Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Setup says mafia kill can be performed alongside other actions, so my guess would be that he can do both.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Which ones in particular?
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Ok, @Damus_Graves . This one's for you.

Translation: It's ok for Slaol to say: "lynch me, it's good" and then say "IT WAS A TRAP" and "MM is super scum" followed by "lol jk I townread him the whole time it was all part of my plan", but when I make a vote for mixed reasons some of which I claim immediately (policy) and some of which I don't (slight scum read on Slaol) somehow that makes me scummy? Nah dawg.

@Damus - this post has no evidence by Slaol of me twisting his words. He is accusing me of being a hypocrite (ignoring my explanation of what was actually going on and supplanting his own) while himself being a hypocrite.

Still no evidence of me twisting words. The first part is pretty weak and ignores the fact that I was calling out entire posts for being worthless. He has had to nitpick specific pieces of my posts to create this so called "contradiction" to try to paint me as a hypocrite.

Also trying to say I'm afraid of him/his words. I'm not, it's just that there's little/no substance to them, most of it his his own projections. I also want to actually talk to people other than Slaol, which will be imposible if I respond to all of his accusations because they are never ending. This is intentional on his part as he is trying to both bury other conversations and keep me on the defensive so I can't effectively pursue other leads.

Still no sign of me twisting Slaol's words. Did you just pick these posts at random, Damus?

In any case, to the first point: Slaol once again ignores all nuance. I made a dumb joke based on a joke we have that has nothing to with this fm. I did not in any way use this to make or support my arguments about things within the game. He has actively tried to use metagame knowledge as evidence against me.

2nd point: Not much to be said. I was undecided, so I said so. My mind changed later.

3rd: I dismissed his post. I'm also not the one who pointed him out as an easy lynch as Slaol did in this post. And for the record, I don't particularly want to lynch Mike at this point in time.

Still no evidence of me twisting Slaol's words in this post. This is starting to feel like a waste of time. I've already responded to the parts of this post that had new information. I already knew Slaol was on Yayap's dick even though Yayap hasn't really said anything that's especially pro-town and hates Rumox because he agrees with me.

You got me to respond to Slaol's propaganda on false pretenses and somehow between the two of us you label MY response as a "knee jerk reaction"? lol ok.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Oh, as in he would have killed someone specifically to take their role? I didn't even think about that. Ok, well going through the list:

Mayor - untargetable
Doctor - not useful to scum
Lookout - not useful to scum
Veteran - immune to mafia kill
Survivalist - wouldn't actually die + not that useful even if he did
Vigilante - Good, but can only be used once
Grave Digger - you are here
Jailor - some use, but relies on there being a no lynch today, which can't be depended upon
Escort - Very Desirable
Networker - some use, but not great for scum
Bus Driver - very Desirable
Bodyguard - no good
Sheriff - no good

The way I see it, there are only 4 targets he'd really want, with BD & Escort being clearly better than the rest (imo) since they both cause confusion without leaving a trace and are repeatable on a consistent basis.

While it's true that Networker is not on that list, Yayap is obviously a strong player that mafia knew was working against them, so it's possible that Mike is scum and they simply prioritized eliminating Yayap over bolstering Mike's power.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
What do you mean he would have chosen a different role? He has no other options. Yayap is his only valid target.

I'm down with the pressure vote.
-vote Banshis
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
He can't bus himself. I asked. But just for everyone's benefit:

@Auckmid ;Which roles (if any) are allowed to target themselves with their own action?
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
I have been active and open with my opinions. I'll leave the leadership discussion open to others.

At what point did I encourage or expressed a desire for lurking? My reads are null on those players because they haven't said much. You are welcome to disagree, but given my strong read on you (regardless of whether or not it was correct), it's not fair to say all my reads are null.

And really not sure how to take that compliment from someone who has been calling me bad all game.

Why would an MM/Creed/Slaol scum team affect your sheriff check? If Creed had RB'd you, you'd know it from the lack of feedback. And Slaol can't bus himself, so your check was 100% accurate. We just have no way of knowing if you're lying about it or not.

It's nearly impossible not to, tbh.

luv u bb <3
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
If you really are town, you have a terrible way of showing it.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Though thinking about it some more, I suppose this doesn't rule out the possibility that naz is scum alongside Slaol. Did Yayap's plan account for this possibility?
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
I healed you. I figured you would check me or Slaol and wanted to make sure you survived for that check to matter.

I really thought Slaol was scum. Now I'll have to rethink all of my reads.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
It refers to when a player scumreads someone solely because that person called them scum. So Mike's reasoning for scumreading anyone in this game, essentially.

I'm not sure why that's the term for it, though. I've always thought of it as something like "OMG ur scum!", but that seems too stupid to be real, so I'll be disappointed if that's what it is. lol
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
null, null, and null leaning town.

Banshis and TDL haven't said enough for me to get a strong read on them. My slight town lean on Banshis is mostly gut feeling.

Mike I just can't decide. Day 1 I thought he was just a confused townie, who reacts to pressure with omgus because he doesn't know better. But I can't help but notice that Yayap, the guy who actually wanted to start a vote train on Mike, is the one who was killed last night, which fits with Mike's omgus. Of course, since it's Yayap, I can think of reasons why any scum team would want to kill him, which is why I'm still undecided on Mike's alignment. But I am definitely going to be examining him more closely now.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
I agree, I think it was poor setup knowledge on Mike's part. I think he did. I have a feeling I know where Yayap is going with this, so I'm willing to let it play out if for no other reason than to gain insight into Yayap's motives.

I can't help but notice there's no assessment of what happens if Slaol flips town/scum.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
I don't recall him saying this, but it may have just gotten lost in the spam. If you point me to the exact examples, I can give a response to his specific allegations. With that said- I haven't twisted his words at all. He is the one trying to twist things around. Take this post for instance:

He's attacking me for what he perceives to be my intention behind it, as if he has any way of knowing my intentions. Apparently (according to Slaol) the fact that I wasn't satisfied with MMs initial reasoning behind his scum read of Slaol automatically means I don't care about what MM has to say at all for the rest of the game even though I have never said anything to that effect.

Not quite. I started to get a bit of a scum read on him and used his suggested policy lynch to vote him and see how he would respond. His response further convinced me that he was scum, so I began pushing harder for his lynch.

I can't speak for Rumox, but I am not on a scum team. And disagreeing with Slaol/ agreeing with a position he disagrees with is not itself a compelling argument of that person's scumminess. Same goes for any other player, myself included.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
You're constantly spamming this thread with your discrediting nonsense. I'm not going to respond to all of it because I don't have the time or the patience. And honestly, the fact that you continue to spam posts without letting anyone get a word in seems like a tactic to dominate the discussion and drown out other voices by burying them in a sea of your stream of consciousness drivel.

If anyone else has questions for me regarding anything you've said about me or about anything else game-related, I will answer them.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Care to share any of your own thoughts on the game?
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
What do you think about the Damus/Slaol interactions? They seemed to gang up on you earlier as a possible lynch target and now Slaol is backpedaling and saying he townread you all along and Damus seems to have changed his mind, or at the very least lost interest in you.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
That "mic drop" post was surprisingly informative. But not for reasons Slaol intended.

tl;dr- Slaol says it all... Highlighted in red.

longer version:

Slaol claims his plan from the beginning was to propose an anti-town plan and get scum to agree with it so he could find them. However if you read his Topic 3 section which I've highlighted above you'll see that his plan also involved getting town to vote him and he lists all the ways he tried to manipulate them to vote for him. The thing is, if he was town, how would Slaol know who was town in order to seek out their votes with this plan? He started this on page 1 of the game. Yayap and MM were just as likely to be scum as anyone else. Keep in mind he claims that this was his plan from the very beginning and he even cites his early pressure on MM as part of this plan (which started on page 3 of the game). The only way he could possibly know anyone's alignment so early is if he is scum.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Possibly. Perhaps not in the way you expect though. I lean town on MM and I think Blink's posts lack substance.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
This post is worthless.

If you're going to contribute something useful, do it already. Enough with this announcement of an announcement bullshit. I've had enough of you and Slaol's ego masturbation. Come back to us once you've cleaned up.

Knowing what you're going to say is not the same as believing it's valid. My mind is made up until I see sufficient evidence to convince me otherwise.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Missed a word there.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Insulting my performance doesn't make my points any less valid or yours any more so.

Making weird puns isn't really analogous to FM doublespeak.

Also I want to take this opportunity to point out the frequency with which you attempt to use information from outside of this game such as evidence to justify your arguments about things within the game. The only reason you would need to do this is if there was insufficient in-game evidence to justify your positions, which to me is a sign that they don't have a lot of merit, at least within the context of this game.

Spoilers: It'll be something along the lines of "It was all a bait to catch scum, I never meant a word of it, now lynch Gerik".
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Perhaps we have different definitions of "call out". As I see it, you didn't "call me out" on the policy lynch so much as you got really defensive and suddenly started calling me scum out of nowhere.

It's a stall tactic. There's no deeper level.

I think that's highly unlikely at this point.

Because SB is low activity and thus an easy target on which to deflect unwanted attention/pressure.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Why would you immediately assume we're not on the same team? I'm town, so that would make you scum. But for the sake of argument, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not claiming to be scum and are trying to say that you are town and I'm scum.

Let's review the facts:

Fact 1: You suggested that we policy lynch you on the grounds that your role is too powerful in scum hands
Fact 2: I agreed with said policy lynch
Fact 3: You then began to accuse me of being scum, as shown here.

Since you didn't accuse me of being scum until after I reiterated my support of your lynching , we can conclude that you believe support of your lynch to be a scummy position (ignoring for the moment the obvious OMGUS nature of that behavior).
However, you were the one who originally suggested lynching you, so by that logic you would also be scum. Therein lies the conundrum: If you're town and the suggestion was pro-town, as you claimed, then supporting it should also be seen as pro-town in your eyes. But you see me as scummy for supporting it. This means that either you know it's pro-town and are still actively against it (which would make you scum for opposing a pro-town plan) or you never saw it as a pro-town plan to begin with (which would make you scum for suggesting it).

I do now.

It is indeed unfortunate that you are mafia.

And now, on today's episode of Slaol argues with Slaol (emphasis mine):

Good news, Slaol. You've been upgraded from 'policy lynch' to #1 Scum read.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
So my meta is that I make good posts regardless of my alignment? I'm ok with this

So what I'm seeing here is: lynch Slaol. His role existing prevents town from confirming anything or trusting any night actions.

-vote Slaol

They do. That is the entire purpose of that mechanic.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
Can you provide any reasoning behind your FoS on Damus & Slaol other than "they've suspected me of being scum all game"? Because while I'm not necessarily convinced that you're scum, I also don't think reading you as such is itself scummy.
Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
This hurt to read. This is not how statistics work. Simple example: On a perfectly balanced coin, head and tails are both equally likely to occur (50%). If you flip a coin and it lands on heads, the next flip is not guaranteed to land on tails. Same thing here. He could roll town or neutral for 1,000/1,000 FMs. Each event is independent of the last in terms of probability.