Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

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  1. ISO #1

    Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP


    Sorry about the error about Takada/Takano. Her name is Kiyomi

    I'm changing how this is gonna go.

    If this goes through, it will be based off of finding out people's hidden COM identities (for example: when people have anonymous names, Janice is actually Deathfire123)

    There will be 4 more citizens than normal.

    Kira Group will only start out with Light:
    Serial Killers can kill a maximum number of people as people they have in their group, with exception of Teru.
    There will be 5 Serial Killers max.
    The Serial Killers kill by guessing the person's real name.

    Light's special ability is that he cannot be detected by Sheriffs/Invests, and cannot be killed in Jail, but he can be shot by a vigilante.

    Misa's special ability is that she gets an automatic kill no matter what.

    Teru's special ability is that he can kill up to two people by himself.

    Kiyomi's special ability is that she can visit someone and role block then and learn their hidden identity.

    Kyousuke's special ability is that he can steal someone's powers during the night and use it the following night, unfortunately, Kyousuke cannot see who the others members of Kira are. However, when he is recruited, he can see Light, but does not who anyone else is. He also cannot be detected by members of the Yotsuba group.

    Light recruits more Kira's by completing special conditions.

    This would be the role list:

    Light(Kira 1)
    Citizen that's really Misa, does not know they are Misa until Light recruits them
    Citizen that's really Teru, does not know they are Teru until Light recruits them
    Citizen that's really Kiyomi, does not know they are Kiyomi until Light recruits them
    Yotsuba Group member that is also Kyousuke, does not know they are Kyousuke until Light recruits them

    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia

    Yotsuba Group Member(Mason)
    Yotsuba Group Member(Mason)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)
    Task Force Member (Hidden Town Power)

    Random Killing Neutral

    Murderer(Survivor) - This person murdered someone in the past, and is trying to forget about it, Light never forgets, and will try to kill him. Has 3 bulletproof vests at start of game.

    Random Benign Neutral
    Random Benign Neutral
    Random Benign Neutral

    Designed for: 35.

    Win Conditions:

    The serial killer's win condition is to kill the detectives (Town Power Roles) and Mello's Group (Mafia) and any other Killing Neutral, they do not need to kill the citizens.

    Detectives win condition is killing Kira and Mello's Group and any killing neutral.

    Mello's Group's win condition is to kill Kira and citizens and detectives

    Kyousuke wins with the Yotsuba Group if Light does not recruit him.

    The Night Light dies, if he dies, Misa gets two extra kills, if she is recruited when he dies.
    When Light dies, if any of the Kira's have yet to be recruited, they revert to citizens and remain blissfully unaware that they even had a chance of being Kira.

    If Kyousuke dies before being recruited by Light, he appears to be a normal Yotsuba Group member.

    The Yotsuba Group has a limit of 6 extra recruits, totalling 8 members, and can only recruit citizens. Misa, Teru, and Kiyomi, while citizens, cannot be recruited into the Yotsuba group, and the group will get the same message as if they were power roles. Misa, Teru, and Kiyomi will not be notified of the masons visiting them, while citizens.

    When Misa, Kiyomi, or Teru die, if they have yet to be recruited, their roles will be listed as citizen

    Light's investigation will read: Sheriff, Investigator, or Consigliere
    Misa's investigation post-recruit will read: Vigilante, Jailor, Mafioso, or Misa
    Kiyomi's investigation post-recruit will read: Escort, Bodyguard, Consort, Enforcer, or Kiyomi
    Teru's investigation post-recruit will read: Survivor, Veteran, Witch, Amnesiac, or Teru
    Kyousuke's investigation post-rectuir will read: A member of the Yotsuba Group. Could be Kyousuke, might not be.

    There WILL be secondary objectives for every named power role. (All power roles will be named, most likely)

    Example objectives for Light (Won't be the actual objective) :

    To recruit Kiyomi: Must get the attention of the public without being killed (Not gonna say how).

    Whenever Light recruits someone, the town will be announced that a new Kira has been recruited.
    Last edited by ; December 1st, 2011 at 08:28 PM.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

    Updated with some more info about what happens if people arent recruited, also investigation
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

    More info!
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

    pretty much complete. Other than the theme, how do you guys think the idea would work in FM. If I do end up being a host for FMlikeXIV or whatever, I'd love doing this.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

    Removed Electro Maniac. It's not quite a complete role yet and needs some tweeking, and for Jack/Cap's reasons.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP


    Spoiler : FM Roles :
    FM I: FalseTruth the Half-Breed | FM II: FalseTruth the Plato's Bitch | FM III: Co-Host | FM IV: Gabriele the Dirty Nazi Hookah | FM V: Theodore the Ambitious | FM VI: FalseTruth the Bothersome Sloth | FM VII: Peter the Troll | FM VIII: Host | FM IX: Larisa the Cappertiller | FM X: FM Lysergic the Evil Genius | FM XI: Udyr the Lurking Oracle

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Death Note Themed Forum Mafia REVAMP

    Quote Originally Posted by McPwnage View Post
    How does Kira know which citizens to recruit? Is this gonna be like that whole demon thing?
    Kira doesnt manually recruit them and does not know which citizens they are. Light must do certain tasks that wont be too difficult to do, to recruit members, for example: get 3 votes during the day without gettingt lynched to recruit Takano (she automatically recruits during the following night) multiple tasks can be completed in one day/night
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student



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