You may give one of these out a night, they protect from all normal night and day attacks but not explosives the player given it does not need to activate it.
    Potential Hidden Roles under the Raiders

    Section D Raider:
    You are a Trench Raider working in secret under Section D, You will be given a Name but no Bio due to your secret Nature.
    At night you can Check somebody finding out whether of not they are Loyal or Disloyal to His Royal Majesty.
    Light Raider:
    You are a Trench Raider outfitted with light arms, you will be given a Name and Bio.
    At Night you can choose one player and puncture their throat, they will die. You cant do this till Night 2.
    You have 2 charges.
    Armoured Raider:
    You are a Trench Raider Equipped with plate armour and LMG, You will be given a Name and Bio.
    At night you can choose one target and protect them while they sleep, you will survive one attack per night.
    This has Unlimited Charges

    You can alternatively choose to Load your SMG and choose to defend yourself or defend somebody else. Anybody who visits you (if you chose yourself) or your protectee (your target) will get riddled with rounds.
    If nobody visits you or the Protectee you shoot your rounds into the floor cause you stole the magazine for it.
    You have one charge of this.

    Drugged up Raider:
    The Horrors of war have forced you into taking Opiods, You will be given a Name and a Bio.
    At night you may chose one target and give them Opium. They will be blocked that night.
    Trench Watcher:
    A Lookout in place to support the raiding party, You will be given a Name and a Bio.
    At night you may choose a target and watch them them, you will see who they visit and who visits them.

    Spoiler : Central Powers Sympathisers :

    Night Kill: You can send somebody out at night to kill, the Leader of the Defectors must PM who is going to kill and who you are killing. Whoever is going to kill cannot do any other action that night. If the LotD Dies then the Factional Night Kill is removed.

    Leader of the Defectors:
    You are the head of the Central Powers Defection in this Trench, you will be given a Name and a Bio
    You have the final say on who will be killed that night.
    You can not be lynched while the German Allied Tunneller is alive.
    You have one Autovest.
    You may put a message through to Berlin once during the day and night, this message will ask Berlin to send information regarding somebody of your choice.
    You will receive this information 72 Hours after asking. You will receive their Name, Bio, Role, Last Will and if applicable the last night action they did.

    German Tunneller:
    You are the second in charge Tunneller of the team, You will be given a Name and a Bio.
    You will be given the Detonation Plunger after the Allied Tunneller dies
    You must spend 1 night deactivating the detonation Plunger.
    Upon Deactivating the Plunger you gain the following ability:
    You may plant a timed grenade on a character, it will detonate at the EoD. It will however reveal all infomation when they die.

    Each night can dig up the graves of those dead to find out their Role.
    You can only do one of any of the above actions at any given time
    Potential Hidden German Allied Raiders

    Raider Opiate Dealer:
    You are a dealer of Opiates among the trench, you will be given a Name and Bio.
    At night you can visit one person, giving then Opiates and blocking them that night
    Rank and File Raider:
    You are a standard Raider who has received access to documentation (Loyal/Disloyal) from both the Central Powers and the Entente, you will receive a Name and Bio
    At night you may chose either an alive or dead player.
    You will Plant new documentation on that player, if they are checked they will appear as whatever Documentation you have placed.
    If you are planting on a dead body you will also be able to change the role to whatever role you wish.
    You have two charges of this.
    Marksman Raider:
    You are a Raider who is a crackshot with a rifle, You will be given a Name and Bio.
    You will not be a part of the Defector Night chat, you also wont know who your Allies are and they wont know who you are.
    During the day you may shoot at one person, killing them OR Removing all immunity they hold if they have day immunity (Includes night immunity, does not include Lynch Immunity or the Allied Tunnellers)
    You have three charges of this.
    The Muzzle flash will be seen and everyone will be informed of who was shot.

    Spoiler : Irish Volunteer :

    Irish Volunteer:
    You are a Nationalist Irishman who was conscripted into the war, you will receive a Name and Bio
    You can not win as long as the Leader of the Defectors and more then 4 of the British are Alive.
    At night you can choose one person to follow, giving you information on who they visited and who visited them.
    You have used your skills from home to construct a small explosive device. At night you may place this explosive in the satchel of one of the players. If they are visited the device will detonate, killing the visiting player. If nobody visits the Player the explosive will detonate at the end of the next night killing the player it was planted on. You have one charge of this.
    You have one Autovest.
    You can only use one action at night.
    Appears as Disloyal on Allignment checks

    Win Conditions:
    British Forces (BF): Eliminate the CPS
    Central Powers Sympathisers (CPS): Eliminate the BF and have at least one member alive
    Irish Volunteer: Survive to the end with 4 or less BF alive and with the Leader of the Defectors Dead.

    Feedback and Lynch Quotes:

    Spoiler : Feedback and Lynching :
    German Night Kill at the Start of Day: [Flavour Text] You find [Insert Name] Dead in [Insert Flavour Text location] He has been [Insert Flavour weapon, will be different to all other deaths on this list] You find a letter in [Insert Name] pocket. It explains his life [Insert Bio]
    Spoiler : Feedback and Lynching :
    EoD Lynching: [Flavour text about lynch] You decided to bring [Insert Name] to the Officer, he would only reveal so much about himself in interrogation, he now lies in a shallow grave. [Insert Bio]

    Alignment reveal: [Flavour Text] The Officer found the following infomation about [Insert Name] they were [Loyal/Disloyal]
    Detonation of the Charges: You hear the Detonation of the TNT planted under the enemy trench, it echoes throughout the battlefield as dirt flys into the air and the Germans own storage goes up in flame, the Detonation surely has killed the Defective Officer. Upon such detonation the Officer noticed the slinking off of [Insert Real and RP Name], upon following them they saw them inputting a telegram to Berlin, you have caught the Leader of the German Defectors red handed.
    Digging up a Grave (both Allied and German Tunneler): You slink off in the night taking your trusty Trench Shovel, digging up the shallow grave of [Insert Grave] You rumage through their clothes and find [Insert Role item], as such you can discern they are [Insert Role]
    Receiving a Vest of some form: You return to your bunk and you find a [Insert Armour type] with a note telling you to take care.
    Being attacked and being protected from a vest: You are awoken in the middle of the night by [Insert type of weapon striking/shooting] you, you are able to fend off the attacker thanks to the added protection and some of your bunk mates but they were wearing a Mask, you couldnt discern who.
    Attacking somebody protected by a Vest (includes: You slink to [Insert Names] Bunk and go to kill them, unfortunately they awake and fend you off, it seems they had some armour and help, luckily they dont know its you.
    Section D Feedback: You look through somebodies belongings while they are away, you find [Insert Flavour Documentation] this leads you to discern that they are [Loyal/Disloyal]
    Start of Day death by Light Raider: [Flavour Text] You find [Insert name], they are dead in their bunk with multiple puncture wounds in their neck and chest. Looking in their jacket pocket you find a letter explaining their life [Insert Bio]

    Attacking somebody protected by Armoured Raider: You go to kill [Insert Name] however a man wearing heavy plate armour and mask punched you in the gut and held off your attack, you ran off before they could find out who you are but you failed in your mission.
    Armoured Raider defending without SMG: you are met by some damn murderer, luckily your armour holds them off and they flee.
    Start of day Death by Armoured Raider: [Flavour Text] You find [Insert Names] riddled with 308 rounds and a Lewis gun Pan on the floor, looking in their pockets you find letters pertaining to their lifes [Insert Bios]
    Being Roleblocked by either Opiod Raider: You was approached by one of your comrades with a mask on, he asked if you wanted to try some Opium, you experienced the best night of your life with the pipe, you fall asleep without doing what you wanted.
    Trench Watcher feedback: You follow [insert Name] you see him enter [Inserts name] Dugout/Do nothing.
    Note: If you follow the German Tunneller on the night he gets the detonation plunger, you will see him enter the Officers Dugout.
    Note 2: If you follow the Leader of the Defectors on the night he asks for information or the night he recieves infomation you will see him enter the communication dugout.
    Note 3: If you follow a Tunneller you will see them going to the Makeshift graveyard
    Leader of the Defectors Lynched before the German Tunneller is dead: [Flavour Text], Upon arrest and interrogation of [Insert name] they reveal that the are the head of the defections, they also reveal [Insert Bio]. Your Officer has ordered a halt to any execution. They are not the focus right now, he is being watched closely but head office wants us to try and reintegrate him and make him loyal again, like that could happen.

    Receiving Message back from Berlin: You requested information on [Insert name], Abtelitung IIIb has returned the following [Insert all listed information]
    German Allied Tunneller being given the Plunger: You have been asked to be spoken with by the Officer, he passes you the Detonation plunger noting to you that the First in command has died.
    Having a Timed Grenade Planted on you: You wake up and see a rigged explosive attached to your chest, their is no way to take it off without detonating it, it has a timer on
    Death via Timed Grenade: As the timer ticks towards 0 the grenade explodes, he gives one last salute to the rest of you and asks you to tell his Family that he loves him, The officer raises his Webley and places a round in his head, he kicks the grenade out of the trench and it detonates above the Trench, in a box given to the Officer before it explodes the following information is revealed [Name, Bio, Role]
    Somebody being Shot by a Marksman: As you discuss who could be the Defector a shot strikes towards [Insert Name] the round [Whizzes past (if no armour)/Strikes their Armour]. You saw a muzzle flash from somewhere but looking around you count everybody is in place.
    Irish Volunteer Tracking feedback: You follow [Insert Name] and you find out they were visited by [Insert Name] and that they went to [Insert Names] Dugout/The Communication office/The Officers Quarters.

    Death by Irish Bomb: [Flavour Text] You find [Insert Names] Satchel its blown through and lay next to it is [Insert name] filled with shrapnel and missing limbs, looking through what is left you find [insert bio]

    1. Trench Armour Equipped

    2. Armoured Raider Gets in Position
    3. German Tunneller gets given Plunger
    4. Charges Detonated.
    5. Opium is Dealed and Smoked (roleblocks)
    6. Tracking: Both Irish and Trench Watcher (can see movements from 2 onwards)
    7. Irish Bomb Planted
    8. Night Kills (Light Raider, Germans)
    9. Grenades Planted
    10. Charges Defused.
    11. Documentation Planted
    12. Graves Dug up and examined (both tunnelers)
    13. Section D Checks
    14. Armour given out

    General Settings and Basic Rules:
    The CPS will receive a night chat
    Days are 48Hrs and Nights are 24hrs
    All other normal rules apply to this game
    I want 10 posts a Day, 10 goddamn posts.
    Game will start on Day 1, not night 0, fuck night 0.
    Names wont mean anything. Bios may reveal information about role or faction or may be misleading.
    This setup will be using Majority Lynch to start with. Plurality can be chosen if the Players wish for such.
    Because Bios may reveal information i will not be allowing direct quotation of your Bios, you may paraphrase and you may quote small individual pieces of the Bio, however if i deem that you are subverting this rule by doing many small quotes i will Dm you a warning, if you continue to do such then i will Replace you or Modkill you.
    Lynches will only reveal Name and Bio at the end of day, standard killings will reveal it at the start of day. The Alignment will be automatically revealed the next day. The role will not be revealed.

    (I dont know why their is 2 feedback Spoilers i cant change it, every time i do its reverts back, but besides that this setup is ready i think!)
    Last edited by Huey The Long; December 7th, 2019 at 06:04 PM.
    Share Our Wealth, for not Sharing the wealth leaves the risk of dying when the communist arrive, and we dont want communist now do we.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Hey hey, good to see youre trying your hand at hosting. Having somewhat quickly read through your setup, i made a list of things that you might need to clarify further, or consider interactions on, so that it makes staff balancing life a little easier.

    First, but also least pressing, is 'solider'. Is this intentional misspelling as it appears multiple times through the post?

    The RP indicates that the defectors wish to blow up the tunnel and the allies are avoiding it, but you have the ability for the allies to detonate and the defectors to diffuse? confused as to why the agendas are swapped in the descriptions vs the flavour text.

    Does allied tunneler invulnerability, which is predicated on soldier counts, come under the rule of killed through immunity from marksman raider

    With roles not being revealed, how is the status of the allied tunneler invulnerability disclosed. Is the AT informed when he/she loses their status?

    Might want to reconsider vigi (light raider) having unlimited kills given the already exceptionally high KPN potential in this setup (a future point)

    Armoured raider team kill potential is high given the ability to kill when both themselves or their target is visited, possibly revist this mechanic

    How does armoured raider ability 1 play out if the AR's target is a player with a night action who then visits the armoured raider?

    How does the 'stand in the way' ability 2 work, genuinely a bit confused here. Potential rewording? (also i think you mean 'can only take one attack' over 'you cant take one attack'. Still confused about how this ability targets, and what feedback is provided.

    Scum team has a night kill, will they be able to decide which of the two of them is sent to perform the night kill. Will this night kill consume their night action, stopping them from performing their regular night action?

    Leader of defectors cant be lynched while German tunneler is alive, how does this feedback present if target is voted to be lynched at EoD

    LoD can put through a message once per day/night. Does this imply they can submit during both the day and night phase, or only once for a total passed day? (need to clarify/reword this ability.)

    German tunneler name potentially changed to avoid confusion with Allied faction vs allied in terms of alliance. Use defector instead?

    How is feedback provided for targets that have had a time grenade planted on them? Are they informed at all, or what time limit is imposed on them? (Personally i would leave the kill to trigger at eod as it may discourage targetted player from contributing that day)

    Tunneler can also investigate? There seems to be a lot of scum sided investigation coupled with a high KPN and a lot of hidden information for town which seems like it needs a rebalance.

    Tunneler cant check and grenade same night, but doesnt specify restrictions on defusing and checking simultaneously? is this intentional? Could tunneler be able to perform the mafia night kill, check someones role, and also diffuse the bomb all in one night?

    Rank and file raider just seems to feed into more of the agenda of mass missinformation/no information for town and seems overkill at this point.

    Marksman is not aware of who his teammates are. Are his teammates informed of who he is?

    Can marksman be unknowingly sent to perform the mafia night kill on behalf of the scum team and how does feedback work in regards to this if possible?

    Marksman also has a day kill ability? The KPN in this game is already exceptionally high, and now the KPD is too, this seems quite imbalanced (havnt actually crunched the numbers, just a cursory eval)

    Irish volunteer grenade kill just seems like a cluster fuck and has the ability to massively skew game balance depending on who he targets, especially when you consider the interactions that would occur with the bodyguard role. This one might need to be reworked entirely, or the BG.

    Other general notes, this game seems to play a lot like the mod, with a lot of kill potentials. Generally forum games are more paced and information isnt overwhelming and players arent being killed en masse. I would consider toning down the kill potentials by quite a degree.

    You might also like to take the time to write out a list of feedback quotes that will be provided for each role for each action for each interaction they have, same with day and night effects. Not only will this help with you being able to convey the specifics of these roles and their interactions more clearly, but it helps all the players better understand ingame mechanics and what has occured on each night.

    There is already so little information with roles not being revealed on death, and the scum having access to a lot of missinformation or information denial abilities that a cursory eval seems to skew favour toward scum. Although in saying that, the kills per night could just as easily imbalance it again. Il leave the number crunching to the forum staff, but perhaps instead of combining so many abilities into single characters, you expand the player count and break roles into multiple roles?

    Anyways, imo its a good start, just needs a bit of polishing on clarification of roles/abilities/feedback, and especially interactions on IV and AR. Plus chilling on the murder

    Monopoly of the Iced variety

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Hey hey, good to see youre trying your hand at hosting. Having somewhat quickly read through your setup, i made a list of things that you might need to clarify further, or consider interactions on, so that it makes staff balancing life a little easier.

    First, but also least pressing, is 'solider'. Is this intentional misspelling as it appears multiple times through the post
    This is just me not proofreading it, will change it up

    The RP indicates that the defectors wish to blow up the tunnel and the allies are avoiding it, but you have the ability for the allies to detonate and the defectors to diffuse? confused as to why the agendas are swapped in the descriptions vs the flavour text
    This is me having a bunch of ideas all at once and then contradicting myself because of it. I will amend the flavour text before i put it up to review.

    Does allied tunneler invulnerability, which is predicated on soldier counts, come under the rule of killed through immunity from marksman raider
    Yes it does.

    With roles not being revealed, how is the status of the allied tunneler invulnerability disclosed. Is the AT informed when he/she loses their status?
    They are not informed

    Might want to reconsider vigi (light raider) having unlimited kills given the already exceptionally high KPN potential in this setup (a future point)
    Yeah i was considering making it less right off the bat but i was unsure myself

    Armoured raider team kill potential is high given the ability to kill when both themselves or their target is visited, possibly revist this mechanic
    Its just a buffed veteran pretty much, maybe make it a choice of defence of yourself or somebody else?

    How does armoured raider ability 1 play out if the AR's target is a player with a night action who then visits the armoured raider
    Then they would get absolutley riddled with rounds. THEY COMING RIGHT AT ME style

    How does the 'stand in the way' ability 2 work, genuinely a bit confused here. Potential rewording? (also i think you mean 'can only take one attack' over 'you cant take one attack'. Still confused about how this ability targets, and what feedback is provided
    Yeah so its like a bodyguard who doesnt die unless that person is attacked twice or unless that person is attacked and

    Scum team has a night kill, will they be able to decide which of the two of them is sent to perform the night kill. Will this night kill consume their night action, stopping them from performing their regular night action?
    Yes and Yes

    Leader of defectors cant be lynched while German tunneler is alive, how does this feedback present if target is voted to be lynched at Eod
    If they would be lynched i would probs have a bunch of filler text (like i would at every EoD) and it would then say like, X name has been captured but Officer (insert whatever i call myself) has ordered a halt on any interrogation, the leader isnt the focus now. Or something like that.

    LoD can put through a message once per day/night. Does this imply they can submit during both the day and night phase, or only once for a total passed day? (need to clarify/reword this ability.)
    Its once in the whole 72 hour period and then you recieve a message back, will reword.

    German tunneler name potentially changed to avoid confusion with Allied faction vs allied in terms of alliance. Use defector instead?
    Noted, will do.

    How is feedback provided for targets that have had a time grenade planted on them? Are they informed at all, or what time limit is imposed on them? (Personally i would leave the kill to trigger at eod as it may discourage targetted player from contributing that day)
    I think they probably are informed and i might change it so you have to choose it to detonate at least in the second half of the day maybe?

    Tunneler can also investigate? There seems to be a lot of scum sided investigation coupled with a high KPN and a lot of hidden information for town which seems like it needs a rebalance
    I might add another town TPR, would that be enough to make it more balanced. If i do do you think i should give it a set role or another hidden role?

    Tunneler cant check and grenade same night, but doesnt specify restrictions on defusing and checking simultaneously? is this intentional? Could tunneler be able to perform the mafia night kill, check someones role, and also diffuse the bomb all in one night
    No they can only do one of these things each night. I think i may add a Tracker-esque role for the Brits

    Rank and file raider just seems to feed into more of the agenda of mass missinformation/no information for town and seems overkill at this point.
    I quite like the idea of the Rank and File raider and i made it so he has to choose between the dead and alive and if he chooses the dead then the German Tunneler wouldn't be able to search it either was my line of thinking.

    Marksman is not aware of who his teammates are. Are his teammates informed of who he is?r
    No they are not, marksmen is proper slinky like

    Can marksman be unknowingly sent to perform the mafia night kill on behalf of the scum team and how does feedback work in regards to this if possible?
    No he can not.

    Marksman also has a day kill ability? The KPN in this game is already exceptionally high, and now the KPD is too, this seems quite imbalanced (havnt actually crunched the numbers, just a cursory eval)
    Yeah he can shoot in the day. Orginally i was gonna make it so he doesnt kill but instead removes immunity and vests and what not with his shot and he would have more charges and i was gonna have a town vest maker as a confirmed role. I dunno how well that would go though, thoughts?

    Irish volunteer grenade kill just seems like a cluster fuck and has the ability to massively skew game balance depending on who he targets, especially when you consider the interactions that would occur with the bodyguard role. This one might need to be reworked entirely, or the BG
    Yeah im not happy with the irish boi

    Other general notes, this game seems to play a lot like the mod, with a lot of kill potentials. Generally forum games are more paced and information isnt overwhelming and players arent being killed en masse. I would consider toning down the kill potentials by quite a degree
    I think i have replied pretty well to that above, thoughts?

    You might also like to take the time to write out a list of feedback quotes that will be provided for each role for each action for each interaction they have, same with day and night effects. Not only will this help with you being able to convey the specifics of these roles and their interactions more clearly, but it helps all the players better understand ingame mechanics and what has occured on each night.
    Yeah i plan too

    There is already so little information with roles not being revealed on death, and the scum having access to a lot of missinformation or information denial abilities that a cursory eval seems to skew favour toward scum. Although in saying that, the kills per night could just as easily imbalance it again. Il leave the number crunching to the forum staff, but perhaps instead of combining so many abilities into single characters, you expand the player count and break roles into multiple roles?

    Anyways, imo its a good start, just needs a bit of polishing on clarification of roles/abilities/feedback, and especially interactions on IV and AR. Plus chilling on the murder
    This should be a decent reply, will be happy to hear ya thoughts back.
    Share Our Wealth, for not Sharing the wealth leaves the risk of dying when the communist arrive, and we dont want communist now do we.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Irish grenade seems pretty OP. I'd suggest to change it to : Only kills the target and the target's target (the player the grenaded player visits).

    Armoured raider should probably have to choose with the SMG, as you yourself suggested in your reply to Iced's stuff.

    Alternatively you can stand in the way of somebodies attack, you cant take one attack either on you or the person without dying that night, anymore and you will die.
    This has Unlimited Charges
    I do not understand what that means, btw. You can't take one attack either on you or the person without dying that night?

    And thanks a lot for the deep input, Iced!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Iced_Monopoly View Post
    Will read over this again, @Marshmallow Marshall are you going to crunch the numbers on this one?
    Yes, I will re-review it as soon as I can.

    Some points : "You can only one action at night." on Irish Volunteer, nothing important but still noting it.

    Given that you plan to make the rolecard flavor game-related with potentially valid informations, the level of disclosure permission of the flavor informations needs to be specified to avoid unwanted angleshooting situations that distract from the game's main purpose. For example, is paraphrasing the flavor allowed? Is integrally quoting some words allowed (for example, saying that your rolecard says You are a "great tactician skilled with firearms")?
    Does the Lead Tunneller see the rolecard's flavor when he checks a corpse?

    Is desactivating the Detonation Plunger mandatory when the German Tunneller recieves it? In other words, can they choose to dig a corpse the night they recieve it instead?

    What happens if the Armored Raider uses the normal protection on a player, and gets attacked by the Irish Volunteer's grenade?
    What happens if they use the veteran protection on someone else, and get attacked by the Irish Volunteer's grenade?
    What happens if they use any of these abilities on another player, and that this other player is attacked by the grenade?
    The Irish Volunteer's grenade is a strong and chaotic mechanic that causes a lot of deaths for a 12P forum setup, even with the change, after evaluting the rest of the setup. I think another mechanic would be more fitting, although it's not really a grenade anymore.

    Irish Volunteer ability idea to replace the Grenade : Put a timed bomb in your target's bag at night. If your target visits a player, the bomb will go on the visited player instead, killing them at the end of the next night (first kill in OoO), but not killing your target. If your target does not visit anyone, the bomb kills them at the end of the next night.
    Feel free to build on the suggestions and to create more fitting lore if you wish to.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Yes, I will re-review it as soon as I can.

    Some points : "You can only one action at night." on Irish Volunteer, nothing important but still noting it.

    Given that you plan to make the rolecard flavor game-related with potentially valid informations, the level of disclosure permission of the flavor informations needs to be specified to avoid unwanted angleshooting situations that distract from the game's main purpose. For example, is paraphrasing the flavor allowed? Is integrally quoting some words allowed (for example, saying that your rolecard says You are a "great tactician skilled with firearms")?
    Does the Lead Tunneller see the rolecard's flavor when he checks a corpse
    i think Paraphasing it and maybe some of that integral quoting. If you start just quoting different parts of your bio every 2 mins until the whole thing is made then i wouldnt be a fan.
    As for the second Q, i dont think so because you receive that info the night before anyway.

    Is desactivating the Detonation Plunger mandatory when the German Tunneller recieves it? In other words, can they choose to dig a corpse the night they recieve it instead
    Its not Mandatory no, given the German Tunneller already has it the defective officer would be safe.

    What happens if the Armored Raider uses the normal protection on a player, and gets attacked by the Irish Volunteer's grenade?
    What happens if they use the veteran protection on someone else, and get attacked by the Irish Volunteer's grenade?
    What happens if they use any of these abilities on another player, and that this other player is attacked by the grenade?
    The Irish Volunteer's grenade is a strong and chaotic mechanic that causes a lot of deaths for a 12P forum setup, even with the change, after evaluting the rest of the setup. I think another mechanic would be more fitting, although it's not really a grenade anymore.
    Those two players would die.
    The Irish Volunteer would get shot dead (if he has his autovest he wouldnt die but would still lose his grenade)
    The Player thats targeted and the person using the ability would die (if multiple people go at once then it resolve as stated in the OoO)
    Yeah i can see why it should be limited more so, i think your idea below is a good one and one that can fit well into the lore, ill make some minor edits to the setup now.

    Irish Volunteer ability idea to replace the Grenade : Put a timed bomb in your target's bag at night. If your target visits a player, the bomb will go on the visited player instead, killing them at the end of the next night (first kill in OoO), but not killing your target. If your target does not visit anyone, the bomb kills them at the end of the next night.
    Feel free to build on the suggestions and to create more fitting lore if you wish to.

    Share Our Wealth, for not Sharing the wealth leaves the risk of dying when the communist arrive, and we dont want communist now do we.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Huey The Long View Post

    If noone visits the Irish Volunteer's bomb's target, does the bomb kill the unvisited target or does it just blow up in the air?
    If people visit the bomb's target, does the bomb's target die too?

    If the Leader of the Defectors dies, can the Mafia still kill at night? I'm asking because of the wording on the factional kill; please clarify that part. Given that the Leader of the Defectors is not likely to die early and given that the setup doesn't have many townies for the potential amount of kills per night, I could see the Mafia losing their ability to kill without their Leader, or having one kill left when the Leader dies.

    Other than that, the setup seems good now, and should be good to go once the questions are answered. My apologies for the delay: I had a more busy phase IRL.
    @Huey The Long
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; October 29th, 2019 at 02:01 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    If noone visits the Irish Volunteer's bomb's target, does the bomb kill the unvisited target or does it just blow up in the air?
    If people visit the bomb's target, does the bomb's target die too?

    If the Leader of the Defectors dies, can the Mafia still kill at night? I'm asking because of the wording on the factional kill; please clarify that part. Given that the Leader of the Defectors is not likely to die early and given that the setup doesn't have many townies for the potential amount of kills per night, I could see the Mafia losing their ability to kill without their Leader, or having one kill left when the Leader dies.

    Other than that, the setup seems good now, and should be good to go once the questions are answered.
    The Irish Bombs target will die if he is not visited
    The first visitor would die.

    They cannot kill without the Leader of the defectors.

    Would i just post setups once youve fully Ok'd this?
    Share Our Wealth, for not Sharing the wealth leaves the risk of dying when the communist arrive, and we dont want communist now do we.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Huey The Long View Post
    The Irish Bombs target will die if he is not visited
    The first visitor would die.

    They cannot kill without the Leader of the defectors.

    Would i just post setups once youve fully Ok'd this?
    Thanks for the clarifications!

    If you mean posting signups, not yet. I will move this thread to the Approved FM Setups subsection, and add your setup to the FM Queue, slated to go after Blinkskater's One Day game. Given the lenght of the one day game (one day!), you may post signups when Blinkskater's game starts. As a general rule, you must ask permission from FM Staff before posting signups, even if your setup is approved, for future reference.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Thanks for the clarifications!

    If you mean posting signups, not yet. I will move this thread to the Approved FM Setups subsection, and add your setup to the FM Queue, slated to go after Blinkskater's One Day game. Given the lenght of the one day game (one day!), you may post signups when Blinkskater's game starts. As a general rule, you must ask permission from FM Staff before posting signups, even if your setup is approved, for future reference.

    Awesome! Thank you!
    Share Our Wealth, for not Sharing the wealth leaves the risk of dying when the communist arrive, and we dont want communist now do we.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM Fractured Whizzbang (12P)

    "At night you can choose one target and protect them while they sleep, you will survive one attack per night.
    This has Unlimited Charges"
    Was this meant that his target will survive or himself? Can he target himself? The wording is strange.

    I understand that the Trench Armour protects only from kills such as Light Raider (though, not sure, since vests would do little vs cutting throat) and CPS Night Kill.
    Early Flak Jacket only from explosives (Irish Volunteer). But not the German Tunneller's explosion, right?
    What does Raider Plate protect from? It doesn't say.

    "You can not be lynched while the German Allied Tunneller"
    German Allied Tunneller: is it German Allied Raider or German Tunneller? Stupid question, I know - it is the 2nd one, right?

    "You will be given the Detonation Plunger after the Allied Tunneller dies"
    That's the green Tunneller, right? The British Lead Tunneller?

    Who is the second in command Tunneller of the British Lead Tunneller? Is it German Tunneller? Is the British Lead Tunneller the Allied Tunneller? (would be nice to change the names in rolecards to the same one in role list)

    I think I got the jist of the setup. But duuude. I would prefer better worded role cards in the future. Rerefenced roles have different names than in the role list
    Better worded actions: "protect them while they sleep, you will survive one attack per night." OHHHHH, is like 2 different sentences? Was it meant like "you are a doctor who is immune to one attack per night"? I just understood it now, after reading it like the 5th time.
    A vest that has no description what it protects from, a vest that PRESUMABLY protect throat from being cutted. Ohh, I take back what I presumed earlier about the explosive vest - I guess it does protect from the explosion at EoD done by German Tunneller.
    By the way, what is "all information revealed"? Does it include all their actions and who and when visited them?
    Last edited by OzyWho; December 4th, 2019 at 07:37 AM.



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