Rules of this entry-based adventure: each one must be adherent to the story, and the nature of the story. This is a story about a stoner living in Tokyo who tries some really good kush and it happens to be a Saturday night, on July 24th, 2007, at 1:13 P.M. I'll begin.

Any violators of the plot will be modded!


Takeshi put the bong to his face for the 3rd hit, and then passed it to his friend, Yosuke. Yosuke packed it tight with the noxious and aromic green herb, put a bit of tobacco on top, and took the hit like a champ. Takeshi has 39,500¥, and Yosuke is a mooching bastard who will only pay for himself and brought 5,000¥. Takeshi is 23, Yosuke is 24.

They get the munchies and desire some awesome Japanese fast food. They got to the bottom of the stairs and still couldn't agree where to go. Of the seven restaurants on their street block alone, their favorites were: a sushi restaurant, a ramen restaurant, and a yakitori grill stand. After much salivating and fondling of the crotch, they turn left and walk along the sidewalk to...