So in light of my ban (which will of course be addressed by someone as some fallacy to disregard my points here), I thought about what is wrong with SFM and FMs in general.

My thoughts are basically summing it up this way:

There is no accountability for mod fuck ups.

What do I mean by this?
I mean, if a game is poorly made, poorly hosted, or just bad handled in anyway. We go, "Welp that sucks, onto the next game".

Nothing becomes of it.
Yes, people say "ohhh well we know for next time"

Yet these mistakes often happen time and time again, and certainly with the same people.

A carrot and stick approach should be made for hosts who mishandle games or handle them very well.

I will try to form a very thought out list here of solutions and problems without turning this into a diatribe

So these are the thoughts I am thinking in which to IMPROVE the system:
1) We need every setup not only approved on a surface level of balance, but an actual role list of balance.
This is a major cause for concern, players will sign up for game often without looking at setup, they are often looked at as to blame for the game they signed up for being bad "You should have known", "you could have questioned it", Like, what game developer blames its players for the issues?

We should have the host select a role list and another FM staff member tells them whether it is acceptable or not and this goes on until staff member gives go ahead. If players voice concern, it is on the staff member not the host for role list in game.
2) If FM staff approve bad setup after bad setup, they should be removed from approving setups. This can either be from just the setup itself or the role list in the game. Which I think should be separate duties, but obviously this might be hard since lots of FM staff play in the games as well.

3) We need fucking competition in the queue.
You know what competition does? It makes it so the consumer ultimately decides what has the most value and gives them power. The power right now is centered in hosts making bad games and theres no incentive for them to improve. While on a surface level you care about your customer, if you can fuck over your customer and they have no alternatives, guess what? They either quit or keep playing.

Allow multiple games to sign up at same time.
Games are in sign ups for a selected period of time. Perhaps 10-12 days.
If they don't fill, they are removed.

Players decide the games.
Hosts have to make games appealing to players.

4) Some carrot rewards for good hosts.
Best host of SFM gets to host the MFM or FM or something. Some sort of way for us to have more competition in order for the Hosts to actually really really want to perform well.
Maybe preferred queue status.
Maybe giving them simple awards.

I would put in official surveys post game to rate the job the host did on metrics like timing, accuracy and setup design.

5) Host need a stick to stop making bad games.
A bad game either poorly modded with mod errors, or setups or w/e should have SOME, it doesn't have to be severe but should have some weight.
Continuous problem hosts should carry heavier weights. This isn't to say ban from site, this is to say penalties in games.

For instance, you can make it so the host needs a back up host for their games to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Or post game sign up rules needing a specific number of presigns before their game can really go into sign ups.
Or suspension from hosting a game for specific length of time.

I am running out of steam here.
If anyone has questions/comments/whatever through them here.

I think all of these should be implemented in some way.