Hello there.

I'm sorry, but I have decided for myself that I won't play any game that includes cult. Worse, if Mafia, SK, Arso AND Cult is involved (or even worse, mason+/leader).
I have not that much experience, though realized that without actual faces and mimics, this game is more about guessing than true lying. Even the pure text-based part, checking chatlog for facts and probabilities gets rough when people who would normally - confronted in real life with a table of gamers - exchange looks and think things through, go trolling and typing bullshit. So, as a matter of fact, the more factions you take into game, the harder it is to "guess" a role. Plus, having almost no "random/basic/adv" roles from any side makes the lying near impossible. I stumbled across a building that had it all, arso, sk, mafia, town, cult and no random/basic/adv roles. The game crawled right under the bleeding nose of ugly madness, with people scammed between trolling and hating. Wait, no! That does only apply to those who like the original game, lying and investigating, combining facts and faerie-tales. Those who don't give a f*** about original intended game mechanics had their fun. I can't and won't ruin their fun by stating the obvious. I will just leave any game that has cult in it. BEFORE I get a role. If that goes against any rule here, then tell me please and I won't bother you again, ever.
