S-FM Pick Your Poison

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Pick Your Poison
    [10 Players]

    A game with two delayed-kill scum who don't share a night chat. Also, a jester who solo-wins.

    Role List:

    At night, you may poison a player, causing them to die at the end of the following night.
    Your target will be informed of being poisoned.
    Your partner is XXX.
    At night, you may annoy a player, causing their feedback to appear as invisible text in marquee.
    At night, you may check a player for being suspicious or not suspicious.
    Poisoners and the Jester will show up as suspicious; Town will show up as not suspicious.
    At night, you may heal a player, preventing them from being poisoned that night.
    You are not informed if your healing was necessary.
    You have no special abilities.
    Days last 48 hours, or until someone is lynched with 51% of the votes.
    Nights are 24 hours.
    No Last Wills
    Graveyard will reveal roles
    Game begins on Day 1.

    Order of Operations:
    1. Jester annoys
    2. Doctor heals
    3. Poisoner poisons
    4. Players poisoned last night die
    5. Sheriff checks

    Win Conditions:
    Poisoners: Eliminate the Town and have at least one member alive, or make it so nothing can stop you from doing so.
    Jester: Get lynched, OR be the last person alive.
    Town: Eliminate the Poisoners and have at least one member alive and not poisoned.

    The game will end when a wincon is achieved. If everyone dies without fulfilling a wincon, nobody wins.

    1. Inactives will be replaced or modkilled. Inactivity will be decided at my discretion.
    2.No out-of-game communication.
    3. No editing or deleting posts.
    4. No videos or links. (pictures OK, within reason)
    5. No invisible text.
    6. No quoting PM's.
    7. English only.
    8. No pretending to gamethrow.
    Last edited by MattZed; December 15th, 2016 at 11:45 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    K I know that I'm from MS and whatever but I can't stop myself from saying : Its too town sided!

    I suggest to reduce town power roles , maybe add miller(s) (town who will be checked as guilty) and limit the doctor heal so he can heal only people who are getting poisoned that night -

    and why do you want the scum faction to not know each other identities? it makes them uninformed and is not really what a mafia faction should be like.

    so tldr;
    I suggest : reduce town powers a lot or let the poisoners know each other,

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Angel View Post
    K I know that I'm from MS and whatever but I can't stop myself from saying : Its too town sided!

    I suggest to reduce town power roles , maybe add miller(s) (town who will be checked as guilty) and limit the doctor heal so he can heal only people who are getting poisoned that night -

    and why do you want the scum faction to not know each other identities? it makes them uninformed and is not really what a mafia faction should be like.

    so tldr;
    I suggest : reduce town powers a lot or let the poisoners know each other,
    I think I'll probably reduce the cit count by 1. The miller idea is fine as well, although this is partially balanced by the Jester being the miller to end all millers. But my current thinking is that if town is poisoned twice N1, mislynches D1, and the mislynches D2 but heals someone N2, they wake up D3 in a 3v2v1, which is probably just slightly too nice for how easy it is for a poison to have gone somewhere else.

    I was letting doctor heal people who were poisoned in order to let them heal a Jester or Poisoner, but the more I think about it, I start to agree on removing the extra healing ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Yeah, basically went with all of @Frozen Angel 's suggestions. Poisoners now know who each other are but have no night chat, and doctors can't heal already-poisoned people. I didn't drop a citizen because I felt that adding the coordination to the Poisoners, in that they at least know to not lynch each other, would make them too strong if they only had to kill 5 town.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    oh and no don't reduce the number of town in any manner cause there are 4 night kills in 3 nights. their uncoordinated , delayed and stoppable but still there are 4 not 3, so keep the ratio 6 or 7 v 2, assuming you want to give twon 2 mislynch chances, they will be at 3 v 2 at start of day 3. 3rd mislynch is game loose (assuming worst possible scenario for town). if they lynch a poisoner till day 3 (there is even a sheriff to help them) and only one of the 4 night kills fail (for example because the poisoned person get lynched, or doctor heal , or if both hit same person) town will reach day 4.

    Its what I describe as perfectly balanced ratios.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Just to clarify, if the jester is alive with One poisoner at the end, or one town, will they win?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Concern : what prevents the jester from just revealing d1 and asking to be lynched if there's no drawback for the town ? (like a suicide)

    It would still be beneficial to the town, given that's one less spot to take care about and one less potential red check to sheriffs.

    And even if they don't, Town also has no motive to be careful about red checks, since, again, lynching a jester won't have any consequences.
    [23:19:33] DarknessB: Sino is Mass Murderer -- I don't care if there isn't one in the setup!
    [23:19:39] DarknessB:
    -vote Sino

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Sino View Post
    Concern : what prevents the jester from just revealing d1 and asking to be lynched if there's no drawback for the town ? (like a suicide)

    It would still be beneficial to the town, given that's one less spot to take care about and one less potential red check to sheriffs.

    And even if they don't, Town also has no motive to be careful about red checks, since, again, lynching a jester won't have any consequences.
    The Jester is a solo-win. If you lynch the jester, the game is over. Town thus has a very strong incentive to not lynch one, lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Angel View Post
    I think he meant "survive to endgame" not to be "the last man alive" like a serial killer

    The second is lame
    Was my assumption correct?

    cause if its not in case of jester,1 poisoner end game, poisoners will win after a no lynch. in case of jester,1 town no one will win.

    and I hate to see a jester solo win, so i would prefer if that jester was just a miller town but the current version is not imbalanced so Its totally about about what you like to include in your game.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    The Jester is a solo-win. If you lynch the jester, the game is over. Town thus has a very strong incentive to not lynch one, lol.
    Oh, ok I didn't understand it that way.
    [23:19:33] DarknessB: Sino is Mass Murderer -- I don't care if there isn't one in the setup!
    [23:19:39] DarknessB:
    -vote Sino

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Angel View Post
    Was my assumption correct?

    cause if its not in case of jester,1 poisoner end game, poisoners will win after a no lynch. in case of jester,1 town no one will win.

    and I hate to see a jester solo win, so i would prefer if that jester was just a miller town but the current version is not imbalanced so Its totally about about what you like to include in your game.
    No, the jester would need to be the ONLY one alive. If it is 1v1 with Jester and anyone else alive, the game ends in a Jester loss.

    (To @Unknown1234 's question)
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Angel View Post
    ok sure the jester will loose

    but the town will loose as well?

    1 jester vs 1 town - there is no night kill - no lynch so neither can defeat the other logically.

    No, the town wins as their wincon is to eliminate the poisoners.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Name a situation where the jester could be the last one alive, because I don't see one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown1234 View Post
    Name a situation where the jester could be the last one alive, because I don't see one.
    Jester, Poisoner, Town

    Town is Poisoned.
    Poisoner is lynched.

    Town's wincon says last remaining town can't be poisoned.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Doesn't the mean nobody wins because The poisoned town wouldn't be dead until when game would end?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    Day X
    Citizen (Poisoned)

    Jester and Citizen vote off the Poisoner. No one wins because Town's wincon includes having at least one Townie alive who isn't poisoned.
    You could also imagine much more crazy situations:

    Night X-1
    Poisoner - Poisons Citizen #1
    Poisoner (Poisoned) - Poisons Citizen #2 and dies himself.

    Day X

    2 Citizens and Jester lynch the Poisoner. Jester wins given both remaining Citizens are poisoned.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    You could also imagine much more crazy situations:

    Night X-1
    Poisoner - Poisons Citizen #1
    Poisoner (Poisoned) - Poisons Citizen #2 and dies himself.

    Day X

    2 Citizens and Jester lynch the Poisoner. Jester wins given both remaining Citizens are poisoned.
    Why would the Poisoners target each other?
    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Why'd you leave out the sun emoji? I think it creates a huge sense of tone that is critical for the interpretation of the chat.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM Romeo View Post
    Go fuck yourself in the cucho.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed
    Your accent has ruined medieval fantasy films.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Why would the Poisoners target each other?
    I didn't realize the Poisoners know who each other are -- explained in the thread itself, but perhaps should be made explicit in the game description. Typically orange is more Neutral Evils than groupscum.

    EDIT: I now see that is buried in the Poisoner role card -- FML.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    I didn't realize the Poisoners know who each other are -- explained in the thread itself, but perhaps should be made explicit in the game description. Typically orange is more Neutral Evils than groupscum.
    Have you...tried reading the role cards? ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Why'd you leave out the sun emoji? I think it creates a huge sense of tone that is critical for the interpretation of the chat.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM Romeo View Post
    Go fuck yourself in the cucho.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed
    Your accent has ruined medieval fantasy films.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Anyway, to add something relevant to this discussion, I think that the Jester's win condition is too difficult.

    That role is clearly there to make Sheriff checks less reliable but I think it needs to be changed.

    He essentially has to get himself lynched on Day 1 to have a decent shot at winning.

    His odds of being poisoned for Day 2 are extremely high and Day 2 could easily turn into a messy kingmaker-style situation where the town decides who wins. Island Conflict, anyone?

    I'm not entirely sure how to rectify this - changing it into a Miller seems like a better option but I'm open to other changes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Why'd you leave out the sun emoji? I think it creates a huge sense of tone that is critical for the interpretation of the chat.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM Romeo View Post
    Go fuck yourself in the cucho.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed
    Your accent has ruined medieval fantasy films.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Anyway, to add something relevant to this discussion, I think that the Jester's win condition is too difficult.

    That role is clearly there to make Sheriff checks less reliable but I think it needs to be changed.

    He essentially has to get himself lynched on Day 1 to have a decent shot at winning.

    His odds of being poisoned for Day 2 are extremely high and Day 2 could easily turn into a messy kingmaker-style situation where the town decides who wins. Island Conflict, anyone?

    I'm not entirely sure how to rectify this - changing it into a Miller seems like a better option but I'm open to other changes.
    Making it immune to poison maybe ?
    [23:19:33] DarknessB: Sino is Mass Murderer -- I don't care if there isn't one in the setup!
    [23:19:39] DarknessB:
    -vote Sino

  35. ISO #35

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Have you...tried reading the role cards? ;)
    Sure having quite a few people who could use this suggestion. <_<

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    Anyway, to add something relevant to this discussion, I think that the Jester's win condition is too difficult.

    That role is clearly there to make Sheriff checks less reliable but I think it needs to be changed.

    He essentially has to get himself lynched on Day 1 to have a decent shot at winning.

    His odds of being poisoned for Day 2 are extremely high and Day 2 could easily turn into a messy kingmaker-style situation where the town decides who wins. Island Conflict, anyone?

    I'm not entirely sure how to rectify this - changing it into a Miller seems like a better option but I'm open to other changes.
    tbh Jester is there because I wanted to have a game with a Jester, and making it show up as guilty to cops is just a side effect to make their life easier.

    I don't get your point about D2 being kingmaker day, seeing as town will, at worst, be 5v2v1 in D2 and can lynch a Poisoner to wake up 3v1v1 in D3 with worst-case poisonings.

    On an unrelated note, I see I've called this a 10 player game but have only listed 9 players in the role list. Debating adding the cit to make it 10 or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    My rough idea of why Jester is in a good spot:

    With how the game can play out, there will probably be about 3 lynches if the Jester isn't lynched. Sure, in town's best-case scenario, there are 2, and in some more dragged-out scenarios there are 4 or 5, but the typical game is going to be about 3 lynches. The Jester for sure has a chance at being lynched D1 or D2. D3 depends on them being poisoned D1 or not. Given there are 9 players, 3 lynches means 1/3 of the players get lynched, which corresponds roughly to where I want the Jester's win chance to be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  37. ISO #37

    Re: S-FM Pick Your Poison

    the jester has a decent chance of winning in this. I agree.

    knowing 2 players will be lynched before first poison effect and the fact so many things can go wrong with poisons early game makes his win a lot easier. it makes town win con harder as they are always afraid to lynch the scummy ones ...

    maybe make the jester vengful of somekind to kill the poisoner who poisoned him in the night he dies

  38. ISO #38



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