You just don't post. And some people who were very very done with spam clicking "sumbit reply" because of the post storms have turned the "Check for New Replies" setting off. The only persons who can do that are mods. Mods have the responsibility to check if the thread is closed or not once they posted; I do it everytime I post.

Since only mods can do it, they can just delete it. There are two options: you either soft delete it and trust that other mods won't open it and cheat.... or you physically remove it, I guess. It's the same thing with the invis mode, though: mods can see people who are invis. It's your responsibility not to abuse your powers.

That being said, that's a good thing to think about: in the FM section, remove the staff's ability to see invisible people, and to post in closed threads. Is this possible @Cryptonic ?