Setups for new Players:
Results from Play Testing:
As part of the mockup creation for 'The Narrator' mobile, we play tested the mockup to random people. The results were mostly positive, but one of the biggest critiques was that the setup screen was too busy/confusing. This was especially difficult for people that when presented with 'Mafia' are used to the basic doc/sheriff/mafioso/cit setup. The setup screen we presented users contained a BUNCH more roles, options for roles, options for teams, creation of new teams, etc. As a result, we're going to hide a lot of the customizability behind a toggle switch AND... (depending on responses I get here) have 'pre-made' setups.
We figure at the most basic level, a common use case for people trying out the app at the start of their experience will be some variant of the really basic 'Sheriff/Doctor/Mafioso/Citizen' setup. No cusomization, no roles list balancing. Just input the number of players, and the roles list will be pre-populated. However, the tricky part is slowly introducing new aspects of the 'sc2mafia style' a.k.a.:
-neutral roles
-second mafia
-other mafia roles
-hidden setups
-varying options for roles
-other things that i'm forgetting
An initial idea I've been toying with is to have a few general categories. The first one could be basic. The setups that would go in it would be that vanilla setup, followed by variations where some of the easy to understand roles are added: aka godfather, serial killer, jester, whatever. Another category could be basic hidden setups where there's a random 'town investigative, protective, and mafia utility'.
Looking for thoughts on this. Is it a good idea? Bad?