You are Cleric Sofija Blackmore. After several unexplained cases of diseased livestock and withering crops, the church has sent you to investigate possibility of a satanic cult. You discovered that all of the cases have occurred within a 5 mile radius of the Wagstaff property, and have decided that it's a good place to being your investigation. Luckily, you heard that the Wagstaff's hold their annual Werewolf Ball, and figured that this would be a most opportune moment to have a first hand look.

My actions day 1 made perfect sense, don't try to make it look like I threw now or something. I was doctor, playing to not become a night target day 1 + it was the day after the christmases so I wasn't available at all times. 25 minutes before EoD Popeyes then suddenly suggested turbolynching me, after I tried applying some pressure on his spot, to avoid that pressure. He revealed his rp and people literally reacted saying he's in their card and therefore confirmed town.
I had good reasons to believe rp is a terrible source of AI information and I wanted to get rid of those thoughts. My rolecard then mentions "diseased livestock and writhering crops". Hence the natural thought of poison being in play.