Incompetent Cop
-Each day you may select a player to target for your night action.
-If that player is of an opposing alignment they get jailed, which removes them from chats and perfectly role-blocks them.
-You cannot talk to your jailed targets, you cannot execute and you do not know whether your target even is jailed or not, because you're this fucking incompetent.

0 attack, 1 defense

-You are a lizard that changes its alignment randomly every day
-You do not get added to any night chats and won't be told about any new team mates
-When rerolling you keep the new alignment you got during the day

0 attack, 1 defense

Lizard Master
-You are a master of lizards
-Each night you may turn a player of your choice into a lizard
-You yourself are not a lizard however

0 attack 1 defense

Lizard Grandmaster
-You are the grandmaster of all lizards
-Each night you may turn a player of your choice into a lizard master
-You are truly powerful. Players who were turned lizard master by you cannot reroll until they created at least one lizard.

0 attack 1 defense

Lizard Hunter
-You are a proud individual who decided to dedicate his entire life towards hunting down lizards and everyone who creates them.
-You eat the lizards you hunt and you cannot exist without them. You can only spawn when lizards, lizard masters or lizard grandmasters exist and you end up rerolling once they stop existing.
-Having spent so much time hunting lizards you have developed several skills which you may even use all at once.
1) Each night you may kill a player. The purpose of this skill is to hunt down lizards, non-lizards however end up taking just as much damage as a lizard would take from your powerful self-made Anti-Lizard-Cannon.
2) Each day you may decide to jail a player at night. You can talk to them and you can execute them. This is a full proper jail that works on absolutely everyone. Execution deals your attack as damage.
3) You may set up a powerful Anti-Lizard-Defense-System at your home which attacks everyone who visits you, including non-lizards. One can never know.
4) You may also blackmail a player every night and force them to reroll with your Anti-Lizard-Mind-Control device. Blackmailed players may only say "I am not a lizard." and cannot vote.
-You know that lizards will still be hard to catch, even with all those skills you developed. Therefore you made sure to make your weapons as powerful as possible.

379 attack, 24 defense