GorTeck-1-S2-1-4963202-Gamethrow-Mafia- (562).SC2Replay

Account Name: GorTeck
Account ID: 1-S2-1-4963202
In-Game Name: Bill Nye

Crime Committed: Intentional Game-Throwing

My Account Name: smokeysm
Summary: Near the end of the game (see 38:20 of replay) there are three players alive. Bill Nye (Cultist) intentionally throws the game by voting up and voting guilty on the last Cultist.
1. Bill Nye (Cultist)
2. The Science Guy (Serial Killer)
13. Dino Mancini (Cultist)

- When voting starts, both 1 (Cultist) and 2 (SK) vote up 13 (Cultist).
- 1. Bill Nye (Cultist) purposely votes up and then guilties 13 Dino Mancini (Cultist).
- 1. Bill Nye also says "Cult saves are trash Cult deserves to die"
- This results in Cult losing the game to SK in a 2v1 setting during the day. Gamethrow complete.