Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

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  1. ISO #1

    Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    Clan Sc2Maf is looking to recruit officers who can help recruit, promote peace, and build the community!

    Before all else, please be sure you are part of Clan Sc2Maf! Message an officer to get an invite.
    Please express your interest here by providing the following (approximate if you don't know):

    1. Name#Battletag
    2. Points
    3. Wins
    4. Losses
    5. When you started playing
    6. A replay that can help confirm these details
    7. Why you want to become an officer
    8. How often you play
    Last edited by Water; February 12th, 2017 at 07:36 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    Quote Originally Posted by Water View Post
    Clan Sc2Maf is looking to recruit officers who can help recruit, promote peace, and build the community!

    Please express your interest here by providing the following (approximate if you don't know):

    1. Name#Battletag
    2. Points
    3. Wins
    4. Losses
    5. When you started playing
    6. A replay that can help confirm these details
    7. Why you want to become an officer
    8. How often you play

    1. Exeter#1103
    2. 35,391 points
    3. 815 victories
    4. 912 losses (1727 games played total)
    5. February 2016.
    6. Clan Recruitment.SC2Replay
    7. To help recruit serious and/or friendly members of the community, promote peace and excise the toxic players, and build a community free from trolls, hackers and griefers. If necessary, when a troublemaker successfully manages to screw the community over with bots or hacks, to host private in-clan games where players can continue to play Mafia normally.
    8. 4-5 games every day for a few months, break for a few months, then everyday for a few months again. I'm usually lurking on the forums even during the months I don't play.

    Have been actively involved in writing reports, have been active on the forums, been playing Mafia a while, know members of the community and administration.

    P.S. Attached replay is a few games prior to my current score.
    Last edited by Exeter350; February 11th, 2017 at 10:09 PM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    YOLO I'm gonna apply.

    1. TheDougler 1-S2-1-2956484
    2. 30,730 Points
    3. 727 Wins
    4. 821 Losses
    5. Been playing Mafia since late 2011, but the earliest replay I have here is from April of 2012. Didn't become active on the forum until much later, and that was only because DR or someone forgot to remove my watchlist when it was supposed to expire and I had to come and complain here. Then I met all you people and stuck around.
    6. -Mafia- (819).SC2Replay
    7. I want to become an officer because the clan needs more laid back guys like Balthy and me so they don't forget it's all about having a good time. Balthy and I will leave the policing to the guys who want to do that stuff and just worry about community building. I want to identify legit players who would be an asset to the clan and recruit them. My experience as a Tafkal and MafiaP clan officer leaves me uniquely qualified, and I have cooperated with Balthy on official clan memoranda and events. We will moderate the moderators and prevent abuses of power. We will give back to the people and make the clan grow.
    8. Almost every day. I'm a mafia fanatic.
    Last edited by thedougler; February 13th, 2017 at 01:02 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    1. Jirru#1831
    2. 658
    3. 13
    4. 17
    5. 14-02-2017
    6. I got added yesterday by Toss. Don't know why I'd lie about having few points, less than 50 percent winrate, etc.
    7. If I'm going to be part of a collective then I might as well contribute. Some of my notable qualities: Being genuine, loyalty, honorable, troll-ish at times, and internetishly handsome.
    8. Right now it's everyday, but I can't confirm longterm rate of playing. Short term is looking promising though.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    1. TwentyTwo#1544
    2. 51231-points
    3. 923-Wins
    4. 702-Losses
    5. Started playing in 2011
    6. I already make reports all the time, you can check one of those.
    7. I'm actually an active sc2 mafia player that knows the regular players.
    8. At least twice a day
    Last edited by TwentyTwo; February 17th, 2017 at 06:49 PM.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    Let's do this.

    1. Omegasaur#1405
    2. 10015 points
    3. 271 wins
    4. 187 losses
    5. I first played SC2 Mafia in 2010 as a weird young gamer under the name kingKarl. After playing each weekend for a few months, I dropped the game for a few years. I started playing regularly again six months ago (October 2016)
    6. A replay is attached. This is also the replay I used for my MVP submission. The points are a little out of date, but it should be fine. Attachment 22533
    7. I really like the SC2 Mafia community, and I think it's important for the community to grow. As SC Remastered is rolled out, interest in Starcraft will rise. This is our opportunity to expand the Mafia community, and I don't want to miss it.
    8. I play roughly 3-4 games each day during the week and roughly 10 games each day during weekends. Once my school semester ends in a couple months, I will probably continue to play even more regularly.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    1. Scvmurderer / 1-S2-1-619199
    2. 7818
    3. 191
    4. 159
    5.I've played sc2 since it came out and I've played this game the same since it came out but I changed computers a couple years back. Recently I've become really enthusiastic about this game(last few months)
    6. -Mafia- (776).SC2Replay Most recent Game
    7. I've come to appreciate this community very much and want to help it grow and promote fair conduct in the game.
    8. You know THE LYNCH TRAIN, I'm on like 30 times every weekend with me occasionally on weekdays. I try to report people who break the rules and I hope my past reports show that.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    1. Tempest#12865
    2. 16,827 points
    3. 320 wins
    4. 346 losses
    5. I first started playing in 2013 under the name DeathlyWind when I studied abroad in London for a few months. I stopped playing until this past summer, where I picked right back up and dove deeper into the community than I did before.
    6. -Mafia- (710).SC2Replay
    7. I'm starting to become a trusted figure within the community and I would like to be able to help moderate it and help bring in more players to the game and clan. Whenever I catch myself getting frustrated with someone, I always try to find out if they are new, so I can try to explain things to them. I always call out improper behavior when I see it because I believe letting people know when someone ruins a game for THEM, that there are people who care about their experience and the proper steps are being taken to potentially punish that behavior. I know it's the internet, but I really believe in having a rule-abiding and non-toxic environment. I would bring that message with me if I were to become an officer, rather than just another Sc2Maf player. Right now the only "power" I have with helping the community is to be reporting improper conduct, and I know this is something you are well aware of, 62 reports in a month is hard to miss.
    8. I would say I play anywhere from 5-10+ games a day right now.
    Last edited by Tempest; September 13th, 2017 at 12:59 AM.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Recruiting Clan Officers! <Post Requests Here>

    Hm, Tempesta is a good guy and seems very responsible from my experience with him. I'd second his officership over my petition if an opening would become available. I feel he plays more then me and would be more of a presence. This doesn't mean I'm not still petitioning though lol.

  16. ISO #16



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