[WIP] Fallout

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Thread: Fallout

  1. ISO #1


    Setup adapted from FM XIII

    War... War never changes....

    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Neutral
    Hidden Neutral
    Sane Sheriff
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Citizen, Sheriff, Overseer, Detective, Lookout, Bus Driver, Doctor, Escort, Coroner, Journalist, Veteran, Mysterious Stranger, Armoursmith, Gunsmith, Mortician, Naive/Paranoid/Insane Sheriff, Spy, Watchman, Hitman, Bodyguard, Architect, Saboteur, Medical Student, Traumatised Surgeon, Sleuth, Mason Assassin, Mason Enforcer

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Godfather, Caporegime, Henchman, Framer, Consort, Janitor, Disguiser, Interceptor, Lawyer, Fabricator, Actress, Drug Dealer, Dirty Sleuth

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Jester, Executioner, Student, Amnesiac, Ghost, Survivor, Witch, Corrupt Journalist, Arms Dealer, Cult Leader, Serial Killer, Arsonist, Spree Killer

    Special Mechanics:
    1. Starting Day 1, players will be randomly split into 2-3 Vaults.
      • Players may not interact with other players in the other Vaults via communication nor actions.
      • Vault chat is hidden, and will not be made public until post game.
    2. On Day 3, the Vaults will open the player base will combine.
    3. On Night 2, no actions may be taken while escaping the Vaults.

    Game Mechanics:
    1. Days are 48 hours long, but may end any time after 24 hours if majority lynch is reached.
    2. Nights are 24 hours long.
    3. Game starts Day 1, no lynch. Day 1 is 24 hours long.
    4. Mafia shares a night chat.
    5. Cult shares a night chat.
    6. Masons share a night chat.
    7. Anonymous accounts will be used.


    Town - NCR (New California Republic)
    The Enclave (Former U.S. Government)
    Neutrals - Wastelanders
    Neutral Killers - Wasteland Wanderers


    Abilities: Your power lies in the vote.


    Abilities: You may PM the host to reveal yourself as the Overseer. Once you are revealed as the Overseer, your vote counts as three votes.
    Pertinent rulings: Cannot be healed by a Doctor. Cannot be converted by the Cult. Cannot reveal as the Overseer until the surface section of the game.


    Abilities: At night you may check a single target. If your target is an NCR or Benign Neutral role they will come up as 'Not Suspicious'. Otherwise your target will come up as 'Suspicious'.
    Pertinent rulings: You do NOT know what kind of Sheriff you are.

    A Sane Sheriff will behave as normal.
    A Naive Sheriff will see everyone as 'Not Suspicious'.
    A Paranoid Sheriff will see everyone as 'Suspicious'.
    An Insane Sheriff will see 'Suspicious' people as 'Not Suspicious' and vice versa.

    All Sheriffs are NCR-aligned.


    Abilities: At night you may follow your target. If your target visited anyone that night, you will discover their target.
    Pertinent rulings: Can follow the Detection-immune Godfather.


    Abilities: At night you may observe a player. You will receive a list of everyone who visited your target during the night.
    Pertinent rulings: Cannot see the Godfather.


    Bus Driver
    Abilities: At night you may choose two targets. Your targets will be swapped, redirecting all actions on each target to the other.
    Pertinent rulings: Your targets will be notified that they have been bus driven. Bus Driver cannot target self. If manipulated by a Witch, your first target specified (Target A) will be the target chosen by the Witch.


    Abilities: At night you may heal one person. A heal will protect them from one attack (+1). A Doctor cannot prevent Cult conversion, but due to his high ethics cannot be converted to the Cult.
    Pertinent rulings: Your target is not notified that he has been healed unless the heal successfully blocks an attack. You will only receive feedback from a successful heal.
    You are not aware of what kind of Doctor you are. You may be a Medical Student or a Traumatised Surgeon.

    Doctor: Heals as normal.
    Medical Student: First night action may be a heal or a role-block (randomly determined). The following night actions will then alternate systematically between a role-block and a heal.
    Traumatised Surgeon: Heals as normal, but will commit suicide after the second successful heal.
    Pertinent rulings: The roleblock works the same way as an Escort and shares the same feedback message.


    Abilities: At night you may choose to block a player, preventing them from taking a night action.
    Pertinent rulings: Your target is informed that they have been blocked.


    Abilities: At night you may study the corpse of a dead player. You will discover their last will, role and previous night action targets.
    Pertinent rulings: You will not discover the night numbers that your target took their actions, just the target names. If a player has been cleaned by a Janitor and a Lawyer's fake last will is still in effect on your target, you will receive the fake last will.


    Abilities: During the day you may choose an Interview target. When night begins, your target will be informed that they have been selected to write an article which will be published anonymously the following morning to the whole town. You will not have a chance to read this article before it is published, but you may submit your own editorial alongside it (it will be clear as to which article is authored by whom).
    Pertinent rulings: Article sizes must be reasonable.


    Abilities: At night you are on alert, killing anyone who visits you.
    Pertinent rulings: Always on alert.


    Mysterious Stranger
    Abilities: At night you may shoot another player. You may not shoot anyone during the day. You have a limited capacity of one shot.
    Pertinent rulings: You do not pierce night immunities.


    Abilities: At night you may give a piece of armour to another player. Armour is a one-use item which can protect a player from a single attack (+1). Armour cannot prevent a culting.
    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the armour until the following day. The armour has no expiry date, but is used up as soon as it is activated whether it has successfully blocked an attack or not. A player may have multiple pieces of armour.


    Abilities: You may give a gun to a player at night. Your target may use this one-shot gun to kill another player during the night. A player may own multiple guns.
    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the gun until the following day.


    Abilities: At night you may examine the corpse of a dead player. You will discover any night actions they were targeted by.
    Pertinent rulings: You may target the same corpse as a Coroner, though you will not be informed that a Coroner is also working on the body. You will NOT be informed on what nights the actions were taken against your target, just the cause of the actions.


    Abilities: Discovers the identity of someone targeted by a Mafia member during the night. This is randomized and requires no target from the Spy, but the ability is limited to two charges.


    Abilities: At night you may choose to set yourself up in a vantage point overlooking the whole Town. The Watchman will be informed of how many night actions occurred during the night. Limited to two charges.
    Pertinent rulings: If visited by a Framer, the Watchman's findings will be inaccurate. If someone is role-blocked, only the role-blocking action will be counted. A Godfather's actions are not counted.


    Abilities: During the day you may offer your services to another player by PMing the Host. During the night your target may accept and send you out to kill a victim of their choosing. If they accept your services they will be role-blocked. If they decline they may act as normal and you will take no further action. Your services may only be accepted two times.
    Pertinent rulings: Since the Hitman actually performs the kill, all actions (Detectives/Lookouts/Blocks/Veterans/Bodyguards etc.) will act as such. The Hitman is not informed of who he was sent to kill. If the Hitman is asked to target himself, he will not kill himself. A charge will be used up, however, and the Hitman will not receive any feedback messages to let him know that he was the target.


    Abilities: At night you may choose to protect another player. If your target is attacked, you will prevent the attack and die in your target's place. You will also kill the attacker in a duel.
    Pertinent rulings: Does not pierce night immunity.


    Abilities: During the day you may choose two players. At night you may speak to them. You will be anonymous to them, but they will know who each other are.
    Pertinent rulings: The Architect chat is a single three-way discussion.

    Abilities: At night you may pick a target. If your target owns a weapon and can kill at night (Mysterious Stranger, Henchman, Veteran, someone with a Gunsmith's gun, etc.) their weapon will be tampered with and they will be killed.
    Pertinent rulings: Does not pierce night immunity. A Mafioso will always be affected by the Saboteur, but other Mafia roles will only be affected if they are targeted by the Saboteur on the night they are sent out to kill. If a Gunsmith or Arms Dealer gives the Saboteur's target a weapon on the same night, the target will be killed. If the Saboteur targets an Arms Dealer they will both die due to the huge amount of weapons involved.


    Abilities: Can read the current last will of a living player at night. If he tries to read the last will of a Dirty Sleuth, Sleuth or Lawyer he will be told that the last will is indecipherable.
    Pertinent rulings: If the Sleuth targets a player the same night a Lawyer does, the Sleuth will see the fake last will.


    Mason Assassin
    Abilities: You may talk to your fellow Mason Enforcer at night. You may target a player and attempt to smite them - if they are culted then they will be killed. If they are not culted, or your target is the Cult Leader, your smite is unsuccessful.
    Recruitment: If your Mason Enforcer is slain or you are alone, you may forfeit your ability to smite and instead attempt to recruit a Citizen to become the new Mason Enforcer. If your target is not a Citizen the recruit will be unsuccessful.
    Pertinent rulings: Unsuccessful smites or recruits will not give feedback messages to the target.


    Mason Enforcer
    Abilities: You may talk to your fellow Mason Assassin at night. You may target a player and intimidate them - an intimidated target cannot change their alignment that night. This can prevent culting, students from picking a mentor, or an Amnesiac remembering a role.
    Recruitment: If your Mason Assassin is slain or you are alone, you may forfeit your ability to intimidate and instead attempt to recruit a Citizen to become the new Mason Assassin. If your target is not a Citizen the recruit will be unsuccessful.
    Pertinent rulings: The intimidated target will receive a feedback message whether the intimidation was successful or not.

    Abilities: You are the leader of your insertion team. You are immune to investigations and cannot be seen by Lookouts (but you can be followed by a Detective). You are immune to attack at night.
    Pertinent rulings: You may decide who to send to carry out your Strike Force kill. If a faction member does not send me a night action you may decide who they use their abilities on. If the Strike Force Leader is killed another player will be picked to lead the faction, at random.


    Abilities: You may investigate a player at night and discover clues about their role.
    Pertinent rulings: The 'clues' come in the form of investigation pairings.


    Abilities: You have no other abilities other than the ability to be sent out for the mafia kill.
    Pertinent rulings: If forced to use your ability (by Witch manipulation, etc.) you will kill. If this is independent from the planned mafia kill you will still be forced to kill.


    Abilities: Each night you may visit someone and disrupt any investigation results on them.
    Pertinent rulings: If your target is checked by a Sheriff, the Sheriff will receive the opposite result. If your target is observed by a Lookout, the Lookout will receive false information. If your target is a Watchman they will receive false information. If your target is a Spy they will receive false information. If your target is being followed by a Detective, the Detective will receive false information.


    Abilities: You may role-block someone at night, preventing them from taking a night action.
    Pertinent rulings: Shares feedback messages with the Escort, Medical Student, and any other role-blockers.


    Abilities: At night you may target a living player. If your target dies during the night then their last will and role will be cleaned, and (???) will appear in the graveyard next to their name. You will not be informed of their role, but you will have sole possession of their last will. Limited to two successful cleanings.
    Pertinent rulings: Targeting a player during the night who does not end up dead counts as an unsuccessful cleaning and does not use up a charge.


    Abilities: At night you may choose two targets. Your targets will be swapped, redirecting all actions on each target to the other.
    Pertinent rulings: Your targets will be notified that they have been bus driven. Kidnapper cannot target self. If manipulated by a Witch, your first target specified (Target A) will be the target chosen by the Witch.


    Abilities: During the night you may attempt to kill someone. If you are successful, you will disguise yourself as your target.
    Pertinent rulings: This is independent from the planned strike force kill. You will gain access to your target's account and persona, but none of their PMs. Your precious account will die and end up in the graveyard with its role cleaned (indistinguishable from a janitor clean). You may only successfully disguise once.


    Abilities: At night you may trap a player's house. If another player visits your target, then the visitor will be attacked (-1). If more than one player visits your target then the kill is randomly selected, and the other visitors are given the Interceptor's identity. Limited to one successful kills.
    Pertinent rulings: This is independent from the planned strike force kill. A player is not informed when an Interceptor traps their house. If the Interceptor and the Spree Killer trap the same target, they will both attack each other and the Spree Killer will learn the name of the Interceptor. You may trap a the house of a fellow faction member.


    Abilities: At night you may target a player and change their last will. If they die during the night or a Sleuth targets the same player, then the fake last will is the last will that is published.
    Pertinent rulings: The last will is only faked on the night that the player is targeted by a Lawyer. A Lawyer can target dead people, and a Coroner will discover the last will. If a Lawyer targets a player who is lynched the following day and does NOT update their last will during the day, then the fake will is still in effect.


    Abilities: If you are sent to perform the strike force night kill, you may fake the cause of death. The Fabricator can choose any feedback message to be displayed in the graveyard as the cause of death.
    Pertinent rulings: Can make a kill look like a Mysterious Stranger kill, Gunsmith pistol shot, Veteran kill, Bodyguard kill, Hitman contract, Saboteur explosion, Mason Assassination, strike force kill, Interceptor kill or Wasteland Wanderer kill.


    Abilities: At night you may target a player. If you die, through any means, you will appear in the graveyard as the role of your target.
    Pertinent rulings: You will appear as your latest target. Your acting role disguise will stay in effect indefinitely - you do not need to have visited anyone on the night you die or the night before you get lynched.


    Drug Dealer
    Abilities: You may administer drugs to one person per night. Your target will receive a fake feedback message of your choice.
    Pertinent rulings: You may choose from these drugs:

    Bus Driven
    Attacked and Healed
    Received Armour
    Received Gun
    Annoyed by Jester


    Dirty Sleuth
    Abilities: Can read the current last will of a living player at night. If he tries to read the last will of a Dirty Sleuth, Sleuth or Lawyer he will be told that the last will is indecipherable.
    Pertinent rulings: If the Dirty Sleuth targets a player the same night a Lawyer does, the Dirty Sleuth will see the fake last will.


    Abilities: You may choose to visit someone at night and 'annoy' them. You may leave a message with your target, which must be 20 words or less.
    Pertinent rulings: If you are lynched, a third of all the players who voted to lynch you (rounding up) will suicide that night.


    Abilities: You have no night-time abilities. You are immune at night. You will be provided with your targets name at the beginning of the game.
    Pertinent rulings: Target is always NCR.


    Abilities: At night you may choose a Mentor. You will share a night chat with your Mentor, and when your Mentor dies you will inherit his abilities.
    Pertinent rulings: You may only choose one Mentor. He may be chosen on any night, and you will immediately inherit his alignment and objectives. Cannot target: Overseer, Ghost, Cult Leader. It is not publicly announced when a Mentor is chosen.


    Abilities: At night you may 'remember' a role in the Graveyard. You will inherit the victory conditions and abilities of that role.
    Pertinent rulings: Amnesiac can remember ANY role. If remembering a Cult Leader, the Amnesiac will not inherit the old Cultists but will create a new Cult (same restrictions apply, old Cultists can be converted). It is announced publicly when an Amnesiac remembers a role (but the role itself is not announced).


    Abilities: After you die, you may choose a player at night to possess. You may use their account to talk in day chat and vote. Your target's ability is not used on the night that you possess them, but when day chat ends you leave their body, giving them back control of their night action unless they are possessed again.
    Pertinent rulings: Can possess a living player on the night that they are lynched. If killed at night must wait until following night. If target dies during a night the possession is unsuccessful.


    Abilities: You have four vests, which can each protect you from a single attack.
    Pertinent rulings: If you choose to use a vest during the night, that vest is then used up whether it blocked an attack or not.


    Abilities: At night you may manipulate your target and choose a new target for their night action. Your target is informed that they have been manipulated, but is unaware of their new target.
    Pertinent rulings: You will force your target to use their primary ability. If you manipulate a Citizen, role with no charges left or another role with no night action, your target will still visit the other player but no action will be taken. If you manipulate the Mafia member that is sent out to kill, you will manipulate the kill.


    Corrupt Journalist
    Abilities: During the day you may choose an Interview target. When night begins, your target will be informed that they have been selected to write an article which will be published anonymously the following morning to the whole town. You will not have a chance to read this article before it is published, but you may submit your own editorial alongside it (it will be clear as to which article is authored by whom).
    Pertinent rulings: Article sizes must be reasonable.


    Arms Dealer
    Abilities: At night you may give a gun or a bulletproof vest to another player. These are indistinguishable from the guns and armour handed out by Armoursmiths and Gunsmiths.
    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the item until the following day. If a Saboteur targets you, both you and the Saboteur will die. A target may own multiples of the same item.


    Cult Leader
    Abilities: You are the leader of an evil cult. At night you may attempt to recruit another player into the cult. Your recruit retains their abilities, though their alignment changes. If you die half of your cult will die with you, rounding up. You have a one-use auto-vest.
    Pertinent rulings: You cannot recruit any Strike Force members, Masons or the Overseer.


    Serial Killer
    Abilities: You may kill someone at night. You are immune at night.
    Pertinent rulings: Kills roleblockers.


    Abilities: At night you may douse a player in petrol. You may choose to ignite all of your victims at any time by PMing the Host. You have night immunity. Your kills pierce healing and immunities. You may choose undouse yourself or another at night instead of dousing.
    Pertinent rulings: Players are not informed that they are doused. Any Arsonist choosing to ignite will ignite ALL doused victims, not just the players they doused themselves. Someone who has been doused twice (by separate Arsonists or twice by the same Arsonist) will have their role cleaned when they are ignited.


    Spree Killer
    Abilities: You may visit a player at night. Everyone who visits that player will die.
    Pertinent rulings: Immune at night.

    1. No private messages or reputation messages.
    2. No communication about the game outside of the game chat provided. If you want to say 'Lol if I had a gun I would shoot -Player X-' then say that in day chat instead of cheating on skype like a coward.
    3. No direct quoting of PMs or night chats.
    4. No posting videos during the day, they will be accepted in last wills though.
    5. No NSFW images. Small images are okay in moderation. Medium to large images must be in spoiler tags.
    6. Lying about mechanics is acceptable but I will not purposely mislead anyone if they ask me a question to cover for your lie.
    7. After day/night 0 you may not change your avatar.
    8. No invisible ink, secret codes must be ratified with me.
    9. You may not claim a COM/Forum identity, nor may you ask for someone else's identity (or accuse someone to belong to an identity). The only exception is in the mafia team night chats, and even then it is more fun if there are no claims.
    10. Have fun. This is an order.
    11. If you are worried your strategy may seem like game-throwing, clear it with me first.

    Being AFK or extreme lurking will be handled via the Radio Interview/Free Lynch mechanic. I will still be around to modkill anyone who I perceive to be cheating. If you are unsure about something, ask before you do it.

    I cannot control the language you use, but please keep it respectful. If you think use of the words n**ger or f**got are funny then don't complain if I unleash my own particular sense of humour upon you.

    Communication with the Host:
    No screenshots may be taken of any PMs from me. I do encourage you to communicate with me privately during the game, it's natural to want to discuss things with someone and I would rather you sent me your thoughts on the game than be tempted to discuss it with someone elsewhere. The more you communicate with me, the more your behaviour may be understood - a gambit which ended horribly may still earn you kudos if you entered into it soundly At the end of the day hosting a game is a lonely activity and I want some excitement too!

    Lynches are done using the [VOTE]Name[/VOTE] tags.

    Lynch majority:
    Lynch majority (where one is required) is calculated based on the number of current players with eligible votes (50.1%)

    I will only answer questions posed in GREEN.

    Death notes:
    Each mafia team and the neutral killers may leave a death note if they want to. No one else may leave a death note.

    Last Wills and actions:
    All last wills and actions should be PM'd to the Host, labelled appropriately.

    Feedback messages:
    There are no standardized feedback messages - asking someone to quote a feedback message is a terrible and lazy form of scumhunting and will NOT help you.

    Leaving the Vaults:
    When the surface game begins, I will publish a list of dead players. This list will NOT include cause of death, time of death or even role/alignment. You will have to rely on feedback from the vaults for this information.

    In a similar vein, I will not be publishing any vault role lists or any vault information.

    Players may copy & paste any information they want to from the vault chat - no direct quotes or archived summaries are allowed, but manually quoting is fine if the text within is copied & pasted.

    Order of Operations:

    Journalist approaches target for an interview
    Night groups get together to talk (including Architect)
    People put on vests and armor
    Watchman sets up
    Veteran goes on alert
    Spree Killer traps target
    Interceptor traps target
    Escort / Consort / Medical Student Blocks Escorts / Consorts / Medical Student
    Witch manipulation
    Lookout moves to target / Detective follows target
    Bus Driving / Kidnapping
    Escort / Consort / Medical Student Blocks other roles
    Hitman offers contract
    Framing / Lawyering
    Sleuthing / Dirty Sleuthing
    Actress visits target
    Saboteur moves to target
    Bodyguard moves to target
    All Kills (-1)
    Cleaning / Disguising
    Jester visit
    Drugs take effect
    Give Items
    Mason visits
    Cult visits
    Amnesiac remembers his role
    Spy discovers scum target
    Ghost possession

    Death Descriptions:

    These are the various types of kill sources that will be identified -

    Vigilante kill
    Pistol shot (gunsmith/arms dealer weapon kill)
    Saboteur explosion
    Veteran kill
    Hitman contract kill
    Bodyguard duel
    Mason assassination
    Strike Force kill (Enclave/Brotherhood of Steel kill, normal or Interceptor, no difference)
    Suicide (Jester suicide, Cult suicide, Puppet suicide, normal suicide, etc., no difference)
    Wasteland Wanderer kill (neutral killer death, no difference between them)
    Cleaned kill (Janitor clean, Devourer clean, Disguiser jump, etc.)

    Day 1 -- 24 Hours -- No Lynch
    Night 1 -- Regular Night
    Day 2 -- 48 Hour -- Majority Lynch
    Night 2 -- 24 Hours -- No Actions
    Day 3 -- 48 Hours - Majority Lynch -- Vaults Combine
    Night 3 -- Regular Night
    Day 4 -- Regular Day

    Last edited by Cryptonic; March 3rd, 2018 at 05:04 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Fallout

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    I've always wanted to play that FM. It's awesome.
    ^^ will sort the queue and players out for it.
    me too man, sadly i was a a reserve and didn't want to replace in when I couldn't keep up with vault chat doing to being private

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Fallout

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    @Cryptonic are you planning to host it? If so, can I ask you if I would be allowed to sign?
    Yea probably just dun cheat lol

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Fallout

    Spoiler : Banl :
    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Setup adapted from FM XIII

    War... War never changes....

    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Neutral
    Hidden Neutral
    Sane Sheriff
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Citizen, Sheriff, Overseer, Detective, Lookout, Bus Driver, Doctor, Escort, Coroner, Journalist, Jailor, Veteran, Mysterious Stranger, Whore, Armoursmith, Gunsmith, Mortician, Naive/Paranoid/Insane Sheriff, Spy, Watchman, Schoolteacher, Enchantress, Hitman, Bodyguard, Architect, Saboteur, Gypsy Lady, Dreamer, Medical Student, Traumatised Surgeon, Sleuth, Mason Assassin, Mason Enforcer

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Godfather, Consigliere, Henchman, Framer, Consort, Blackmailer, Janitor, Disguiser, Interceptor, Kidnapper, Lawyer, Ventriloquist, Fabricator, Actress, Drug Dealer, Dirty Sleuth

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Jester, Executioner, Student, Amnesiac, Ghost, Survivor, Witch, Corrupt Journalist, Arms Dealer, Cult Leader, Chairman, Serial Killer, Arsonist, Devourer, Spree Killer

    Special Mechanics:
    1. Starting Day 1, players will be randomly split into 2-3 Vaults.
      • Players may not interact with other players in the other Vaults via communication nor actions.
      • Vault chat is hidden, and will not be made public until post game.
    2. On Day 3, the Vaults will open the player base will combine.
    3. On Night 2, no actions may be taken while escaping the Vaults.

    Game Mechanics:
    1. Days are 48 hours long, but may end any time after 24 hours if majority lynch is reached.
    2. Nights are 24 hours long.
    3. Game starts Day 1, no lynch. Day 1 is 24 hours long.
    4. Mafia shares a night chat.
    5. Cult shares a night chat.
    6. Masons share a night chat.
    7. Anonymous accounts will be used.


    Town - NCR (New California Republic)
    Red Mafia - The Enclave (Former U.S. Government)
    Neutrals - Wastelanders
    Neutral Killers - Wasteland Wanderers


    Spoiler : NCR :

    Spoiler : Citizen :
    You are a... Citizen!

    Description: Before the war you enjoyed your civilian life, and life in the vault taught you no new skills. You were relieved to hear that there was an organisation like the NCR which offered you the chance to live a relatively normal life outside of the vault, and you have committed yourself to helping the community fall under their control.

    Abilities: Your power lies in the vote.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Sheriff :
    You are a... Sheriff!

    Description: A history in law enforcement has given you the ability to read the behaviour of others. Unfortunately the trauma of the War and confinement in the vault may have blunted your skills, and you are not sure whether you can trust your senses like you used to.

    Abilities: At night you may check a single target. If your target is an NCR or Benign Neutral role they will come up as 'Not Suspicious'. Otherwise your target will come up as 'Suspicious'.

    You do NOT know what kind of Sheriff you are, however.

    A Sane Sheriff will behave as normal.
    A Naive Sheriff will see everyone as 'Not Suspicious'.
    A Paranoid Sheriff will see everyone as 'Suspicious'.
    An Insane Sheriff will see 'Suspicious' people as 'Not Suspicious' and vice versa.

    All Sheriffs are NCR-aligned.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Mayor :
    You are the... Overseer!

    Description: An employee of Vault-tech, you were entrusted with the position of Vault Overseer. Unfortunately you were not trusted enough for full disclosure about the Vault Project, but your leadership has cemented the trust of your fellow Vault-Dwellers. While in the vault your influence cannot achieve much, but word of your abilities has spread, and on the surface you will wield greater power.

    Abilities: You may PM the host to reveal yourself as the Overseer. Once you are revealed as the Overseer, your vote counts as five votes.

    Pertinent rulings: Cannot be healed by a Doctor. Cannot be converted by the Cult. Cannot reveal as the Overseer until the surface section of the game.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Detective :
    You are a... Detective!

    Description: For the past few years, confinement in the vault has seemed suffocating. Your aimless wanderings as you tried to stave off the boredom soon tired you, and for an extra challenge you began to secretly follow your friends and family. As the NCR draw closer and factions seek to usurp control of the town, you have found a practical reason for your stalking skills...

    Abilities: At night you may follow your target. If your target visited anyone that night, you will discover their target.

    Pertinent rulings: Can follow the Detection-immune Godfather.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Lookout :
    You are a... Lookout!

    Description: Life underground has taught you one trait; patience. You have learned to lurk in the shadows, unseen, a trait which you seek to use as you wait for relief from the NCR.

    Abilities: At night you may observe a player. You will receive a list of everyone who visited your target during the night.

    Pertinent rulings: Cannot see the Godfather.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.

    Bus Driver:

    Spoiler : Bus Driver :
    You are a... Bus Driver!

    Description: Once a proud Driver, you have spent the duration of your vault life attempting to help others. Thankfully your strong physique has you ideally suited to transporting goods and materials, and in the darkness of the vaults you have helped your community with moving their supplies. As the days leading up to the vault opening become more dangerous, you have decided to use your intimate knowledge of the vault and your strong muscles to help the NCR by creating hidden mazes in the dark corridors. As you divert people during the night you long to reach the surface again, and hopefully find another bus to drive.

    Abilities: At night you may choose two targets. Your targets will be swapped, redirecting all actions on each target to the other.

    Pertinent rulings: Your targets will be notified that they have been bus driven. Bus Driver cannot target self. If manipulated by a Witch, your first target specified (Target A) will be the target chosen by the Witch.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Doctor :
    You are a... Doctor!

    Description: The War made life tough for everyone, even in the vaults, and having medical training turned you into a valuable commodity. Over the years you have strived to help the residents of your vault, even if you had no other choice. You have never been completely at ease with your role in life, however, and as the NCR approach you wonder if you are up to the task...

    Abilities: At night you may heal one person. A heal will protect them from one attack (+1). A Doctor cannot prevent Cult conversion, but due to his high ethics cannot be converted to the Cult.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target is not notified that he has been healed unless the heal successfully blocks an attack. You will only receive feedback from a successful heal.

    You are not aware of what kind of Doctor you are. You may be a Medical Student or a Traumatised Surgeon.

    Doctor: Heals as normal.
    Medical Student: First night action may be a heal or a role-block (randomly determined). The following night actions will then alternate systematically between a role-block and a heal.
    Traumatised Surgeon: Heals as normal, but will commit suicide after the second successful heal.

    Pertinent rulings: The roleblock works the same way as an Escort and shares the same feedback message.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Escort :
    You are an... Escort!

    Description: Sex. In a post-Apocalyptic world it is one of the few remaining professions to remain unaffected, though in your case you do not do it for the money. Life in the vault was dull and the world as you knew it was destroyed, leaving you to seek comfort in the arms of others.

    Abilities: At night you may choose to block a player, preventing them from taking a night action.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target is informed that they have been blocked.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Coroner :
    You are a... Coroner!

    Description: Even in the safety of the vaults people died through violence, old age, sickness or other mysterious corpses. When everyone is already six feet under, a trained medical professional to deal with dead bodies is a key component to a happier life. You only hope that your skills don't mark you as a target for those who aren't so keen to see the NCR closing in...

    Abilities: At night you may study the corpse of a dead player. You will discover their last will, role and previous night action targets.

    Pertinent rulings: You will not discover the night numbers that your target took their actions, just the target names. If a player has been cleaned by a Janitor and a Lawyer's fake last will is still in effect on your target, you will receive the fake last will.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Journalist :
    You are a... Journalist!

    Description: The destruction of the world has made the role of the Journalist both vital and dangerous. Radio has become the de facto form of communication, but such technology is restricted. You have devoted yourself to running a newspaper in the vault to entertain the residents, and you dream of a chance to reach the Wasteland above and make a living trading news with the various communities and camps you have heard about. You knew life on the surface would be dangerous, but life underground has just taken a turn for the worse...

    Abilities: During the day you may choose an Interview target. When night begins, your target will be informed that they have been selected to write an article which will be published anonymously the following morning to the whole town. You will not have a chance to read this article before it is published, but you may submit your own editorial alongside it (it will be clear as to which article is authored by whom).

    Pertinent rulings: Article sizes must be reasonable.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Jailor :
    You are a... Jailor!

    Description: Life in the vault was not always pretty, though a semblance of justice remained. You helped to keep the peace by creating a secure environment for the vault-dwellers. Until now you have mostly intervened in petty fights and allowed people to cool off under lock and key, but your new dedication to the NCR has marked you as a potential target so you have decided to take matters into your own hands at night...

    Abilities: During the day you may select a target to jail. At night you may speak to your captive, anonymously. You may decide to execute the prisoner or release him. You have two executions.

    Pertinent rulings: A prisoner is role-blocked and immune to most night actions. The jailed target MAY get sheriff checked, framed, blackmailed, cleaned, lawyered, or actress disguised. A prisoner's execution cannot be prevented in any way and pierces night immunities. If a lynch has occurred during the day you may still capture a player but you may not execute them.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Veteran :
    You are a... Veteran!

    Description: In a world run by raiders and gunrunners, the person with the biggest weapon usually has the biggest target on his back. You have always been on edge, but now you have the firepower to back it up. Your only wish is to be liberated by the NCR, and until that happens you refuse to trust anyone.

    Abilities: At night you are on alert, killing anyone who visits you.

    Pertinent rulings: Always on alert.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.

    Mysterious Stranger:

    Spoiler : Vigilante :
    You are a... Mysterious Stranger!

    Description: A trenchcoat-wearing guardian angel of the innocent, you come to the aid of those who need it with the only form of justice you know how to enact. The Fedora is for decoration but your gun is not. You strike when people least expect it and you disappear just as mysteriously...

    Abilities: At night you may shoot another player. You may not shoot anyone during the day. You have a limited capacity of three shots.

    Pertinent rulings: You do not pierce night immunities.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Whore :
    You are a... Whore!

    Description: You like to get drunk and sleep with people. 'Nuff said.

    Abilities: At night you may incite a drunken episode. During an episode, anyone that visits you is roleblocked. The Whore is limited to three episodes during the game.

    Pertinent rulings: The Whore roleblock feedback message is the same as the other role-blocked feedback messages. The Whore is NOT informed if they successfully blocked anyone during the night.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Armoursmith :
    You are an... Armoursmith!

    Description: You used to consider yourself quite the mechanic, and your skills have been put to use as a handyman during vault life. As the day of the vault opening drew closer, however, you began to prepare for the violent world you imagine existed on the surface. You have finally perfected your armour designs and hope it will be enough to keep everyone alive in time for the NCR to show up.

    Abilities: At night you may give a piece of armour to another player. Armour is a one-use item which can protect a player from a single attack (+1). Armour cannot prevent a culting. If you target a jailed/devoured player, the item will be returned to you, and you may use it.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the armour until the following day. The armour has no expiry date, but is used up as soon as it is activated whether it has successfully blocked an attack or not. A player may have multiple pieces of armour.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Gunsmith :
    You are a... Gunsmith!

    Description: A mere quartermaster, your access to weapons has considerably increased your influence in the post-War wasteland community. Your previous military service had you stationed in California, and you are hoping to join the NCR when the vault doors open. Until then, the threat lurking in the vaults has forced you to begin handing out your weapons to aid the fight.

    Abilities: You may give a gun to a player at night. Your target may use this one-shot gun to kill another player during the night. A player may own multiple guns. If you target a jailed/devoured player, the item will be returned to you, and you may use it.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the gun until the following day.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Mortician :
    You are a... Mortician!

    Description: Your background in medical research has ill-prepared you for the horrors of wasteland life, but you are particularly adept at gathering information through your experiments and forensics. You have no interest in technology and simply wish to live a life of peace, and you hope the NCR will soon arrive to secure the town.

    Abilities: At night you may examine the corpse of a dead player. You will discover any night actions they were targeted by.

    Pertinent rulings: You may target the same corpse as a Coroner, though you will not be informed that a Coroner is also working on the body. You will NOT be informed on what nights the actions were taken against your target, just the cause of the actions.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Spy :
    You are a... Spy!

    Description: You were despised by your fellow Vault-Dwellers for your sneaky and suspicious ways, but you were one of the first to discover the diabolical threat posed by the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel. You hope to gather enough intelligence to make you a valuable asset to the NCR, as you don't fancy your chances with any of the other factions.

    Abilities: Discovers the identity of someone targeted by a Mafia member during the night. This is randomized and requires no target from the Spy, but the ability is limited to three charges.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Watchman :
    You are a... Watchman!

    Description: You like watching people do stuff. You are a man. You have decided to call yourself a Watch-man because of this.

    Abilities: At night you may choose to set yourself up in a vantage point overlooking the whole Town. The Watchman will be informed of how many night actions occurred during the night. Limited to two charges.

    Pertinent rulings: If visited by a Framer, the Watchman's findings will be inaccurate. If someone is role-blocked, only the role-blocking action will be counted. A Godfather's actions are not counted.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Schoolteacher :
    You are a... Schoolteacher!

    Abilities: Give a homework assignment to someone at night. Your target will be blocked on the two nights after he is given the homework assignment and will become immune to any further role blocks.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target will not be notified that he has received a homework assignment. He will be notified of being role blocked. The role-block will function in the same way as an Escort/Consort/Whore's role-block and will leave the same feedback message. As such it cannot prevent Jailors.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Enchantress :
    You are an... Enchantress!

    Description: To you, life in the vault was not a chore - it was an opportunity. Using your wiles you have been manipulating others for years, able to entice and avoid with equal measure. Your diplomacy and beauty, along with a touch of charm, might not be enough to ensure your survival alone in the wasteland, and the NCR represents a unique opportunity for you; if only you can survive to see their arrival...

    Abilities: You may lure a player to force them to target you and repel a player to force them to not target you. In the event that a repel is successful, the redirected action will target a random person.

    Pertinent rulings: Lured targets will always be notified, but repelled targets will only be notified if the repel is successful. A repel is considered successful when the person you target actually wanted to target you and you used repel on them. If a role-blocker is lured then you will still force the role-blocker to use their block, but the your repel ability will be blocked. If the you are blocked by a player who isn't a target of your lure of repel then neither of your abilities will be successful. If role-blocked you are shown the normal feedback message, you do not know if you lured a role-blocker or not. If you lure a Veteran or Whore you will be targeted by their action.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Hitman :
    You are a... Hitman!

    Description: Your ex-military security contractor skills were being wasted as you were cooped underground, but as soon as you discovered the threat posed by insidious elements within the vault you jumped into action. While you ultimately want the NCR to take control of the region, you figured you'd be safest if you acted via private contract and weren't held fully accountable for your actions.

    Abilities: During the day you may offer your services to another player by PMing the Host. During the night your target may accept and send you out to kill a victim of their choosing. If they accept your services they will be role-blocked. If they decline they may act as normal and you will take no further action. Your services may only be accepted three times.

    Pertinent rulings: Since the Hitman actually performs the kill, all actions (Detectives/Lookouts/Blocks/Veterans/Bodyguards etc.) will act as such. The Hitman is not informed of who he was sent to kill. If the Hitman is asked to target himself, he will not kill himself. A charge will be used up, however, and the Hitman will not receive any feedback messages to let him know that he was the target.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Bodyguard :
    You are a... Bodyguard!

    Description: You are a loyal member of your vault, and remember the pre-War days fondly. You would rather die than see another innocent person suffer.

    Abilities: At night you may choose to protect another player. If your target is attacked, you will prevent the attack and die in your target's place. You will also kill the attacker in a duel.

    Pertinent rulings: Does not pierce night immunity.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Architect :
    You are an... Architect!

    Description: You are a systems architect, who has access to his own private mainframe. You are not sure who you can trust to help you ensure the NCR's reinforcement of the town, and so you have decided to hide anonymously behind your computer terminal and carry out private interrogations at night.

    Abilities: During the day you may choose two players. At night you may speak to them. You will be anonymous to them, but they will know who each other are.

    Pertinent rulings: The Architect chat is a single three-way discussion. If a jailed victim is targeted then the Architect will be informed that they could not be found, and that player will not be invited to the Architect chat.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Saboteur :
    You are a... Saboteur!

    Description: Vault life can be very dull. You learned to pass the time by pulling pranks, and ultimately your hobby gave way to an obsession. You know how to tamper with all sorts of machinery, and you have realised that this talent can be used for the good of the NCR.

    Abilities: At night you may pick a target. If your target owns a weapon and can kill at night (Mysterious Stranger, Henchman, Jailor, Veteran, someone with a Gunsmith's gun, etc.) their weapon will be tampered with and they will be killed.

    Pertinent rulings: Does not pierce night immunity. A Mafioso will always be affected by the Saboteur, but other Mafia roles will only be affected if they are targeted by the Saboteur on the night they are sent out to kill. If a Gunsmith or Arms Dealer gives the Saboteur's target a weapon on the same night, the target will be killed. If the Saboteur targets an Arms Dealer they will both die due to the huge amount of weapons involved.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.

    Gypsy Lady:

    Spoiler : Gypsy Lady :
    You are a... Gypsy Lady!

    Description: An older woman before the War, you were forced to abandon your wandering life and grew older and wiser in an underground vault. The apparently peaceful nature of the NCR appeals to you, and you hope that your canny instincts can help the rest of the town.

    Abilities: You may choose one of the possible roles in the roles list at night - if that role is hidden in the roles list then it will be revealed for everyone to see. Limited to two charges.

    Pertinent rulings: The player assigned to that role is not revealed. Choosing a role not in the roles list will use up a charge. No announcement is made, the role is simply revealed. If there are multiple instances of the same role only a single one will be revealed - another charge must be used to reveal another instance of the same role.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Dreamer :
    You are a... Dreamer!

    Description: Your dreams first began on the eve of the War, where you dreamt of the coming destruction. You have always felt that your dreams have been prophetic since then. You were one of the first to discover the traitors in your midst, and hope more visions will come to you in the coming days.

    Abilities: At night you may choose to dream. You will be given a list of seven names. At least one of the people on this list will be a member of the Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, Evil Wastelander or Wasteland Wanderer. Limited to one charge.

    Pertinent rulings: The list will be comprised of players who are alive when the dream command is issued. Players killed on the same night that the dream command is issued are still eligible to appear on the list.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Sleuth :
    You are a... Sleuth!

    Description: A former private detective, you have no qualms about breaking and entering and have a keen eye for detail. Hoping to find a better life in the NCR, you have committed yourself to taking down the traitors in your midst.

    Abilities: Can read the current last will of a living player at night. If he tries to read the last will of a Dirty Sleuth, Sleuth or Lawyer he will be told that the last will is indecipherable.

    Pertinent rulings: If the Sleuth targets a player the same night a Lawyer does, the Sleuth will see the fake last will.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.

    Mason Assassin:

    Spoiler : Mason Assassin :
    You are the... Mason Assassin!

    Description: As whispers of a possible secret coven echo around the walls of the vault, you have committed yourself to a life of purity. You and your partner abide by a strict code and have the utmost faith in each other.

    Abilities: You may talk to your fellow Mason Enforcer at night. You may target a player and attempt to smite them - if they are culted then they will be killed. If they are not culted, or your target is the Cult Leader, your smite is unsuccessful.

    Recruitment: If your Mason Enforcer is slain, you may forfeit your ability to smite and instead attempt to recruit a Citizen to become the new Mason Enforcer. If your target is not a Citizen the recruit will be unsuccessful.

    Pertinent rulings: Unsuccessful smites or recruits will not give feedback messages to the target.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.

    Mason Enforcer:

    Spoiler : Mason Enforcer :
    You are the... Mason Enforcer!

    Description: As whispers of a possible secret coven echo around the walls of the vault, you have committed yourself to a life of purity. You and your partner abide by a strict code and have the utmost faith in each other.

    Abilities: You may talk to your fellow Mason Assassin at night. You may target a player and intimidate them - an intimidated target cannot change their alignment that night. This can prevent culting, students from picking a mentor, or an Amnesiac remembering a role.

    Recruitment: If your Mason Assassin is slain, you may forfeit your ability to intimidate and instead attempt to recruit a Citizen to become the new Mason Assassin. If your target is not a Citizen the recruit will be unsuccessful.

    Pertinent rulings: The intimidated target will receive a feedback message whether the intimidation was successful or not.


    Your objective is to see the Enclave, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose and to see the NCR win.


    Spoiler : Enclave :

    Spoiler : Godfather :
    You are the... Godfather!

    Description: You are the head of your Strike Force; your faction wants control of the vault-tech installation, and you have finally received word that your forces on the surface are ready for an assault.

    Abilities: You are the leader of your insertion team. You are immune to investigations and cannot be seen by Lookouts (but you can be followed by a Detective). You are immune to attack at night.

    Pertinent rulings: You may decide who to send to carry out your Strike Force kill. If a faction member does not send me a night action you may decide who they use their abilities on. If the Strike Force Leader is killed another player will be picked to lead the faction, at random.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Consigliere :
    You are the... Consigliere!

    Description: Once the right-hand man in an organised crime family, you are now determined to stop the NCR and bring the vault-tech installation under your faction's control.

    Abilities: You may investigate a player at night and discover clues about their role.

    Pertinent rulings: The 'clues' come in the form of investigation pairings.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Henchman :
    You are the... Henchman!

    Description: A common footsoldier, you only want dominance for your faction.

    Abilities: You have no other abilities other than the ability to be sent out for the mafia kill.

    Pertinent rulings: If forced to use your ability (by Witch manipulation, Enchantress seduction, etc.) you will kill. If this is independent from the planned mafia kill you will still be forced to kill.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Framer :
    You are the... Framer!

    Description: Having displayed a natural ability for forgery and spreading rumours, one of the anti-NCR factions within the vaults has recognised your talents and recruited you into their faction.

    Abilities: Each night you may visit someone and disrupt any investigation results on them.

    Pertinent rulings: If your target is checked by a Sheriff, the Sheriff will receive the opposite result. If your target is observed by a Lookout, the Lookout will receive false information. If your target is a Watchman they will receive false information. If your target is a Spy they will receive false information. If your target is being followed by a Detective, the Detective will receive false information.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Consort :
    You are the... Consort!

    Description: Your love for sex took a bad turn when you became reliant on thrill-seeking. You now use your sexual prowess to mislead and deceive.

    Abilities: You may role-block someone at night, preventing them from taking a night action.

    Pertinent rulings: Shares feedback messages with the Escort, Whore, Medical Student, and any other role-blockers.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Blackmailer :
    You are the... Blackmailer!

    Description: You just love to dig dirt up on people, and living in a vault has given you greater power since people are willing to risk less in a small community. You vehemently oppose the NCR and were recruited to work for your Strike Force in return for a large reward.

    Abilities: You may target someone at night and force them into silence, preventing them from speaking the next day.

    Pertinent rulings: The blackmail will be announced at the beginning of the day by the Host. Blackmailed players will NOT be able to speak or vote.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Janitor :
    You are the... Janitor!

    Description: Life in the Vault will be perfect, they said. A safe paradise underground, they said. A series of unfortunate answers when you took your G.O.A.T. led to you working as a Janitor for the whole of your vault life. Disgruntled, you were ripe for recruitment by your Strike Force, and have picked up some handy skills along the way.

    Abilities: At night you may target a living player. If your target dies during the night then their last will and role will be cleaned, and (???) will appear in the graveyard next to their name. You will not be informed of their role, but you will have sole possession of their last will. Limited to two successful cleanings.

    Pertinent rulings: Targeting a player during the night who does not end up dead counts as an unsuccessful cleaning and does not use up a charge.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Disguiser :
    You are the... Disguiser!

    Description: You have been undercover for years in the vault and you have no qualms about changing personas. You can't wait for the opportunity to dump the identity you have been forced to live under for years.

    Abilities: During the night you may attempt to kill someone. If you are successful, you will disguise yourself as your target.

    Pertinent rulings: You will gain access to your target's account and persona, but none of their PMs. Your precious account will die and end up in the graveyard with its role cleaned (indistinguishable from a janitor clean). You may only successfully disguise once.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Interceptor :
    You are the... Interceptor!

    Description: Your devotion to your faction cannot disguise your distaste for direct confrontation. You prefer to work indirectly, setting your target up for an unfortunate 'accident' while you relax elsewhere munching on Radroach kebabs.

    Abilities: At night you may trap a player's house. If another player visits your target, then the visitor will be attacked (-1). If more than one player visits your target then the kill is randomly selected, and the other visitors are given the Interceptor's identity. Limited to two successful kills.

    Pertinent rulings: This is independent from the planned strike force kill. A player is not informed when an Interceptor traps their house. If the Interceptor and the Spree Killer trap the same target, they will both attack each other and the Spree Killer will learn the name of the Interceptor. You may trap a the house of a fellow faction member.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Kidnapper :
    You are the... Kidnapper!

    Description: You enjoy inducing fear in your victims by kidnapping them, hoping to cause confusion and distraction while your colleagues go about their dirty deeds.

    Abilities: At night you may choose two targets. Your targets will be swapped, redirecting all actions on each target to the other.

    Pertinent rulings: Your targets will be notified that they have been bus driven. Bus Driver cannot target self. If manipulated by a Witch, your first target specified (Target A) will be the target chosen by the Witch.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Lawyer :
    You are the... Lawyer!

    Description: Before the War you had a career and a life, all of which got taken away from you. In time you came to realise that allying yourself with the most powerful nearby faction would give you the best chance at survival, and were relieved when recruited by your faction.

    Abilities: At night you may target a player and change their last will. If they die during the night or a Sleuth targets the same player, then the fake last will is the last will that is published.

    Pertinent rulings: The last will is only faked on the night that the player is targeted by a Lawyer. A Lawyer can target dead people, and a Coroner will discover the last will. If a Lawyer targets a player who is lynched the following day and does NOT update their last will during the day, then the fake will is still in effect.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Ventriloquist :
    You are the... Ventriloquist!

    Description: Extreme isolation from the rest of society has addled your brain. Vault-tech was kind enough to provide your vault with a crate of puppets, and you spent many a lonely night speaking with them. Eventually you worked out how to make them speak back, and somehow everyone else is fooled by the charade. It must be quite dark in the vaults.

    Abilities: The Ventriloquist is supplied with two smurf accounts. These 'Puppets' are controlled by the Ventriloquist himself. The Ventriloquist may speak through his puppet accounts as well as his master account. If the master account dies then the puppets will die along with him.

    Puppets: Each Ventriloquist may only have one real lynch vote, shared among his accounts. The Ventriloquist may change which account has the real lynch vote at any time by PMing the Host.

    Pertinent rulings: Puppets in the graveyard will have their role displayed as (Puppet). Any abilities used on a Puppet will act as if the Puppet is a Citizen. The only exception to this is the Sheriff, whose abilities will act as if the Puppet was a strike force member and suspicious. The Ventriloquist does not like violence, and may only be sent out to kill if he is the lone remaining Strike Force member. Puppets cannot be sent out to kill - this isn't Chucky!


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Fabricator :
    You are the... Fabricator!

    Description: You have intimate knowledge of your enemies tactics, and use this to sow confusion amongst the community.

    Abilities: If you are sent to perform the strike force night kill, you may fake the cause of death. The Fabricator can choose any feedback message to be displayed in the graveyard as the cause of death.

    Pertinent rulings: Can make a kill look like a Mysterious Stranger kill, Jailor execution, Gunsmith pistol shot, Veteran kill, Bodyguard kill, Hitman contract, Saboteur explosion, Mason Assassination, strike force kill, Interceptor kill or Wasteland Wanderer kill.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : Actress :
    You are the... Actress!

    Description: With no theatre, film or television, you have devoted your life to finding the ultimate acting role...

    Abilities: At night you may target a player. If you die, through any means, you will appear in the graveyard as the role of your target.

    Pertinent rulings: You will appear as your latest target. Your acting role disguise will stay in effect indefinitely - you do not need to have visited anyone on the night you die or the night before you get lynched.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.

    Drug Dealer:

    Spoiler : Drug Dealer :
    You are the... Drug Dealer!

    Description: You deal in all sorts of chems. Jet, Psycho, it doesn't matter, if it can be cooked you can sell it. Your chemistry skills were considered distasteful by your strike force, and in order to appease them you must use them for the good of the faction.

    Abilities: You may administer drugs to one person per night. Your target will receive a fake feedback message of your choice.

    Pertinent rulings: You may choose from these drugs -

    Bus Driven
    Attacked and Healed
    Received Armour
    Received Gun
    Lured by Enchantress
    Repelled by Enchantress
    Annoyed by Jester


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.

    Dirty Sleuth:

    Spoiler : Dirty Sleuth :
    You are the... Dirty Sleuth!

    Description: A private detective before the War, your loyalty was easily bought and you seek to stop the NCR and anyone else who would oppose your faction.

    Abilities: Can read the current last will of a living player at night. If he tries to read the last will of a Dirty Sleuth, Sleuth or Lawyer he will be told that the last will is indecipherable.

    Pertinent rulings: If the Dirty Sleuth targets a player the same night a Lawyer does, the Dirty Sleuth will see the fake last will.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Cult and Wasteland Wanderers lose.


    Spoiler : NEUTRALS :

    Spoiler : Jester :
    You are a... Jester!

    Abilities: You may choose to visit someone at night and 'annoy' them. You may leave a message with your target, which must be 20 words or less.

    Pertinent rulings: If you are lynched, a third of all the players who voted to lynch you (rounding up) will suicide that night.


    Your objective is to get yourself lynched during the day.


    Spoiler : Executioner :
    You are an... Executioner!

    Abilities: You have no night-time abilities. You are immune at night. You will be provided with your targets name at the beginning of the game.

    Pertinent rulings: Target is always NCR.


    Your objective is to get your target lynched during the day.


    Spoiler : Student :
    You are a... Student!

    Abilities: At night you may choose a Mentor. You will share a night chat with your Mentor, and when your Mentor dies you will inherit his abilities.

    Pertinent rulings: You may only choose one Mentor. He may be chosen on any night, and you will immediately inherit his alignment and objectives. Cannot target: Overseer, Ghost, Cult Leader or Chairman. It is not publicly announced when a Mentor is chosen. If you target a Ventriloquist's Puppet, you will automatically become the Ventriloquist's Student - you may not see the Strike Force chat until the Ventriloquist is dead, and in the event of his death you are promoted to a regular Henchman.


    Your objective is inherited from your Mentor. If you do not have a Mentor, your objective is to survive until the end of the game.


    Spoiler : Amnesiac :
    You are an... Amnesiac!

    Abilities: At night you may 'remember' a role in the Graveyard. You will inherit the victory conditions and abilities of that role.

    Pertinent rulings: Amnesiac can remember ANY role. If remembering a Cult Leader, the Amnesiac will not inherit the old Cultists but will create a new Cult (same restrictions apply, old Cultists can be converted). It is announced publicly when an Amnesiac remembers a role (but the role itself is not announced).


    Your objective is to survive the game, unless you have remembered a role, in which case victory conditions are inherited.


    Spoiler : Ghost :
    You are a... Ghost!

    Abilities: After you die, you may choose a player at night to possess. You may use their account to talk in day chat and vote. Your target's ability is not used on the night that you possess them, but when day chat ends you leave their body, giving them back control of their night action unless they are possessed again.

    Pertinent rulings: Can possess a living player on the night that they are lynched. If killed at night must wait until following night. If target dies during a night the possession is unsuccessful.


    Your objective is to die and then see your killer's faction lose. You will be told the faction of your killer. If you are lynched, the faction of the hammer voter is the faction you must see lose.


    Spoiler : :
    You are a... Survivor!

    Abilities: You have four vests, which can each protect you from a single attack.

    Pertinent rulings: If you choose to use a vest during the night, that vest is then used up whether it blocked an attack or not.


    Your objective is to survive until the end of the game.



    Spoiler : Witch :
    You are a... Witch!

    Abilities: At night you may manipulate your target and choose a new target for their night action. Your target is informed that they have been manipulated, but is unaware of their new target.

    Pertinent rulings: You will force your target to use their primary ability. If you manipulate a Citizen, role with no charges left or another role with no night action, your target will still visit the other player but no action will be taken. If you manipulate the Mafia member that is sent out to kill, you will manipulate the kill.


    Your objective is to survive and see the NCR lose.

    Corrupt Journalist:

    Spoiler : Corrupt Journalist :
    You are a... Corrupt Journalist!

    Abilities: During the day you may choose an Interview target. When night begins, your target will be informed that they have been selected to write an article which will be published anonymously the following morning to the whole town. You will not have a chance to read this article before it is published, but you may submit your own editorial alongside it (it will be clear as to which article is authored by whom).

    Pertinent rulings: Article sizes must be reasonable.


    Your objective is to see the NCR lose. You do not need to survive to achieve this objective.

    Arms Dealer:

    Spoiler : Arms Dealer :
    You are an... Arms Dealer!

    Abilities: At night you may give a gun or a bulletproof vest to another player. These are indistinguishable from the guns and armour handed out by Armoursmiths and Gunsmiths. If you target a jailed/devoured player, the item will be returned to you, and you may use it.

    Pertinent rulings: Your target does not receive the item until the following day. If a Saboteur targets you, both you and the Saboteur will die. A target may own multiples of the same item.


    Your objective is to see the NCR lose. You do not need to survive until the end of the game.

    Cult Leader:

    Spoiler : Cult Leader :
    You are the... Cult Leader!

    Abilities: You are the leader of an evil cult. At night you may attempt to recruit another player into the cult. Your recruit retains their abilities, though their alignment changes. If you die half of your cult will die with you, rounding up. You have a one-use auto-vest.

    Pertinent rulings: You cannot recruit any Strike Force members, Masons or the Overseer.


    Your objective is to survive and see the NCR, Enclave, and Wasteland Wanderers lose or be assimilated.


    Spoiler : Chairman :
    You are the... Chairman!

    Abilities: At night you may invite a player to join your Secret Club. You must visit your target to do this. The Chairman may choose to place a fake participant in his Secret Club if he wants, and does not need to visit anyone to do this. The Chairman is invulnerable at night. The members of the Secret Club can speak to each other at night but do NOT change their alignment. The Chairman can speak through the fake members of the Secret Club.

    Pertinent rulings: If the Chairman meets his victory conditions, the game immediately ends. Everyone else in the game will lose.


    Your objective is to have the majority of living members in your Secret Club.


    Serial Killer:

    Spoiler : Serial Killer :
    You are a... Serial Killer!

    Abilities: You may kill someone at night. You are immune at night.

    Pertinent rulings: Kills roleblockers. A Jailor/Devourer will still be able to jail a Serial Killer, but if the Jailor/Devourer attempts to execute a Serial Killer the Serial Killer will escape and kill the Jailor/Devourer.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel and Cult lose. You may win with the other Wasteland Wanderers.


    Spoiler : Arsonist :
    You are an... Arsonist!

    Abilities: At night you may douse a player in petrol. You may choose to ignite all of your victims at any time by PMing the Host. You have night immunity. Your kills pierce healing and immunities. You may choose undouse yourself or another at night instead of dousing.

    Pertinent rulings: Players are not informed that they are doused. Any Arsonist choosing to ignite will ignite ALL doused victims, not just the players they doused themselves. Someone who has been doused twice (by separate Arsonists or twice by the same Arsonist) will have their role cleaned when they are ignited.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel and Cult lose. You may win with the other Wasteland Wanderers.


    Spoiler : Devourer :
    You are a... Devourer!

    Abilities: During the day you can choose someone to devour. Nothing can prevent a devouring.

    During the night the Devourer and his victim can then chat anonymously. At the end of the night the Devourer may choose to digest his victim (killing them, cleaning their role), regurgitate his victim (releasing him) or bite his head off (jailor execution). There is no limit on how many times you may kill, but you are limited to two role cleanings.

    Pertinent rulings: If a target is digested and cleaned it will appear to be the same as any other clean effect (disguise, janitor clean, etc.). If a target is executed it will appear to be the same as a jailor execution. The victim will not know whether he has been captured by the Jailor or the Devourer. Cleaned targets may still be revealed by relevant roles.


    Your objective is to survive see the NCR and Cult lose. You may win with the other Wasteland Wanderers or with the Enclave/Brotherhood of Steel.

    Spree Killer:

    Spoiler : Spree Killer :
    You are a... Spree Killer!

    Abilities: You may visit a player at night. Everyone who visits that player will die.

    Pertinent rulings: Immune at night. If the Interceptor traps the same target, the Interceptor and Spree Killer will attack each other and the Interceptor's identity will be revealed to the Spree Killer.


    Your objective is to see the NCR, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel and Cult lose. You may win with the other Wasteland Wanderers.

    1. No private messages or reputation messages.
    2. No communication about the game outside of the game chat provided. If you want to say 'Lol if I had a gun I would shoot -Player X-' then say that in day chat instead of cheating on skype like a coward.
    3. No direct quoting of PMs or night chats.
    4. No posting videos during the day, they will be accepted in last wills though.
    5. No NSFW images. Small images are okay in moderation. Medium to large images must be in spoiler tags.
    6. Lying about mechanics is acceptable but I will not purposely mislead anyone if they ask me a question to cover for your lie.
    7. After day/night 0 you may not change your avatar.
    8. No invisible ink, secret codes must be ratified with me.
    9. You may not claim a COM/Forum identity, nor may you ask for someone else's identity (or accuse someone to belong to an identity). The only exception is in the mafia team night chats, and even then it is more fun if there are no claims.
    10. Have fun. This is an order.
    11. If you are worried your strategy may seem like game-throwing, clear it with me first.

    Being AFK or extreme lurking will be handled via the Radio Interview/Free Lynch mechanic. I will still be around to modkill anyone who I perceive to be cheating. If you are unsure about something, ask before you do it.

    I cannot control the language you use, but please keep it respectful. If you think use of the words n**ger or f**got are funny then don't complain if I unleash my own particular sense of humour upon you.

    Communication with the Host:
    No screenshots may be taken of any PMs from me. I do encourage you to communicate with me privately during the game, it's natural to want to discuss things with someone and I would rather you sent me your thoughts on the game than be tempted to discuss it with someone elsewhere. The more you communicate with me, the more your behaviour may be understood - a gambit which ended horribly may still earn you kudos if you entered into it soundly At the end of the day hosting a game is a lonely activity and I want some excitement too!

    Lynches are done using the [VOTE]Name[/VOTE] tags.

    Lynch majority:
    Lynch majority (where one is required) is calculated based on the number of current players with eligible votes (50.1%)

    I will only answer questions posed in GREEN.

    Death notes:
    Each mafia team and the neutral killers may leave a death note if they want to. No one else may leave a death note.

    Last Wills and actions:
    All last wills and actions should be PM'd to the Host, labelled appropriately.

    Feedback messages:
    There are no standardized feedback messages - asking someone to quote a feedback message is a terrible and lazy form of scumhunting and will NOT help you.

    Leaving the Vaults:
    When the surface game begins, I will publish a list of dead players. This list will NOT include cause of death, time of death or even role/alignment. You will have to rely on feedback from the vaults for this information.

    In a similar vein, I will not be publishing any vault role lists or any vault information.

    Players may copy & paste any information they want to from the vault chat - no direct quotes or archived summaries are allowed, but manually quoting is fine if the text within is copied & pasted.

    Order of Operations:

    Jailor jails / Devourer jails
    Journalist approaches target for an interview
    Night groups get together to talk (including Architect and Chairman)
    People put on vests and armor
    Watchman sets up
    Dreamer slumbers and dreams
    Veteran goes on alert / Whore goes on alert
    Enchantress lures/repels
    Spree Killer traps target
    Interceptor traps target
    Escort / Consort / Schoolteacher / Medical Student Blocks Escorts / Consorts / Schoolteachers / Medical Student
    Witch manipulation
    Jailor / Devourer executes victim
    Lookout moves to target / Detective follows target
    Bus Driving / Kidnapping
    Escort / Consort / Schoolteacher / Medical Student Blocks other roles
    Hitman offers contract
    Framing / Lawyering
    Sleuthing / Dirty Sleuthing
    Actress visits target
    Saboteur moves to target
    Bodyguard moves to target
    All Kills (-1)
    Cleaning / Disguising
    Jester visit
    Drugs take effect
    Blackmailer visits
    Give Items
    Mason visits
    Cult visits
    Amnesiac remembers his role
    Jailor / Devourer releases victim
    Spy discovers scum target
    Gypsy Lady tries to scry role
    Ghost possession

    Death Descriptions:

    These are the various types of kill sources that will be identified -

    Vigilante kill
    Pistol shot (gunsmith/arms dealer weapon kill)
    Saboteur explosion
    Veteran kill
    Jailor/Devourer execution
    Hitman contract kill
    Bodyguard duel
    Mason assassination
    Strike Force kill (Enclave/Brotherhood of Steel kill, normal or Interceptor, no difference)
    Suicide (Jester suicide, Cult suicide, Puppet suicide, normal suicide, etc., no difference)
    Wasteland Wanderer kill (neutral killer death, no difference between them)
    Cleaned kill (Janitor clean, Devourer clean, Disguiser jump, etc.)

    Day 1 -- 24 Hours -- No Lynch
    Night 1 -- Regular Night
    Day 2 -- 48 Hour -- Majority Lynch
    Night 2 -- 24 Hours -- No Actions
    Day 3 -- 48 Hours - Majority Lynch -- Vaults Combine
    Night 3 -- Regular Night
    Day 4 -- Regular Day

    Last edited by SuperJack; February 9th, 2018 at 05:18 PM.
    [SIGPIC]Why you hold cursor on my signature picture?[/SIGPIC] A very annoying SC2Mafia player.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Fallout

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    I'd love a variable roles list of this for narrator.
    Like for different amounts of players? Gimme a shout on the scale and i'll do it

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Fallout


    Rolelist Changes
    Removed Jailor.
    Removed Devourer.
    Removed Whore.
    Removed Schoolteacher.
    Removed Enchantress.
    Removed Gypsy Lady.
    Removed Dreamer.
    Removed Blackmailer
    Removed Ventriloquist.

    Role Changes
    Amended Overseer vote count from 5 to 3.
    Amended Mysterious Stranger shot capacity from 3 to 1.
    Amended Spy charges from 3 to 2.
    Amended Hitman contracts from 3 to 2.
    Amended Interceptor successful traps from 2 to 1.
    Amended name of Consigliere to Caporegime.

    Visual Changes
    Begun removing spoilers.
    Begun removing roleplay descriptions (cluttered rolecard).

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Fallout

    Ew that setup is huge... Question: Executioner is "immune at night". Immune to what exactly?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Fallout

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Ew that setup is huge... Question: Executioner is "immune at night". Immune to what exactly?
    I lost time halfway through fixing the rolecards. Probably still better than 70 spoilers, though.

    Also, your question is answered in the setup. Sheriff can't detect Benign, Executioner doesn't have a night action to block, so only thing left is kills lol

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31



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