Kromos's M-FM Setup

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  1. ISO #1

    Kromos's M-FM Setup

    Roles List

    Cop / Insane Cop
    Doctor / Medical Student
    (Hidden Town Power Role)
    (Hidden Town Power Role)
    (Hidden Town Power Role)
    (Hidden Town Power Role)

    (Hidden Neutral Role)
    Pig Cop
    (Hidden Mafia Role)
    (Hidden Mafia Role)
    (Hidden Mafia Role)

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Escort, Vigilante, Detective, Lookout, Veteran, Gunsmith, Armoursmith, Coroner, Bus Driver, Journalist, Mortician, Enchantress, Whore

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Framer, Consort, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Janitor, Drug Dealer, Fabricator, Actress, Lawyer, Grave Robber, Kidnapper

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Executioner, Jester, Witch, Corrupt Journalist, Masochist

    Win Conditions

    Town: See the Mafia, Witch and Corrupt Journalist lynched or killed at night.
    Mafia: See the Town and Pig Cop lose.
    Pig Cop: Survive until the end of the game. Can win with town.
    Assassin: Kill your target Town role. Once your objective is complete, you must survive until the end of the game.
    Witch: Survive until the end of the game. Can win with the Mafia,
    Executioner: See your Town target lynched. If your target dies at night, you become a jester. Once your objective is complete, you must survive until the end of the game.
    Jester: Get yourself lynched during the day.
    Corrupt Journalist: Survive until the end of the game. Can win with the Mafia.
    Masochist: Be attacked twice. Once your objective is complete, you must survive until the end of the game.

    New Role:

    Pig Cop
    You MUST investigate and role block someone at night (1 target, 2 actions).

    Must survive until the end the game. Can win with town.

    Game Mechanics:

    Game will start at Night 0 to allow the Mafia members to choose which role they are from a random selection of roles I give them. No actions can be used this night.

    On Day 1, an election will be held for the position of Architect (see Role Card). No lynches will take place on this day.
    Last edited by ; January 5th, 2012 at 01:34 PM.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Kromos's M-FM Setup

    Role Cards:

    Architect (Elected Position)
    Can choose two members of the town to speak with at night. You're identity will be known to them but they will be anonymous to each other. Like the mayor, this is a position and is used along with your role's abilities and win condition.

    Can give out one piece of armour at night. The target will be informed that they have received armour the following day. Armour protects the user from one attack upon use, but does not expire until used. Armoursmiths cannot target themselves. You can only carry one piece of armour.

    Can target someone at night to follow. You will be informed of whom the target visits at night. You will not be told what action the target took, or if the target was manipulated in any way.

    Can target someone at night to observe. You will be informed of anyone visiting your target.

    Bus Driver
    Can swap two people at night. Actions directed at one will affect the other. Targets will be informed they have been switched. Cannot target self, unless forced to.

    Can investigate a dead body at night. You will be able to recover your target's last will, role, and who they targeted each night.

    You may heal a target at night, protecting them from one attack. Your target will not be informed they have been healed, unless they are attacked.

    Medical Student
    Player will be told they are a regular Doctor. Has the ability to heal players. Also has the ability to roleblock players. The first night action will be randomised, and then it alternates between the heal and the block.

    May issue one weapon from the armoury at night. The target will be informed they have been given a gun the following day, and may use it to shoot someone at night.

    May choose to interview one target per night. The interview will be published anonymously the next day to the whole town. The journalist may add his own article alongside the interview.

    May investigate a dead body at night. Will learn what actions were used upon the victim, and on what night. Will discover the true role of a target.

    Has two 'drunken episodes' to be activated at night. During a drunken episode, the whore will have sex with anyone that visits her, roleblocking them. Anyone roleblocked will receive the same message as if they had been visited by an Escort or Consort. The Whore will know how many people they blocked, but will not know who they blocked. The whore will block any killers sent for her during a drunken episode.

    Can investigate a player during the night, and will be informed if their target is Suspicious (Mafia or Assassin) or Unsuspicious (Town, Neutral or Pig Cop).

    Insane Cop
    Player will be told they are a regular cop. The Insane Cop will see the Mafia and Assassin as Unsuspicious, while Town, Neutrals and Pig Cop will appear to be Suspicious.

    May investigate a player at night. Will be given clues to the player's role (see investigation pairings).

    Can choose to block a target a night. Target may not take any night actions. Target will receive the same message as if he was blocked by a Consort or Whore.

    Can go on alert twice. His attacks do NOT ignore immunities and healing, but when on alert he is immune to all attacks and manipulation.

    Can shoot a player at night only. Has 2 bullets.

    You MUST lure AND repel someone each night. Lure forces your target to target you. Repel forces your target not to target you. In the event that a repel is successful, the redirected action will target a random person.

    Lured targets will always be notified, but repelled targets will only be notified if the repel is successful. A repel is considered successful when the person you target actually wanted to target you and you used repel on them.

    At night can force one player to target another player. Can make a target visit himself, and can make a target visit the Witch. If a player has spent their limited charges on their action, he will still visit whoever the Witch told him to. The manipulated target will be told they have been witched.

    Target will always be Town.

    Corrupt Journalist
    May choose to interview one target per night. The interview will be published anonymously the next day to the whole town. The journalist may add his own article alongside the interview and edit his target's interview.

    May visit another player at night, but that target will not be notified.

    You have no night abilities, but you are immune to attacks until you are attacked twice. You lose your immunity after being attacked twice.

    Pig Cop
    You MUST investigate and role block someone each night (1 target, 2 actions).

    Can choose to kill someone at night. You have 3 bullets.

    Can choose to block a target at night. Target may not take any night actions. Target will receive the same message as if he was blocked by an Escort or Whore.

    May frame a target at night. A cop (of any kind), an investigator and the Pig Cop will all receive false information. Does not affect lookouts and detectives.

    Drug Dealer
    Limited to three druggings. May drug a player at night. The player will be informed that they have been bussed, blocked, witched, given a gun, given armour, lured, repelled, or attacked+healed, chosen at random.

    May investigate a player at night. Will be given clues to the players role (see investigation pairings).

    Limited to one clean. May clean someone at night; if the player is killed during the night, their role won't be revealed in the graveyard and the Janitor gains exclusive access to their last will. Unsuccessful cleaning attempts will not use up the charge.

    Limited to three charges. May target a player at night - that player may not talk during the next day chat, except a single post which may read "I have been blackmailed.". Blackmailed target may still vote, but once they have voted they cannot change their vote.

    At night may target a player. The targets role is not revealed, but if the Actress dies she will appear to be that role in the graveyard. The Actress will disguise herself as the last target she visited - she does not need to pick a target every night.

    If sent to kill for the Mafia, may make the killing appear to come from another source. Can fabricate a kill to make it look like it came from a vigilante, an assassin, a veteran, a jester suicide, or a gunsmith gun.

    Can swap two people at night. Actions directed at one will affect the other. Targets will be informed they have been switched. Cannot target self, unless forced to.

    May change his target's last will to anything he wants. Does not see his target's last will. The effect only works for the night it is used.

    Grave Robber
    May steal the ability of a dead person at night. You can choose to accumulate steals, or use the abilities you've stolen every other night. Abilities are not infinite.

    For example:
    N1: -Steal Falsetruth (Doctor)
    N2: -Heal GF
    N3: -Steal Falsetruth (you MUST do this everytime)
    N4: -Heal GF
    N5: -Steal FM Game Master (Vigilante)
    N6: -Steal FM Game Master
    N7: -Shoot Claw
    N8: -Shoot philie

    Investigation Pairings

    Detective/Vigilante/Grave Robber
    Cop/Insane Cop/Executioner/Pig Cop
    Bus Driver/Kidnapper
    Framer/A role currently in the Mafia team
    Doctor/Medical Student/Assassin
    Armoursmith/Gunsmith/Drug Dealer
    Journalist/Corrupt Journalist
    Last edited by ; January 5th, 2012 at 09:53 AM.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Kromos's M-FM Setup

    I'll adjust this to a 13 player setup in a bit.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)



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