We have noticed a growing love for cult saves within the community, but there still seems to be a big issue with cult saves; they are dependent on the neutral killing most of the time. If the neutral killing dies early, the town will win due to masons. If the neutral killing kills the town, cult wins. If the neutral killing kills the cult, town wins. So we have come up with a role that hopefully will add something to the cult, as well as make it a little more "exciting" in cult saves.

Name: See'r https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/see-r/ the link is to a definition of the name.

Alignment: Cultist

Spawn: Either an invest role recruited to cultist, or adding a chance in spawn (will be able to be turned off and on)

Ability: Shadow 1 person every night to see if they visit someone or not.
---ex: Your target visited someone last night.
---ex: your target stayed home.

The cultist will NOT be able to see WHO the target visits, just if they visited someone or not. This allows for cults to have a chance as faking invest roles and calling people out, as well as getting an idea of who they should visit to recruit next.

We are launching a vote for this in our discord channel as well, feel free to join and cast your vote!
