Jack: I am going to make you an offer, and a chance to fully solidify yourself to Eternity, and to me.

Here is how this is going to work. I will share with you what I know of what is currently going on during day chat if and only if you do two things for me to prove you are prepared to side with us.

A) You will confess the identity of Pilate to me

B) You will tell Pilate to use the word 'daemon' in one of the first 5 posts he makes.

This is my offer, and you will get nothing from me until you agree. Kill me, and Eternity will see you for what you are.

Jack: Oh and, one other thing. One learns quite a bit about their jailor based on how they choose to hide their mannerisms. Mid-range intelligence will recognize the threat and begin to do so, but they tend to stylize their concealment. True experts will always use caps lock, as it gives nothing away that stylization would.

Not that it matters of course, as I already know who you are. But I'd consider this confirmation on the matter, so thank you for jailing me.

Jack: I would like to remind you that if you think you can simply execute me and appear to be doing the world a service by it, you are mistaken.

I will spin a magnificent tale of deceit and betrayal that will convince even Raiden to call for your blood.

So don't be so uncivil. Let's talk, yes?