You're the mafia jailor and that's perfect because I've been trying to contact you assholes the whole game.

I'm the witch and all my codes have been aimed at you hoping one of you would solve the code.

The last one was lower case so they couldn't solve the other two if they solved the first one. I wanted to see who he would check, but he couldn't solve it.

Let me know who you want me to witch on to who and if guys don't need to kill someone else you could protect me like this every night. If you want to talk using this code just upload an image to imgur and then make the tiny url something mysterious like I did. You don't need to make it as obvious as I did, but you can put a code word in the message like banana.

"So i was eating a banana the other day...Anyway I tried getting really high." = or somehing like that.

You guys are smart enough to figure this out. Communication is the easiest way to win this game so help me out and I can help you guys out.