Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
My point wasn't that I threw that game; by winning, I didn't throw.

However, had the town put me on trial and lynched me, outing the GF that got me killed would be playing against my objective (make the Town lose) and thus throwing under this new rule.

By the way, Maf did try to claim that I was game throwing by revealing them (even though they revealed me first). If they had seen this new rule (and if I had been lynched instead of living long enough to find and side with the SK), they could very well have reported me.

Now which report do we want our Keepers responding to: this one (a shade-of-gray situation that would probably end up getting multiple reviews from Keepers or higher ranked staff) or one where someone actually, legitimately game threw?

I think that was Lix's point - limited staff resources are better spent on clearer cut cases of malicious cheating rather than minor issues like these.
Again, I don't think you understand what I mean. I am saying that you aren't with the mafia. Revealing the Godfather, esp if you are lynched(because witches can't win if they are dead), wouldn't have any offenses against you. As long as you didn't claim that you were a witch and -suicided at the end of the game, even revealing the godfather wouldn't be gamethrowing.

Its the same policy that we have for hacking, if you claim it, we ban you. (I think Raptor or fred started that)

The reason DR stated this rule change is to combat setups that have a Neutral Evil who obviously plays against their win condition, ruining games. That's the point of the rules, right? We want to promote a fun environment. How is a game fun if the town is handed the win by a judge at a 3 Mafia/Judge V 3 Town, and who uses the -court twice to lynch the mafia, then -suicides?

As a keeper for over a year now, I think the upperstaff really overestimate the time it takes to review non-cheating/hacking reports. We just don't do reports all the time because its not fun. A gamethrowing report literally takes 5-10 minutes.