Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

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  1. ISO #1

    Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread


    How to suggest roles:

    Roles with a * require anonymous accounts
    Roles by type:

    Roles by alignment and name:


    Create a new topic in M-FM Parking for your new role, as a place to discuss it's pros and cons. Then, post a link to the topic in this topic.
    Use this template when submitting a new role:
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Role Name:[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Game Size(s):[/COLOR] You should specify which game sizes this role is designed to fit, S-FM/M-FM/FM etc.
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Win Condition:[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Intended Purpose: [/COLOR]You should specify why this role was created, and what purpose it is designed to fulfil.
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Meta-Game Implications:[/COLOR] Think carefully about how this affects the synergy of a game.
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Possible Cons:[/COLOR] Be honest here. Not a single role in Mafia is perfect, that's the point of the game. Specify what you think the limitations of the role are, what needs to be looked at, and what roles this would not work alongside with.
    [COLOR="#ADD8E6"]Additional Notes:[/COLOR]

    Don't bother including investigation results. This is for forum games, the host of each game will decide investigation groupings.


    Win Condition: Eliminate all opposing factions and have at least one member survive until the end.

    Killing Roles
    Action: Target a player at night, preping them. OR;
    Kill all targets previously prepped.
    After your death the Mafia members may select to Sabotage all players prepped by yourself.
    Does not participate in the Mafia night chat, but knows the other Mafia members.


    Action: Target one player at night, killing them.
    This attack bypasses all healing, all misdirection, and immunities.
    One use.


    Action: Target one person at night, taking over their account while your account dies.
    The target’s role may/may not be revealed to the town.
    One use.


    Action: May be sent for the factional night kill.
    Leader of the Mafia, may override night actions.


    Action: Target one person during the day, detaining them at night.
    You may execute your target.
    Jailed player will be roleblocked and will be immune to outside attacks.
    Cannot jail if there was a lynch.


    Action: May be sent for the factional night kill.


    Deception Roles
    Action: Target one player at night, appearing as their role in the graveyard when you die.
    If sent for the kill, the actress will/will not mimic its target.


    Action: Target a player at night, redirecting all night actions done on you to your target.


    Drug Dealer
    Action: Target one player at night and drug the target, giving them any feedback available in the game.


    Action: Target one player at night, changing their death description if they die.
    May choose any possible death description in the game.


    Action: Target one player at night, making them appear as another role of your choice to investigative roles.
    May also frame target to appear as if they visited another target of your choosing to Detectives & Lookouts.


    Action: Target one player at night, hiding their role and lastwill if they die.


    Action: Target one player at night, permanently altering their last will.


    Action: Target one player at night, making them appear as any role of your choosing if they die that night.


    Action: None.
    Has control of a puppet account in which the Ventriloquist may also talk with during the day.


    Action: Target one player at night, gaining control of their account the following day.


    Support Roles
    Action: Target a player at night, preventing from speaking/voting the next day.


    Action: Target a Mafia member at night, changing permanently changing their role to another Mafia role of your choice.
    Must wait 1 night between acting.
    Players becoming a role they were previously do not gain any new charges.


    Action: Target two players at night, swapping night actions done on each other.


    Action: Target one person at night, learning their role/investigative pairing.


    Action: Target one player at night, roleblocking them.


    Dirty Sleuth
    Action: Target one player at night, learning their last will.


    Action: Target one player at night, making them immune to all conversions while removing all immunities for the night.


    Garbage Man
    Action: Target two players at night, swapping their investigative results.
    Affects Sheriffs, Investigators, Detectives, and Lookouts.


    Grave Robber
    Action: Target one dead player at night, gaining a one-shot use of their night action.


    Action: Target one dead player at night, learning their true role and last will.


    Action: Target one player at night, stealing their night action, OR;
    Relinquish your current night action back to it's owner.
    You gain permanent use of your targets night action until it is relinquished.
    Night Action is returned upon death.


    Action: Target one player at night, learning who they visited and who visited them.


    Action: None
    Has control of a puppet account in which the Ventriloquist may also talk with during the day.


    Action: Target one player at night, gaining control of their account the following day.


    Provides various immunities and control over all Mafia night actions.


    Cannot win if Godfather is still alive.
    May choose own night action, over-riding the Godfather.


    Win Condition: Eliminate all opposing factions and have at least one member survive until the end.

    Action: None
    Has the power of the vote.


    Investigative Roles
    Action: Target one dead player at night, learning their true role and last will.


    Corrupt Sheriff
    Action: Check one player at night, learning their alignment.
    Receives Sheriff rolecard.
    Detects all targets as non-Town.


    Action: Target one player at night, learning who they targeted.


    Action: Target one player at night, learning their investigative pairing.


    Insane Sheriff
    Action: Check one player at night, learning their alignment.
    Receives Sheriff rolecard.
    Detects Town as anti-Town.
    Detects anti-Town as Town.


    Action: Target one player during the day, allowing the target to write an anonymous message that will be displayed to the town the next day.


    Action: Target one player at night, learning who targeted them.


    Naive Sheriff
    Action: Check one player at night, learning their alignment.
    Receives Sheriff rolecard.
    Detects all targets as Town.


    Action: Check one player at night, learning their alignment.


    Action: None
    Can see all Mafia targets.


    Protective Roles
    Action: Target one player at night, giving them a 1-use vest.


    Action: Target one player at night, giving them either a 1-use gun or a 1-use vest.


    Body Double
    Action: Target one player at night, dying instead of them if they are attacked.


    Action: Target one player at night, dying instead of them if they are attacked while attacking their attacker.


    Action: None.
    You are immune to attacks.


    Bus Driver
    Action: Target two players at night, swapping night actions done on each other.


    Action: Target one player at night, protecting them from attacks and conversion.


    Action: Target one player at night, roleblocking them.


    Action: Target two players at night, luring one to target you while repelling the other away from you.
    Targets are informed of successful luring/repelling.


    Action: Target one person at night, roleblocking and healing them.


    Mason Roles
    Action: None.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Mason Clubber
    Action: Target one player at night, attacking them if they are cult.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Mason Enforcer
    Action: Target one player at night, preventing any alignment-changing night actions from affecting them.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Mason Leader
    Action: Target one person at night, converting Citizens to Masons while attacking Cultists.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Mason Paragon
    Action: Target one player at night, informing them of your name and role.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Mason Recruiter
    Action: Target one player at night, converting them to a Mason if they are a Citizen.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Killing Roles
    Action: Target one player at night, giving them either a 1-use gun or a 1-use vest.


    Action: Target one player at night, dying instead of them if they are attacked while attacking their attacker.


    At night you may give a gun to another player. That gun may be used by the player to shoot one person.


    Action: Target one player at night with a demand that does not have any time restraints.
    The demand must be met the following day, or else the cursed player will die at the end of the day.
    Upon your death, the Town roles that you cursed will be revealed in the roles list.
    You can not curse yourself.


    Action: Target one person during the day, detaining them at night.
    You may execute your target.
    Jailed player will be roleblocked and will be immune to outside attacks.
    Cannot jail if there was a lynch.


    Action: Target one player at night, rigging them with a trap. OR;
    Activate all previously set traps, killing the victim.
    Your Sabotage bypasses invulnerability.


    Action: Go on alert at night, attacking everyone who visits you.


    Action: Target one player at night, attacking them.


    Additional Communication Roles

    Action: Target two players during the day, giving them access to an anonymous night chat the follow night.


    Action: At night, you may anonymously send a message to all players.


    Action: None.
    You may speak to the other Masons at night.


    Action: Target one player during the day. You will gain a permanent nightchat with that player.
    At the time of your death your Protegee will gain all of your abilities in addition to their role powers.


    Misc. Roles

    Action: Target someone at night, silencing them.


    Action: Target one player at night with a demand that does not have any time restraints.
    The demand must be met the following day, or else the cursed player will die at the end of the day.
    Upon your death, the Town roles that you cursed will be revealed in the roles list.
    You can not curse yourself.


    Action: Target two players at night, causing any night action on one to affect both.


    Action: Reveal yourself during the day.
    As long as you are alive after revealing, multiple lynches can happen in a day.


    Action: Reveal yourself during the day, increasing your vote power.


    Action: Target one player at night, allowing them to use their night action twice the following night.


    Action: Target two players at night, switching their night targets.
    Taking no action acts like a self-target.


    Action: Target one dead player, forcing them to use their night action on another target.
    You don't not receive any feedback.


    Action: None.
    Reveals a list of all non-Town roles in the game upon death.



    Benign Neutral
    Action: Target one dead player at night, taking their role and win condition.
    Win Condition: Survive until the end or meet your new win condition.


    Arms Dealer
    Action: Target one player at night, giving them a 1-use gun or a 1-use vest.
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.


    Action: None.
    Win Condition: Live to see your target lynched during the day.


    Action: After dying, target one player at night, taking over their account the following day.
    May not possess the same player two days in a row.
    Win Condition: See your killer's faction lose.


    Action: Target one player at night, annoying them.
    Win Condition: Get lynched.


    Action: Target one player at night, reflecting all targets done on them back to the player committing the action.
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.


    Action: Target one person at night, permanently gaining their night action.
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.


    Action: Target one player before X, making them your Mentor.
    Can talk with Mentor at night.
    Win Condition: Ensure your Mentor wins.


    Action: Put on a bullet proof vest at night, making yourself immune to attacks.
    Win Condition: Survive until the end.


    Evil Neutrals
    Common Win Condition: Cannot win with the Town.

    Action: Target one player during the day, temporarily removing them from the game.
    Target is roleblocked and immune to all attacks during the night.
    Target is removed from day chat the following day.
    Vote counter is adjusted accordingly.


    Action: Target one player at night, adding them to the board.
    Wins when a majority of living players are on the board.


    Action: None.
    Chosen by a Hidden Neutral Killer during day one.
    Has night chat with neutral killer starting from night one.
    Replaces Neutral Killer upon it's death.


    Action: Target one player during the day, gaining one-way communication with the target the following night.
    Target is immune to attacks during the night.


    Jester King
    Action: Target one player at night, turning them into a Jester.
    You will be informed of failed Jesterfication
    Visting the sheriff will cause his next night investigation to be flipped.


    Action: Target one player at night, reflecting all targets done on them back to the player committing the action.


    Action: None.
    Win ties against Citizens.


    Action: Target one dead player at night, using their night action on another target of your choice.
    Does not receive feedback.


    Soul Thief
    Action: Target one playing at night, stealing their night ability and turning them into a Citizen.
    Both the Soul Thief and their target's alignment remain the same.
    This ability may only be used once.


    Action: Target one player at night, forcing them to visit a player of your choice.


    Killing Neutrals
    Common Win Condition: Cannot win with the Town, the Mafia, or other Killing Neutrals.

    Arms Dealer
    Action: Can give someone a one-use gun or armour at night.
    Wins with all factions other than Town.


    Action: Target one person at night, dousing them in gasoline, OR;
    Target one person at night, undousing them, OR;
    Burn all targets previously doused.


    Action: Target someone during the day, devouring them.
    His victim will be able to talk to the devourer during the night.
    The devourer can choose to:
    A) Regurgitate his victim. His victim will be released at the start of the next day.
    B) Digest his victim. His victim will be killed, ignoring all immunities. Role and lastwill are not revealed.
    C) Keep target inside the following day. Target cannot vote nor talk.
    The Devourer and it's victim have a private day & night chat as long as they are together.
    If the Devourer is lynched, his victim will be cut out of him and will survive.
    If the devourer is attacked at night his victim would take the bullet and die instead of him.
    If the Devourer is blocked he will be forced to regurgitate his victim.


    Electro Maniac
    Action:Target one person each night, charging them.
    If one charged player targets another charged player, both players die.


    Action: Target one player at night with a demand that does not have any time restraints.
    The demand must be met the following day, or else the cursed player will die at the end of the day.


    Action: Target one person at night, attacking their target.
    If the target you chose doesn't visit anyone, you kill your target.
    Detective tracks you to visit the target you chose, not the one you attacked.


    Action: Choose one player at night, putting a bounty on them.
    If the player is not kill, you may kill two people the following night.


    Killer Agent
    Action: Target one player at night, attacking them.
    Can be recruited into the Masons; retains win condition.


    Action: Target one player each night, attacking them.
    If the target dies, you gain a 1-shot use of their ability.
    It cannot ravage someone and use an ability on the same night.


    Serial Killer
    Action: Target one player at night, attacking them.


    Spree Killer
    Action: Target someone at night, attacking everyone who visits your target.


    Acton: Target one player at night, poisoning them.
    If your target speaks, they will die the following night.


    Cult Roles
    Common Win Condition: Eliminate all opposing factions and have at least one member survive until the end.


    Action: None
    Once the Acolyte has joined the cult, it can be sent out to kill.
    Will become Jester if Cult Leader dies before conversion.


    Cult Leader
    Target one player at night, converting them to the cult, OR;
    Send a Cultist to covert a player to the cult.


    May vote with the other Cultists at night, choosing who to convert to the Cult and who to send.


    Witch Doctor
    Target one player at night, and either:
    A) Protect that person from attacks.
    B) Force them to target another player of your choice.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; October 23rd, 2013 at 08:50 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    how is the joker target announced?

    (will delete if this isn't the place to be asking questions)
    Last edited by Voss; June 15th, 2014 at 05:27 PM. Reason: disclaimer

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    could a corrupt journalist fake joker?

    sorry that was what i was getting at in the first place. Also, is this the place to discuss roles?

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Add Assassin as seen in Death's Deadly Damned Detroit please.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    could a corrupt journalist fake joker?

    sorry that was what i was getting at in the first place. Also, is this the place to discuss roles?
    nope, it's announced in a way that makes it clear the joker requested the bounty
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    no, i think this is an appropriate spot to ask anything role related.
    They way it's announced really depends on the host. Everyone does it differently.
    I don't understand what is means by the sheriffs night actions will be flipped, in reference to the Jester King.

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    How will Blackmailer work? Not being able to talk in a discussion-heavy game doesn't really work out.
    What can a "demand" be for gypsy?
    What's the purpose of the Gossip? I understand it on a mafia role, but this is a townie.
    I don't see how Matchmaker can work as a town role. Can you explain in what situations this would be good for town?
    Am I going overboard with all these questions?

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirize View Post
    How will Blackmailer work? Not being able to talk in a discussion-heavy game doesn't really work out.
    What can a "demand" be for gypsy?
    What's the purpose of the Gossip? I understand it on a mafia role, but this is a townie.
    I don't see how Matchmaker can work as a town role. Can you explain in what situations this would be good for town?
    Am I going overboard with all these questions?
    Blackmailer just works. Person doesn't vote or speak. Not being able to speak in a discussion heavy game does work and has worked, as it's the point of the role. Works in the mod flawlessly, albeit used less frequently on the forums.

    A demand can be pretty much anything: keep your vote on X, claim your role publically, ect.

    how do you understand gossip as a mafia role, but question blackmailer lol. Some roles fill special niches. Not every game is as simple as town vs mafia. Gossip is one of those roles. If a host wants to make it so silenced person can't vote, then I can be a tool to prevent a scum from voting.

    How is it not good for today. 2 doctor heals, 2 vests, 2 roleblocks, ect. Target someone being attacked while targeting mafia, mafia dies with the victim. There are many pro-town uses for matchmaker.

    you're not going over board at all, just questioning roles that are rarely ever used lol

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Respect for the game, I guess. If someone were to talk, then they'd probably be removed from the game and be ostracized by the Forum Mafia community on the site lol.
    I mean, this is true of any number of other FM mechanics, right? Given we're posting to a thread on a forum, there's nothing stopping all sorts of cheating / game-throwing, other than the host (warnings / modkills) and community self-policing -- you tend to get immortalized here if you make a very bad name to yourself.

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    I mean, this is true of any number of other FM mechanics, right? Given we're posting to a thread on a forum, there's nothing stopping all sorts of cheating / game-throwing, other than the host (warnings / modkills) and community self-policing -- you tend to get immortalized here if you make a very bad name to yourself.
    go there
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    go there
    Sooooo much copypasta
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirize View Post
    Slight problem with ElectroManiac:
    If targets know they are charged, they can avoid each other.
    That's pretty much the point. It's not meant as a killer, more of a means to prevent players from targeting each other. If game goes on too long, people can't take night actions without dying.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Slight problem with Citizen:
    Too much day communication
    I have an idea to balance that out:
    Role: Shy Citizen
    Abilities: Post once during the day. You can use this to vote. Any other posts will get you killed for being too active.
    Alignment: Town
    Don't pet growlithe, he will bite you.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    I have an idea to balance that out:
    Role: Shy Citizen
    Abilities: Post once during the day. You can use this to vote. Any other posts will get you killed for being too active.
    Alignment: Town
    Make it so that they also can only vote when hammering and call the role "ika."
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    What. You got me. Stop unvoting and stretch my neck, dammit.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    I have an idea to balance that out:
    Role: Shy Citizen
    Abilities: Post once during the day. You can use this to vote. Any other posts will get you killed for being too active.
    Alignment: Town Power

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    That's pretty much the point. It's not meant as a killer, more of a means to prevent players from targeting each other. If game goes on too long, people can't take night actions without dying.
    But it's labeled in Killing Neutrals and it can't win with Town, Mafia or other Killing Neutrals - so if it's a killing neutral, and it's not supposed to kill...why is it in Killing Neutrals?

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirize View Post
    But it's labeled in Killing Neutrals and it can't win with Town, Mafia or other Killing Neutrals - so if it's a killing neutral, and it's not supposed to kill...why is it in Killing Neutrals?
    it's a neutral evil that can kill lol. the point of it is to prevent TPRs from targeting people. Consequence for targeting each other is death.

    It wouldn't be overpowered to have both SK and EM in a game. But it would be UP to have EM as your only neutral killing.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    it's a neutral evil that can kill lol. the point of it is to prevent TPRs from targeting people. Consequence for targeting each other is death.

    It wouldn't be overpowered to have both SK and EM in a game. But it would be UP to have EM as your only neutral killing.
    If I were to host an FM (assuming I could), and wanted it to be an actual killer (a.k.a. rolling under Evil Power or whatever it is) should I make it so that targets DON'T know they're charged?

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirize View Post
    If I were to host an FM (assuming I could), and wanted it to be an actual killer (a.k.a. rolling under Evil Power or whatever it is) should I make it so that targets DON'T know they're charged?
    Yes, it helps. We've done it before, but it proves to be extremely ineffective . Being able to charge 2 people n1 also helps it

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Role Name: Poisoner.
    Alignment Killing Neutral.
    Game Size(s): 13 or more players.
    Abilities: Pick either 1x bulletproof or Cop immunity before the game starts. Poisons a player at night. The poisoned player dies at a random (pre-selected by the mod but unknown to the players) point during the next day. Poison bypasses bodyguards, vests and any other anti fireweapons role or item.
    Win Condition: Be the last person alive.
    Intended Purpose: Third party SK with a twist.
    Meta-Game Implications: Having the targets die during the day allows them to share any information they might have, or even get a lynch done before they die.
    Possible Cons: In a small game (13 players), the setup must be built and balanced around this role, and an early death will turn the tables on the Town's favour.
    Additional Notes: None.

    Role Name: Lover.
    Alignment: Any.
    Game Size(s): Any.
    Abilities: If a Lover dies, their partner die as well.
    Win Condition: That of their alignment.
    Intended Purpose: Taking interaction analysis to the next level.
    Meta-Game Implications: A kill or lynch will always result in two deaths. Some will sacrifice themselves in order to kill their Lover if they think they're scum.
    Possible Cons: The actions of a player might negatively affect their Lover.
    Additional Notes: Can be used as a role or role modifier.

    Role Name: Gladiator.
    Alignment: Any.
    Game Size(s): Any.
    Abilities: Can challenge a player during the day. After a challenge is issued, the rest of the Town can only vote of of those two players.
    Win Condition: That of their alignment.
    Intended Purpose: When your vote is not enough.
    Meta-Game Implications: People might duel when someone thinks they can win a 1v1 against somebody else or to prevent someone else from being lynched.
    Possible Cons: Impulsive players.
    Additional Notes: Poriomania used a variant which didn't end the day after a duel was over, but allowed a normal lynch after that.

    Role Name: Alarmist.
    Alignment: Town.
    Game Size(s): Medium to big (Cult game).
    Abilities: Target will gain protection against cult conversion for the night. If successfully protected, an anonymous note will announce the name of the target on the next day.
    Win Condition: Town's win con.
    Intended Purpose: A doctor for Cult setups.
    Meta-Game Implications: Protected targets will be confirmed as non-Cultists for a day.
    Possible Cons: Same as those of a Doctor; in small games, don't mix with more protective roles, nor with more than a single Cop, and if so, make sure the scum factions have enough to counter them.
    Additional Notes: None.

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirize View Post
    Poisoner: Too random. All NK roles need FULL night immunity to function as a role unless the setup is small.
    Lover: Suggested before, not a fan TBH.
    Gladiator: Suggested before, love it.
    Alarmist: Too situational, Doctor can heal cult by default so there's that.
    You are thinking of the SC2 mod which is role madness. These roles are for forum mafia.

    Besides the Poisoner, all of those roles are known and tested roles in Mafia communities. Excluding the Alarmist -which I'll use in my next game-, all of those roles have already been used on this very site.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    I suggest moving this to the Setup Workshop or perhaps upstream, to the Forum Mafia subforum.

    I'm just thinking, sometimes when I'm making a setup, I'm looking real hard for the role compendium and can't seem to find it.
    Aside from that - this subforum is very useful to hosts (and arguably, not terribly useful to anyone else - you're not gonna look up what a role does in the role compendium, unless it is a very niche role (like toxicologist) and the setup is hidden). Would be great if this were sticked on the main page of the setup workshop (pref. not in "Accepted Setups", but I digress).

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I suggest moving this to the Setup Workshop or perhaps upstream, to the Forum Mafia subforum.

    I'm just thinking, sometimes when I'm making a setup, I'm looking real hard for the role compendium and can't seem to find it.
    Aside from that - this subforum is very useful to hosts (and arguably, not terribly useful to anyone else - you're not gonna look up what a role does in the role compendium, unless it is a very niche role (like toxicologist) and the setup is hidden). Would be great if this were sticked on the main page of the setup workshop (pref. not in "Accepted Setups", but I digress).
    As a veteran host here I am inclined to agree. This is a very useful post for hosts, especially new hosts who are looking for formatting, lingo, etc regarding certain roles.
    It's in dire need of updating as well, there are many roles that we even put in the official mod that aren't on the compendium.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I suggest moving this to the Setup Workshop or perhaps upstream, to the Forum Mafia subforum.

    I'm just thinking, sometimes when I'm making a setup, I'm looking real hard for the role compendium and can't seem to find it.
    Aside from that - this subforum is very useful to hosts (and arguably, not terribly useful to anyone else - you're not gonna look up what a role does in the role compendium, unless it is a very niche role (like toxicologist) and the setup is hidden). Would be great if this were sticked on the main page of the setup workshop (pref. not in "Accepted Setups", but I digress).
    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    As a veteran host here I am inclined to agree. This is a very useful post for hosts, especially new hosts who are looking for formatting, lingo, etc regarding certain roles.
    It's in dire need of updating as well, there are many roles that we even put in the official mod that aren't on the compendium.
    I agree with you two. The thread is now in the Setup Workshop. Note that it is also in the FM Masterthread, a very useful thread for links :

    As for updates, that will be done over time, but you're right that it could use some.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    ive played a game once where jailor(prot) was able to nighttalk w/ his victim.
    do you think that should be used sometimes? what if there is a traffic analyst aswell? that would be +scumvalue if both jail and anal are town, right?
    i am uncertain here tbh
    What is your traffic analyst doing here? Also, generally speaking, it depends on the spirit of your setup. Jailors tend to be pretty central to setups when they exist, though, so it'd be interesting to have a traffic analyst rolecard.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Role Compendium & Suggestion Thread

    traffic analyst has a night action checking if a slot had a private chat that night.
    in "normal" set-ups thats basically an alignment cop, as that makes only the scumchat trigger a positive result. however, a jailor with a victim-chat could possibly create "false positives", and lead to a town power role outing, or even getting lynched.
    Praise the Lord!



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