RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

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  1. ISO #1

    RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    RLVG presents :

    RLVG's Adventure Quest
    The Next Adventure
    An RLVG directed adventure game, by RLVG.

    Anyone can sign up anytime!

    Shortcut to Rounds and Turns :

    Round 1 :
    - Part 1 (Spawn point questions!)
    - Part 2 (Starter packs!)
    - Part 3
    - Part 4
    - Part 5
    - Part 6
    - Part 7
    - Part 8
    - Part 9
    - Part 10
    Round 2 :
    - Part 1
    - Part 2 (At this point we call it Chapter)
    - Part 3

    Maps of the game! :

    Spoiler : World Map :

    Spoiler : City of Boondon :

    Spoiler : City of Dech :

    Spoiler : City of Dexan :

    Spoiler : City of Kalesh :

    Spoiler : City of Lyx :

    Spoiler : City of Ravas :
    Poor Man's Tier

    Middle Class Tier

    Rich Man's Tier

    Rules :
    • No smurfs.
    • No videos with autoplay.
    • No directly insulting the host.

    Got that? Good!

    Basics :
    • A. You can interact with the world as you please. "Break leg of chair.", "Combine Leg-Of-A-Chair and Spear with Ductate for Extended Spear."
    • B. You may not perform Power Actions E.G "Kill this guy", it would have to be "Attempt to kill this guy using my currently equipped weapon."
    • We use statistics and they're important. Agility can be helpful for collapsing caves for example. Parts can't be progressed without it.
    • There's no levels. Instead, we'll use a Rewards System for things you do, which gives you a free point to spend on +1 statistic.
    • We are Turn Based, which means that the game goes in turns. There's a statistic for Actions Per Turn, which allows you to queue up multiple actions for a turn.
    • We are Tile Based, which means that the game has you move through the map in 8-directional tile system. Examples : Southwest, West.
    • Cities and dungeons are "Section" Based instead. You'll receive a map of the area, your movement is related to the sections of the map.
    • You will get a description for each location you are in, as well as a brief description of your surrounding areas.
    • You have an inventory and you'll be notified of what you can equip and what you cannot equip, equipped items can be used anytime.
    • There's also Basic Items like dynamites, which you can use anytime - if you have the required tools to use these items. (Some doesn't require tools)
    • Obviously, you can die. However, if you die - you'll revive somewere + which has some longterm negative effects until they fade off.
    • If there's actions involving multiple players, the area will be instanced and actions will be queued by logic.
    • To move from a tile to another, state the coordinates! The map is huge, going from F to CQ (Collumns) to 6-95 (Rows).

    World Map :

    • The purple-blue-ish shade at the top is Ice, Frozen, Snowy or anything similar landscapes.
    • The green-ish shade at the middle (mostly) is the Forest, Jungle or Plains.
    • The orange shade at the bottom (or somewhere else) is the Desert.
    • The white-yellow shade at the edges is the beaches and shores.
    • The dark blue is the ocean (which you can't reach) and the light blue is water.
    • The black lines between areas are Boat Quick Travel Routes.

    Is any of this understood? Good!

    You must make a character.

    You must name your character, give it a gender and a race.
    All stats starts at 1 and you're allowed to put 2 freebie points at the primary stats and 1 on secondary stats.
    You must select a class for the character.

    The character creation must be publicly posted and should look similar to this example :

    Name : Bob the Weaboo
    Gender : Male
    Class : Wizard
    Race : Human

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 2
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1
    Post your character and you have officially signed up for the game.

    Here's a list of what each thing are :

    Classes :
    • Wizard (Bonus points to using Magic)
    • Warrior (Bonus points to using Melee)
    • Knight (Bonus points to using Defense)
    • Engineer (Bonus points to using Devices)
    • Adventurer (Bonus points to non-combat stuff)
    • Medic (Bonus points to healing)

    You can use any item, but you won't be as good if it doesn't belong to the class.
    Example : Wizards can use melee weapons, but it won't be as effective.

    Default :
    • 3 Item Capacity at 1 Strength.
    • 1 Action Per Turn at 1 Agility.
    • 100 Health Points at 1 Endurance.
    • 100 Special Points. (No stats increase this, regenerates every start of a new Round)

    Any additional points will increase the numbers, E.G endurance is 10HP, so 2 Endurance = 100+10.

    Primary Stats :

    Strength :
    • Boosts your physical strength.
    • Adds +1 to your Item Capacity.

    Agility :
    • Boosts your speed.
    • Adds +1 to your Actions Per Turn.

    Endurance :
    • Boosts your overall endurance.
    • Adds +10 to your Health Points.

    Luck :
    • Boosts your luck.
    • Reduces your unluck.

    Secondary Stats :

    Puzzlemania :
    • The higher the stat, the more average / easier the puzzles are.

    Diplomacy :
    • The higher the stat, the better chances at diplomacy and trading.

    Explorer :
    • The higher the stat, the more secrets you can notice at each area.

    Evil :
    • The higher the stat, the more evil quests you get.

    Good :
    • The higher the stat, the more good quests you get.

    Influence :
    • The higher the stat, the more influence points you gain with factions.

    Races :
    • Human (You know what the hell a human is)
    • Teknid (A synthetic robot, a non-organic steel-looking human)
    • Cyborg (A hybrid between Human and Teknid)
    • Demon (A demon is a creature born from The Great Darkness, stereotyped as evil but they can be good)
    • Angel (An angel is a creature born from The Great Sun, stereotyped as good but they can be evil)
    • Alien (A hybrid between Demon and Angel)

    Organized Factions :
    • Outlaw : The outlaw Human faction of pirates, tricksters and blackmarket stuff.
    • Crusader : The crusader Human faction of justice, purity and good.
    • Darkness : The faction of evil, usually with demons.
    • Sun : The faction of good, usually with angels.
    • Legion : The faction of invaders, with the intend to take over the world.
    • Teknomag : The faction of technology, usually with teknids.
    • The Grandmaster : The faction of the Grandmaster, with unknown intentions.

    That was a huge list, but not too hard to read!

    Current Official Players :
    Spoiler : Gilgamesh (Brendan) :
    Name : Gilgamesh
    Gender : Male
    Class : Adventurer
    Race : Human

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Russian Borat (Suntax) :
    Name : Russian Borat
    Gender : Russian (Host guesses a Male Russian)
    Class : Engineer Of Russia
    Race : Cyborg Russian

    Strength Of Russia : 2
    Agility Of Russia : 2
    Endurance Of Russia : q
    Luck Of Russia : 1

    Russian Puzzlemania : 1
    Russian Diplomacy : 1
    Soviet Explorer : 1
    Russian Evil : 2
    American scumness Good : 1
    Russian Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Tyrus Inamar (TheDarkestLight) :
    Name : Tyrus Inamar
    Gender : Male
    Class : Wizard
    Race : Angel

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 2
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Ash Ketchum (NoctiZ) :
    Name : Ash Ketchum
    Gender : Male
    Class : Adventurer
    Race : Alien

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : FYRE-dono (FYRE) :
    Name : FYRE-dono
    Gender : Mail
    Class : Medic
    Race : Teknid

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 3
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 2
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Bowser Jr (Toadette) :
    Name : Bowser Jr
    Gender : Male
    Class : Warrior
    Race : Demon

    Strength : 2
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 2
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Callahan (Calix) :
    Name: Callahan
    Gender: Male
    Class: Adventurer
    Race: Alien

    Strength: 1
    Agility: 2
    Endurance: 2
    Luck: 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy: 1
    Explorer: 2
    Evil: 1
    Good: 1
    Influence: 1

    Spoiler : {RESIGNED?} Powerofdeath :
    Name : Powerofdeath
    Gender : Unknown
    Class : Adventure
    Race : Alien

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 3
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 2
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : {RESIGNED?} Drakhvar Van Ironfist(Sekov) :
    Name : Drakhvar Van Ironfist
    Gender: Femail
    Class: Knight
    Race: Angel

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 2
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 2
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Dell Conagher (Stealthbomber16) :
    Name : Dell Conagher
    Gender : Male
    Class : Engineer
    Race : Human

    Strength : 2
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 2
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 2
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : C.C.C. Cailor {Combat Companion Cyborg} (SuperJack) :

    Gender : Female
    Class : Warrior
    Race : Cyborg

    Strength : 3
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 2
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Estephaniel Von Ziggyhvc {E.V.Z.} (Frog) :

    Gender : Female
    Class : Knight
    Race : Demon

    Strength : 2
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 2
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 2
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : The Dark Crusader (DarknessB) :

    Gender : Male
    Class : Knight
    Race : Human

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 2
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Evelynn (Funce) :

    Gender : Female
    Class : Medic
    Race : Demon

    Primary Stats :
    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Secondary Stats :
    Puzzlemania: 1
    Diplomacy: 2
    Explorer: 1
    Evil: 1
    Good: 1
    Influence: 1

    Spoiler : APPA Automated.Personal.Protection.Apparatus (Deathworlds) :

    Gender : Male
    Class : Engineer
    Race : Teknid

    Strength : 2
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 2
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Johnny 2x4 (Bahkieh) :

    Gender : Male
    Class : Adventurer
    Race : Human and Piece of Wood

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Spoiler : Lyrin Seirwen (Secondpassing) :

    Gender : Female
    Class : Medic
    Race : Angel

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 3

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 2
    Influence : 1

    Players who's yet to make characters:
    - YOU! Anyone can sign up regardless of how far the game is.

    Images attachées Images attachées
    Last edited by RLVG; April 13th, 2016 at 06:00 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Name : C.C.C. Cailor [Combat Companion Cyborg]
    Gender : Female
    Class : Warrior
    Race : Cyborg

    Strength : 3
    Agility : 1
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 1

    Puzzlemania : 2
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1
    Last edited by SuperJack; January 3rd, 2016 at 12:39 AM.
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Fuck yes, I was talking with a few others about the last forum games and I was sad about not finishing the one where I was at a nuclear plant or something. Man, that was tight.

    Name : Ash Ketchum
    Gender : Male
    Class : Adventurer
    Race : Alien

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    Ash Ketchum, Leader of the Squirtle Rebellion. Standing by.
    Last edited by NoctiZ; January 1st, 2016 at 05:14 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    i scumreaded him because his posts were gay
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    ah fuck.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    yo i shall be the evil russian

    Name : Russian Borat
    Gender : Russian
    Class : Engineer Of Russia
    Race : Cyborg Russian

    Strength Of Russia : 2
    Agility Of Russia : 2
    Endurance Of Russia : q
    Luck Of Russia : 1

    Russian Puzzlemania : 1
    Russian Diplomacy : 1
    Soviet Explorer : 1
    Russian Evil : 2
    American scumness Good : 1
    Russian Influence : 1

    I request a Russian faction
    if not you will be named the anti Russian
    Or a russianist for the rest of you life
    Last edited by Suntax; January 1st, 2016 at 04:07 PM.
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post

    Wizard (Bonus points to using Magic)
    Warrior (Bonus points to using Melee)
    Knight (Bonus points to using Defense)
    Engineer (Bonus points to using Devices)
    Adventurer (Bonus points to non-combat stuff)
    Medic (Bonus points to healing)

    You can use any item, but you won't be as good if it doesn't belong to the class.
    Example : Wizards can use melee weapons, but it won't be as effective.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Name : Gilgamesh
    Gender : Male
    Class : Adventurer
    Race : Human

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 1
    Explorer : 2
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1

    How many items can u carry with 1 strength and how much hp do u start with?
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Oh boy, looks like this might actually be something that might interest me.

    Name : Tyrus Inamar
    Gender : Male
    Class : Wizard
    Race : Angel

    Strength : 1
    Agility : 2
    Endurance : 1
    Luck : 2

    Puzzlemania : 1
    Diplomacy : 2
    Explorer : 1
    Evil : 1
    Good : 1
    Influence : 1
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  18. ISO #18

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    I need a comrade in these dark ages
    who will be my comrade
    no wizards though,fucking hate wizards if I see you out in the wilderness tdl I will shoot you and steal your shit

    Questions to host:

    what age is this set in

    will there be guns and missles

    Will I be able to nuke a city

    Will damage and armour be shown when were given stuff

    is armour a thing and will it raise health

    can the point be spent on either primary or secondary

    how does the reward system work in a nutshell
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by Suntax View Post
    I need a comrade in these dark ages
    who will be my comrade
    no wizards though,fucking hate wizards if I see you out in the wilderness tdl I will shoot you and steal your shit

    Questions to host:

    what age is this set in

    will there be guns and missles

    Will I be able to nuke a city

    Will damage and armour be shown when were given stuff

    is armour a thing and will it raise health

    can the point be spent on either primary or secondary

    how does the reward system work in a nutshell
    fite me m8, I will cast "bane of russians" on you.

    I call that spell Finland.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by Suntax View Post
    Questions to host:

    what age is this set in

    will there be guns and missles

    Will I be able to nuke a city

    Will damage and armour be shown when were given stuff

    is armour a thing and will it raise health

    can the point be spent on either primary or secondary

    how does the reward system work in a nutshell
    The dimensions collapsed and merged two worlds together, Earth and Luxon, the now planet's name is Rumex. (R for Russia maybe?)
    Other than that information, the age is a mixture of Tribal, Medieval, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Modern and Sci-Fi, depending on where you are.

    There is guns and missiles.

    Yes, you can nuke a city and become infamous and bounty wanted.

    You will be given statistics of equipment.

    Armor exist and boosts your defense and maybe enchanted armor will enhance you. Health may be part of enchantment.

    If you get a point on Primary, then it's that. Otherwise, Secondary. There's a secret third, which you'll be introduced with later.

    You complete a full quest, you get a point. If you do something relatively important and impact worthy, you get a point. Kill a boss, get a point.
    You solve a puzzle, you get a point. Something the host has set for a point gain, you get a point. Special tomes may give points.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    I cast Hitler's invasion of Russia.

    I cast we still conquered Germany and America did shit all during ww2
    and I cast
    Donald trump

    Yes Russia planted trump to destroy America and we also planted Bernie to hope it turns communist
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by Suntax View Post
    I cast we still conquered Germany and America did shit all during ww2
    and I cast
    Donald trump

    Yes Russia planted trump to destroy America and we also planted Bernie to hope it turns communist
    Contrary to popular belief the USA was very important to the outcome of WWI and WWII.

    WWI: First off, you got your asses handed to you by Germany and Austria during WWI and got brutally screwed over, having to peace out before the other allies did. Then Germany could focus it all on one front and was initially successful until fresh American Troops bolstered the western front and eventually forced Germany to give up.

    WWII: Ha, if it hadn't been for us Russia and the GB would have been screwed over. We gave you plenty of war materials and things you needed to fight, and if Japan hadn't attacked us then they would have attacked you, and Mr. Stalin himself was scared of a two front war with Germany and Japan. We are important.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Contrary to popular belief the USA was very important to the outcome of WWI and WWII.

    WWI: First off, you got your asses handed to you by Germany and Austria during WWI and got brutally screwed over, having to peace out before the other allies did. Then Germany could focus it all on one front and was initially successful until fresh American Troops bolstered the western front and eventually forced Germany to give up.

    WWII: Ha, if it hadn't been for us Russia and the GB would have been screwed over. We gave you plenty of war materials and things you needed to fight, and if Japan hadn't attacked us then they would have attacked you, and Mr. Stalin himself was scared of a two front war with Germany and Japan. We are important.
    Sorry I forgot about Britain they were the mvp of the ww
    Also during the first one we was in the middle of a civil war
    Also Britain burned down the white house in 1812
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by Suntax View Post
    Sorry I forgot about Britain they were the mvp of the ww
    Also during the first one we was in the middle of a civil war
    Also Britain burned down the white house in 1812
    You burned down your own city of Moscow because you couldn't defend it from Napoleon.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  33. ISO #33

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure


    While players are making their characters and awaiting more to signup, here's a puzzle in which you can cooperate in!

    There's six levers on a wall: A, B, C, D, E and F.

    A unlocks the 1 Door and 2 Door.
    B unlocks the 2 Door, 3 Door and 6 Door.
    C unlocks the 4 Door and 5 Door.
    D locks the 2 Door and 4 Door.
    E locks the 1 Door, 5 Door and Door 6.
    F locks the 3 Door and 4 Door.

    Using B immediately after A locks Door 4.
    Using C immediately after B locks Door 1.
    Using A immediately after C locks Door 3.

    All doors are locked at default except of 2, 5 and 6.

    There's a series of six doors, lined to a tunnel!
    What's the combination of levels required to unlock all the doors?

    The one with the shortest combination might get a price!
    Also, the one with the second shortest combination might get a better price!

    The answer may be anonymously posted via private message to not let the others see it, or you could share it!
    Last edited by RLVG; January 1st, 2016 at 06:01 PM.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    When we unlock a door that's already been unlocked, does it remain unlocked or does it lock that door? I'd guess the former.
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    i scumreaded him because his posts were gay
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    ah fuck.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    No mention of a sixth door
    any case it would be A first
    then C
    then B
    opening all 5 doors
    which unlocks door 6 by default
    or you came in by door 6

    I thought it just kept them open
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by NoctiZ View Post
    Well shortest combination would then be C, B, A (or A, C, B as Suntax said) to unlock all doors.
    C,B,D,C,A is the second shortest
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by NoctiZ View Post
    You could just have 4 letters. My example: E, C, B, A.
    Damnit you got there first
    at least I get a prize
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    Shit but my doors were good just ordering
    so it's what nocticz said
    anyway my prize and nocticz prize
    Listen here in Russian,ex forces and fought in the Afghan war and the first Chechen war I drink vodka and lived in England for 13 years wanna stop me try it.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: RLVG's Adventure Quest: The Next Adventure

    This is the very most basic puzzle exercize.
    As you can see, there's a potential multiple answers. It's also possible to be wrong.

    Take it as a lesson to prepare your minds.

    While I say the one with the shortest and the one with the second shortest might get a price, the host actually lied!
    Anyone who has the shortest combination, or the second shortest combination, will all receive a price: A good reward, or an even better reward, respectably.

    It ain't restricted to one person.

    The herring in this whole deal : While it's better, is it more useful? Enjoy this free 101 course on puzzles, and decide either of the two rewards.

    There won't be any lies when the game actually starts. The rewards are perfectly real, don't worry, they're part of the "starting the game" pack.



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